“Oh thank god you could make it, Bob,” Mandy greeted her friend as she threw open the drawer.
Bob was taken aback by her fierce greeting, though the urgency of her numerous texts and calls should have given him some forewarning. She stepped up to him, taking him by the hand with both of hers and practically dragged him inside the hotel room.
Mandy’s over-the-top behavior wasn’t exactly new to Bob, but today she was specially extra, to use her words.
“Yeah, no, glad I could help. But why at this hotel and not your apartment?” he stammered, becoming well aware that he hadn’t actually helped her yet. It was only after he was a few feet into the apartment that her outfit registered in his brain. She was only wearing a fairly loose white spaghetti strap tank top and short gym shorts. That, and her immaculate makeup and perfect updo hair, gave Bob the impression that she was still in the middle of getting ready for the day.
“Okay, okay,” she said, holding her hands out to Bob as if trying to calm herself down enough to form a complete sentence.
Bob was stunned into silence as he tried not to watch her tits, and very clearly visible nipples, bounce and sway with her frantic movements.
“So I have a wedding reception downstairs in like ten minutes,” she spat out, looking at her watch quickly before she continued. “I had, or well I still have I guess, a PERFECT dress, BUT it turns out that bitch Jessica has the same one, AND she showed it off to the group text, like this morning. So now if I wear MINE, it will look like I copied HER.”
Bob smiled at her spastic rattling, her energy endearing. He knew better than to interrupt her, so he waited patiently for her to finish.
“So that’s where you come in,” Mandy said, still seemingly on the same breath. “I found two dresses that I can wear, but, well, it’s kind of… well, I just NEED your help now more than ever, and I NEED you to promise to help me before I tell you exactly HOW. Please? Pleasepleaseplease?”
“Okay, okay,” Bob waved his hand in front of him in a ‘calm down’ gesture. He knew Mandy for a long time, and if he was being honest with himself had quite the crush on her, so of course he was going to help. It was weird that she wouldn’t say what she needed, but how bad could it be?
Mandy stopped begging and stood in front of him, hands held together under her chin, below her puppy dog eyes.
“I’ll help you, what do you need?” Bob said with a smile.
Mandy squealed and took him by the hand, pulling him over near the couch and coffee table. She let go of his hand, grabbed up a tablet and some other small object that Bob couldn’t see. She turned around quickly and before he could react, snapped a thin metal bracelet on his wrist.
Bob looked down at the unremarkable bracelet with a confused look. What is this and what does it have to do with solving her dress problem? Before he could ask the question out loud, Mandy pushed the tablet into his hands.
“Which one of these dresses should I wear tonight?” she asked him quickly, her voice still about one-and-a-half times normal speed.
“You’re going to order a new dress? Is there time for that?” Bob asked before looking down at the tablet. The app that was open wasn’t familiar, but the interface was simple enough. Two pictures were pulled up side-by-side. One was a short-skirt emerald green dress with short poofy sleeves. The other was a long, tight red dress with a slit up to just above the waist. Bob figured it must be some kind of shopping app with a ‘compare’ feature.
Mandy let out an exasperated sound and bounced impatiently, “Don’t worry about that, just pick one!”
Bob, still confused, looked down at the tablet again, figuring it was easier to just go with it instead of asking a million questions.
“The red one,” he said, handing the tablet back to her. Bob couldn’t help but feel a tingle at the thought of seeing Mandy in such form-fitting attire.
“Great!” Mandy bounced excitedly, tapping on the image of the red dress. “You’ll look so good!”
“Wait I’ll look goo…” Bob started before his voice failed. A cold sensation quickly washed over him, starting from the bracelet and spreading through his body.
“So, I’m sorry, but that bracelet is part of a transformation app,” Mandy explained as Bob’s body started to change. He felt thin and light as his body fell in upon itself. “So you are helping me by um… BEING my dress for the evening.”
Bob tried to call out as he fell to the ground in a heap, but nothing came out. He couldn't move, his body feeling like it was barely there, reinforced by the fact that he apparently lay perfectly flat to the floor. With nothing else to do, he looked up at Mandy helplessly, panicking internally at having no control over his body.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you,” Mandy said, leaning down and lifting him effortlessly. “I couldn’t take the chance that you would say no, I just didn’t have time to find another sucker. But I really do have to hurry.” Her voice had changed. Before she seemed like a friend, playful and happy, but now she just seemed cold and distant, as if she never really cared for him at all.
Mandy draped Bob across the back of the couch and stripped down to just her panties. Bob's eyes, if he still had them, would have gone wide at the sight of his mostly naked crush. But before he could really take in her naked chest, she picked him up again and laid him on the ground.
The panic set in again as she stepped INTO him and started to pull him up her smooth legs. Bob couldn’t help but sigh internally as he felt his body moving across her skin. The feel of her smooth, warm body was something else. Even though he didn’t really have a body, he would admit to himself that he enjoyed touching her.
His internal vocalization quickly turned into a grunt then a whimper as she pulled him into place. Bob’s new dress body was one of those that at first appeared to be one or two sizes too small, but then stretches to size, hugging the body tightly. He started to regret his choice as he felt his body stretched awkwardly, bordering on painfully, across her every curve.
There was something sexy about being pressed into her body like this, but the awkwardness of it overrode any sense of pleasure he may have felt. His body was forced and stretched to its limit, so almost no part of him could possibly move without following her body.
Before Bob knew it, Mandy rushed out the door the fastest her heeled shoes could carry her. When she got into the empty elevator, she put an ear bud in her ear and tapped on her phone.
“So you should be able to talk to me now?” Mandy said with a neutral expression.
Hello? Can you hear me? Bob ‘said.’
“Yes I sure can,” Mandy responded with a smile, Bob feeling the motion of her body as she leaned against the wall with a satisfied look.
This kind of hurts Mandy, can you turn me back? Bob said with a strain in his voice.
“Nope,” Mandy said. “I can’t. Jessica clearly pulled the stunt with the dress to purposely make me look bad. That dress she stole was the only formal one I brought with me, so I NEEDED something else and didn’t have time to find a dress shop around her. Clearly part of her plan to upstage me.”
But this dress… I… am so tight, please? Bob responded, his non-voice straining against the stretch of his body. Can’t you just stay in the room? Or Just go home?
“I can’t give Jessica that satisfaction,” Mandy snapped back quickly. “If I don’t go, she will tell everyone some elaborate lie that makes me look vain or petty. I can’t let her win. I can’t wait to see her face when I show up in this sexy thing.”
Why are you doing this to me? Is your fight with her more important than me? Bob whined.
“Yes it is,” Mandy said, “I know you have a bit of a crush on me, which is why I knew you would come when I called. But I can’t say I care much for you, you’re kind of creepy and cringy if I’m being honest.”
Bob was taken aback. Mandy never responded well to his advances, but she never gave the impression that she felt like THAT.
“Well anyway, I have a party to get to, so I’ll change you back tonight, or in the morning if I get too drunk to find the tablet.”
Bob started to yell to her to beg once more, but she pulled the earbud out and dropped it in her purse as the elevator doors opened.
Even her walking steps was enough to cause Bob discomfort and pain as her body stretched and pulled him to what felt like the brink of ripping apart. He whimpered in his cloth prison as the long night got started.