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Used by the Frat

Ron had built up quite the reputation as the Fatal Warrior champion. The newly released fighting game was an instant sensation across the country and the world, and Ron’s college campus, and his fraternity house in particular, was no exception. So many disputes and debates over the last few months had been solved by a one-on-on Fatal Warrior match.

Granted, that wasn’t the only reputation that Ron had developed in the few years of him attending college. It was well known that he was a powerful warlock. Many rumors surrounded him, accusing him of transforming people into the most horrific things circulated the campus. Many of the things he was accused of doing would get him kicked off campus, some would even land him in jail. Of course, none of these had any solid evidence behind them. Either the rumors were completely fabricated, or he was just that good at covering his tracks. In fact, no one even knew how the rumors got started. 

Because of this, most people tread carefully around him. But there was occasionally that one person who didn’t put any stock in the rumors and antagonized him without reservation. Today, that man was Jack.

Jack wasn’t a member of the fraternity, but had a couple friends that were, so he was often spending time at the frat house. His girlfriend, Sophia usually joined him. Jack was a bit of an asshole, but Sophia was generally regarded as a kind, caring woman. That is to say that most people considered her to be well out of Jack’s league.

As normal, Jack was hanging out at the frat house, watching Ron beat everyone one at a time in Fatal Warrior. Ever the backseat gamer, Jack would criticize everyone’s tactics against Ron, claiming that there was no way he would ‘make that stupid mistake.’ Finally, Ron got sick of his boasting.

“I bet you anything that I’ll beat you with over half my health bar remaining,” Ron challenged him with a smirk.

“Please, I’ll kick your ass, guaranteed,” Jack spat back. He was too up his own ass to notice that Ron’s brothers eyed each other with amused and nervous expressions. None of them spoke up however, determined to see how this played out.

“Alright, it’s a bet,” Ron challenged. “What are we going to wager?”

“How about if I win, you write my Ethics essay? And if you win, then I’ll let you ‘use your magic’ on me.” It was clear by the way he said ‘use your magic,’ that he didn’t believe that Ron was actually a warlock.

“Not you, but her,” Ron said, pointing at Sophia.

“Deal,” Jack said, holding his hand out to shake on it. The rest of the room started to whisper.

“Babe!” Sophia backhanded Jack’s shoulder, unhappy at being included in this boyish nonsense.

“Don’t worry baby, I won’t lose,” Jack dismissed her concern.

Sophia huffed, and Ron chuckled to himself and set up the next match. As Jack was selecting his character, Ron knew he had already won. He, and probably everyone else in the room, knew that Jack’s chosen character was one of the worst choices against Ron’s.

The game lasted less than a minute. Ron took Jack apart with barely any effort, ending the match with around ninety percent of his heath bar remaining. Jack threw this controller onto the ground in front of him, cursing under his breath.

“Cheating bastard, there’s no way you’re that good,” Jack complained, though he didn’t even look at Ron, as if he knew that he had no leg to stand on.

“Alright then, I think this room needs a new couch,” Ron said as he stood, put his controller down on the coffee table and turned to Sophia.

“Wait,” Jack said, looking between Ron and his girlfriend. “You’re not really going to… turn her into a couch are you? It was just a stupid bet!” He looked around the room, seeking support among the gathered brothers. If they looked at him at all, they wore ‘I told you so’ expressions that offered no sympathy at all.

Ron didn’t even speak, he simply raised his hands as if he was holding an invisible basketball, immediately, the red energy of his magic started to gather between them.

“No! What the hell!” Sophia screamed, jumping up off the couch and stumbling back. “It wasn’t even…”

Her voice was cut off as the energy burst from Ron’s hands, arcing across the room and striking her in the chest. Instantly, her body started to grow, her features changing and flowing together. Sophia’s clothes stretched to the max before bursting apart and falling in shreds to the floor. The gathered men got a very brief glimpse of her naked body before it was more couch than woman. Her pained, panicked expression quickly faded into beige cloth. Jack stared at her with a terrified expression…

“Sophia…” Jack muttered.

Before long, there was a brand-new four-seater couch sitting in the middle of the room.

“Well let’s get her into place then,” Ron said. A couple others stepped forward and moved the old couch to the side of the room perpendicular to the TV and moved the Sophia-couch into place.

As soon as she was positioned facing the TV, Ron dropped hard onto the new couch, making Jack flinch. Sophia was still very well aware of what was happening in the room. Her face had turned into the back of the couch, her arms into the arm rests on either side, and her legs folded under her as the legs of the couch, her knees and feet touching the ground. When Ron sat down on her, it was like he was sitting in her lap, squarely on one of her thighs. And when he leaned back, it was like he was laying on her face.

“So who's got the next game?” Ron asked as two more brothers walked over and sat down on Sophia. They didn’t drop onto her as hard as he did, but it was still uncomfortable, the weight of three men starting to cause her discomfort.

“Wait, but…” Jack stammered, still not fully believing what just happened.

“What’s up?” Ron asked as if nothing happened.

“But, Sophia, she’s the couch now!”

“And? If you want to play to get her transformed back, you’ll have to wait, others are waiting,” Ron said.

“Yes I want to get her back!” Jack shot. “Let’s go again, you and me, right now!”

“Take it easy man, Joe and Sam are up next, and then Max and Alex after that,” Ron said, pointing to the brothers as he spoke.

“But… but,” Jack stammered.

“Chill out man, you can hang around until they’re done. Then we can play our rematch,” Ron chided him. “So grab a drink, have a seat if you want.” Ron patted the couch next to him.

Since he patted the exact center of the couch, Sophia gave a start, Ron’s hand touching her right on her clit, sending awkward pleasure through her for a second. Again Jack looked around the room for support, but getting none, he put his head down and walked over to the offered seat. He sat down slowly, not wanting to cause Sophia any discomfort.

Jack was forced to watch as the other members of the frat played their rounds. As the game continued, the men got animated, jumping up and down in their seats. Every time any of them moved like that Jack winced, knowing but not fully understanding how they were affecting Sophia.

For Sophia, it wasn’t exactly painful, but certainly uncomfortable. Now with four people sitting on her, it felt like her entire body was being crushed under the weight. And with them jumping and bouncing, she felt the added pain and weight. She couldn’t help but have the thought that this must be the worst version of what a mall Santa actor must feel like.

Eventually the other games wrapped up. Jack turned to Ron with an expectant look.

“So are you ready for another go?” Ron asked, turning to look at Jack.

“Yeah, let’s do it. If I win, you need to turn Sophia back,” Jack said, his bravado of earlier completely gone.

“Sure, but that’s a big ask,” Ron casually responded. “So you need to offer up something big in return.”

“What… what would you want?” Jack asked, starting to get nervous over the idea of losing big again.

“If I win, Sofa stays as she is,” Ron purposely used the wrong name for Jack’s girlfriend as a way to rub in what happened to her. “And I get to turn you into something far more… intimate.”

“Um… like what…” Jack asked, getting scared of what Ron meant. He was so casual about turning Sophia into a couch that there was no telling what depths he might sink to.

“I’ll think of something,” Ron shrugged. “Or we just keep your girl, we really do need the extra seating in here.”

“Okay, fine, whatever,” Jack said, knowing he couldn’t leave her there without at least trying to free her.

“Alright, let’s do it,” Ron picked up his controller and selected his character. Jack was clearly nervous when he selected his, picking someone different than the last time.

The game kicked off and Ron was very clearly toying with him, rushing in and hitting him a few times before playing defensively. Ron glanced over to him with a small smile, knowing that he could take him apart at any moment. Eventually, he got bored and quickly put Jack down, killing his character with still around eighty percent of his health remaining.

But that was just the first round. Jack started sweating, realizing he was in over his head. He refused to look at Ron, he just locked in and focused, determined to win the next two rounds. Ron enjoyed teasing him and actually let him win the second round, putting Jack and Sophia’s fate on the third and final round. The brothers around the room watched casually, as if there were no stakes at all. Which to them, there wasn’t.

Ron started off playing defensively, letting Jack get him down to around sixty percent health until he let loose. Ron beat him handily, without taking even taking a single hit. Jack’s hand shook as his put his controller down on the table. He slowly turned to Ron.

“So this was all just a joke right?” He said, his voice shaking. “You’re going to turn Sophia back and let us both go, right? I mean, this was just a game and a joke, right?”

Ron pretended to think for a moment, leaning back on the Sophia couch. She watched the whole thing and knew what Jack losing meant. That she was likely going to be stuck as this couch, maybe forever. She sobbed to herself at this strange turn of events.

“Nah,” he said eventually. “You’ve been a pain in the ass, so this is happening.”

“Wait, no come on man,” Jack said, once again looking at the others in the room. They all just looked at him and shrugged.

Ron held his hand out like before, the magic again gathering between his palms. Jack panicked and pulled himself back, crawling backwards along his own girlfriend in a mad attempt to get away. But Ron’s magic hit him in the chest none-the-less. Instantly, he started to change, his skin grew darker everywhere except for his lips and the skin just around his mouth. While that area remained generally the same color, it started to smooth out and become more cartoon looking. The rest of his skin, now fully black, took on a hard plastic texture and shrank around his lips, which remained the same size.

Just like Sohpia, his clothes remained as they were, but since Jack was shrinking, they fell loosely around him, obscuring what he had become. Once his changes stopped, Ron leaned forward and fished his body out of the pile of his discarded clothes. What he held resembled a very large flashlight with a silicone mouth and lips exposed on one end. Jack had been transformed into a fleshlight!

Jack knew what happened to him, despite his limited field of view, he was well aware of what he had become. Panic gripped him at the thought of being forced to suck the dick of every man in this house! Sophia was stunned, realizing that it could have been way worse for her. Granted she still hated being stuck like this, but at least she wasn’t… that.

“So it looks like we have a new toy for the house, gentlemen,” Ron said, standing and presenting Jack to the gathered brothers. They had mixed reactions to the revelation, but most of them were disgusted. None of them were opposed to using such a toy, but the fact that it used to be a man made most of them pause. They didn’t want a man’s lips wrapped around their cocks.

“I’ve empowered it with self-cleaning magic,” Ron explained as if not noticing their reactions. “So it’s like a brand-new toy every time!”

As he finished talking, the air around Jack shimmered with a red aura. When the aura cleared, the expressions of the brothers changed completely. Each of them now was excited, and even aroused, looking at the toy. Jack and Sophia watched this all, confused and terrified at the sudden turn in attitudes.

“Okay, but I have dibs on the first go,” One of them spoke up. “I’ve heard the magic on those things makes them absolutely banging!”

“Sure!” Ron passed Jack off with a smile. The first brother walked off with him, heading for the stairs. Ron sat down on the Sophia couch as the other remaining brothers dispersed slowly, some of them leaving the house, others heading to the kitchen, and still more going back up to their rooms on the second floor.

“I muddled their memory of you and Jack,” Ron explained, rubbing his hand over the center seat on the couch, right over where Sophia’s clit ended up. Her mind exploded with pleasure even as she sobbed over their fate. “How else do you think I have such a reputation around campus without any actual proof?”

Ron laughed to himself as he kept rubbing the couch, trapping Sophia in a confusing world of terror and pleasure.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Jack ended up laying on a bed, while the giant man stood over him and pulled his belt and pants off. He pulled his hard cock out through the hole in his underwear. Jack screamed as he was pressed into the sweaty tip of this stranger’s cock. With a firm press, his mouth was filled with the frat bother’s manhood. Jack choked and gagged, his mouth forced wide open by the disgusting appendage. He sobbed to himself as his lips were worked up and down the shaft, every single movement making his situation that much worse.

Jack was so preoccupied by disgust that he didn’t even think about what would happen when the brother climaxed…

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