Alice had been an annoyance for some time, but only recently did she really start to become an actual threat to Jess. At work, Alice was stepping up and starting to get noticed by the bosses. She was even staying late most days, likely as a way to show up Jess. So one day, Jess decided to stay late as well.
When they were alone in the office, Jess approached her and cast a spell on Alice while she was sitting at her desk. Alice panicked as she shrank down inside her clothes, her skin changing, turning into a papery texture and turning white. Her arms disappeared and her legs started to fuse. She tried to scream, but nothing came out as her mouth disappeared. In seconds, she had been reduced to a cigarette buried in her clothes.
Jess fishes her out of her abandoned clothing and stroked up and down her body with her index finger. Alice shivers internally as she feels Jess’ fingers along her body. Alice got the distinct impression that her head was situated in the end closest to the filter, and her feet were opposite. After taunting her some more, Jess took her home and placed her on a small table next to her favorite chair.
“I'll see you after dinner,” Jess said with a laugh.
Alice was left alone on the end table to contemplate her fate. Not that there was much of a mystery surrounding what was going to happen to her. Over an hour later, Jess finally returns, holding an ashtray and lighter. With a contented sigh, Jess sits down in the armchair and places the ashtray on the table. She grabs the helpless cigarette in her fingers and places it between her lips.
“Do you know what?” Jess says. “You're not the first one I've hunted down with my magic.” While Jess taunted Alice, she bounced in her mouth, moving so fast that Alice’s head started to spin.
When her head finally started to clear, Alice saw the lighter in front of her.
“Here we go,” Jess said as her finger ignited the lighter.
Alice smelled the gas and then saw the flame lighting up in front of her. She feels Jess sucking on her and sees the flame coming toward her. Alice felt the burning creep through her feet. Her toes burned away and were sucked through her cylindrical form into Jess’ mouth before being expelled out to dissipate in the room.
Jess wordlessly continues taking long drags from the cigarette, drawing more and more parts through her body and then into the air. Soon her legs were completely gone, burned away and spread into the air. Jess paused for a moment as she tapped the long ash from the cigarette over the ashtray.
“Well, sweetie, was that good for you too?” Jess asked with a grin. “I'll interpret your silence as yes, so let's move on.”
Jess brought Alice back to her mouth and gave her more long, hard drags without mercy or pity. Alice's body glowed, crackled, and tapped over the ashtray again and soon Alice was reduced to nothing more than a burning head. She is able to take one last look at Jess, who wore a look of satisfaction. It was clear that she was happy with Alice’s fate.
“Was that fun for you?” Jess asked cynically. “Oh, I still have one more for you.”
With a smile, Jess takes one last, long, unstoppable drag. Alice felt her head burning and being sucked in by Jess. Though her solid form completely burned away, her smoky head stayed together. Jess held her in her mouth for a moment, letting the smoke woman feel the heat around her. Then the mouth opened and she was expelled into the warm air. Her mind melts as the world swallows her.
Content with herself and her work, Jess laid back in her chair and closed her eyes, basking in her victory. She doesn't give a second thought about the fact that the essence of Alice still hovers in her living room, left to fade away over the course of a couple days.