Nick was brand new to campus, having only moved into his solo dorm room a week ago when classes started. So when he saw the fliers announcing a party at one of the Sorority houses, he didn’t think anything of it. But then he realized that they were specifically looking for men who were still seeing effects of the recently cleared Flexi-Pandemic.
Very few people from Nick’s hometown had been affected, but he himself had got it pretty bad. Like many others, it had changed the consistency of his body to that of soft clay, allowing him to be shaped and flattened without harm. After his quarantine, the infection cleared, and his body regained much of its rigidity, but he could still be reshaped with enough effort. A month ago when he was getting ready to move out of his parent’s house, he tripped while carrying a heavy box down the stairs. He was partially flattened under it, it took me two full days to regain his shape.
In a moment of bravery, Nick decided to step out of his shell and attend the sorority party, hoping his experience with the Flexi-Pandemic would give him something to talk about with the ladies. When he arrived, fashionably late of course, he was surprised to see that there were no other guests. Immediately the fifteen girls descended on him, excitedly asking if he had the pandemic, if he could still stretch, if it hurt, and many other questions besides.
Nick stretched his finger just a bit to prove that he could, letting it snap back into place. His demonstration led the girls into an excited uproar. They explained that they had to kick out six other men who either lied about contracting the virus in the first place, or cleared the infection completely and didn’t retain any flexibility.
After a couple hours passed of Nick and the girls drinking, they asked if they could try something with him. Well by now the drinks had loosened Nick up and made some of the girls pretty flirty, so of course he agreed.
That’s how Nick found himself in the basement of the sorority house, in what looked like a fully-furnished workshop. Tools, both electric and manual, were scattered about the room on work benches, shelves and other surfaces. In the center of the floor was a large, flat box with wooden sides that was maybe two inches deep. The bottom was a sheet of white plastic. Despite being shallow, it was very wide, at least seven or eight feet long and four feet wide.
There were also a good number of large buckets of some kind of chemical scattered about, which made Nick a bit concerned. But by now he wasn’t thinking with the head on his shoulders…
“Lay down in here, we want to see if we can flatten you into the box,” Jenny, the red-headed ringleader motioned toward the box on the floor.
“Oh, I’m not sure I can… I mean that’s a pretty shallow box…” Nick stammered, his voice hesitant. He had been having fun with the girls, even letting them stretch and flatten him a bit, but never enough that he didn’t reform within a few minutes, ten max. But if he allowed them to flatten him into that box, it would take him hours to get to a point where he could even move a finger, much longer still to stand and walk.
“Oh please? Please!” Jenny pouted, a sentiment echoed by most of the other girls. A couple of them even ran their hands over his arms and shoulders gently, giving him the puppy dog eyes.
Nick’s brain was overruled by his cock at that moment and finally nodded with a smile. The girls cheered and gently guided him toward the box. Nick kicked off his shoes and handed his drink off to one of the girls before laying on his back in the center of the white plastic. He cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly, his excitement showing in his pants. Glancing around the room, he realized that from this angle he could see up a couple of the girls skirts. He gulped, losing the battle with his growing erection.
“Alright, get the pole,” Jenny said, the girls snapping into motion as if they had planned this whole thing.
“Wait, what are you getting?” Nick asked nervously, starting to sit up. As a couple of the girls slipped away with Jenny, a few more of them knelt down next to him.
“Oh don’t worry,” Nicole, a cute, short blonde girl reassured him as she dropped into a squat with her feet and knees together. “I mean you can’t REALLY get hurt right? You’ll just flex with it?”
“I mean yeah, I guess,” Nick started, Nicole’s adorable smile and caring demeanor completely disarming him. By this time, Jenny had returned with three other girls carrying a six foot long, four inch thick wooden dowel rod.
Before Nick could even react, they moved to either side of him so the bar was perpendicular with his body and pressed it down hard on his waist.
Nick groaned, the impact knowing the wind out of him.
“Alright, get his clothes,” Jenny shouted as she and the other girls on the pole pressed down hard, keeping him pinned to the floor.
“Wait what, get my…?” Nick started to protest, but the girls descended on him like piranhas on fresh meat. Some of the sorority sisters unbuckled his belt and pants, while still others held his arms down and cut his shirt off with a pair of scissors.
While all of this was happening, Nick continued to protest and fight feebly. The combined weight of the four girls on the pole was taking its toll though, and he felt his hips starting to compress, the wood digging deep into him. Like many times before, it wasn’t pain, just uncomfortable pressure.
“Wait, no, I didn’t agree to this!” Nick shouted, renewing his fight for freedom as he felt hands grabbing as his boxers. But on his back and outnumbered fifteen-to-one, there was nothing he could do. He felt his underwear pull down, allowing his still-erect cock to bounce free, pointing up at the ceiling. Blood rushed to his face as a gasp ran through the room followed by a giggle as the girls watched his member swaying in the air.
Nick fell silent, embarrassed under the hungry gaze of the girls surrounding him. They paused for a moment to take him in, secure in the knowledge that the four girls on the bar and four others holding his arms and legs had him under control.
“Alright, well let’s get him flattened out,” Jenny said, snapping the girls out of their admiration. They all got back to work, rolling the pole back and forth over Nick’s flexible body, rolling him like a pizza dough.
He tried fighting some more, but the more his hips flattened the less he could fight, not to mention that every time he struggled, his still semi-hard cock flopped around in the air, causing a humiliating chuckle from the girls.
As he basically gave up trying to fight, he heard the sound of an electric motor to his right. He turned his head to see two of the girls using a power drill with a paint mixer attachment to stir a bucket labeled “Tabletop Epoxy.”
“Wait no, what?” Nick said aloud, wondering what they could possibly be doing with that. His struggles intensified, though the girls hardly noticed. With most of his body flattened to around four inches thick, his attempts were pretty pitiful. Despite being pressed so flat, Nick didn’t really spread out as much as one might think, but was compressed in on himself. So his body looked relatively normally sized, just much flatter.
Maybe twenty minutes later, Nick’s body was flattened down to two inches thick, the entirety of his body inside the box. Well, almost the entirety. For some reason, they left his manhood completely intact and normal shaped. Many of the girls shared a private giggle at how absurd he looked, completely flat, but with a normal-looking cock sticking up.
Flattened as he was, he couldn’t move under his own power, in fact he could barely even talk, his face flattened out like a cartoon character who just ran into a wall. The girls had him positioned with his hands toward the top of the frame, putting his body in an X shape. He could move his eyes, but only just. Now that the girls didn't need to hold him, they were all standing up, giving Nick a good look up a few of their skirts. Seeing their girly panties pumped more blood into his cock, despite his situation.
“Tie that up, could you?” Jenny said, waving toward his hips as the girls with the buckets started to bring them over.
Nicole giggled and grabbed a roll of string. With one leg on either side of Nick’s hips, she knelt down, lifting her miniskirt up enough for Nick to see her panties and exposed ass. Without warning, she took a handful of his manhood, eliciting a grunt from Nick. Nicole chuckled and wrapped a bit of string around the center of his shaft and tied it off. She stood up, still straddling Nick and giving him a good view. She tossed the rest of the string up and over a pipe in the ceiling, catching it as it fell back. She pulled it tight enough to pull Nick’s cock up and away from the rest of his body.
She turned her shoulders enough to make eye contact with Nick and smirked, tugging on the string just a bit, painfully pulling on him. He grunted and his eyes begged for mercy. Nicole just smiled and tied the string off. She was kind and left it so his cock was held above the box, but not painfully.
Meanwhile, the other girls paired off and began pouring the thick, semi-transparent epoxy into the four corners of what Nick now knew to be a mold. Eventually, the buckets ran dry, and they had to grab another set and continue the pour.
“Maybe this is a bit late in the process to ask this, but you’re basically immortal when you’re misshapen, right?” Jenny asked, standing above Nick’s head. He looked up to her, getting a good look at her pink panties.
Nick tried to grunt a response as the clear liquid filled the box near to the top.
“Oh right, one blink for yes, two for no,” Jenny giggled.
Nick blinked once. One of the benefits of still suffering the effect of the Flexi-Pandemic.
“Good, then this won’t kill you,” Jenny laughed. Nick stared at her with a shocked and concerned expression. “Don’t worry, we did our research, we knew you would be fine. Well we were like eighty percent sure.”
By now the mold was completely filled, covering all but Nick’s manhood. His face was only just covered under the surface and so he was still able to see without issue, his eyes just as immune to harm as the rest of him.
“So now that the pour is done, why don’t we add a few things?” Jenny said to the girls, who had gathered around Nick now that the work was done. “This is meant for a sorority house after all, let’s girl it up!”
The girls laughed and left the room in a hurry, leaving Nick alone for a while. He was left to lament at how he ended up here for a moment, staring up at the ceiling with nothing else he could do.
Soon the girls returned and started to decorate the epoxy, one of them sprinkled several arcs of pink glitter around his body. Another moved to the space next to Nick’s head and carefully pressed several items under the surface of the liquid, including an eye liner brush, lipstick, a makeup palette and several other small makeup accessories. Nicole pressed a bikini top and bottom into the liquid to his right side. Various other girly objects like hair accessories, and even a dildo surrounded him before they were done. Once the other girls were done, Jenny stripped off her pink panties and laid them down in the epoxy, right next to Nick’s head, where they almost touched his skin.
“Your used panties?” Nicole asked in disgust. “Isn’t that kind of gross?”
“I haven’t worn them for long,” Jenny retorted. “Plus they’re completely under the epoxy anyway, it’s fine.”
Two days later, the Epoxy had completely set, trapping Nick in a solid block. They girls added legs to the slab and he was now sitting in the formal dining room of the sorority house as their official novelty “Cock-Table.” From what he gathered, this room was special and only members of this sorority were allowed in. So the door was locked tight when there were any guests in the house.
Over the course of the next week or so, girls sat around the table, eating their meals, working on homework, playing games, doing their nails and so on. Despite being used as nothing more than a table, Nick was hardly left alone. The girls constantly teased him. Joking about his confinement, sharing gossip or asking for advice (that he couldn’t give) on various topics, or just making fun of him for being trapped in such a girly table.
Some of the teasing was a bit less subtle. Several of the girls would sit near to or even directly over his face in skirts, putting their scantily clad privates up close and personal with his face. Many of them, basically all of them, would physically tease and abuse his exposed member without reservation. Some would absentmindedly tease it while engrossed in a meal or other activity, others would slap it around and laugh as it bounced back.
Sometimes, when they got drunk and horny they would really get into pleasuring it with their hands or even their mouth. Nick was the center of attention for many a hand- or blow-job lesson for some of the more innocent girls. During one particularly crazy party one of the girls actually climbed up on the table and had sex with the table while the others cheered her on.
The sad part of all this for Nick, besides of course not being free to live his own life, was that the girls never allowed him to reach climax. He could feel everything they did to his manhood just like normal, but they always stopped before pushing him over the edge. They teased, slapped, pulled, stretched, and even sometimes inflated his cock like a balloon. After all, his entire body was subject to the Flexi-Pandemic, so his manhood was just as flexible and immune to harm as the rest of him.
Nick was left to wonder if they were ever going to let him out, if they even could remove him from the solid epoxy…