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The Remote Roommates 2: The Landlord

Ash woke on Saturday morning. She was up and already done using the bathroom before she remembered the events of the night before. Her and her roommate Sherry had explored the mysterious basement of the empty warehouse beneath their new apartment and found something odd. A remote with seemingly randomly shaped buttons that didn’t seem to be paired with any other device.

Pushing some of the buttons randomly, Ash caused a weird change in her roommate. First it flattened her completely, like a human body suit. But then it inflated her like the most realistic inflatable sex doll that Ash had ever seen. It freaked her out and she ran the Sherry doll and the remote up to their apartment before anyone could see what happened.

Sherry was completely aware of her surroundings. She could feel, see, hear exactly like she could when she was a human. But she couldn’t move a muscle, and she couldn’t talk, leaving her completely at Ash’s mercy.

Upstairs, Ash didn’t want to make matters worse by playing with the remote any more than she already had, so she left it alone. Though there was something about Sherry that was just too alluring for Ash to leave alone. So she had stripped Sherry down to just her panties and took her to bed, making out with her and running her hands all over her inanimate roommate. The night ended with Ash giving herself two orgasms by grinding on Sherry’s hip.

Sherry, in her flattened and inflated state could experience pleasure herself at a heightened state. The problem was that she could not experience an orgasm. So while she got worked up and aroused beyond anything she had ever experienced before, she was denied release.

Ash came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, and walked slowly over to the other side of her bed, the floor where she had carefully laid Sherry the night before when she was done with her. It was like she delayed on purpose in the hope that when she got there, Sherry would be gone, either returned to her human form or maybe that she was never changed at all, and that last night was some weird dream.

But no. There she was, inflated, still only wearing a pair of panties, laying right there on the floor where Ash had put her the night before. Ash heaved a heavy sigh, her brow turning into a worried expression, not sure what to do about this.

Sherry looked up at Ash, begging her silently to figure this out and turn her back into a human, even if that meant an awkward conversation about what happened last night. She was embarrassed being like this, at Ash’s mercy, forced to lay there without even the ability to communicate. And she hated that Ash left her basically naked, her tits, which were perfectly perky in this form, exposed to the world.

Despite it all, Ash felt herself drawn to the inflated woman. Ash knelt down next to her, running her hands over her without touching her, as if using her hands to aid her close visual inspection. But then her hands lowered, brushing ever so gently along the skin of her shoulder, then down her arm where her fingers intermingled with Sherry’s. Sherry felt it all, her heightened senses sending shivers through her.

Ash sat there holding her hand, feeling her warmth. As if compelled, she leaned over, and kissed her on her lips. That simple action lit Ash’s arousal on fire and she almost fell down onto her and started making out with Sherry’s frozen lips furiously.

Sherry was taken aback, and of course unable to do anything except experience her roommate’s passion. Besides the night before, Sherry had no idea that Ash was attracted to her, or even that she was attracted to women. But now it seemed clear. Even in the midst of the sensations of her roommate’s lips on hers, Sherry tried to think back, not able to recall her roommate talking about a boyfriend or even a crush. Was she only attracted to women? Or both men and women?

With the initial surge now fading, Ash’s confidence grew, and her hands started exploring Sherry’s body, from her hips down her thigh and back up toward her chest. Chills ran through the inflated girl at the other woman’s touch. Though not attracted to women herself, Sherry couldn’t deny the pleasure of Ash’s touch, and even found herself aching for more. Ash was happy to oblige, her hand continuing to explore her skin, eventually finding its way to her tits, gently caressing one of them while her other hand held her weight.

Ash lowered down onto her roommate and started to grind into her hip, moans escaping her lips at the sexual gratification of the pressure on her pussy. Were it not for the sounds of her pleasure, her lips would not have left Sherry’s. Ash pulled back from her just long enough to rip her towel from herself to throw it aside, revealing her naked body, still dripping in some places from the shower, and from her arousal.

She wasted no time, dropping her body back down onto her roommate, this time her lips seeking her right nipple. Her hand found its way to her left breast, this time gripping with an intensity born of sexual desperation. Ash’s naked, dripping pussy found Sherry’s right hip and ground in deep. Ash moaned and Sherry squealed to herself.

The inflated woman had given up trying to deny her enjoyment of her situation. The pleasure of hand, lips and tongue on her extra-sensitive nipples was too intense to be picky about who was causing it. She would have closed her eyes to better experience the pleasure if she was able. But as she was, all Sherry could do was stare at the ceiling and enjoy the feelings of her roommate’s body all over her.

Ash’s movements became faster and ever more frantic as her arousal grew. Her mouth paused her efforts on Sherry’s nipple for several short moments, her breath coming shallow and ragged. Her hips thrusting hard into Sherry’s hips, her naked sex rubbing hard against the immobile woman.

Before long Ash’s head was rolling back, her mouth coming away from Sherry for the first time since she got started. Her breath came quickly and her eyes rolled back into her head. Her mouth fell open and she screamed through her orgasm to the room, her hips quivering, shudders running through her entire body. The climax was intense, radiating from her hips in waves through her entire body.

When it finally subsided, Ash slumped forward, catching herself with her hand on the floor next to Sherry’s shoulder. This put her face-to-face with her roommate. Now that she had reached the end her body had demanded of her, Ash’s face flushed. She averted her eyes from Sherry’s and grabbed for her towel with the other hand.

“I, um… I’m sorry,” Ash mumbled under her breath, ashamed that she had let herself use her inflated roommate for her own selfish pleasure like that. She still didn’t know if Sherry was aware inside of her flattened body. The thought of an audience to her animalistic sexual play was more than Ash could bear in that moment, and she stood up quickly, wrapping her towel around herself as she rushed off to get dressed.

Sherry was left in a heightened state of arousal, but without the ability to climax. She watched Ash not with anger or judgment as the other woman feared, but with hungry lust. Sherry desperately wanted, no needed, Ash to continue so that maybe she could reach the same end that her roommate achieved. Painfully slowly, Sherry’s arousal subsided, though not fully. Deep underneath everything, a low fire lingered. Sherry desperately wanted to reach down and take care of herself, but was unable to move.

Ash, meanwhile, pulled clothes on, making sure to stay out of Sherry’s line of sight. Once she was fully dressed, she carefully lifted her and carried her into her own room, laying her carefully on the bed and pulling a sheet up to her neck, covering her body that was still only adorned in a pair of panties.

“I’m sorry about that, I um, don’t know what came over me,” Ash said, avoiding eye contact with Sherry. “I’m going downstairs to see if I can find anything else about that remote. I promise I will fix this for you…”

With that she left Sherry alone. She had fully intended to go back down to the basement, but as she was preparing to, some of the other ladies from work texted her to invite her out with them. Ash hesitated for only a moment, figuring Sherry would be fine as she was for a while.

While out with her coworkers, Ash agreed to go out with them again on Sunday, and before she knew it, it was Monday morning, and she hadn’t gotten the chance to help Sherry. When she arrived at work she informed Sherry’s boss that she was out sick so at least Sherry’s job was safe.

Sherry was left to stare at the ceiling for all that time, waiting with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company. But then, not long after Ash left for the day, Sherry heard a knock on the door. After a moment of no answer, she heard the lock being opened followed by a familiar voice.

“Hello? Ladies?” the voice of their landlord, Alex, greeted Sherry’s inflated ears. “I’m here to fix the light in the kitchen?” He paused as he stepped in and closed the door. “I guess they’re both at work…”

Sherry was panicked. She was in an extremely vulnerable state right now, and this man was now in her apartment. And Ash was hours away from being due back home.

After a few fear-filled moments, Sherry saw Alex walk past her door. Alex gave a start at seeing Sherry, thinking for a moment that she was a real flesh-and-blood person. But then he realized that he was looking at a realistic blow-up sex doll. He looked around as if looking for Sherry or Ash before he walked slowly into the room, curiosity taking hold of him.

Sherry screamed in her head, begging this man to leave her alone. If she had a heart rate it would have been through the roof. Alex approached the bed, seeing the general shape of the seemingly fake woman under the sheet. He cautiously took a hold of the cloth and pulled it, revealing Sherry’s body a bit at a time. His eyes went wide as her perfectly shaped tits came into view, her nipples perky and begging for attention. With a quick pull, he threw the sheet onto the ground, leaving Sherry fully exposed.

Sherry felt the feeling of her face flushing with humiliation, though nothing happened to her physical body. Alex bit his lip as he looked her up and down, taking in her sexy sculpted body, made ever more perfectly shaped by the air inflating her. Sherry would have held her breath as Alex looked at her. She desperately willed him to move along and leave her alone.

But Alex didn’t leave. Instead he stepped closer to her, his hand nervously reaching out toward her leg. Sherry had no choice but to watch as his fingertips gently touched her ankle. Alex gave a start, marveling at how real the doll’s skin felt. Getting this far without encountering either of his tenants raised his confidence and he slipped his whole hand onto her leg, running it slowly up toward her hips.

Sherry moaned to herself, her body betraying her and enjoying the touch despite her brain revolting against the unwanted attention. She tensed up her whole body as Alex’s hand reached her waist and stopped as it touched the cloth of her undergarment. Alex’s fingers lingered, his index slipping under the cloth, lifting it ever so slightly before letting it snap back down.

Sherry sighed internally as his hand continued up the side of her torso. He paused for a short moment just below her breast, unwilling to continue for a moment. Alex looked around again, straining his ears to the sounds of the apartment, checking once again to make sure he was alone. After a moment, he looked back down to Sherry and slipped his hand over her breast, a shiver running down his spine as he brushed over her nipple. 

Now with his hand on her chest and another assurance that he was alone, his hesitancy vanished. He lifted his hand off her and started to work on removing his belt. Sherry’s heart dropped, reading his intention. Sure enough, Alex had his pants off in a matter of moments. He climbed up onto the bed, throwing his knee over Sherry so he was kneeling over her head.

Sherry wished she could at least close her eyes so she didn’t have to watch what was going to happen next. Alex reached down and took a hold of her head, raising it up toward his hard cock. She nearly retched as the head of his cock pressed against her lips. Alex grunted and pressed her head harder, burying his manhood all the way to his hips.

Sherry gagged, though not physically. Her body didn’t react as such, but she still felt the unpleasant sensation of something hitting the back of her throat. Not to mention that she could taste his not-recently-washed flesh. Though Alex was unaffected and thrust his into her mouth, moving her head opposite his hips to further the effect.

The humiliation and degradation of being throat-fucked against her will and with no way to fight against it cut deep at Sherry. She was never fond of giving oral and only did so begrudgingly when her previous partners had insisted.

Alex sped up, thrusting faster and deeper, his grunts and subtle moans betraying his building pleasure. Sherry was forced to watch as his hairy, unkempt manhood was driven into her face over and again, the discomfort only rising with his increased pace. Not long after, Alex started shuddering through his entire body. His pace slowed to a mere fraction of his previous speed. With a few slow thrusts and grunts, Sherry felt her mouth filling up as he deposited his load onto the back of her tongue.

She gagged at the taste and sensation of it running down her throat, but as with everything else, she could do nothing about it. On top of her, Alex thrusted a few more times slowly before dropping his hips down onto Sherry’s stomach, his cock slipping out of her mouth in the process. He let her head fall back to the bed.

Alex heaved a sigh before climbing off the bed and putting his pants back on, leaving Sherry alone to passively swallow his load.

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