Ash and Sherry started work the same day. Sherry studied graphic design at a local college in her small Texas town, and finally managed to land a job at a marketing firm in San Antonio. Ash just graduated from The University of Texas at San Antonio with a degree in finance, and found a job at the same marketing firm.
Ash was tall and lanky with black, straight hair, and was the captain of the track and field team in high school. While she was deceptively strong and fit, she still had a girly side to her. And she was outgoing enough that everyone knew it.
Sherry, on the other hand, was short and built a bit thicker, though not overweight by any means. She had brown, almost red hair that she kept cut short enough that she never had to style it. While Sherry wouldn’t’ve been considered the most attractive woman at the party, basically everyone would agree that she was undeniably adorable. Even, and maybe even especially, when she wore leggings and a sweatshirt, she had a certain charisma about her. Unlike Ash, she was not athletic, preferring the company of a good book.
Since they started at the same time and they were both the ‘new girls,’ they spent a lot of time together in that first week. All of the training and paperwork kept them busy, but they did find time to get to know each other. It wasn’t long before they realized that they were both looking for a place to live. Ash was still living in her college dorm since the semester hadn’t officially ended yet, and Sherry was driving an hour each way from her parent’s house.
It was only natural that they decided to look for a place together. They were both young and single, so it made financial sense. Living in the city can get pretty pricey after all. After only a couple of days of searching they found what seemed like the perfect place. A small, two-bedroom apartment in a complex built over an empty warehouse space.
It wasn’t huge, but it was cheap and pretty new, despite how old the building was. Plus it had in-unit laundry and was very close to work. It was even furnished, albeit with a sort-of random assortment of furniture from a cozy couch and recliner to several industrial-looking free-standing lockers. It left the place a bit cluttered, but it had an interesting character that resonated with the girls. So after they toured the place, they signed the lease right then and there.
The only odd part was that the only working entrance was through the empty warehouse, so Ash and Sherry had to cross the large building from the front door to the elevator to get into and out of the apartment. While it wasn’t exactly welcoming, there didn’t appear to be anything to worry about. It was well-lit and empty, almost like an oversized school gymnasium.
One night, after the girls had settled into the apartment, they had made plans to go out to the River Walk to hit up a few bars and maybe a club that a co-worker recommended. They had spent the better part of an hour getting dressed up for the occasion and headed downstairs. But just as they were about to step out onto the street, they heard a huge crack of thunder that made them both jump. Moreover, the lights in the room died, plunging them into darkness.
“Holy fuck,” Ash breathed, frozen in place by the shock of the thunder and the sudden darkness.
“So um… head back upstairs then?” Sherry asked, responding to the growing sound of rain through the front doors.
“If we can even see the stairs…” Ash started. As if on cue, a light came on across the room. The huge, overhead bulb illuminated just one corner of the building, far from both the front door and the elevator. Both women turned to it, almost enthralled by the singular light. Centered directly in the beam was a door, standing open.
“Have you ever seen that door before?” Ash asked, taking a curious step forward.
“No, I never go over there…” Sherry responded, equally interested. At that point the rest of the lights came back on.
“So head back upstairs?” Ash asked, her eyes still on the door.
“Well, if we aren’t going out, maybe we should check out that door?” Sherry suggested as she slowly started to walk over toward it.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Ash chimed in, glad that her friend shared her curiosity.
The women crossed to the door carefully and slowly as if expecting someone to either jump out and scare them, or for some alarm to stop their approach. No such thing happened though, and they found themselves looking down a stairway. It was surprisingly well-lit already, but it turned a corner part way down, so neither of them could see where it went.
Ash was the first to act, walking down the stairs with a bit of a false confidence. She wanted to see what was here, but was also nervous, not that she would let her new best friend know that. Sherry followed close behind, secretly glad that Ash went first.
When they rounded the corner, they found a large storage room with rows and rows of heavy-duty metal shelving. It was hard to get a feel for the size of the room given all the packed shelves, but it was clear that it wasn’t nearly as big as the warehouse above.
Odds and ends galore filled the space, maybe hundreds of cardboard boxes on the shelves and floors, along with other loose items. It was a seemingly random assortment, ranging from a 1950’s kitchen mixer to a stack of hubcaps.
“Wow,” Ash whispered. “I wonder what all is in here? I bet this old mixer might go for a pretty penny on eBay…”
“Yeah this is crazy…” Sherry started to wander off into the shelves, poking at cardboard boxes. “You don’t suppose there are any animals in here do you?” Her voice betrayed more of her nerves than she intended.
The women’s fear and apprehension started to give way to curiosity as they poked around, revealing a plethora of both trash and treasures alike, Sherry was excited by a box of old first edition books while Ash eyed a milk carton full of vinyl records.
But then Ash found something odd tucked in the bottom of a cardboard box. It looked like a remote control for an old television set, though it was big and bulkier than anything Ash had ever seen. And the buttons were odd, certainly not the volume, channel and number buttons one would expect on a TV remote. They were all odd shapes and sizes, most of them weren’t labeled and the ones that were didn’t make any sense.
“Hey, Sherry, come look at this,” Ash called, looking around near the remote, trying to see if there was some obvious device that this thing controlled.
“What’s up?” Sherry asked, coming around the corner of a shelf near to Ash.
“What do you make of this?” Ash held the device up to her friend. Sherry looked at it with a wrinkled brow, tilting her head to get a better look.
“I don’t know, looks like something out of Dr. Who.”
Ash sighed and rolled her eyes, pulling the remote back so she could look at it better. “You’re such a nerd, you know that?” she teased playfully.
“Oh quiet,” Sherry responded in kind. “Is there anything around here like an old TV or AC unit that it might go to?” She started poking around the shelf, moving a box to get a better look.
“I didn’t see anything,” Ash’s voice trailed off, her finger running over some of the buttons.
“Ah, it’s probably just a bit of junk, something a kid threw together while playing spaceman or something,” Sherry said with a shrug.
While standing facing Sherry, the remote held in front of her like a cell phone, Ash pushed a button in the center, a green triangle.
“What the…?” she jumped as the remote vibrated slightly and started glowing in a faint golden light. She didn’t know how to describe it, but the room suddenly felt… fuzzy, almost like there was a bit of electricity in the air.
“Woah, what the hell…?” Sherry said, her voice strained as she suddenly felt faint, a strange buzzing running through her body. “Shit…” she said, her voice barely audible. She fell to the ground, though something was wrong. It looked like someone dropped a blanket, her body seemingly transforming to a thin cloth as she fell.
Ash stared on in horror, looking back to the remote. Before she could decide what to do, Sherry started moving again. Her body grew out of the flat mess on the floor as if being inflated with air. Ash stepped back, still horrified. Sherry looked wrong. As she started to regain her shape, it was apparent that she was not in control of her own movements. Ash’s mind returned to the inflated like a balloon analogy as nothing else made any sense.
Watching her friend fill with air, Ash panicked and pressed buttons randomly, her frazzled mind incapable of remembering which one she pushed in the first place. Nothing changed what happened, Sherry just continued to inflate, her body taking on the general shape of a normal woman’s body. Though not really like a real woman. When the process finally stopped, Ash found herself looking at something familiar, but so strange and terrifying in context.
Sherry was a life-size inflatable doll. The short, brown haired woman stood awkwardly in front of Ash, her expression one of pure shock. Wide eyes and raised eyebrows sat above a slightly open mouth, teeth hidden behind her lips.
“Sh…Sherry?” Ash asked apprehensively, taking a step toward her friend, reaching out with one hand. Sherry didn’t respond, in fact, she couldn’t respond. She was completely frozen in place by whatever power transformed her. She was fully aware of everything, but completely unable to move or speak. Ash stepped closer, her hand reaching out carefully, getting closer and closer inch by inch as if she was afraid to touch her friend.
When her hand finally came in contact with Sherry, two things happened. First off, an intense sensation shot through Sherry’s body, her skin hypersensitized by the transformation. Secondly, with no body control to keep herself upright, she started to fall over backward. Ash scrambled to catch her, wrapping her arms around her and steading her. She was shocked by the fact that her friend barely weighed anything at all. She was truly an inflatable doll…
As Ash leaned her up against the shelf to keep her on her feet, Sherry’s dress fell off her shoulder, falling down far enough to reveal her chest, her perky nipple standing up straight in the cool, damp air.
“Oh shit, sorry,” Ash said, awkwardly grabbing at the dress and pulling it back up, covering her roommate’s undeniably attractive body.
Then Ash’s hand brushed against her skin. A shiver ran through Ash, Sherry was still warm to the touch. She looked up at Sherry’s face, wondering if Sherry was still in there. Cautiously, nervously, Ash ran the back of her fingers over Sherry’s arm.
It sent tingles through them both. Ash couldn’t help but let out a low gasp as the shiver ran all the way through her body, even down between her thighs, seemingly sending a rush of blood to her lady parts. She stopped, shocked at the sensation.
“What the hell is happening?” she asked no one, by now realizing that Sherry was incapable of responding. At that point, she heard a thundercrack outside. Something snapped in her brain.
“I need to get you out of here,” she said aloud and gently wrapped her arm around Sherry’s waist. This brought their faces very close together for a moment. Ash cleared her throat awkwardly and turned Sherry around, so she was facing away before wrapping her arm around her again and lifting her effortlessly.
She quickly made her way up the stairs and poked her head into the main room. It was empty, so she rushed across to the elevator, hoping no one would see her carrying what looked like an expensive sex doll. Thankfully, the elevator was empty and she made her way back into their apartment without incident. Once there, she set Sherry down on the couch and stared at the remote some more. She wanted to push more buttons, try to undo this. But as she thought about it more, she decided to wait. Today was quite a shock, and she wasn’t quite over it. The last thing both of them needed was her panicking and making this worse.
Despite the fact that tomorrow was Saturday and neither of them had to work, Ash wanted to go to bed early. This would give her the chance to wake equally as early with a fresh mind to figure out this Sherry problem. But she couldn’t settle down. She just kept looking at her roommate. Before she knew it, Ash stood in front of Sherry, staring her up and down.
As if on its own, Ash’s hands went to the Sherry doll, slowly stripping off her dress, leaving her in just a pair of panties. Something about the situation had Ash unbelievably horny, and in moments found herself fondling her roommate’s inanimate body, her lips close to the other woman’s face.
With every touch, Sherry’s nerves lit on fire, Ash’s hands sending waves of pleasure through her. Despite the fear of her condition, she silently begged for more. Without even knowing, Ash obliged, eventually sitting on the couch and bringing Sherry onto her lap. The taller woman kissed up and down Sherry’s neck while her right hand explored her chest. Almost with an urgency, Ash’s left hand ran down Sherry’s stomach, slipped under the panties and started to play with the woman’s clit.
Sherry nearly exploded with sensation, the touch between her thighs eliciting pleasure like she had never known. She nearly forgot about her situation completely, and just enjoyed the pleasure. Neither of the women really even knew what was happening, but something about the transformation, maybe something about the remote itself, seemed to be turning them into horny teenagers after a night of drinking.
Eventually, both women ended up completely stripped naked and in Ash’s bedroom. Ash had hungrily made out with the doll-woman and ground her pussy into her hips so hard that she orgasmed twice. Sherry wasn’t quite so lucky though. While she could experience pleasure still, the nature of her condition didn't allow her the release of an orgasm. Instead she ended up horny and wanting as a satisfied Ash crawled up under her covers and went to sleep for the night, still naked as the day she was born.
Perhaps tomorrow Ash will figure out the remote, Sherry thought as she too drifted off to a fitful sleep.