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Taking the Place of the Washing Machine

“What do you mean you slept in!?” Lucy screamed at me.

I cowered away from her, intimidated by her tirade. She was the same age as I was, so was technically the same ‘rank’ as I am in the sorority house, but she was clearly higher in the hierarchy. I was always a timid and shy person, while Lucy had such an overbearing personality.

“I… I… I’m sorry,” I stammered, trying desperately to defend myself.

“You know what that means don’t you?” Lucy advanced on me. “When the other girls get back from the volleyball tournament, to find out that YOU missed the delivery of the new washing machine, they're going to kill us. Do you understand?” She paused, staring me down with a look that could peel the paint off the walls.

“Yes… I understand,” I dropped my gaze to the floor.

“They. Are. Going. To kill us,” She reiterated, punctuating each word to drive her point home. “Or even worse, some of those girls are top of their class. I can’t even BEGIN to guess what magical punishments they can come up with.”

“I know, what the hell are we going to do?” I responded in a true panic. “Isn’t there a spell to fix the old one?”

“No! And you KNOW why,” she shot back. “Machines like these are magically warded by the manufacturer so they CAN’T be magically fixed. And besides, they took away the broken one two days ago.”

Oh shit, of course. I knew that. It was Lucy’s job to oversee the removal, and mine to sign for the new one when it was delivered. Lucy stared at my silent expression with contempt for a moment, freezing me into silence. I couldn’t form words under her harsh gaze. After a moment, an expression of dawning comprehension crossed her face.

“I actually have an idea that might just get me out of this,” she said.

My expression turned confused for a moment as I considered her word choice.

“Don’t you mean us…?” I started to say.

Before I could finish my sentence, Lucy shouted a spell and I felt a cold wash over my body as my muscles stopped responding to my command. I panicked and my eyes darted around the room.

“What did you do to me?” I asked her, my mouth moving on my frozen body.

“A command spell, though I guess I need more practice,” Lucy said, stalking slowly toward me. “It’s supposed to make your mind completely under my control.” She looked me up and down as I stared at her in desperate fear, not knowing what her ‘solution’ meant for me.

“But I think I DO have control of your body. Let’s test that out,” Lucy smirked. “Slap yourself in the face, hard.”

I felt my hand move, and my eyes darted down to it.

“No…” I started, before my own hand slapped me hard across the face before dropping back down to my side. “Fuck, that hurt!” I cursed in what  must have been a comical way, given that nothing on my body moved at all but my lips.

Lucy laughed and clapped her hands.

“Oh good, this might just work,” she said. “Go down to the basement and kneel down where the washer used to be. I’ll be down in a minute, I have to find something.”

My body started moving when she finished her command, so her last statement fell on my back as I crossed to the basement stairs. Against my will, I walked down the basement steps, moving across the small room. I stopped next to the drier, in the space where the broken washer was. I screamed at my body to stop, to obey my own will, but her spell was too strong.

I turned my back to the wall, so I was facing the stairs and dropped down to my knees. The spell wasn’t gentle and I hit the floor pretty hard. I winced and grunted with the pain, but I wasn’t able to make any kind of move to relieve it. I was stuck there for what felt like hours before I heard movement at the top of the steps.

I looked over to the stairs to see Lucy slowly walking down the steps, flipping through a thick textbook as she went. She walked casually, as if she was catching up on reading while waiting for a bus.With her head still in the book, she stepped across the small room to stand in front of me.

“So I was thinking about how to fix our problem, or rather, YOUR problem, and I think I came up with a perfect solution,” she said, closing the book.

“Wha…wha is it?” I asked, still unable to move my body.

“I think they will forgive us, if one of us can do the work of the washing machine,” she explained as if that was obvious. “And since I held up my end of the bargain, it’s not going to be me…”

“Do the work of the machine? So one of us will hand wash…” my voice faded when I saw the name of the game on the spine of the book she held: ‘Advanced Transformation Magic.’

“Wait, no, you’re not going to… to… turn me INTO the washing machine?” I stammered.

“Yup, that’s the plan. Though these spells are a bit advanced for me, I’m not sure I can pull it off,” she said, opening the book and flipping through the pages.

“Please, don’t do this!” I begged her, my body kneeling stock upright with only my mouth and eyes begging for mercy.

Lucy didn’t even look at me, she kept flipping through the book as she paced around the basement in front of me, ignoring my pleas.

“Oh it says here that I can only transform one thing at a time: ‘Before transforming a mouse to an elephant, you have to take it out of its cage first,’” She quoted a passage from the book before she looked up at me for the first time. “That’s such a lovely outfit, I would hate for it to be ruined.”

“Wait, what?” I asked, trying to wrap my head around what she meant.

“Those clothes won’t fit on a washing machine, silly. Take them off… all of them,” she commanded.

“Wait, no!” I shouted, my face flushing red with my humiliation as my body stood itself up. A tear streaked down my cheek as I pulled my clothes off one piece at a time, until I was standing buck naked in front of her.

Lucy just watched me with a smug look on her face. The command spell forced me to stand straight with my arms at my side, preventing me from covering my crotch or chest, like I so desperately wanted.

“That’s better,” Lucy said. “Though I need you on your knees again.”

I winced and grunted in pain as I fell down hard to my knees again.

“Please let me go, we’ll figure out what to do together. Just don’t try to… transform me,” I begged. My heart raced with panic and more tears spread down my face.

“Nope, we had one thing to do while they were gone, and YOU went and fucked it by missing the drop off. And now the new washer can’t be delivered for almost six months,” Lucy snapped at me. “So this is the plan. Now keep your mouth closed.”

At her final command, I felt my lips and jaw close firmly, no longer obeying my commands. I sat there in forced silence, my naked body exposed before my very pissed off housemate: a very amateur witch with some very advanced books.

After a few more moments of her reading and studying, she walked over in front of me and recited an incantation. I screamed into my closed mouth as my body was immediately racked with pain. It felt like I was being stretched and pulled, as if three or four people were trying to pull me into a new shape. Thankfully after only a few seconds, the pain stopped and I was still very much myself.

“Huh, that didn’t work,” Lucy said disappointed, looking back down into the book. “Let’s try again.”

I tried to shout at her to spare me, but before I could, she tried the incantation again. And again the pain shot through me and I screamed through my teeth again. This time I felt my flesh shift as if something was moving under my skin. But again, the pain faded quickly, leaving my body in the shape of a naked college girl.

“Goddamn, this isn’t working,” Lucy said, furiously flipping through the pages of her book. She was starting to sweat and her movements were getting frantic. I vainly hoped that she would give up and free me to figure out something else. After a few more minutes of flipping pages, she stopped and leaned in closer to the book.

“Here we go, this might just work,” Lucy said and recited another incantation.

This time it wasn’t pain that flowed through me, but a sensation of… shifting. I felt the flesh of my body rolling and changing. The feeling made me nauseous and turned my insides out. My vision swam and I lost all sense of the room around me, the only thing I could tell was that my head seemed to be growing while the rest of my body shrunk away.

I blacked out for a moment, the only things I knew were the shifting of my body and what sounded like Lucy casting more spells, though I couldn’t make out what she was saying.

Finally I regained a bit of my sense of self and the room came back into focus. I felt weird, big, blocky. I could feel that I was no longer under the command spell, but my head was locked into place, facing straight away from the wall. Besides my head, I couldn't feel anything. As I looked around, I could see a flat, white panel extending a couple feet in front of my vision. Over the top of that panel I saw Lucy standing in front of me, a relieved, satisfied look on her face.

“Wha… did…” I started to talk. My mouth felt like it was forced wide open and I couldn’t form words. I looked around in a panic.

“So it turns out that I’m not skilled enough to turn you into a washing machine for real, so I just kind of… reshaped… your body to perform the functions of the washing machine,” she explained.

I panicked and tried to scream, both in terror of what she had done to me, but also to beg for mercy.

“But you looked pretty freaky, so I cast another spell to change your appearance, then another to give you… controls, so that I can make you work like a washing machine,” She finished. “I’ll be honest, seeing you go through all of that, I do KIND OF feel bad. But I’ve heard rumors of the creative punishments these girls come up with, and I can’t risk them doing that to me.”

I kept screaming at her, trying to beg her to change me back.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t have you making noise like that,” she said and recited another spell, this one taking away my voice.

I panicked in my head, but now I was well and truly helpless with my body reformed and my voice stolen.

“If I was able to get that first spell to work, you would just BE a washing machine. You probably wouldn’t even know you were changed until you returned to your human body.” Lucy explained, walking over to me. She leaned down onto the white panel in front of my eyes, which I now realized was the top of the ‘washing machine,’ aka, my new body. “But um, since you’re still kind of human, I am not sure how this is going to feel. In fact I wasn’t even sure you were going to be conscious until you tried to talk to me. But um, I can’t really waste any time. The rest of the girls are getting back soon, and we’ve had laundry piling up, so…”

Lucy shrugged and walked over to my right, where a couple of laundry baskets full of dirty clothes had gathered in the absence of a working machine. I could only barely follow her with my eyes, which I now knew were in the console of the ‘washing machine.’

When she brought the basket over in front of me, I could see that she had a load of panties and bras. She reached out to me and I felt the weirdest sensation. It was like my mouth was opening, but swinging sideways. Over my top panel, I saw the door to the ‘washing machine’ come into view as she opened it, or opened me.

She started humming as she pulled the first handful from the basket and reached into me. As Lucy’s arm extended into my mouth/drum, a sense of dread crept over me. When she dropped the handful of dirty panties and bras, my suspicion was confirmed as the taste of salty, musty clothes filled my mouth. I gagged and retched at the taste, trying in vain to push the disgusting mass from my body.

“We’re starting with the delicates,” Lucy said with a smile. “It’s amazing how many dirty panties twenty or so girls generate in a short time, huh?” Lucy laughed, tossing the handful into my mouth.

The taste in my mouth only grew worse with the additional clothes piled in. I gagged and tried to grunt against the intrusion. The taste in my forced-open mouth was worse than anything I ever experienced.

Lucy, who either didn’t know about, nor didn’t care about my plight, piled more and more into my mouth. I felt my mouth full near bursting by the time she stopped and pushed the basket aside. She moved close to me and reached over me, to the cabinet above the washer, I mean above me. I couldn’t see what she was doing, but it became clear when she leaned back down holding the laundry detergent.

I watched as she poured the detergent into the cap and set the bottle down on top of me. She knelt over and tossed the cup full of detergent into my mouth. A whole new wave of disgust spread through me. As good as detergent smells, it tasted almost as bad as the dirty clothes.

Lucy stood up and capped the detergent before closing my door. With my mouth now closely tightly over the disgusting intrusion, the taste felt that much more amplified. She leaned on me with one hand, the other on her hip.

“You know I didn’t think of it before, but, since you are still technically human, I wonder if you can taste that?” she asked as if casually disinterested. I tried to glare daggers at her, but I doubted she could see my eyes.  “If you can, I bet those panties are pretty ripe. Well they should taste better after they’re clean.”

She reached toward my eyes and I felt her touching what would have been my forehead or the bridge of my nose. I felt something move there as if a pair of glasses was being adjusted on my face.

If I could move, I could have jumped a clean foot off the floor at what happened after that. My mouth started… rotating. I silently screamed until I realized that it didn’t actually hurt. The disgust and humiliation of my situation intensified as I felt the dirty undergarments swirling around inside my mouth completely outside of my control. I gagged and retched internally as my taste buds alternated between sweaty clothes and the strong sting of detergent. To add to my discomfort, the shaking of my body shook up my vision, and the room around me became blurred and indistinct. I internally begged for release, but Lucy’s spell kept me silent, other than the washing-machine rumble that my body produced.

“So I guess I’ll just leave you to it then,” Lucy said casually, mocking my predicament. “I’ll be back pretty soon, like I said, we, or should I say, you, have a LOT of laundry to get through. And that’s BEFORE the girls get back from their tournament with bags of sweaty volleyball uniforms.”

I sobbed to myself at the thought of running near constantly, my mouth full of the sweaty, nasty clothes of all of my housemates. My only hope was that one of the other girls figured out what happened to me and took pity on me.

To rub salt in the wound, Lucy shut the lights off in the basement, plunging me into near total darkness. I was left alone with nothing but my thoughts and the ‘work’ of essentially sucking the sweat and who-knows-what-else from the undergarments of a couple dozen girls.

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