Lisa had been dating Ron for nearly a year now. She prided herself on her physical fitness, attending the gym most days of the week, even with her full-time job. Lisa cared about her appearance and about how she presented herself to the world. Some had called her vain because of this, but it wasn’t as shallow as they thought. Lisa just always wanted to present her best self. Even when we went to the gym, her outfits were carefully coordinated even if she was just wearing leggings and a sports bra.
Though anyone who watched her exercise knew that her gym trips were certainly not just a fashion show. She always worked hard and generated quite a sweat, always going home sore.
Ron was understanding of her not-quite-vanity in their everyday life. He knew that even if they were just going out on quick errands that she was going to take the extra time to pick out the perfect outfit and get her subtle makeup on point. He was even okay with upping his own ‘dress code,’ at her request, when they went out together.
But Lisa’s extra care when going to the gym drove Ron crazy. He never understood why she needed to look good when she worked out. Alternatively, his gym outfit was normally just a ratty old t-shirt and a pair of shorts that he wore as a teenager, which completely mortified Lisa.
Given the weight she put on physical fitness, it was important to her to share this passion with her boyfriend. So the obvious solution of Ron and Lisa simply going to the gym alone wasn’t really on the table for her. But every attempt to get Ron to agree to put a little effort into his appearance fell on deaf ears. She even bought him several outfits that he would wear once and deem ‘uncomfortable.’
But that wasn’t even the worst of it. Ron’s gym bag was absurd. It was an old, boring, generic duffle bag that was so old, it could have been used by his parents at his age. It didn’t have separate sections, so he ended up putting his dirty, nasty gym shoes right in with the clean clothes he was planning on wearing for the trip home. In the house that he shared with Lisa, she made him keep it in the garage because she didn’t want to see it, but also because it smelled awful. Whenever she told him how bad it was, he would shrug, spray it with a bit of air freshener and call it good. She constantly told him to get a new one, but he would respond simply that it still worked and that it didn’t make sense to waste money on a new one.
After a while of the couple working out together, Lisa gave up trying. She stopped harassing him about his bag or his clothing and just sucked it up. Ron thought this meant that everything was good and that she finally accepted and came to terms with it. But under the surface, Lisa was still fuming. Every single time they went to the gym, it got worse. She could clench her fists and push through, but she came to resent him more and more.
Finally, she had enough and confronted him after one gym session. Lisa at least had the presence of mind to wait until they were home so they wouldn’t be arguing while she was driving and wouldn’t end up stuck in the car awkwardly afterward.
“I can’t do it anymore,” Lisa threw her hands up in an exasperated manner. “I won’t go to the gym with you anymore if you keep dressing like that and taking that stinking bag.”
“What?” Ron was genuinely confused, thinking that she was over this.
“I tried to be okay with it, but I need us to be together at the gym. And I will NOT be seen with you if you dress in your ratty old t-shirts anymore. And that bag has to go, I could smell it the whole way home.”
“Look, there is no reason to buy a new bag. That one is fine, it’s the perfect size, it fits in the lockers at the gym just right, even with my street shoes in it,” Ron argued, his tone indicating that he’s argued all of this at least once already.
“I’ve shown you like four different bags that were the same size! And brand new!” Lisa’s response was equally as exasperated. “And they even have separate sections for your dirty clothes and shoes. So your street clothes don’t smell like sock!”
“I don’t smell!” Ron nearly shouted, this clearly being a touchy subject for him. “Come on, right now, come over here and smell my shirt, it’s fine!”
“It’s not! I can practically smell you from here!” Lisa shot back.
“Stop exaggerating, there is no way you can smell me from there, there isn’t even anything to smell!”
“You know what, I can’t do this,” Lisa said, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes. “I need to be with someone who I can share my gym time with.”“I go with you almost every time! It’s not my fault you don’t want to be seen with me!”
“No, it IS your fault! I’ve told you time and again that I care about the image I present. And you are part of that image!” Lisa shouted. “If you look like a slob, it makes me look like a slob and I can’t do that. All you have to do is just wear what I buy for you! I’m not even asking you to go shopping!”
“All that stuff is too new, I need to wear something that’s broken in, that’s comfortable. I don’t care how I look,” Ron shot back.
“Like my therapist said, I’ve expressed to you how your actions make me feel. And since you refuse to change, it means you value your sloppy clothes more than you value me. So it’s over,” Lisa explained, forcing a bit of calm into her voice. “I’ll stay with my sister for a while and come get my stuff when you’re at work.”
“Wait, you're REALLY breaking up with me over my gym clothes?” Ron lost some of his anger, confusion and disbelief taking its place.
“It’s not that exactly, it’s that you don’t care about what I care about,” Lisa explained. “And this is one of my deal-breakers, which my therapist said is healthy to have. So I’m sorry, but that’s it.”
“You’re really doing this?” Ron asked, his voice surprisingly calm, as if he was just waiting for a reason to do what he already planned on doing.
“Yes,” Lisa said, planting her feet and crossing her arms over her chest. “This is just too important to me.”
“Well I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that,” Ron said with a sigh, pulling his sleeves up.
“You don’t get to decide that…” Lisa said, her voice trailing off, her expression growing confused as Ron seemed to get prepared for something. “What are you doing?”
Ron brought his hands together in front of him, focusing his warlock magic. Red lighting started to form between his hands as his magic started to take form. Lisa’s eyes went wide. She knew he could do this, but given the situation, she didn’t like what was happening.
“What are you doing?” she asked again, her voice more insistent this time.
Ron ignored her and unleashed the spell, the red lightning arcing out and striking Lisa. While it didn’t hurt, Lisa screamed none-the-less. She didn’t know what he was doing to her and given the fact that they were arguing, she figured it wasn’t good.
She looked up to him with a shocked, betrayed look on her face. As the magic flowed through her, her body started to grow numb. Lisa stepped toward Ron, but her feet fell out from underneath her and she fell hard to the ground, her body starting to change shape. Her skin darkened until it was jet black, her features fading together as her arms and legs pulled into herself.
Her vision blurred and her stomach turned, the changes to her body making her sick and dizzy. Soon she couldn’t keep track of the room, and fell unconscious. It felt like hours before she came to, but as she looked up and saw Ron in the same place he was, she figured it must have only been a few seconds.
“So you said I needed a new bag,” he took a step closer to her as he talked casually. “And since you were leaving me anyway, I figured I could keep you around and solve my bag issue at the same time.”
Lisa couldn’t move. She could still see and hear, but her vision seemed wrong. She could change her focal point, but it didn’t feel like eyes were moving.
“You know that I’m a warlock, and I’ve shown you my magic before, but never like this,” Ron explained, still casually. “I transformed you into a new gym bag for me. You still have your mind, and your body is still your body, it’s just a bit… mixed up. I don’t know what ended up where, but you’ll probably figure all that out pretty soon. But for now, I’ll let you get used to your new form. I need to get my dinner going.”
With that Ron walked away, leaving Lisa on the floor alone to contemplate what just happened to her. She was still freaking out, still wrapping her head around what he had done to her. Taking stock of her surroundings, she found that she could see all around her, like the entire surface of her new body was one big eye. She could also still feel the moving air of the house.
And there she sat for the rest of the evening and through the night as Ron turned off the lights and went to bed. After a while, the panic and fear of her condition had long since fled, replaced with boredom, and then eventually exhaustion. She eventually fell asleep.
She was woken rudely, shaken awake by something violent shaking her in a way that she never felt before. Ron was kneeling next to her, his same old ratty gym clothes in one hand, while the other pulled the Lisa bag open.
“Morning, honey!” Ron said enthusiastically, sensing that she was awake through the magic that turned her.
Lisa glared at him, but could do nothing else. As Ron pulled her open, strange sensations ran through her, like disparate parts of her body were all being touched at the same time in a way that didn’t follow any sort of logic. Her mind reeled trying to make sense of it all, but could not reconcile any of it.
Then Ron dropped the pile of clothes into the Lisa-bag and she screamed in her head. The feeling was unlike anything she could have expected. It felt like she was bloated from either eating too much salty food or experiencing a bad menstrual cycle. But at the same time, it felt like her mouth, asshole and vagina were being filled and stretched.
She panicked, the feeling completely overwhelming her brain and sending her into a spiral. She felt violated in the most intimate way, and had nothing she could do about it. Unfortunately, Ron wasn’t done. He reached over and grabbed his dirty shoes and started to bring them toward Lisa’s opening. She screamed in her head, begging for him not to put those inside her. Of course, Ron didn’t hear her and slipped them past her zipper. Now every orifice was not only further stretched but was being poked from the inside by the hard shoes. Lisa was so overwhelmed by the feeling that she almost didn’t notice that Ron had his oversized water bottle in hand. She screamed again as he settled the bottle inside of her, adding to the weight and load.
Once Ron finished loading her up, Lisa finally started to get her bearings. It was only then that she realized that not only could she feel the objects and clothing inside of her, but she could taste them as well. The subtle detergent taste of the clothing, the metallic tang of the water bottle, and the overpowering musk of the dirty shoes. She practically wretched at the combination of flavors.
“Alright, I think I got everything, Let’s get going,” Ron smirked, pulling the zipper closed.
Again, Lisa was hit with a new sensation. She felt her mouth forcibly closed, which was a relatively normal feeling, but she also felt as if her other holes were being sealed as well, which was awkward and completely disorienting. What made it worse was that it meant that she clamped down harder on his gym equipment and clothes. Now it felt like the intruder in all of her holes was pressed so deep that she closed completely around them.
“Is this better, baby?” Ron mocked, lifting Lisa by her shoulder strap. “I admit, I do like my new bag a lot better than the old one.”
The items shifted inside of her, shifting the pressure points on her insides and causing her head to spin. Not only that, but just being lifted into the air made the room move in a near-vertigo inducing way, despite the slow speed.
“Maybe some time as my bag will give you some perspective. Maybe then you’ll realize that your demands were ridiculous,” Ron said as he tossed the strap over his shoulder.
The sudden movement almost caused Lisa to wretch again, the movement inside her and the taste of his shoes making her sick to her stomach.
“I imagine you aren’t having a good time, but that’s what you get when you think of leaving me.” With that, Ron stopped talking to her. He tossed her into the car and proceeded to the gym, where he stuffed her in a locker. While Lisa was only crammed into the dark confines of the locker for less than an hour, it felt like all day.
Then she was blinded by the light as Ron opened up again, reaching into her and pulling out his towel before putting her into the dark again. Lisa’s blood ran cold, or it would have if she still had blood. She knew that he was taking a shower, and she knew what that meant.
Sure enough, moments later, the locker reopened and Lisa was pulled down onto the bench. Ron pulled her open and much to her dismay, dropped his sweaty, disgusting clothes inside her, followed by his water bottle and shoes.
Lisa screamed in her head, the disgust, discomfort and humiliation of her predicament pushed to the extreme. As she was zipped up and forced to hold all of that inside herself she dreaded ever deciding to confront Ron.