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Stuck in her Game: part 3, The Naked Run

“Alright everyone, welcome back to ‘World of the Warmaster.’ I know I’ve been playing this one a lot lately, and I know not all of you are super thrilled about that,” I heard Alexis saying over my shoulder the second I regained my consciousness. While the game was off, I experienced what felt like a fitful night’s sleep. “I will be jumping back to some other games pretty soon, but for some reason, I just got this serious ‘Warmaster’ itch lately.”

I could practically hear the wink in her voice. She knew full well what gave her that itch. After our little fight, Alexis didn’t seem to have any plans to let me out of this game in any hurry. She had always had a dominant personality, which was incredibly hot in the bedroom, though now it was showing through a bit too much as she tortured me in this game for the last couple days.

Currently Alexis was viewing me from the front, so I could see the rectangular “window” that gave her a look into this world and me a look into her room.

“Today I want to try the new ‘Naked Run,’” Alexis continued. A shudder ran through my body as I heard those words. “Now I don’t know how many of you know what exactly that is. Basically a player has to do a dungeon ‘naked,’  meaning with no equipment. So you had to unequip everything, weapons, armor, rings, amulets, everything, and then try to beat a dungeon. ‘Warmaster’ developers would even give out some pretty cool unique cosmetics to players who submitted recordings of themselves completing the harder Naked Runs.”

I sighed internally, happy that the Naked Run was metaphorical rather than literally naked. The leaf-like ‘armor’ I wore fit better into the category of lingerie than war gear, but at least it was something. Alexis has thousands of people who watch her stream and being naked in front of that many people would be terrible.

“Now I know what you may be thinking: Are Naked Runs in ‘Warmaster” really even a thing anymore?” Alexis continued. “It’s true that you haven’t seen many in ‘Warmaster’ for a while, but that’s only because of a certain exploit. See normally, when you unequip your armor, you would auto-equip the starter clothing, so you were only really ‘naked’ of equipment buffs. But some people figured out how to enchant the starter clothing and ended up making it actually pretty strong. The enchantment is obvious in your inventory screen, but as long as they never showed their inventory in their recording, they could cheat the system. So while they worked on fixing this, the ‘Warmaster’ team just stopped giving out rewards for Naked Runs.”

Not being a MMORPG player myself, I never knew any of this, nor did I really care. So I found myself kind of zoning out as she explained to her audience. At least this time, she left me standing in a city where no enemy mobs were trying to kill me.

“But with the new ‘Rated XXX’ update, you’re now allowed to play completely nude!” Alexis practically giggled her excitement. A chill ran through me, did I just hear her say that? I hadn’t really been paying attention.

“That’s also why this stream is subscribers-only if you were wondering. Since only 18+ can subscribe this keeps me from getting banned when some minor wanders in. Now, as some of you know, I do have a boyfriend,” Alexis said, faking a shy, almost apologetic tone. “But I’ve been known to fool around with women in the past…”

I rolled my eyes, incidentally the only part of my body that I could actually control, at her last statement. I knew for a fact that she was straight as an arrow, and faked being bisexual for her streams. Alexis was attractive, and hinting at the fact that she liked women brought in more nerdy, desperate men to her stream. And it helped convince the lesbian gamer crowd, which is bigger than you would think, to follow her as well.

“...So I’m not opposed to staring at a naked Lamara for a few hours,” Alexis finished the thought.

Wait, what? NO! I shouted in my head as what she was planning finally cracked through my thick skull. Before I could process it any further, I felt the amulet I was wearing around my neck disappear. It was followed quickly by the two rings I wore on each hand, then the leaf-like footwraps.

No no no! I shouted in my head as I knew what was coming. Just as I thought, my ‘armor’ disappeared in an instant. Immediately, an emote triggered and I squealed like a fifties housewife seeing a mouse. At the same time, I crossed my left arm over my now-exposed female chest, and my right hand covered my crotch.

“Oh don’t be shy, Lamara,” Alexis teased her character and taunted me. “You’re beautiful.”

Almost as if responding to her, my body went back to its idle animation, the emote running its course. If I still had blood, all of it would have rushed to my face at that moment. My exaggeratedly sexy female body was exposed to so many people. And I knew that her fan base was mostly men, so I knew I was being leered at, and maybe even jerked-off to by her many fans.

“Aw, there she is,” Alexis cooed above me, like I was a toddler and told me how proud she was of me. She smiled wide and winked, which was clearly meant for me. I seethed internally, but had no other recourse with my body trapped in the idle animation. Above me, Alexis pressed a few buttons, triggering me to lift my right knee up to my side as if trying to touch it to my elbow. Pain seared through my groin as I was forced to lift my knee all the way up until it was even with my shoulder. I whimpered to myself, the muscles of my leg and hips burning like nothing I’d ever felt as a flesh-and-blood human.

“That’s right, get that good stretch…” Alexis started.

But it didn’t stop there, once my knee stopped rising, I swung my foot out, pointing my bare toes straight up to the sky. As my leg lifted, both my hands went up, taking a hold of my foot at its full extension. I arched my back and lowered my head behind me so I was looking straight up at the sky. If I still had control of them, I would have tears streaming down my face from the pain. I held this pose for what felt like ten minutes, but was in reality only a few seconds.

“...You’ll need to be limber, got a lot to do today,” Alexis finished as I held my painful pose.

The pain faded as I lowered my leg back down to a normal standing position. Only then did the humiliation of what I just did REALLY sink in. Being naked and all, I had exposed my surprisingly detailed digital private parts to thousands of my girlfriend’s adoring fans.

“Oh what’s that chat?” Alexis addressed her fans' comments and questions coming in through the chat feature. “You were walking your turtle and missed it?”

I cringed at the bad ChatTok meme, my humiliation seeping even deeper since I was the thirst trap for this one.

“Well, we do need to do the other leg…” Alexis said and keyed in more commands.

I panicked as I felt the process repeating on my other leg. As I started to lift my knee, Alexis’ window started to rotate around as she changed her point of view. She settled in behind me as I painfully pointed my toes to the sky.

“This time let’s get a view from the back…” I heard Alexis say.

Once I returned to a normal position and the pain wasn’t distracting me anymore, my anger bubbled up. Alexis knew full well what she was putting me through, but not only did it anyway, but insisted on making a game out of it. Every teasing, light-hearted comment she made increased my anger again and again. I was grateful in that moment that I was unable to speak: If I were in control I would have screamed at her so bad she would never let me out. In fact, I would be lucky if she didn’t break up with me and delete the character.

“Alright, well let’s get started,” Alexis said and started to work the controls. Under her complete control, I started jogging through the streets of the city, which was bustling with players and non-player characters alike. 

“Well I guess I could have waited until I got closer to the start of the dungeon to strip,” Alexis said. “Oops.” She exaggerated that last word in the most stereotypical, cartoonish way possible.

As I was forced to run through what must have been the ENTIRE town, I drew the attention of many of the other gamers. Not that the blank stares of their avatars were any indication, but the text bubbles floating over their heads made it pretty clear.

“I didn’t know Naked Runs were back?” one of them ‘said.’

“Oh hey baby, dance for me?” another read.

“Gotta love that XXX Update…” 

I tried to ignore the text bubbles as they popped up, but without the ability to turn my head away, it was harder than I thought. Every comment, most likely from some sweaty dude with chip crumbs on his shirt, made me squirm internally. I just wanted to crawl into the smallest hole and never climb out. But of course, that wasn’t my choice at the moment.

“Eh, not enough meat on her bones.”

“Now they need to be a tit size slider…”

Comments kept flying in from all sides, many of them not exactly flattering. As Alexis turned me around a corner, I got a glimpse behind me, seeing that a crowd had gathered to follow me. Most of them were saying something, but the text bubbles all ran over each other, making it impossible for me to read.

I mentally started working on my apology/begging-forgiveness speech for when Alexis finally let me speak openly to her again.

“Well chat, it looks like we might have a lot of fans for our Naked Run today,” Alexis laughed, clearly enjoying the extra torment she was putting me through.

A moment later we arrived at a plaza near the edge of the city, ringed with what looked like some kind of swirling portals. They actually appeared almost like the view into the real world: Each one forming a sort of ‘window’ into an area of vastly different terrain. One of them looked like some kind of underwater ruin, another was deep in a dark forest, and a third, the one I stopped in front of, looked like the interior of a ruined castle.

“Wow, we really did generate quite a crowd here,” Alexis said, turning me to look back at my impromptu followers. “You know, before we get underway here, why don’t we give them a bit of a show…?”

I cursed in my head, hoping that this lude public display was over. Instead, I felt my right knee lifting again in the very revealing emote from earlier. Damn it! I screamed in my head as the pain ripped through me again. Before my head tilted back, I read some of the comments from the onlookers.

“Oh yeah, get it girl.”

“Show off that pussy.”

“I love my girls perfectly smooth.”

“I’d stick my sword in that sheath.”

Thankfully, I threw my head back and the less-than-flattering comments were hidden from my view.

Once my leg came down, another emote was activated, one from my first stream. I leaned forward with a classic cartoon sexy face, placed my palms on my thighs and squeezed my ample tits together with my biceps. I even giggled and winked at the crowd before standing up straight.

If my body still generated heat, I would have been burning up, the humiliation building under the surface of my digital skin.

Another emote: this one put my hands at the small of my back and lifted my left foot behind my right. I bit my lip and swayed back and forth, my tits swinging freely in front of me.

“You know, now might be a good time for a quick restroom break,” Alexis said behind me. “Let’s just…” she trailed off.

I saw her window come around in front of me to get a better look. Then I started dancing, my hips and tits swayed around, emphasizing my curves while my shoulder movements further accentuated my chest.

“There we go, let’s give these good people a show until I’m back,” Alexis smirked at me, knowing that I could see her expression. Then I watched her stand and walk away from her computer, leaving me dancing naked in front of her whole stream and the random players surrounding me.


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