I couldn’t believe it was actually happening. My girlfriend, Alexis, finally agreed to use her magic to put me into a video game. Once she told me that her powers could do that, I had been obsessed with it. I would be the first to admit that I didn’t really know much about the game she played. It was called Age of the Warmaster, a massively multiplayer online role playing game or MMORPG, like World of Warcraft. I had heard it called in-depth and ‘unapologetically raunchy’ whatever that meant. And I knew she made enough money streaming it that I didn’t have to worry about looking for a job. I convinced her to put me into the game during her next stream, but I made her agree that she wouldn’t tell her fans, or anyone else, that it was really me in the game.
“You ready?” she asked me sexily, looking amazing in her stream-ready state. Both of us were well aware that a big part of her success was her physical appeal. She was a natural beauty, which she accentuated with just the right amount of makeup. Alexis completed the look with a tastefully low-cut shirt and a good push-up bra to show enough cleavage to be very sexy, but not enough to be considered a slut.
“Yes, I’m ready,” I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, knowing from experience not to mess up her makeup.
“Okay,” Alexis responded with a smile. She stepped back from me and waved her hands in front of her. A light gathered around her fingers and she thrust her hands toward me, the light engulfing me and turning my world black.
“...So I decided to switch back to my Fey Wardancer character, Lamara,” I heard Alexis say over my shoulder as my world came back into focus.
Before I could even get my bearings, my body started to move on its own accord. I screamed internally as my entire body went forward without my input. I stuck both arms straight out to my sides and performed a perfect front flip in the air. Pain shot through my legs as they were pulled into a front-to-back split as I soared through the air. My panic, and the pain, subsided as I landed back onto the ground, first on one foot and then planting the second next to it gracefully. Once I was able to relax, I tried to get a feel for my body, but it felt… off. I held myself differently and I almost felt stretched, like someone pulled on my arms and legs to make me taller.
“...I just love the acrobatics of this class-race combination…” Alexis continued, clearly talking to her live audience.
Now that I wasn’t flipping through the air, I got the chance to take in my surroundings. I was standing in a stunning fantasy wilderness. It was a lightly forested area with odd, alien looking trees and strange creatures wandering around, many of them looking almost like real-life animals but with some unusual coloration or mutation. At the very edges of my vision I could almost make out Alexis’ game room, as if I was standing on the threshold between the two worlds.
While I took all this in, I stood still, though not completely stiff. I shifted my weight slightly and moved my arms and shoulders. I wasn’t in control of any of it, I was at the mercy of the game’s idle animation for this character. I found that I could move my eyes, so I tried to take in the world around me as much as I could.
“...and she is just hot as hell,” I heard Alexis finish her thought.
Wait, SHE?! My mind tried to say out loud. But my mouth and vocal cords, like the rest of my body, didn’t respond. While Alexis started to go off on a short little diatribe about what she was going to do in this stream, I tried desperately to look down at myself to see what body she put me in, but without head control I was having difficulty. Finally the game’s idle animation forced me into a bit of a shoulder stretch and roll my head around. As my chin went down, I got a good look at myself. If I had any control, I would have blushed at what I looked like. The best way to describe it was a stripper themed like a warrior Tinkerbell. My female body had hilarious proportions: a huge chest and wide hips and ass. The armor I wore, if you could call it that, was nothing more than a miniskirt of green stylized leather made to look like giant tree leaves. My torso was encased in what could only be called a corset made of the same. My shoulders, arms and most of my legs were completely bare.
Without warning, my body moved on its own, and I threw my left leg up behind me. I panicked, thinking I was going to fall, but I kept my balance. But just as my panic subsided it was replaced with pain as I raised my foot all the way to my shoulder. Both hands reached over and grabbed my foot, pulling it even further into an extreme stretch. My legs and hips screamed in pain at being pulled so hard. I screamed internally at the hell this idle animation put me through, but my outward visage betrayed none of it. Finally l let my leg down and I sighed in relief.
As the pain quieted down, the view of Alexis’ room began to shift, moving around me on my left. As it circled around, with me as the center point, I got a better look at it. It was like an oval-shaped window in space, giving me a full view into Alexis’ streaming set up. I had to assume that the ‘window’ that I was looking through was her perspective of the game, so she was now looking at me from the front instead of the back. I could swear she had a little devious smirk on her face. I couldn’t see her hands on her keyboard and mouse, but I could kind of tell when she was keying the controls.
Between the two of us, a radial menu faded quickly into existence. I recognized it as the emote menu that many online games have to help players interact with each other if they don’t have microphones. I tried to scan the emotes, but she selected one before I had the chance.
Beyond my control, I giggled girlishly, putting one finger against my closed-teeth smile while lifting my shoulders and swaying my body in a stereotypical shy-flirty gesture. Even though I was still getting used to this new body, I was very well aware of my tits getting pressed together by my elbows. I couldn’t describe how humiliated I felt, turned into this battle bimbo and forced to act this way in front of my girlfriend and her fans.
The menu came back up and she selected another emote. This time I put my hands, palms together between my thighs and squatted down, the effect of which was to squeeze my tits together and further expose them to the world. I turned my head to the side just a bit and winked, following up with a girlish, flirty giggle. I stood back up and waved, biting my lower lip before giggling again. I was convinced that even without control of my body, my face flushed red at my humiliation.
Alexis could barely contain her glee at putting me through this, her smile grew before she herself bit her lip.
“Now I remember why I love this character so much, she is just sooo damn cute,” she told her followers, getting a secret, taunting jab at me in the process. “So while we wait for more people to join, there are a few updates to my channel I want to talk about. I’ll give you something fun to watch while I get into all of that.”
I panicked a bit, figuring more humiliation was coming before getting to the good part of the game. See, when I dreamed of being in a video game, I had a very different idea of what that meant. I thought I would have full control of myself and would fight orcs and dragons as a hulking berserker or something. I was disappointed when Alexis told me that I would likely just take the roll of the in-game avatar, but I was still excited. I had no idea that I would be able to feel pain and be forced to put on a soft-core porn show as an anime girl.
Meanwhile, the menu came up and another option was selected. This time, the icon stayed lit up in the air while the rest of the menu faded away. Instantly, my hips started to sway, my shoulders rolled around and my arms lifted into the air. I took a couple of rhythmic steps in place as the game forced me to dance. And it wasn’t exactly a PG dance either. My hips and tits swayed around, emphasizing my womanly curves, my shoulder movements further accentuating my chest.
If I thought I was humiliated before, I was dead wrong. I might as well be putting on a strip show at this point. And the worst part was that I started to repeat the same routine. That, combined with the fact that the dance emote icon was still ‘on-screen’ gave me the distinct impression that I was going to be looping this embarrassing dance until Alexis decided to turn it off.
“There we go, get it girl,” Alexis said, balling her hands into fists and rolling them around in the air in front of her and swaying her shoulders for a moment. “So while Lamara is giving you a show, I’ll just get into it,” Alexis continued, lifting both feet onto her chair and wrapping her arms around her legs. “So I am going to switch my streaming days from Tuesday and Friday, to Tuesday and Thursday…”
I don’t watch her streams usually, but I know that when she puts her feet on her chair like that she is settling into a long talk with her audience. “I know that puts my streaming days closer together, and you’ll have to wait longer between, but this just fits better into my schedule…” She kept talking, but I zoned out her words, the humiliation of my continued forced display distracting me.
As my dance continued, my own exhaustion became more and more evident. I thought that being in the video game would give me the unlimited stamina of the pixelated character, but it turns out it was more akin to my normal human body being forced to perform the movements. I could already feel my legs getting tired.
Suddenly something caught my eye, a small humanoid lizard creature was stalking in my general direction off the left of Alexis’ ‘window.’ I saw it turn its head toward me and notch an arrow to its bow. I looked at Alexis with panic, hoping she would see what was happening, though if I was right about her point of view, she wouldn’t even be able to see the creature. No luck, she was still talking to her audience, which meant her gaze drifted around the room as she spun her chair back and forth.
Suddenly a sharp pain fired through my left shoulder. I screamed internally at the pain, but my only vocal reaction was a quiet, girlish grunt. As soon as the pain hit me, I stopped dancing and returned to my normal idle animation. With my head returned to a neutral position, I could see the crude arrow sticking out of my shoulder. After the initial shock, the pain lessened somewhat, but didn’t go away.
Then another sharp pain hit me in the stomach as another arrow embedded into me. I would have teared up if I had control of my body. My eyes darted between Alexis and my attacker, silently willing her to realize what was happening to me while trying to brace for the next shot.
“Oh why did my pretty girl stop dancing?” Alexis asked, sitting up at her computer. My internal sigh of relief was interrupted by another sharp pain in my thigh, now three arrows sticking out of me. Alexis’ window shot out from in front of me and settled in behind again. “Oh fuck off you little Lizardkin. Oh well, my Healing Meditation and Acrobatic Dodge is enough to deal with him.”
As she keyed the controls, I tilted my head forward and grasped my hands in front of me. A brief aura shone around me and I felt the pain of the arrows slowly subsiding. After I returned to my idle position, I shifted my stance, moving my legs apart and dropping down like a basketball player getting ready for the start of the game.
“Alright, now I should be good, I only have a couple more things to tell you guys,” Alexis said and settled back into her chair.
I stared at the creature, which was now easier to do, because whatever stance she put me in locked on to him as the nearest threat, I guess. I watched him pull back his arrow and loose. As I braced for the stabbing pain, I nearly jumped out of my skin at my own body’s reaction. Instead of just taking the arrow like the last few, I threw my right leg up into the air, my body following behind it as I did a complete back flip in place. The painful stretching of my legs was almost as bad as the arrow. The stretch subsided as I landed back in my ready stance. After a moment, I realized I hadn’t felt the arrow, the Acrobatic Dodge ability apparently made it miss.
I barely had time to recover though as I watched my enemy readying another arrow. I could hear Alexis talking to her fans about some upcoming changes that made no sense to me as a non-gamer and non-streamer. I silently begged her to release me from this embarrassing, painful torment, but I had absolutely no control over my body.
My revel was broken by another dodge. This time I arced my back, leaning far behind me. Pain shot through me yet again as I contorted in ways not humanly possible for me on my own. It was only after my hands planted on the ground behind me that my legs came up, flipping me over in a handstand flip. But this time as I was mid-flip, the painful stabbing struck right into my crotch, the Acrobatic Dodge apparently failing to save me this time. As I landed back in my feet with an internal grunt of pain, the air around me flashed momentarily with a subtle white light, the Healing Meditation ability kicking in and taking some of the pain out of the now many arrows in my body.
“Alright, Lamara, ready to go?” I heard Alexis say behind me. It was a moment before I realized she was talking to me, her character.
Just as that was dawning on me, both my hands reached down to my waist on the opposite side of my body and drew two long, curved daggers that apparently had been secured at the back of my belt.
I sighed with relief, finally she was going to kill this stupid lizard and I can stop the painful acrobatics and arrows.
“Oh wait, my Acrobatic Dodge is almost leveled up,” Alexis said, in deep thought. “If I get six more successful dodges, I can get level 19.”
I cursed to myself, silently willing her not to do what I was afraid she was about to.
“Yeah, let’s let it ride, chat, get those last few dodges,” she said, confirming my fears.
Just as she said that, I launched into a new dodge, this time doing a cartwheel to my left, my legs making a perfect T split as I went over. It felt like someone was ripping all the muscles along the underside of both of my legs. I almost didn’t notice the arrow slamming into my hip.
“Oh damn, failed dodge,” Alexis said. “Oh well, she’ll heal up and we aren’t that far off. We can do it, right Lamara?”
While I practically screamed that we can’t do it, the emote menu came up and another was selected.
“Oh, yeah baby!” I said in a happy-go-lucky voice, giving a super-cheesy thumbs up. “Let’s do it!”
“That’s my girl. So chat, any questions you want me to answer while we wait?”
I cursed my luck, we had only just started and I could barely stand it being in this game…