I remained plugged in all night. Once Carley was done with the wand vibrator that I had been transformed into, she set me down on the floor next to the bed. At least she was gentle, but with the electricity still running through me it was impossible to sleep. It felt like I was chugged an unhealthy amount of caffeine, the energy flowing through me, setting my nerves on edge.
Finally, I heard Carley starting to stir. Eventually, she climbed out of bed and took a few steps toward the bathroom, shaking sleep from her eyes. She stopped and looked down at me with a start, as if she forgot that I was there.
“Oh, good morning, Nick,” her voice was slow and hesitant. It seemed like she was embarrassed, maybe because she used me the night before and didn’t know how I felt about that, or if it was just weird to be talking to a vibrator.
“I need to use the bathroom and shower, but um… we can talk afterward, okay?” Carley almost apologized with her tone of voice alone. She turned away and continued on to the bathroom. After a moment, I heard a toilet flush, then the shower started up. Eventually, after maybe forty minutes to an hour, Carley stepped back out wrapped in a towel, with another towel around her head.
“I um… hope it wasn’t too weird that I used you yesterday,” she said without looking at me. I really wished she would unplug me for this conversation, the constant over-charged feeling was incredibly uncomfortable. “You know how I get when I’m really horny. I kind of stop thinking with my head. And I’m sorry you’re stuck like this for way longer than we talked about. I’ll make it up to you when we get to the house.”
Before she could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. Carley looked up with a surprised expression, but she didn’t move at first. Another knock followed.
“Carley?” Brooke’s voice sounded through the door. “We got an early slot at the spa.”
Hearing that it was one of the sisters, Carley got up to answer the door. From where I was, I could see her crack the door enough to stick her head around to greet them. But as soon as the door was opened, the girls started to push through.
“Wait, I’m not dressed!” Carley yelped in surprise even as she stepped back to make way. Though stepping away from the door was likely as much in an effort to break line of sight to the hallway as much as to get out of the girls’ way. Once she was clear of the threshold, all of the other girls pushed into the room.
“Oh, relax girl, you don’t have anything we haven’t seen already!” Brooke waved her off.
As they moved into view, I could see that the girls were all dressed for the pool, each of them wearing a cover-up over a bathing suit. Notably, Maya’s nipples were clearly visible through the large t-shirt she was wearing.
“So Maya forgot her bikini top, so we need to use Nick…” Brooke continued, trailing off as her eyes landed on me. “Oh look girls! Nick’s plugged in! Looks like Carley had a fun night!”
As the other girls rushed in to get a look at me, I could see Carley turning beet red behind them.
“So how was he?” Hannah asked with a smirk, turning to face Carley.
“Was it a one-and-done, or did he get you a couple times?” Violet asked with a smirk.
Even if Carley wanted to answer, the laughter from the girls would have made her inaudible. And it didn’t seem like they were actually interested in hearing an answer. Instead, a mortified-looking Carley crossed to her suitcase, gathered up her swimsuit and cover-up and slipped off to the bathroom as quickly as she could.
“So what do you think?” Brooke turned to Maya. “You want the green one that we were looking at?”
“Nah, let’s do the pink one,” Maya said. “It would match my bottoms better.”
Brooke tapped on her phone and I started to change again, my cord pulled into my body, the electricity cutting off immediately as my body moved free of the outlet. I softened up, changing from hard plastic to cloth. Soon I was reduced to a bikini top made up of two triangles and several lengths of string to tie it all together.
Above me, Maya pulled her shirt off over her head. I couldn’t help but feel a chill run through me as her tits popped out of her shirt. She was built thicker than average, but still had a pleasant form. But then fear gripped me when I saw just how big her tits were. They are going to make me hold THOSE up?!
Maya picked me up as I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening. The girls turned to see Carley stepping out, now dressed in her suit and cover up. She gave a start as she saw the topless Maya.
“Oh, sorry,” Carley said quickly as she turned away.
“You know, if you’re going to live with us, you’re gonna have to get over being so shy…” Brooke teased her.
Meanwhile, Maya draped my neck string over her shoulders. My cloth fell against her chest. I could feel the soft, warm flesh of her chest on me, her nipples pressing into me. I felt that shiver again, though I was very aware that Carley was watching this whole thing and I felt guilty that part of me was enjoying this.
Though as she pulled the strings tighter around her torso, some of that enjoyment started to fade. When she pulled the string behind herself, the bottom of my triangles tucked up under her heavy tits. Though I could tell that I wasn’t fully underneath her, like she made me too small to fully encase her chest. I started to feel their weight pressing down on and stretching my body. This was going to be a long day.
“Can one of you do me the honor?” Maya asked, her hands holding the two ends of my string behind her.
“I got you, girl,” Luna volunteered, taking a hold of the strings. She pulled me tight, so I was fully pressed under her chest. When she was done, I was actively pressing in on Maya’s sizable chest, my body pulled almost taut. I could feel her weight on me as if trying to rip me apart. She stepped over to the mirror over the dresser and I could see why I was strained so much.
Maya’s tits were pressed together, giving her significant cleavage despite the non-supportive nature of the garment I had become. It was constant, the feeling that I was exerting myself to hold her chest. It didn’t help that parts of me were tied up in knots behind her either, I could feel myself wrapped around in confusing ways.
“Alright, let’s get down to get breakfast and get our spa on!” Maya said, taking up her t-shirt. As she raised her arms over her head, she lifted her chest subtly. As she pulled her shirt down over herself, I got one final look at Carley. Her expression confused me, it was a mix of sympathy and anger, like she was mad at me.
I would have liked to get a better look and better understand Carley’s mind, but Maya’s shirt came down over me and I was plunged into near darkness. Some light made its way through the cloth, but not enough to have any inkling of what was going on.
“Yup, let’s go!” Brooke announced.
Maya took a step and I nearly jumped out of my skin. As soon as her foot hit the ground, it seemed to send a shockwave through her body. Her tits bounced to what felt like an incredible degree, my whole self riding along with them. As they hit the bottom of their bounce, the weight on me skyrocketed. It felt like for a moment they became twice as heavy. The pressure was intense. And this happened every time she took a step!
The girls walked along casually, chatting as they went. It would seem like wearing a person as a bikini top was completely normal, as none of them seemed to address it at all. At first I tried to tune into the conversation to get a clue as to what was going to happen, but eventually it became impossible. It was hard to hear anything and my mind kept getting distracted by the sensations I was forced to deal with.
Eventually, they stopped and Maya sat down. From the conversation, I could gather that they were at breakfast. Finally I was afforded a break from being bounced around incessantly. I still moved a little, but nothing was overwhelming so I kind of let myself zone out. Since I barely slept, this was the most rest I got in two days.
Then eventually Maya stood quickly, making me quietly yelp at the sudden bounce. I braced myself as much as I could as she started to walk again. They walked for a while, then stopped, and walked some more. Under her shirt like I was I had no clue what awaited me.
Eventually, Maya grabbed at her shirt and pulled it free, bringing my surroundings into view. It looked like an indoor pool at first, but there wasn’t any water in sight. Instead, in the center of the room was what looked like a collection of tiled hot tubs built into the floor. It looked like they were filled in with dark concrete, but that couldn’t be right.
But then it dawned on me. They were mud baths! Each one of the eight raised tubs was full almost to the brim of dark brown, steaming mud.
Around me, the girls were all stripping off their coverups and I got a look at their attire. Hannah was wearing gym shorts and a sports bra, Brooke had on a dark green bikini, Luna wore a tight silver one-piece, Zoey had chosen a fairly modest purple two-piece with a skirt bottom, and Carley wore the red one-piece suit I had become familiar with in our time together.
The girls placed their clothes down on a wooden bench along the wall, chatting excitedly. I noticed that Carley was just as excited as the others, and didn’t even spare me a glance. I’ll admit it was disheartening that she seemed to have forgotten me. I hated the thought, but maybe she just didn’t care about me any more.
As they walked over to the tubs, I could feel the heat coming off the mud. It only just now occurred to me that I was about to be submerged in hot mud. Panic gripped me as Maya selected a pool and stepped over the low side, her foot disappearing in the viscous fluid. I could even see the surface of the mud pressing down around her foot. It was so thick it didn’t flow like water.
“Oh shit, that feels good,” Maya practically moaned. The others selected their own baths and were starting to climb in. Now with both feet in the bath, Maya stepped to the far side, her legs leaving trails in the mud that slowly filled in behind her. She sat down, lowering herself with her hands on the sides. The closer I got to the surface, the more I could feel the heat coming off the surface increase.
Maya stopped, her ass situating on the bottom of the tub. I was now only inches from the surface. If I still had lungs I would be hyperventilating, the effect of being fully buried under the mud scaring the hell out of me. Then Maya started to lean back. I felt the hut mud touching my straps around her back. In my weird, mixed-up body, it felt like my toe, torso, and face were all going into the liquid at the same time.
As she lowered further, and further, more and more of my body submerged. It was like the surface of the mud was working its way up toward my mouth. The mud flowed around her shoulders, taking in more of my straps. Now only the cloth over her tits were in the open air. The heat and pressure of the mud was starting to press in on me from all sides. The last thing I saw was the other girls sinking down into their own baths/
Maya laid down fully on her back and the mud washed over me, stealing away the last of the light. Unlike under her shirt, where I could still see a little, this was complete, unbroken darkness. The heat was intense, like when you turn the faucet on too hot when washing dishes, but it was over my entire body and I was completely incapable of escaping from it. I was also being pressed in on all sides, the mud a heavy weight on top of me even as I was being stretched by Maya’s body.
I knew that as an object, a meaningless piece of clothing, I didn’t have to breathe, but the sensation of suffocating still gripped me. My body, or my mind at least, was tensed up as if I was being forced to hold my breath. I tried to release it, to let go of the feeling and let myself relax, but my mind rejected the notion. Instinct was too strong, and it demanded that I hold my breath against the prison I was in.
It was overwhelming and I could not for the life of me let go of the panic and fear. Every second passed like an eternity while time lost all meaning. I could feel Maya’s chest rising and falling in rhythm, pausing once to heave a heavy sigh. While she was relaxing, I was in pure hell.
And if that wasn’t enough, I could feel her body moistening, either sweating in the heat or becoming soaked through by the mud bath. Either way, it was terrible, my world was nothing but heat, pressure, and suffocation.
I could feel every move Maya made, and it was the only break in the infinite blur of my existence. I could even tell when she was talking, because her breathing rhythm changed, even though I couldn't hear anything at all through the thick mud.
Eventually, though, her breathing fell into a smooth rhythm and all other bodily movements stopped. Did she fall asleep? Here I was fighting for my life like I was crushed in an underwater cave and my tormentor was fucking napping?!
Any semblance of control I had over myself was lost and I fell into a sheer and utter panic. I screamed in my head, desperate to call out to Carley to pull me out of this, but I knew I was stuck here for as long as they decided.