The drive went on forever. My limited field of view from around Violet’s leg didn’t help any. Like I had predicted back in the garage, I could barely see anything. Violet and Carley were in my line of sight and I could see Zoey in the passenger seat. But I couldn’t see the dashboard where the clock was, so I had no clue how much time was passing.
What I did know was that the sweat and stink of Violet’s foot was getting worse by the minute. It was so hot, stuffy and humid in here. It was soaking into my sock body with no outlet. Occasionally, Violet would tug on me, re-situating me on her thigh, but other than that, and the occasional glance from Carley, I was left completely alone.
The girls had their own conversations that I didn’t follow. It still felt weird being here. It’s like when I’m waiting in line behind people having an argument. I can’t really go anywhere, and they know I’m there, so I just have to pretend like I don’t hear them.
“Hey, heyheyhey,” Luna said from the back, desperately trying to get the other girls’ attention.
“What’s up?” Brooke called from the driver’s seat.
“Spa Luigi, the one right across from the hotel, had a last minute opening!” Luna responded. “We have ten minutes to lock it in before it goes up to the public!”
I could see Carley next to me looking back and forth between the other girls, her expression confused and nervous. I too was wondering what was going on. Why were they talking about a spa? And aren’t we only going to be in the hotel for one night?
“Well why are you still talking? Lock it in, girl!” Maya said.
“Wait, will we still make it to the house in time?” Violet asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” Brooke reassured her. “We’re two days early! Hannah, can you call the hotel and add… let’s say two nights to our stay?”
“I’m on it,” Hannah responded.
“Wait, we’re adding two days to the trip? What is Spa Luigi?” Carley asked.
“Oh, girl, it’s only the best spa within three states!” Luna explained. “That’s actually why we booked the Hotel Santiago. But some stupid corporate event stole our slot at the spa. I got us on the waiting list and it paid off!”
“But we’re staying two more days now?” Carley asked, looking down at me. Violet looked between us both and turned away to look out the window. With her head turned away from Carley, she looked down at me with a knowing smile.
“Oh it’s going to be so worth it!” Brooke cut her off.
I could see that Carley wanted to press the issue, but Hannah shushed them as she started to talk on the phone with the hotel. By the time she hung up, the others were embroiled in their own conversations and Carley didn’t have a chance to speak up for me. In fact for the next ten minutes or so, it seemed like the girls were all conspiring to keep Carley from asking any real questions. Eventually, I saw the defeat on her face give way to acceptance. She glanced at me and then just looked out her window.
Hours passed, the smell and moisture of my prison increasing with every minute of my imprisonment. Finally the van rolled to a stop.
“Made it!” Zoey announced.
“Alright, let’s go get checked in and then we can come back for all our stuff,” Brooke said as they all pulled their seat belts off. Violet pulled the sliding door open and practically hopped out of the van, her weight dropping down on me hard. After being idle for such a long time, I almost forgot what that felt like.
The girls all walked into the fancy-looking hotel and up to the counter. I could hear Brooke talking to the front desk while Violet and the others milled around nearby. After a moment, Brooke came back over and handed out keys to everyone.
“So we are all on the fourth floor,” Brooke started. “Each of you have your own room, except Zoey and I are sharing a two-bedroom suite. So everyone take your keys, drop your stuff in your room and then meet in our room, number four twenty one.”
Violet and the others walked back out to the van in the parking lot, retrieved all of their suitcases and headed back inside. They chatted as they walked, to which I only half listened. I was too busy trying to ignore just how bad I was starting to smell and how uncomfortable it was to be constantly stretched and pulled by Violet’s leg. It was starting to seem like I was never going to feel the wind on my body anymore.
Eventually, Violet ended up in her own room, a typical, small hotel room with a single queen bed. She dropped her luggage there and made her way to Brooke’s room. When the door opened, it revealed what could have been an apartment. She entered into a full kitchen, giving way to a decent-sized living room. All the other girls were already there, lounging around on the couch, recliner and dining room chairs.
“Violet, can you be a dear and take Nick off please?” Brooke asked as Violet joined them.
I was overtaken by a wave of relief as the room filled with a chorus of disappointed noises and remarks from the women.
“Just do it over there please,” Hannah chimed in.
“Yeah, I don’t need that stink after such a long drive,” Zoey agreed.
“Relax ladies,” Brooke quieted them down, then looked at Violet pointedly. “Violet will take him off in the bathroom and wash her feet, right?”
“You bitches are just jealous that you can’t pull off boots like these,” Violet teased, lifting the foot I was wrapped around and placing it on the arm rest of the couch, right next to where Maya was sitting.
“Hey hey woah! Get that thing away from me!” Maya shot, leaning away from her and holding her hands up between her face and the boot.
I was completely mortified being the center of attention like this. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.
“Sure, sure,” Violet laughed, putting her foot back on the floor. She looked at Brooke and got serious. “But why am I taking him off?”
“While we were waiting for you, Carley asked Nick to be transformed back to a human for the night,” Brooke responded. “And I want to do something nice for our newest sister!”
I was taken aback. She was actually going to let me be human again? No way, this is too good to be true, Brooke already laid out her plans to torture me. Looking around the room, the other girls, except Carley, seemed just as surprised. They were all there when Brooke made her intentions for me known after all.
“Alright,” Violet said and walked off to the bathroom. Without closing the door, she unzipped her boot, the leather falling away from me as she did so. It was absolute bliss! The pressure and heat dissipated as I was exposed to the open air. Once I was fully unzipped, she popped her boot off and set it down on the floor. She looped her fingers into my hem and pulled me down scrunching my body up. A shudder ran through me as Violet pulled me past her toes. It was so cold now I wasn’t touching her skin. I could still feel the funk of her foot soaked into me, but at least now I could feel the open air.
A few moments later, Violet walked out of the bathroom, her legs and feet freshly washed. She carried me in one hand, and her boots in the other, my matching sock pressed into the heel of one of them.
She dropped her boots on the floor by the hallway door and rejoined the girls in the living room. Violet held me out to Brooke, who recoiled.
“I don’t want to touch your nasty sock! Put it on the floor!” Brooke shouted, pointing to the ground in front of her.
Being referred to in such a way was humiliating, and I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and hide away from the world, after I was turned human of course. The other girls chuckled, deepening my humiliation. I could see the hopeful expression on my girlfriend’s face from across the room.
Violet stuck out her tongue at Brooke and dropped me onto the floor. I panicked as I went into a free fall without the ability to catch myself or brace for the impact. I landed softly and I was again glad that none of them could hear me scream in my mind.
“Okay, Carley, come on over and be ready to greet your boyfriend for the night!” Brooke said, waving her over and raising her phone toward me. Carley stood and walked over to stand over me.
Brooke aimed her camera at me and tapped the screen a few times. Even as the feeling of the transformation washed over me, I didn’t allow myself to hope. There’s no way Brooke would restore me. It only took a few seconds to realize I was right. My body changed, but it didn’t grow very much.
A few things happened at once when my transformation stopped. Violet, who was still standing nearby, and Brooke broke out into laughter. At the same time, Carley’s face went beet red, her hands went to her mouth and she turned away. The others, who couldn’t see from where they were, stood and stepped over, then joined in on the laughter.
It took me a moment to realize what Brooke had transformed me into. I had become a plug-in, vibrating hitachi magic wand.
“What’s wrong Carley?” Brooke finally said between laughs. “Now you can have your fun tonight with your boyfriend.”
Carley wasn’t able to compose herself, both seemingly disappointed that I wasn’t human again, and embarrassed that the entire room was picturing her masterbating with a sex toy.
“But… you said…” Carley stuttered.
“Oh relax, girl, it’s just a joke,” Brooke waved her off. “I told you he has to stay TFed for the road trip. Now take him back to your room, we gotta go get dinner.”
“But, he…” Carley stammered.
“We could turn him back into a dirty sock if you’d rather?” Brooke asked as the other girls started to get ready to go.
“No, no, I’ll take him,” Carley was clearly defeated. She scooped me up and held me close to her stomach as if embarrassed to be holding me. Pushing the door open, she rushed down the hall. Opening the door to her room, which was an exact duplicate of Violet’s, she tossed me onto the bed with a quick “Sorry” and rushed out.
I lay there for hours before the door finally opened and Carley walked in. She moved slowly, almost like she didn’t want to face me. Eventually she sat down on the bed next to me.
“So… I’m sorry you got wrapped up in all this,” Carley finally addressed me.
I wanted so bad to yell out to her, explaining that she had to get me the fuck away from Brooke before things got worse. But I had to sit there, as a sex toy, in agonizing silence.
“I swear I’ll make this up to you. I hope… I hope being a sock wasn’t… wasn’t as bad as it maybe seems like…” Carley got up quickly and stepped away from the bed. “God this is so weird talking to a sex toy…”
She turned back to me and bit her lip, which she always did when she was getting riled up. What was she thinking…?
“Well maybe I can make it up to you now…” Looking at me out the top of her eyes, she started to slowly strip off her shirt, revealing one of my favorite bras that she wears. With a wink, she pulled her leggings down and tossed them aside, running her hands up and down her body.
Part of me liked what I was seeing, but part of me hated her for doing this. Being so near to her but unable to touch her was almost painful. I practically growled when she turned enough to give me a view of her perky, sculpted ass. I was getting so worked up that if I was restored at that moment I would wait until after I had sex with her to warn her about Brooke.
Carley stepped over and put her elbows on the edge of the bed, giving me an appetizing view of her cleavage. I whimpered, a desperate need to be with her washing over me. I saw something happen in Carley’s eyes just then. She had an idea, I could tell.
“So um… I…” Carley stammered without looking at me. “...Sorry…”
What was she doing? Carley picked up my plug and walked over to the nightstand. Wait, was she…? Before I could finish the thought, Carley pushed my plug into the power outlet built into the lamp.
I nearly jumped out of my skin at the feeling of the electricity washing through me. It didn’t hurt, but it was intense. It reminded me of when I had a heat stroke. The doctor put me on an IV and ran it at full flow, I could feel the cold liquid spreading through the veins in my arm. Though it also felt like I just chugged seventeen energy drinks. I was amped up, almost frantic.
The sensation was so overwhelming that the next thing I noticed was Carley picking up the wand part of me. I brought myself back to reality to see that she was laying against the headboard, her knees spread open.
Shit, she was going to…? Before I could finish the thought, she flipped the switch on my body. Intense vibrations ripped through me, setting my nerve endings on fire. I couldn’t even decide if what I felt was pain, intense sexual sensation, or exaggerated muscular exertion. Whatever it was overwhelmed me and I could barely think straight. And I couldn’t see a thing, my body was moving so fast that nothing was clear.
But then I felt something pressing into me. It was soft, wet, and warm, and thankfully it seemed to draw some of the intensity of the vibration out of my body. I could see well enough now to realize that what I suspected was correct.
I was pressed against Carley’s clit. She was still wearing her panties, but I could feel the moisture soaking through. The moment I touched her skin, Carley let loose a moan that hinted at a long-pent-up sexual desire. Her hands gripped me like her life depended on it. I started to move slowly up and down her slit, which was becoming more and more wet as the seconds ticked by.
I couldn’t believe that this was happening… it was… actually kind of hot. Though to be honest I was having a hard time enjoying it with the overwhelming sensations ripping through me. Carley pressed me into herself harder. It felt like I was pushing her panties into her slit. Above me, she was struggling to contain her moans and grunts.
“Oh shi… oh shii…” her breathy voice reached me. Her hips twitched and shuddered around me. Then they tensed up, the muscles growing taught. Carley pressed her eyes shut and bit her lip, a forceful squeak slipping past her lips.
A moment later, she heaved a heavy sigh and flipped me off, the vibrations stopping instantly. I was grateful for that, but the feeling of energy flowing through me didn’t cease. It was impossible to relax like this, my entire body seemed to be working on overdrive.
“Sorry… I um… couldn’t help myself…” Carley whispered to me. She rolled off the bed and walked off to the bathroom on shaky legs.
She was going to unplug me before she goes to bed right? It would be a long night if she left me plugged in…