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Sorority Experience: Prologue

“So you want to… transform me… into an object? What, like a fork or something?” I asked, still trying to wrap my head around what my girlfriend was suggesting.

We were at her parents house, where she was currently living, but not for long. Her second year of college was about to start and she was getting ready to move into a sorority house that was pledging. Most of the things she needed for her room there had already been moved out, and she had around two weeks worth of clothes and toiletries packed into a large suitcase and backpack.

I came by for a visit and to see if she needed any help packing the last of her things. By the time I arrived, she was ready to go, with her suitcase already loaded in the car. So now we were just hanging out in the living room.

“No!” Carley laughed at me. “Not a fork, silly. Something…” she bit her lip. “Something… sexy.” She brushed her blonde hair back out of her face, tucking it behind her ear as she bit her lip. She looked me up and down and ran a hand sensually over her chest. “Something like… my top… or my bra…”

I was at a loss for words for a while. Sure I knew about the Transform-It app, it was all over the news and many of my friends talked about it. But to be turned into clothing for my girlfriend? Is this hot? Or just weird? My brain worked overtime trying to give me a straight answer to that question.

“Come on,” Carley said, stepping in close to me and running her hand further up my chest. “You know you would love hugging my tits all day…”

“I don’t know,” I said slowly. “I don’t know if I like being unable to… do anything really. I’d be helpless.” My voice almost broke at the last word. As a man, I’d been conditioned to not show weakness, and even implying my helplessness was enough to make me uncomfortable.

“You’ll be with me the whole time… You know what, how about I turn you into something for, say… two hours. Then I’ll turn you right back and we can talk about it. I’m sure you’ll like it…”

Two hours didn’t seem so bad. Maybe this is a good way to see if I like it. And I do trust Carley, we hadn’t been together for too terribly long, but I trusted her. I heaved a heavy sigh.

“Sure, but can we start with something that’s… not your clothes at first?” I said, rubbing the back of my head. “Let’s ease into it a bit.”

Carley jumped up and down with excitement, sending her modest-but-sexy cleavage to bouncing. She wasn’t a short woman, but I was still taller than her and had a good view down her moderately-low-cut dress. She wasn’t overweight by any means, but she had appealing curves. God did she have all the right curves…

I was lost in that thought for a moment and didn’t even realize that she stepped away and grabbed her phone.

“So you won’t be able to talk to me at all while you’re transformed,” Carley explained as she tapped through her phone, opening the Transform-It app. “And won’t worry, I have the perfect TF in mind that you are going to love!”

“Oh, um okay, two hours right?” I said, still nervous about this.

Carley aimed her phone camera at me and tapped a button on her screen. Immediately I felt a weird shiver running through me, almost as if I was becoming numb. At the same time, my point of view started to change. I was almost dizzyingly falling toward the floor, though I was still standing. I started to lose feeling in my limbs as I felt them pull into my torso. Other changes overcame me, but I didn't have words to explain how they felt. Before I knew it, I was looking up at her from the floor, not even tall enough to see over the toe of her shoe.

Carley was beside herself with excitement, the biggest smile I’d ever seen plastered to her face.

“You look so good!” she practically screamed as she bent over to retrieve me. Again I got a good look down her dress in the process. Her fingers, as big as cars to me, looped through my body and lifted me up. As I left the ground I got a better sense of what I was. My body had been turned into a jewelry chain with some kind of pendant in the center. She had turned me into a necklace!

“Oh, you are perfect, let me show you!” Carley said as she lifted me to her eye line and then walked into the bathroom.

I’ll admit that being this high, relatively at least, was terrifying. It seemed like I was ten stories up. It didn’t help that Carley was swinging me around either. Though I guess it makes sense that she was not empathetic to my situation.

Soon, we stopped and I got a good look at us in the mirror. Carley held me up in her fist and brought me close to the glass so I could see better. I was a gold chain, like I suspected. One end of me was a pretty classic clasp, and in the middle of my long body, attached into the chain itself, was a thin teardrop pendant. The odd part of it was that the entire chain, my entire body, seemed to be a single continuous object, rather than a collection of links. That made sense I guess, since as I understand it, it’s impossible for the Transform-It app to split a person into multiple objects.

“See?” Carley said with a smile “You look so good! But you aren’t just for looking at…”

Carley shifted her grip on me, taking me by the two ends of my chain and pulled be behind her neck. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I looked down, her impressive cleavage even more pronounced from this angle. It was incredible, each of her tits the size of an entier room!

I felt that rush I get at the onset of an erection, though it wasn’t focused between my legs like normal, but seemed to run through my whole body. She fumbled with the clasp for a moment before she looped me through myself. It was an odd feeling, almost like I was sitting with my leg tucked under me. And then she let go of me.

While she was doing up my clasp, I was held up near her collarbones, but when she let go, I fell, slipping down her chest. That meant that sweet, alluring canyon between her tits rushed up at me. I landed hard enough to embed slightly therein. Carley laughed above me, the movement shaking her chest to either side of me subtly.

“Aw, look at you, tucked in my tits!” Carley teased.

A shudder ran through me, her warm, soft flesh on either side of me pressing in pleasantly. I had to admit that this wasn’t all that bad. Carley chuckled and took her chest in both hands, pressing them together, burying my pendant in her cleavage. That pre-erection chill ran through me again. It was weird, because part of me fell into darkness, but I could still see, as if I had eyes along my entire body.

“Oh shit,” Carley said out of nowhere, letting go of herself and letting her chest fall apart again. “I have to go! I need to be at the sorority house in ten minutes! When you came over, I lost track of time!”

Carley’s chest bounced subtly with each rushing as she gathered up her phone and purse. Without missing a beat, she rushed out to the car, fishing her keys out of her purse in the process. After she climbed in and started the car, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, and started to back out of the driveway.

At first she chatted with me, talking about how excited she was to transform me finally, and how the next year of college was going to work with her living in the sorority. Soon, though, her attention shifted completely to the road. I knew Carley well enough to know that her single-minded focus kicked in since she was late. She would be locked in like this until she made it to her destination. And you know what? I didn’t even really care. I was nestled in what had to be one of my favorite places: between her tits!

I honestly did want her to arrive on time, I knew that joining this sorority was important to her and that she had to make a good first impression. But since there wasn’t anything I could do to help her, I let myself sort of zone out. I generally saw the world passing by through the window, but I couldn’t tell you where we were to save my life.

“Made it!” I was shaken out of my introspection by Carley’s pronunciation. Looking at the clock I saw that it was dead on the hour, so she did indeed arrive on time. Pulling the sunshade down, Carley opened the mirror and played with her hair for a moment, making sure it was sitting just perfect. Then she popped the door open and walked up to the house.

Now that we were outside, I could see that the sorority house was sitting more or less on its own. The neighboring house could be seen through the trees, but only just. Sitting as far back from the road as it was, the girls could probably sunbathe in the front yard without drawing any kind of attention. I knew the college was nearby, but it too was out in the country, so this made sense.

Carley made her way up to the door casually, as if she wasn’t just rushing to get here. The letters “ZTA” were emblazoned over the front door, standing for Zeta Tau Alpha, the name of the sorority. Before Carley even got to the door, it swung open. Standing in the threshold was an athletic-looking woman with short brown hair. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her. She was wearing skin-tight black leggings and nothing on top except for a purple sports bra. While it was high-necked enough to not show cleavage, it very clearly revealed the woman’s six-pack abs and gave her an incredibly appealing shape.

“Hi!” she called. “I’m Hannah, come on in, we’re all here!”

“Hi! I’m Carley,” my girlfriend responded as she stepped into the house behind her. The front door opened right into the living room, where several other girls lounged about on the arranged couches and recliners.

Hannah introduced Carley to the group. A thick, shorter latina woman with brown hair was introduced as Maya. Zoey, a petite, flat-chested woman with long red, curly hair was next. Following her was Luna, a towering six-foot woman with stark white hair. When Hannah said her name, Luna seemed to snap to reality as if she was lost in thought. Last was Violet. She was remarkably average with the exception of her jet-black lips. Her hair matched the color and was shaved on the sides and back, the top pulled into a bun at the back of her skull.

It felt weird to be here. Even though none of them knew about me, it felt off to be inside a sorority while they talked so casually. I almost felt like I was spying on them. The fact that I had no control over any of that didn’t lessen that guilt at all.

Carley was welcomed in and they all sat around in the living room, chatting away. I actively tried to keep a distance from the conversation, as it made me feel dirty to be listening in like this. But then something brought me back into the conversation.

“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done with a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, I guess,” Luna asked, her attention directed at Carley.

“Me?” she paused as if embarrassed. Maybe they put her on the spot. “Not much I guess, I mean I sucked him off while he was playing Call of Duty online…”

“Well that’s a start, but there has to be something crazier than that!” Hannah laughed.

Carley’s hand raised to me and started to play with my pendant. Her fingers felt warm and sensual, I got lost in the feeling for a moment.

“Well…” she started. My attention immediately came back and I looked up at her. I recognized that tone, it was the same one she used when she had juicy gossip. “I um… I transformed him…”

“You used the Transform-It app! What’s that like?” Zoey chimed in, leaning forward with interest.

“No, forget that, what did you turn him into?” Luna cut her off.

“Well um,” Carley said and looked down at me.

“He’s that necklace, isn’t he?” Hannah asked.

“Yup! This is my Nick-necklace! I finally got him to agree to it!” Carley said excitedly, with a hint of nervousness at the edge of her voice.

The girls reacted differently, some of them standing to get a better look at me, others laughed, and I could have sworn I saw Violet's hand reach down to her crotch as if she was aroused by the thought.

A deep sense of shame ran through me in this moment, the eyes of the women around me boring holds in my gold body. I wanted this over now, but even then I don’t know how I planned to face any of these girls again now that they know I was transformed by my girlfriend. And while I was sitting in her tits no less! I don’t think I had ever been so mortified in my life…

“Nick…?” a new voice sounded from behind Carley. My blood froze. That voice…

Carley gave a start and turned around, looking to see the new woman. We were greeted by a petite, short woman with long brown hair and brown eyes. It was a woman I was very familiar with. It was her. My ex girlfriend, the crazy one that I barely got away from.

“Hi! I’m Brooke, sorry I wasn’t here when you came in!”

“Nice to meet you! And yes, my boyfriend’s name is Nick,” Carley said with a cheerful voice.

“And you said you two were from Springfield?” Brooke asked thoughtfully, something stirring behind her eyes.

There is only one reason why she was asking that. She suspected that it was me!

“Yeah…” Carley said, seemingly not sure why she was asking this.

I was watching Brooke carefully, and I saw what could only be a glimmer of recognition in her eyes. Was ‘Nick from Springfield’ enough for her to figure it out? Wait, if Carley was rushing this sorority, Brooke might have cyberstalked her. Were there pictures of Carley and me together on social media? Shit. Brooke knows it’s me, she has to!

This could not be worse. I feared what she would do now that we were part of each other's lives again. I know that it’s important to Carley that I spend time with her friends, how could I avoid Brooke now that she was sisters with Carley? I did not look forward to that conversation with my girlfriend.

“So anyway, not to jump into business so soon, but Carley, can I talk to you for a bit?” Brooke said,waving Carley over toward her.

“Yeah sure!” Carley jumped to her feet and followed my ex-girlfriend into the kitchen.

“So we decided to take a trip down to one of our sister chapter’s houses for a couple of days, did you want to come with us? You’re already packed right?” Brooke asked.

“Is that okay?” Carley asked. “I’m not an official member yet.”

“Perfectly fine!” Brooke waved her off. “I’m sorority president here, and you’ll be my guest!”

Perfect. Not only is Brooke part of the sorority, but the leader. Will I be able to avoid her at all?

“Yeah, that would be great! Just let me drop off my boyfriend first…” Carley started.

“You know what, why don’t you bring him?” Brooke cut her off before she could finish.

No, no no, this is not happening! If Brooke wants me around that can only be bad for me! I shouted in my head, trying to will Carley into denying her request.

“You sure?” Carley was taken aback, though not as much as I was.

“Yeah! I mean, maybe keep him transformed for the drive at least,” Brooke spoke as if she was making this up as she went, but I got the impression that she was purposely leading somewhere. “Not all the girls would be okay with a man coming along, but once we get there, he can change back! It’s only a two-day drive, so it won’t be long.”

“Okay, that would be great!” Carley seemed excited. I was panicking in my head, screaming at her to take this back, to not do this to me.

“It might be hard to get the girls to agree,” Brooke said, holding her chin in her hand as if she was thinking about how to make this work. “I have an idea, let me transfer his data to my app. With me in charge of his transformation, the girls won’t be able to refuse!”

And there it was, Brooke’s plan coming out. She wanted control of my transformation! This can’t be happening, there is no way I was giving that crazy bitch that much control! Come on, Carley, you know this isn’t right!

“I don’t know about that…” Carley seemed hesitant. “I think I want to keep control of him. He didn’t even really want to do it in the first place…”

Thank god! She had my back.

“So you don’t trust me? We’re going to be sisters…” Brooke was laying the guilt on thick, a routine I was familiar with from our time together. Then she changed her tone and got serious, crossing her arms over her chest. “You know, if you can’t trust your sisters, maybe you aren’t Zeta Tau Alpha material…”

“No, no,” Carley spat, the threat of being denied entrance clearly working. “You know what, sure…”

Brooke lit up, though I got the impression that she was still holding some of her excitement back. No! I screamed in my mind again, begging Carley to reconsider. I was nearly sobbing at the thought of being at Brooke’s mercy.

“Great! To transfer his data, I need permission from your app and I need to scan him, can you take him off?”

“Oh uh, yeah,” Carley reached behind her and fiddled with my clasp. In front of us, Brooke pulled her phone out and tapped through it. I fell away from Carley’s neck and she held me out to Brooke.

My ex-girlfriend reached out and took a hold of me. As Carley reached into her purse for her phone, Brooke looked down at me with the most evil look I had ever seen on her face, which is saying a lot, because she had her moments during our relationship. She buried the look quickly, but it lingered in my mind.

I watched in a haze as my fate was sealed. Brooke scanned me with her phone and Carley read aloud a transfer code that came up on hers. I felt a shudder run through me. It was done. My fate was now fully in Brooke’s hands.

“Did you bring your luggage with you?” Brooke asked Carley, still playing innocent.

“Yeah, it’s in the car.”

“Great! Go and bring it in,” Brooke said, making no move to give me back to her.

“What about…?” Carley asked, pointing to me, still gripped firmly in Brooke’s hand.

“I’ll take good care of him, don’t worry!” Brooke waved her off.

“Um… okay,” Carley looked down at me, reluctant to leave, but she did turn away and headed outside to the car.

Brooke followed her to the front door and closed it behind her. Then she immediately turned to the other girls.

“Girls, girls!” she practically shouted. “You’ll never believe who this is!” Brooke held me up for them to see.

“Carley’s boyfriend…?” Luna asked, not understanding the significance of that.

“This is my ex!” Brooke’s excitement didn’t ease up at all.

“Wait, the boyfriend that kink shamed you?” Hannah asked, starting to understand.

What?! No, this is crazy, I never kink shamed her, what the hell was going on?

“Yeah, you wanted to explore your sexuality and he refused and shamed you for it, right?” Zoey asked.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. The only possible thing I could think of was when I politely refused to bring another man into our bedroom. Brooke wanted a threesome with a friend of hers, but I explained that I didn’t want to share her and didn’t feel comfortable sleeping with a man. I felt terrible about it for weeks and apologized in every way I knew how. But Brooke gave me the cold shoulder, and eventually ended up cheating on me with two men at once. When I confronted her about it, she went off on me, saying I was suffocating her and making her give up her heart’s desire. She even talked to my friends and poisoned them against me. Eventually I had to dump her because she would not let it go. What the hell did she tell these women?

“It gets better! I convinced Carley to take him with us on our trip! And guess what? I even got her to transfer his data to my phone!” I had never seen Brooke this excited about anything before. Suffice to say, I was terrified.

“No way!” Zoey practically laughed. “So you have control over his transformations now?”

“Yep! And I think it’s time I get my revenge, what do you say, girls? Want to help me torture and humiliate this asshole?”

The other girls responded with rousing cheers and evil looks. I was stunned and terrified. My vengeful, insane ex-girlfriend had complete control over my very body and had five accomplices excited about making my life hell. How could being a necklace for two hours for a loving girlfriend go so wrong so fast?

“So Carley won’t be long, how should we start with him?” Brooke asked the other girls with a sense of urgency.

“I got it, let me take him and your phone. Stall Carley,” Violet suggested, reaching out for Brooke’s phone and me. As the door started to open behind them, Brooke handed me over and let Violet slip out through the kitchen and down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

Damn it, Carley, hurry up! See me, rescue me!

We dipped into one of the bedrooms and Violet set me down on the bed next to Brooke’s phone. Goddamn it was frustrating being so close to freedom but utterly able to reach out and push the buttons to save me.

Violet turned around, opened the top drawer of her dresser, and dug around a bit, finally turning back to me with something in her hand. It was a thigh-high purple and pink sock. The opening of the sock had a pair of little cat ears sticking up past the hem, and a cartoony cat nose and mouth on the front.

“So I lost the pair to this a while back, but I think you’ll fill in nicely!” Violet taunted, keeping her voice low, presumably so Carley wouldn’t hear. Damn it, Carley, why are you letting them do this? Why aren’t you coming to find me?

Violet laid the sock out next to me and lifted the phone, aiming the camera at it. After tapping away, she turned the camera to me and pushed the button. I felt my body shifting and changing like it did before. I grew, but flattened out and reformed, the hard surface of my body shifting and changing to become softer. Not long after it started, it stopped and I settled into my new shape. It was hard to tell what it was, but I knew what happened.

“Perfect!” Violet announced. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled the other sock over her foot. I knew I was next, and I didn’t like what that meant. Without hesitation, Violet grabbed me and lowered me down to her bare foot. My mind raged against what was happening. I could even smell her feet from here. Then she touched her toes to my opening. I thought it would feel like she was pressing her toes into my mouth, but that wasn’t really the case. It was more like I was holding her tight.

As Violet pressed her foot further into me, I could feel her warm, smooth skin pressing into me. For a moment, I felt a shudder of pleasure. Despite everything, I was still touching a woman’s bare leg after all, and some parts of me reacted before my brain could kick in. I kept rising up her leg until I came to a stop, my hem around halfway up her thigh. I felt her toes pressing into me, the smell of her clearly unwashed foot assaulting my senses. It felt weird and wrong for her toes to be pressed into me like this.

Though before I could think more about that, she stood up and started walking. I screamed silently to myself as her entire weight came down on me. There was relief for a moment, but then the pressure hit me again. Every step was intense.

Violet stepped back into the living room, where the girls were gathered and a very worried Carley was talking to Brooke. I hated seeing them together, who knew what poison Brooke was trying to infect her with.

“Ah, here she is now!” Brooke said, waving over at Violet and I. Clearly they had been talking about Violet, probably about how she was given control over what I became next.

“But… where’s Nick?” Carley said, her voice breaking slightly and her brow heavily furrowed.

“Here! I lost one of these socks, so Nick’s filling in!” Violet said in a bubbly voice as she bent the knee wearing me forward, popping her foot up on her toes to show me off. “He turned out so cute, didn’t he?”

“You turned him into… a sock?” Carley was clearly taken aback. I could tell she wasn’t fully okay with this, but I could tell that she was holding back. I didn’t blame her for that, she had just met them and wanted to make a good impression, but at my expense?

“Oh, should I not have done that?” Violet asked, playing innocent, looking between Brooke and Carley.

“No, no you’re fine, girl!” Brooke chimed in before Carley would react. As she spoke, she stepped forward and accepted her phone back from Violet. “He can’t be really harmed while he’s TF-ed, so he’ll be fine!”

Carley looked around at the collected women. It was like she was looking for an ally, but none of the sisters seemed to think there was any problem. They either smiled in response to her, or turned to casually chat with each other.

“Is that okay?” Brooke stepped forward and put her hand on Carley's shoulder, a fake look of concern on her face. “If you don’t trust us, I guess maybe we could change him into something else…? Though, I gotta say, it would be kind of fucked up if you didn’t trust us with him…”

“It’s…fine,” Carley started, clearly hesitant to say that, but feeling the pressure. “Two day drive right?”

My heart dropped. How was she not helping me? Damn it, can she not see what’s happening here? I know I talked to her about my crazy ex… wait, did I never say her name? Does Carley not know that Brooke is my crazy ex?

“Yup! And a one-night stay in a hotel. So he’ll be back human in no time!” Hannah added, then continued, addressing Carley’s apparent confusion. “Brooke told us about the agreement.”

“So he’ll be human at the hotel?” Carley asked, hopefully.

“No…” Brooke said, her expression confused. “We agreed until we got to the other chapter house, right? Besides, there will be so much girl time at the hotel there won’t be time for any action anyway!”

“Yeah… um, okay,” Carley was still not sold on the idea, but was going along with it anyway.

“Great! So why don’t we get Carley set up in her room? We have to get on the road early tomorrow morning!” Brooke said, ushering Carley toward the bedrooms.

“Tomorrow?” Carley said, my own inner voice echoing her sentiment. My time as a sock was extending by the minute…

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