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Someone Else’s Wish (Onahole TF)

Alina is a model. But not the stereotypical model. She was on the larger side, and objectively a very beautiful woman. She was what most people considered ‘curvy.’ She was also the friendliest person in the neighborhood. It was common to see her out walking, her favorite way to stay in shape. And being a model, she was always dressed to impress. The joke among the neighborhood was that she never wore the same outfit twice, which was of course ridiculous. Granted she had such an extensive collection of clothes that by the time she came around to the same outfit, so much time had passed that no one remembered it.

Jake, who lived next door, was absolutely infatuated with her. He saw her outside constantly, whether she was going out for her walks, tending to her garden, or doing yoga in her backyard. He often found reasons to talk to her, even if it was just a couple of words over the fence.

Alina was well aware of his infatuation, and while she meant no offense, she was not interested in a relationship with him. Being a social person for basically her whole life, she was an expert in being friendly with him while dodging his advances. Jake often found himself leaving their conversations with a smile on his face despite having made no progress in getting into her pants.

After a while, he figured out her game, realizing that she was deflecting his attempts to flirt. So he finally confronted her and asked her on a date. She, unsurprisingly, turned him down in her gentle, kind way. That night he cracked a beer and sat on his back porch well after the sun went down. It was a pleasant enough night, but he was still sulking after the rejection.

Jake glanced up in time to see a shooting star streaking across the sky.

“I wish Alina would be my own personal onahole,” he muttered aloud to himself, not meaning it literally, but rather that she would be his real-life sex doll, aka, a couple of holes for him to fuck. With a sigh he finished the last bit of his beer and stood up to go inside.

At that exact moment, Alina was lounging on her couch in an oversized t-shirt and panties, mindlessly watching the latest doctor drama. A weird shiver ran through her body, the words ‘I wish Alina would be my own personal onahole,’ whispered in her ear.

“What the fuck?” she shouted, practically jumping to her feet and stepping away from the couch as if the words came from inside the fabric. Suddenly, she felt dizzy and lightheaded. Though instead of getting better like she expected, it only got worse, until the room was spinning around her uncontrollably.

Alina took a few more steps, her head in her hand, trying desperately to steady the world. Her efforts were in vain and she eventually fell down to her knees. Or at least that’s what it felt like. But as she fell forward, she never felt the ground meet her. In fact she couldn’t feel anything. The world went dark as she lost consciousness.

Next door, Jake walked into his kitchen, tossing the empty beer can at the trash can. He frowned as it clattered to the floor, missing by several feet. He shook his head and yawned, turning to head upstairs to his bedroom.

Jake stopped, seeing something on the dining room table. Not sure what he was looking at, he stepped closer. It was an onahole! Roughly the size of a large flashlight, it looked like the exaggerated naked body of a woman, though with no arms or legs. The toy’s head was the width of her torso and bent back, so she was looking straight up from her body. Her mouth and vagina were comically exaggerated, large enough to fit a hard cock.

“What the…?” he asked out loud, leaning over to get a better look in the gloom of the kitchen. “That looks like…” Jake stopped when he realized that the onahole in front of him looked like Alina! The face had the wrong proportions, sure, but it was undeniably his neighbor.

Jake’s words cut through to Alina, who lay motionless on a hard surface. Looking around, panic gripped her when she realized she couldn't move. Her eyes found Jake hovering above her, many times larger than he should be.

She tried to beg him for help, but she couldn’t form words. Jake reached down and took a hold of her. Alina tried to pull away, but her body wasn’t responding to her commands. She could feel his giant fingers wrapping around her body.

“So I guess… I guess that wish actually worked…?” Jake asked as much as said. “Well might as well break her in.”

Fear gripped Alina, but she was helpless to do anything about it as Jake lowered her to his side and walked off toward the stairs to the second floor.

Jake was getting excited, his cock starting to strain against the inside of his gym shorts. Alina on the other hand was terrified. Her brain was barely able to wrap around what had happened, she hadn’t even been allowed the luxury of asking why. As Jake walked, he swung her back and forth so she couldn’t even keep track of where she was.

The swinging paused as Jake pushed a door open. Alina saw a messy bedroom in front of them. Jake took a few steps forward and tossed his new sex toy onto the bed without warning.

Alina screamed in her head at the unexpected flight. She couldn’t control her body or brace for landing, which made her predicament all that much more terrifying. Though it was all for naught as she landed softly on the bed with no pain. She couldn’t see Jake, which made her nervous.

Oblivious to what she was feeling, Jake pulled his shorts down, kicking them up against the wall, where it settled into a pile of similar clothes. He eyed his new toy’s ass, the perfect, realistic looking skin tempting him.

Licking his lips, he pulled off his underwear, dropping it to the ground and leaving him in just a t-shirt. He looked around for a moment, grabbing a TV remote from his cluttered nightstand and climbing onto the bed.

As he moved into position sitting against the headboard, Alina got a good look at him, confirming her fears that he was naked from the waist down. She fearfully eyed his hard cock as he settled into position near her.

Jake smiled at her for a second before pointing the remote at the TV and clicking away. Alina didn't have a good look at the screen, but she heard music start, the kind of cheesy soundtrack typical in porno videos.

Licking his lips and putting the remote down, Jake leaned over and took a hold of Alina, lifting her into the air and bringing her closer to him.

“How about we get warmed up with a blowjob baby?” Jake whispered under his breath as if he was embarrassed to say it outloud.

Alina’s blood ran cold at his words, terrified at the implication. Before she knew it, she was being lowered toward his hard cock face first. Her body tensed up, trying to resist to no avail. She couldn't even close her eyes and was forced to watch as his seemingly giant dick approached her.

Jake moaned as the lips of the onahole pressed into the tip of his cock. He was pleasantly surprised at the subtle warmth of the toy, almost like it was an actual person. Despite her best efforts, Alina’s lips parted, allowing the massive head of his manhood into her mouth. Panic gripped her as her jaw stretched impossibly large to accommodate him.

A second hand wrapped around her body, squeezing her tightly in a huge bear hug. Jake brought her down toward his body steadily, again surprised at the wet-feeling interior. This really was a high-quality toy.

To Alina’s disgust, she could taste him. And it was clear that he hadn’t taken a shower in quite a long time. The sweat and grime of a day’s activity was clearly evident on his skin. Though the discomfort of the taste was pushed from her mind as Jake pressed himself further into her mouth, forcing his massive cock down her throat.

Panic gripped her as she felt him on the back of her throat. Alina felt the fear of not being able to breathe, despite not needing to in his form. Above and behind her, Alina started to hear the sounds of a woman moaning from the TV.

Jake bit his lip, the feeling of his new toy was better than anything he had ever experienced short of having sex itself. Watching the big-breasted woman bent over and railed in the porn video, he brought the toy all the way down to his hip. He couldn’t help but grunt at the way the onahole rubbed and stimulated his dick.

His unkept pubic hairs pressed into Alina’s lips, further increasing the disgust she felt. Her whole body was stretched uncomfortably, he was buried so deep into her that it felt like she was going to have a bowel movement.

Getting into the video, Jake raised her back up, only stopping when just his tip was still inside her mouth. Alina was relieved, but fearful, knowing what was coming next. And sure enough, Jake pressed down again, quicker this time.

As his breathing sped up and his hips rocked, he brought Alina up and down on his hard meat, faster and faster. The constantly changing sensations overwhelmed her until she couldn’t keep track of what was happening. If she was still human, she certainly would have vomited by now.

Above her, Jake was having the time of his life, his cock growing harder inside her. A thought occurred to him and he slowed and stopped. Alina could finally get her bearings, glad that he stopped and desperately hoping that he was done.

“Well that was great,” Jake said through deep breaths. “But enough foreplay, hm?”

Alina whimpered to herself at the implication of what he said. When he pulled her completely off his cock, she tried to enjoy the reprieve. But then he shifted his grip on her, turning her face toward the ceiling. From here, she could see the TV screen, which was playing what looked like stereotypical porn. The man was dressed as a plumber and was bending a lingerie-clad woman over a dining room table.

Before she could get a better look, she felt his warm member pressing up against her slit. Alina whimpered, but Jake didn't waste any time. Pressing down hard, she felt his cock spreading her out. If she was still human, this would certainly have ripped something, but her new body stretched to accept him. That wasn’t to say that she didn’t feel it. She felt every bit of his football sized cock head press into her.

Alina whimpered as Jack pulled her down hard. Again her body stretched in a similar way as before, though this time she couldn’t deny a certain level of pleasure as he rubbed and simulated the inside of her pussy. As she felt her hips touching his body, she felt like he was about to erupt out of her mouth.

Though by now Jack’s engine was well and truly revved. So almost as soon as he bottomed out inside his new toy he pulled back, stopping when he was roughly halfway out and thrusting back into her. She whimpered in her head as his thrusts quickly sped up until he was fucking her with an animalistic furiosity.

Just like before, Alina’s mind was barely able to keep up. Her entire body was stretched and distorted with every thrust, sending a confusing mix of sensations through her. The stretching of her body wasn’t exactly painful, but was certainly extremely uncomfortable and overrode any minor amount of sexual stimulation that she was feeling. The end result amounted to the worst, most unsatisfying sex she has ever had.

However, Jake was experiencing something very different. None of his sexual encounters in his life had been this intense. He grunted and moaned aloud as he rammed himself into the entire length of his new toy, his erection hard enough to break brick. Finally, his pace slowed, his head rolled back and his body quivered from head to toe.

Alina felt the change, and then felt the result. She could feel herself filling up as he fired off his load deep inside her. Even when he carefully extracted his cock from her, she felt as if her stomach and vagina were still full.

“Holy shit,” Jake breathed, letting the hand holding her to fall down at his side. He paused for a moment, his breath slowly coming under control.

He lifted her up so he was looking into her eyes.

“I don’t know how I know, but I know that’s you in there,” he said with a small smile. Alina screamed silently in her mind, cursing him for fucking her despite knowing what had happened.

“I wanted to be with you,” Jake continued, running a finger over her lips. Alina was repulsed, and would have pulled away if she could. “Though when I wished on that shooting star, I can’t say I expected it to actually happen. I’m glad it did, because that was the best sex I’ve ever had, I hope it was good for you.”

Alina sobbed, wishing she could communicate with him, tell him how horrible it was and begging to be returned to her normal body.

“I’ll just have to assume it was. It doesn’t look like you can talk after all. You know it’s weird. Intellectually, I know I should probably clean you out, but something tells me that you don’t need it. That your body will absorb my jizz.”

Alina didn’t know how to explain it, but she knew he was right. Even now, the pressure that it was causing inside her was lessening, if only just a barely registerable amount. Was this going to be her life now? Fucked hard and forced to EAT his disgusting load?

“Well I’m pretty tired after that. I would cuddle, but that’s not really my thing,” Jake laughed at his own bad joke. “God I can’t wait to use you again, and again. While I wanted you as my girlfriend and not my sex toy, maybe this is better. This way you’ll suck and fuck me every night, just like a good girlfriend should. Goodnight baby, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’d give you a kiss goodnight, but I bet your lips still taste like my cock, so I’ll pass.”

Jake put her down on the bed next to him and rolled over, pulling the blanket up over himself. Alina screamed, cursing and dreading her fate

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