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SomeONE Borrowed

“Ashley? What are you doing here?” I asked, surprised at the approach of my best friend’s work colleague.

I had just gotten out of my car in the parking lot of the most prestigious dress maker in the area. Not long ago, my best friend Megan had asked me to be her maid of honor! One of my duties was to pick up Megan’s dress, which is what I was doing when Ashley unexpectedly approached.

I know Megan worked with Ashley for years and they had become very close friends. I’ve spent time with her as well, though always when we were both invited somewhere by Megan. I got along with Ashley well enough, but there was always an odd coldness coming off her.

Never-the-less, I was always friendly with her and tried my best to improve our relationship. She was Megan’s second-best friend after all, so I wanted us all to get along! Though I was surprised to see her here. Picking up a dress is a one-woman job.

“Oh don’t be so dramatic, Leah, Megan sent me over!” Ashley responded to my question, her voice casual and just a bit more bubbly than I was used to, like she was hiding some reason to be extra happy today. “Her dress had some very specific requirements that she wanted me to check on before we accepted it.”

“Huh, okay,” I agreed, not wanting to rock the boat. I did find it odd that Megan didn’t tell me about those, but I didn’t press the matter.

We walked in together, where we were greeted by the front desk attendant, who went off quickly to retrieve our order. Ashley and I stood around awkwardly waiting for her. Well I felt a bit awkward at least, Ashley seemed perfectly happy. Almost too happy.

“Here you are!” the attendant announced, walking out with the dress in a black plastic bag.

“Can we take it into one of the dressing rooms for a moment?” Ashley asked. “There are a couple of things we need to check before we take it. No offense of course! I’m sure it’s perfect!”

“Of course!” The attendant responded and led us to the dressing rooms. Ashley waved me on and I followed, still very confused about what was happening.

Ashley accepted the dress from the attendant and walked into the dressing room, again waving for me to follow. I stepped in and watched Ashley shut the door behind me.

“So, umm what are we looking for?” I asked as Ashely hung it on a hook and pulled the plastic bag up so we could see the white dress. It was like I remembered it, a strapless, corset-style wedding dress.

“Nothing at all,” Ashley said with a sly smile. Before I could express my confusion, she snapped her fingers. Immediately I found myself frozen, my body completely locked up. None of my muscles responded except for my eyes. I panicked and stared at Ashley in fear. She just smiled that same smile.

“You stole the maid of honor position from me,” she said, putting her hands on her hips and staring me down. “So I am going to earn that position by saving her dress when you fail to pick it up and disappear.”

The blood drained from my face. How was she doing this to me? And what the hell was she talking about? I would never disappear on Mega, she was my best friend!

“Well I better hurry up,” she said and snapped her fingers again. The room started to spin and grow dark as I started to go faint and lost consciousness.

I was in darkness. For what felt like ages, I was trapped. I could faintly hear shifting and rustling in short bursts between long periods of silence, but other than that, I had no idea what was going on or why I was unable to move or talk.

After some rustling and moving I felt something shifting around me, then suddenly light flooded over me. After I adjusted, I took in my surroundings. I immediately noticed both Megan and Ashley looking right at me in awe. What the hell happened? Had Ashley kidnapped me or something? I know the fake kidnapping is something that friends do for important events sometimes, but not to the maid of honor and not for the wedding itself. Maybe for the proposal…

“It really is beautiful,” Megan said. “I’m just so glad you were able to get it. I still can’t believe Leah tried to run off with it.”

WHAT? Why would they say that I tried to steal the dress? And why were they talking about me like I wasn’t standing right here? Wait…WAS I standing right here? It didn’t feel like I was actually on my feet…

“Yeah I was shocked too! Why would she do that to her supposed best friend?” Ashley was standing behind Megan, so only I could see her evil expresion.

Ashley’s visage changed to a kind smile as soon as Megan turned to her. The two women embraced, holding it for a moment.

I tried to speak, to ask what they were talking about, but nothing happened. Like before, no part of my body responded.

“Oh shit, I have to go!” Megan said. “I have to go greet hair and makeup! Can you get my dress ready?”

“That’s what a maid of honor is for!” Ashley said, shooting me a knowing glance.

“Thanks, babe, you’re a lifesaver!” Megan said and ran off out the door, leaving me and Ashley alone.

Ashley walked up to me and reached around me, where I heard the rustling of plastic. It would seem that I was surrounded by a black plastic bag that looked familiar.

“So how are you?” Ashley asked, looking directly at me.

[Terrible! What the hell is happening?!] I tried yelling, though again, no sound was produced.

“Haha, yeah, the transformation process tends to scramble the brain a bit!”

[Transformation!? What the hell? Why can’t I move? And how can you hear me?]

“Well like I said at the dressmakers, you stole the maid of honor position. So I took it back! See no one knows this, but I am actually a powerful witch. So to get you out of the way, I transformed you into an exact copy of Megan’s wedding dress!”

My head was spinning. A witch? That’s not possible, what the hell was she on about? But then again, if I HADN’T been transformed into a dress, why couldn’t I move or talk? It seemed impossible, but it did explain a few things…

“It was perfect!” Ashley continued. “I was able to convince the dressmaker that she messed up the dress, so I got her to refund the price of the dress, to ME! So I got to be the hero that saved the wedding from an unhinged former friend AND I made myself a solid three thousand dollars!”

I was in complete shock. How the hell could I BE a wedding dress?!

“You know, it’s funny, here you are, Leah Johnson, big time lawyer known across the tri-state area, reduced to nothing but a scrap of cloth!” Ashley mocked. “Oh, shhh, Megan’s coming back, play it cool!” Ashley laughed at me as she quickly removed the plastic covering from around me and tossed it aside.

The door opened and Megan walked back in, looking at me with a smile. Two women walked in behind her carrying equipment bags.

“Alright, let’s get started!” Megan said and took her position in a chair in the middle of the room.

For the next hour and a half, I had to sit there and watch as Megan and Ashley had their hair and makeup done. I tried screaming to Megan, begging her to hear me and free me. But it became apparent that only Ashley could hear me.

Before long, the girls were done and Ashley walked over to me. The hair and makeup ladies wished the bride their best and slipped out. Megan started to strip down until she was standing there in her bra and panties, a matching white lacy set, no doubt picked out for the wedding night.

Ashley smiled evilly as she lifted me. I panicked at being raised so easily up into the air without the ability to brace myself. Once I was free of the coat hanger that was apparently holding me, I finally got a feeling of my ‘body.’ I felt thin and wispy, like there was no real substance to my body. 

“Are you ready for this?” Ashley asked Megan, carrying me over to her. Megan smiled at her and took a hold of me, lowering me down and stepping inside.

I panicked again, what the hell was going to happen to me? I didn’t have much time to contemplate what it was going to feel like as Megan pulled me up around her. I felt her warm, smooth skin rubbing up against the inside of my form, which was wholly disorienting.

I was assaulted by conflicting feelings. Her skin felt good, though the touch on the inside of my body was uncomfortable and just… wrong. A shudder ran through me as I felt her chest slip into me. Before I could wrap my head around the confusing feelings, I heard the sound of a zipper.

I yelped as I felt my body stitch together as Ashley closed the zipper up my back. I felt something akin to the breath being forced from my body like one might feel in a roller coaster car as it crested the first hill and started to fall. As I closed around Megan, I could feel her curves from waist to chest. As a straight woman, the idea of touching her so intimately disgusted me even as her warm skin felt pleasant against my body. Soon I was hugging her snugly, so much so that the strapless dress that became my body held tight to her torso.

“Oh my, she fits you so tightly!” Ashley said from behind Megan, her face plastered with an evil smile.

“‘She’ fits me?” Megan asked with a wrinkled brow. Now that I was out of the plastic bag, I could somehow see all around me, getting a view of Megan’s face and Ashley at the same time, despite Ashley standing behind the bride.

Ashley laughed. “Wow, what is wrong with me,” she said, faking a self-deprecating tone. Then looking right at me, she continued. “Clearly I meant ‘it.’ You look great!”

I nearly jumped out of my skin, or maybe out of my cloth, as Megan took a few steps, causing the skirt part of my body to shift around her ankles. Then a mirror came into view in front of us. Megan was a vision of beauty. Her subtle makeup was perfect, and her curly updo was immaculate. And, of course, she was wearing the pearl-white, corset-style, sleeveless wedding dress.

It was the weirdest feeling to be looking directly into a mirror but not seeing myself. I felt like the blood was drained from my face. My new reality as nothing more than a dress was now way more real than it was a moment ago, and my brain had a hard time comprehending that.

I admit to kind of losing my mind for a moment. I screamed in my head, denying what was happening and begging to be returned to my human form. If Megan could hear me, she made no indication. 

In fact, she reacted exactly as any bride would upon seeing themselves in their full wedding outfit. She started to tear up and her hands went to her mouth as she admired herself in the mirror. Ashley stepped up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. I felt her hand on me, pressing me subtly into Megan’s body.

“You look perfect,” Ashley reassured her. “You will make such a beautiful bride! It’s almost a shame that this dress will just end up in the closet after this.”

Her voice brought me back to the moment. Looking in the mirror, I could see Ashley’s face, and I swear she was mocking me at the same time as she reassured Megan.

“Oh did I not tell you?” Megan started. “My family has a tradition with our wedding dresses, that’s why it had to be custom made to such particular specifications. After the wedding, the dress is repurposed. Some of the lacy bits are removed and resewn into a matching bra and panty set and the dress itself is altered to be more casual so it can be used for everyday wear!”

“Oh yeah?” Ashley seemed way more excited by that news than made sense to anyone but me. In fact, she was nearly giddy.

I was completely in shock. I had actually already known this about Megan’s family, but I had been too distracted by my current situation to realize what that meant for me. My vision started to blur as I grew faint again, the implications of being ‘altered’ into a bra and panty set weighing on my mind.

“Yup! We’ve gotten pretty good at the process, so nothing gets wasted. I saw my sister’s set, it was beautiful! She had it dyed purple, I think she is wearing it tonight! But we need to get your dress on!”

Megan turned away from the mirror and crossed the room to where I had been hung up. I could see now that Ashley’s dress was hanging up there in its own plastic bag. As they pulled the plastic off, I recognized Ashley’s dress as the red, single-shoulder style that I helped Megan pick out. Soon both ladies were dressed and admiring themselves in the mirror. 

“Don’t we three look great!” Ashley said, again wrapping her arm around Megan.

“Three? What is wrong with you today?” Megan teased.

“I don’t know, I’m just excited I guess!” Ashley laughed. “Don’t you worry about me, let’s just get you down to your husband-to-be!”

Ashley eyed me in the mirror with her signature evil smile as the two ladies walked away. With every step, my body shifted and flowed around Megan’s feet in a most unnatural way, sending weird sensations through my mixed up body. I could also feel her hips and chest moving inside me, pulling and stretching me as I rubbed against her skin.

Not long later, Megan walked down the aisle, the entire packed church staring at her. I felt their eyes boring into me. I’ve stood in front of a crowded, less-than-friendly courtroom and felt perfectly at home, but here, even though no one knew what happened, I was utterly humiliated. I was nothing but a dress, being worn by my unknowing best friend. I kept my eyes down the entire time, not able to look at anyone. The ceremony passed slowly, my humiliation never abating.

The reception was no better. Megan seemed to spend the entire night on the dance floor, her jumping and gyrating rubbing me all over body. Soon I was feeling her sweat building up and soaking into my fabric.

The slow dances weren’t any better. Her now-husband held her tight, increasing the heat and awkwardness of my situation by sandwiching me between them. Ashley made it a point to mock me further. Sometimes she slapped Megan’s ass playfully, or wrapped her in a tight hug, both of which increased my discomfort.

And of course, I was still the center of attention. I wanted nothing more than to slink away into a corner and curl into a ball. Finally, the party started to die down and guests filed out. Megan took up position by the door and thanked everyone on the way out.

I sighed with relief. Finally she would take me off and this nightmare would end. But then I remembered that I was destined to have parts of me turned into a bra and panties. I started sobbing to myself, how could Ashley leave me like this?

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