Jenna had been friends with Tone for years. And in that time, she always admired him. He was kind-hearted, friendly, considerate, and frankly, hot as hell. He always took care of himself, eating right and exercising regularly. But through all that he somehow avoided becoming the gym-rat douchebag that many people like him end up as.
When Jenna met Tone, he was in a relationship with a good woman. Jenna respected that and never made a move on him no matter how much she wanted to. Then her opportunity came when his girlfriend moved out of town for her dream job, leaving Tone single again.
Even then, Jenna was hesitant to ask him out, she didn’t want to make him think that she had only been his friend to get into his pants. It didn’t help that Jenna was on the thicker side. She wasn’t obese by any reasonable person’s standard, but given that Tone was incredibly in shape, Jenna was pretty hard on herself.
When Jenna finally decided to make her move and ask Tone out for dinner, he excitedly told her about his new girlfriend, Bethany. Hiding her disappointment, Jenna agreed to go with him to dinner at her place.
She seemed like a good match for him. She was as much into healthy eating and exercise as Tone was, so Jenna was happy for him even as she was disappointed for herself. But then Tone excused himself to go to the bathroom, and Bethany’s attitude changed completely. She harshly eyed Jenna and warned her not to go after Tone, even though she had given no reason to think that she would.
Bethany even bragged at ‘winning’ Tone and said that she would only ever ‘give him up’ if he got fat. Jenna hid her true feelings about the new girlfriend for the rest of the visit, excusing herself at the earliest time that wouldn’t make her seem ungrateful.
Over the next week, Jenna seethed, hating that someone was good as Tone ended up with a heartless bitch like Bethany. But then she had an idea. One night, Jenna snuck her way into Bethany's house and waited in the master bedroom for her to get out of the shower. Jenna opened the bathroom door wearing nothing but a towel around her wet, naked body.
Jenna rushed her, grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her down to the floor. Bethany screamed at the sudden attack and scrambled to catch herself, her towel falling to the floor beneath her in the process. Jenna didn’t hesitate, she grabbed a hold of the tall, heavy dresser and pushed it down on top of the naked woman.
Bethany screamed for a moment, her voice cutting short as the dresser slammed hard into the floor, landing flat as if there was nothing underneath it at all. Jenna sighed, relieved that it was done. She knelt down next to the dresser and lifted it slowly back up into place. With the dresser standing up again, Bethany’s fate was revealed. She lay on the floor, still naked, her body flattened against the towel and carpet like a cartoon character who ran into a wall too fast.
Her eyes darted around in a panic, no other part of her moving. The weight of the dresser had turned her into what looked like a poster of her former self. Jenna looked over her with a smile, but didn’t say anything, not wanting to give away what plans she had for her. Instead, she simply peeled her off the carpet and carried her into the dining room, laying her out on the table.
Jenna took handfuls of the woman and pressed and shaped her like she was a lump of clay, shrinking her body and reforming it into something else. Grunting from the exertion for nearly a half hour, Jenna finally stood up straight and admired her work.
Sitting on the table was a buttplug with a flared base. While the shape perfectly matched the sex toy, the color and pattern of the woman it used to be was still visible on the surface.
Bethany didn’t know how it happened, but she knew what happened. Her mind raced trying to reconcile what was going on. Panic gripped her as she watched Jenna pull her leggings down, revealing a pair of purple cheeky panties. These too get pulled down as Jenna takes a hold of the transformed woman. As Jenna lifted her off the table, Bethany started to realize what was happening.
“Well, with you out of the way, I’ll have Tone all to myself,” Jenna said with a smug smile. “And with all the mean texts you’re about to send him, he’s going to need the comfort of his old friend. And who knows what might that lead to…” Jenna giggled and cutely waved to the transformed woman.
Bethany’s head was spinning, trying to make sense of everything. What did she mean ‘out of the way?’ What the hell was going to happen? Jenna lowered her down to waist level, moving her around toward her ass. She lifted her leg, putting her foot on a chair, revealing her naked asshole. Bethany freaked out, screaming in her own head, still not able to make use of her mouth.
With one hand, Jenna pulled her ass cheeks apart, and moved Bethany between them. She could smell the disgusting odor coming off the giant woman as her whole body tensed up, trying to reject what was happening. Jenna didn’t hesitate for a moment, pressing Bethany’s head to her puckered hole.
She chuckled, enjoying the torture that Tone’s soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend was likely experiencing. Bethany started to roll around as she was worked slowly against Jenna’s rear end. Being no stranger to inserting toys into her ass, Jenna knew exactly what she was doing. Despite this extensive experience, however, putting a toy of this size into place was a bit of a process, as Bethany was starting to learn.
While she couldn’t see Jenna’s asshole, she could feel it. Her head was pressing into the warm, slightly wet and puckered hole. Jenna rolled her around, alternating between pressing hard into herself and relaxing, slowly warming up her muscles to accept the intruder.
In one good hard, push, Bethany pressed deep, her eyes partially dipping inside Jenna. But it wasn’t quite time yet, and Jenna allowed her to slip back out. This was repeated several times, Bethany pushing deeper each time, sometimes even falling completely into darkness for a moment.
But then with a strong, steady push, she popped into place, Jenna’s asshole snapping back into place around the narrow end of Bethany’s new body, only the flared base preventing her from disappearing completely.
Jenna heaved a sigh, enjoying the feeling of her ass being filled, even more so knowing that it was the hated Bethany.
The buttplug woman was experiencing sometime completely differently, however. She was being pressed in from all sides by an unyielding, hot, wet surface. If that wasn’t enough, she was overtaken by a strong, unavoidable stench. Her eyes moved about frantically, her whole body feeling like it was tensing up, trying desperately to find some relief.
“Ah, damn, that feels good,” Jenna said, mostly to herself, sure that Bethany couldn’t hear her anymore. “Though I thought it might not go in there for a bit!”
Jenna put her foot back on the floor, unknowingly shifting Bethany’s prison, further overwhelming her. As she casually put her underwear and pants back on, Bethany was rubbed and pressed with varying degrees and direction of force. It was like being squashed between two restless hippos. It wasn’t painful exactly, but incredibly uncomfortable, her body, save her feet, squeezed in from all directions.
Humming to herself casually, Jenna found Bethany’s phone and sent a long text to Tone before blocking his number and turning the phone off for good. Then she spent the next hour or so gathering up Bethany’s clothes, toiletries and essentials into several large trash bags. When she finally left the house, it looked like Bethany had packed up and left in a hurry.
She only made one stop on the way home, at the dumpster behind the nearby strip mall to dump the bags where no one would think to look for them. Then Jenna made her way home, patiently waiting for Tone to reach out to her, which she figured he would.
Meanwhile, Bethany’s situation didn’t get any better. She was squeezed, mashed, and forced to endure the increasing heat caused by Jenna’s activity. Eventually, the activity died down and Jenna settled down onto the couch in her home. Bethany felt the temperature start to decrease slightly as the extra heat from Jenna’s activity started to dissipate.
Before the first ad break on the crime documentary that Jenna put on, her phone chimed. As predicted, it was Tone, venting about Bethany. After a back and forth conversation for nearly twenty minutes, Tone was on his way over.
Jenna jogged off to her room to get dressed and touch up her makeup for his inevitable arrival. She also set out Tone’s favorite beers. Shortly, there was a knock on the door. Jenna rushed over and pushed the door open and greeted Tone with a big hug.
“Come on in and tell me all about it,” she said, breaking the hug and leading him inside with her hand on his.
“I can’t believe she would do this to me,” Tone began, following her in.
Bethany couldn’t hear very much, but she did hear the sound of his voice, distant and like it was through a wall.
About an hour, and nearly two full six packs of beer later, Tone excused himself to the bathroom. This is when Jenna made her move. She stood up quickly, stripping down to her carefully selected purple bra and panty set before laying down across the couch, propping her head up and laying her top leg down in front of her to accentuate her thigh and ass.
Her heart skipped a beat when she heard the toilet flush, knowing that the object of her obsession was about to see her almost naked. The sink turned on in the distance for a moment and then turned off again. Finally the door opened and Tone stepped out.
“Jenna, what the…” he started, taken aback by what he saw.
“Let me take your mind off that bitch,” Jenna said, squeezing her ass around ‘that bitch’ as she said the words.
“I don’t know about this,” Tone said, shifting uncomfortably.
Jenna shifted and stood up, walking across the room toward him, crossing her feet over the other in the exaggerated sexy walk. With only a thin layer of cloth now separating Bethany from the world, she could hear much better and she realized what was happening.
“Just let me show you how a woman should treat a man like you,” Jenna said, eyeing him up and down. She placed both hands on his chest and ran them up over his shoulders. She stepped closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
Tone resisted at first, but then the drink, and Jenna’s mostly naked body pressed against him, broke his will and he gave in. As the kiss continued, his hands found their way to her hip, sending a shiver through his cock.
Jenna gave him a gentle push toward the bedroom, and they stumbled their way down the hallway, their hands exploring each other. As they bumped into the bed, Tone’s hand found their way to her ass, where he felt the flared base of the Bethany plug. Two things happened at once: Tone pulled back and looked Jenna in the eye, and a jolt of hope ran through Bethany.
“Do you have a…?” Tone asked Jenna, not knowing her to be into that kind of thing. Bethany was screaming in her head as if trying to will Tone to figure out what happened.
Jenna looked up at Tone with a sly smile. “I can get into some freaking things,” she said. “And that is just the tip of the iceberg, want to see what else I’m into?”
Tone smiled and started to strip. Jenna slipped her bra off and laid down on the bed, pushing herself up to the headboard, waiting patiently. Bethany screamed anew, realizing that Tone wasn’t going to come save him. Jenna watched as Tone revealed his naked body and crawled toward her.
Jenna smiled sexily as she was overtaken by a wave of satisfaction. Bethany was tucked away securely inside of her ass and Jenna was about to fuck her boyfriend. Tone settled in on top of her, and Jenna wasted no time shifting her panties aside and guiding Tone’s hard cock into her slit. Both partners were so aroused that there was no resistance at all.
Tone grunted and Jenna sighed. Inside her own head, Bethany screamed. Even sequestered as she was, she knew what was going on. The heat and pressure started to build up again as Jenna started to hump and moan like a whore. She had been so pent up thinking about this moment that nothing was holding her back now. And the fact that her hated rival was shoved up her ass was just icing on the cake.
It quickly became apparent that Tone was just as excited about what was happening as Jenna. It wasn’t immediately apparent if it was just the drink or a deeper connection, but honestly it didn’t matter to Jenna either way.
Tone started to sweat as he pounded her with a reckless abandon, his horrible ex Bethany far from his mind. The writhing, moaning Jenna took up every ounce of his limited, beer-fogged brainpower.
Bethany's experience was very different. As the lovers got worked up, Jenna’s body temperature shot up. The trapped woman felt like she was in a furnace. Before too long, Jenna was screaming through a powerful orgasm, her muscles tightening up and squeezing down on Bethany ever more.
Tone grunted through his own orgasm, depositing his load deep inside Jenna. The two lovers flopped off each other, panting as they lay side by side and stared up at the ceiling.
“Wow, that was… damn,” Tone grunted, rolling over to give Jenna a kiss.
“And that’s just the start,” Jenna giggled. “With me, you’ll get that and more whenever you want. I’ll make you forget all about, what was her name again?”
Tone chuckled. “Thanks, I think this was what I needed.”
Jenna smiled and clenched her cheeks again, reinforcing Bethany’s position as nothing more than her butt toy. At that moment, she made a decision. She was going to keep Bethany just like she was. She was going to get to know Bethany very well…