I had my routine down pat now. For the last few months after I had been cursed to turn into an ass fleshlight at midnight, turning back at sunrise. The stipulation was that if a man ever orgasmed inside of me when I was a sex toy I would be stuck like that forever, able to feel the sensations of being fucked, but never to return to human form. For quite some time I struggled and suffered abuse because of my poor planning and because of my hectic, late work schedule.
It didn’t help that my roommates, Jill and Derek, enjoyed playing with me, teasing and taunting when they found me changed in my sex toy form. They would even go out of their way to dig me out of my room to torment me.
But, as all things do, my condition became old news, so my roommates stopped messing with me. It would get to a point where if I did slip and allow myself to transform in the public areas of the house, they would just toss me into my room so I could reform in peace when it was time.
I managed to change my work schedule and lifestyle so that I was always home well before midnight. I also installed a key-less bolt lock on my room so no one could get in if I didn’t want them to. So I simply locked myself into my room before midnight, reformed in the morning and went back to my daily life. There was no more panic, no more tortuous close calls with roommates or friends.
My system was so perfect, that I didn’t even care that Jill’s brother Steve was staying over with us for nearly three months. The only thing that changed was that I planned on just getting into my room a bit early to avoid any mishaps. As long as I stuck to that, all would be well. And so far, that plan worked out perfectly. He stayed in the guest room, which was pretty far from mine, and I made up some reason why I had to be in bed before midnight, perfect.
One day in November I had the place to myself for a bit, Derek and Jill were out for the evening at some big party with Steve. I always wanted to see the new Revengers movie, so I fired it up on the TV in the living room rather than in my own room. Mine was much smaller and I had the place to myself so why not?
“Damn this movie is long,” I muttered, looking over at the clock on the wall. It read 10:46 PM. “I’ve got time, I’ll be able to finish it I’m sure.”
I sat back on the couch and continued enjoying the movie, secure in the knowledge that I had over an hour to get back to my room. I compulsively looked over at the clock again. It said 10:58 PM. Good, still an hour. This movie is wrapping up, the final battle’s already happened, so I’ll just finish it up, take a quick bathroom break and settle in for the night.
But then the feeling came over me, that familiar feeling that precedes my changes.
“What? No, I have an hour!” I shouted to the room. I tried to stand and rush to my room, but my legs fell out from underneath me. In the recent past I got used to laying on my bed when I changed so I didn’t have to fall, but this time, in my haste, I experienced it. The panic-inducing free fall to the floor. It didn’t hurt, it never did before, but my whole body reacted. The instinctual fear of falling combined with the inability to brace and the knowledge that I am now helpless all added up to make it a terrifying experience.
Wait, what day is it? Shit, it must be. Today was the day to set the clocks back by an hour for daylight savings. In our house we are terrible about this, going most of the next day without realizing the time shifted. So we vowed to do better. Derek or Jill must have set them back early. So when I was seeing the clock nearing 11, it was really nearing 12!
Shit, this is bad! Here I am on the floor in the living room with the lights and TV on. There is no way that they won’t find me! And when they come home from these parties, they are normally very drunk. So even though they haven’t teased me, that might go out the window today.
Holy fuck, Steve! He doesn’t know! What if he finds me! Okay, okay, calm down, all I have to do is last until they get home. Once they get home, turn the lights and TV off, they’ll go to bed and I’ll be fine. So just calm down.
I lay there, ridden with anxiety for 1 hour and 27 minutes. I knew because I could still see the clock from down here. I knew they could be back at any minute, so I was on edge the whole time. When the clock changed to 1 hour and 28 minutes, I heard the door open. I tried to look to see who it was, but from this angle, I couldn't see clearly. It didn’t take me long to realize it was only one person though.
Steve, coming home ahead of Derek and Jill. Steve was 19 and single, and just as horny as anyone who fit that description. I would say that I froze with fear, but I was already well and truly frozen. I watched as he came into view, putting down his keys on the counter.
“Taking me out and not letting me drink, what a fucking sister she is,” Steve was grumbling. “I was about to get that girl’s number too, before Jill cock-blocked me. Why did she have to announce that I was only 19? Fucking bitch.”
He hadn’t seen me yet, and I hoped against hope that he would just go to bed, leaving the TV on, which by now had started to play the next movie in the Revengers saga. At that point Steve heard the TV and stepped over behind the couch.
“Alexis?” he called. “Huh, weird. Oh I haven’t seen this one yet.”
He walked around the couch, his giant feet stomping toward me. No, no, no, please don’t, fuck! His foot hit me squarely, sending me flying toward the TV stand. I cursed as I rolled perfectly toward him, revealing my bare asshole. Well so much for him not seeing me.
“What is…?” Steve started, taking a step toward me. “Oh, come on Derek. At least put your nasty butt toys away!”
Steve sat down on the couch to watch the movie and I heaved an internal sigh of relief. It appeared that he was going to leave me alone. I would have much rather he went to bed though, every minute of him sitting there was another lifetime of anxiety for me. All I could do was stare at him for signs of any renewed interest in me.
For some time, his attention was focused on the movie, leaving me to sit on the floor. But then he glanced down at me for a second. If I still had blood in this form, its pressure would have spiked. Then he looked back to his movie. Something about that look though made it hard to relax. My suspicions were proven right when he looked down at me again, his gaze lingering just a little bit longer this time.
No, no, please, just watch your damn movie and leave me alone. Another look, and then another. Were I human, I would have been drenched in sweat by now. Finally, he stood up and walked over to me. My mind raced and panicked as he reached down and picked me up. I could feel his hands on my plastic shell, the clammy warmth intrusive and disgusting.
Steve dropped back onto the couch, still holding me. He turned me over and looked at my exposed asshole. He gently, almost hesitantly ran a finger over the skin around it. My experience has taught me that to him I felt like ultra-realistic silicone. But to me, it was like he was touching the skin of my ass. A chill ran through me at his gentle touch.
I watched as a shudder ran through him and he quickly dropped me onto the couch next to him, almost as if he was embarrassed or nervous about touching me. I celebrated the small victory, though I couldn’t relax. Steve showed his curiosity about me, and that could be deadly, or in my case, could curse me with a fate worse than death.
More time passed and I hoped that maybe he forgot about me. But then he looked down at me again, his gaze lingering for a few long seconds. He looked away, but picked me up, almost as if he was trying to be nonchalant. He set me on his lap, but didn’t look down, just held me there with one hand draped across the top of my tube. I rolled my non-existent eyes. He was like a 15-year-old holding hands with his crush in a movie theater.
After probably ten minutes of holding me there, Steve looked down. He aimed my ass upward so he can get a better look, leaving me mortified as I am basically face-down-ass-up on his lap. I can feel his cock twitching through his pants. Again he runs his finger along my skin, though he’s bolder this time. Still acting like a scared teenager, he runs his finger over my asshole, causing a new wave of panic to run through me. In all of my misadventures, I still hate anything touching, let alone entering, my ass.
Slowly, Steve got more and more adventurous, running his finger around my puckered hole. I almost hated this worse than if he just crammed it in there. The teasing and anticipation was killing me, knowing that at any second he could shove his finger into me. I was so tense that I didn’t even look at him for a while, but then when I did, he was watching the movie. So he was casually playing with me without even really paying attention!
Goddamn it, he turned me into an asshole fidget toy! Somehow this was worse than being fucked. Then suddenly his finger pressed into my ass, just when I was settling down. The feeling of it must have gotten his attention. Steve looked down at me, slowly pressing his index finger deeper into me. He picked up speed, shoving his finger all the way inside. So far down that I felt his knuckle.
I grunted internally at the feeling, which wasn’t a pleasant one, but at least was more manageable than a full-blown cock. Steve brought his finger in and out slowly a few times, his face pensive. Almost in a panic, he pulled his finger out and dropped me to the couch.
I cursed to myself, my panic rising yet again. My fears were confirmed when he stood and scramble to undo his belt before pulling his pants down. I screamed in my head, resisting the facts of my situation. It was barely 3 hours into my transformation and this random guy was about to fuck me! With no knowledge of what I was, this could be it. My only chance was that Jill or Derek would come home in time to catch him before he finishes the job.
Before I knew it, his pants and boxers lay in a heap on the ground and I was staring directly at his raging hard cock. No, please no, this can’t be how it ends! I watched helplessly as he brought his hard cock closer and closer to me until he was pressed up against my asshole.
I screamed in my head, raging against what was happening even as I felt my asshole stretching to accept his cock. Almost immediately after his head crossed the threshold, he rammed it home all the way to his balls. The familiar pain shot through me, his manhood stretching me out painfully as if the toy was my real, actual asshole.
Above me, Steve grunted, clearly enjoying his unknowing torture. He sighed and pulled out until just the tip was inside me, relief flooding me. It didn’t last long though as he thrust back into me again. My mind started to break as he fucked me, starting slowly at first.
I sobbed, seeing the end coming. My only chance fell on my roommates’ arrival in the next few minutes, but that was looking more and more bleak and unlikely. Steve sped up, increasing the pain shooting through me. His unattractive grunts and moans betraying his proximity to his climax and my doom. I could feel him getting harder and longer, stretching me out more and more with each accelerated thrust.
Then it happened. He sped up and sped up until he grunted, his thrusts slowing almost immediately. He groaned through several slow, deep thrusts, the telltale sign that he was orgasming. I could even feel the warm liquid of his cum seeping deep inside me.
With that I felt a cold feeling wash over me. I had no way of knowing, but I knew nonetheless: It was the curse solidifying my form. What I am now is what I will always be, nothing but a plastic tube with an ass to be fucked over and over. Steve kept fucking me slowly for just a bit longer before pulling out with a sigh, dishing out the final insult by wiping the last bit of his cum off on my asshole before putting me back down where he was when he kicked me.
I was left sobbing in my plastic prison, his nasty cum still trapped inside me. I watched while he pulled his pants back up and sat back down on my couch to watch my TV. Though neither of those things were likely to be considered mine anymore.
A couple hours later, Steve had gone to bed, and Derek and Jill finally came home. Derek stumbled in and threw his jacket on the couch, as he does, rather than hang it up in the closet. He stopped and bent down to pick me up. His look was of true concern as he saw the mess still on my asshole. He held it out to Jill. She looked at me, her expression sinking just the same.
“Well, we might as well use her at this point…” Derek said. With a sigh, he carried me to the bathroom, where he tucked me under the sink, hopefully with the intent to wash me at some point…