I smirked on the way out of the bar. It had been a fun night, first off I made that ugly waitress cry, then I flashed my cleavage to the couple next to me, making the girlfriend absolutely go OFF on her date for looking at other women. Then to top it off I got free drinks by “accidentally” bumping my tits into the manager and threatening to sue him for sexual harassment if he charged me.
As I stepped out of the bar, I pulled my phone from my purse. It had been a whole twenty minutes since I checked my phone, so I probably had a lot of texts and DMs. Sure enough two of the guys I had on the hook were begging to see me again. Of course that’s probably because I was stringing them along, it was so cute how I had Steve thinking I might actually let him fuck my ass. He’s adorable, but dumb, as if I would stoop so low as have anal sex with anyone, gross. It did make him work hard to please me though. That five-star restaurant he took me too was pretty swanky, and all I had to do was promise him anal and then “get a headache” before the end of the night.
Then there was Dan, he was wrapped so tight around my finger I was almost losing blood circulation. All I had to do was imply that I was going to tell his wife about us and I got anything I ever wanted. Which reminds me, I am due for another shopping spree, I should hit him up.
I entered the dark parking garage with my head down, scrolling through instagram DMs, to see if there were any men hot enough to be worth my attention. As I exited the stairs to the second floor, I suddenly heard a female voice call my name.
“Alexis,” rang the voice loud and clear. I gave a start and looked around, seeing nothing unusual at first. Then I saw movement emerging from the shadows of a dark corner. The figure of a woman just started to appear when the lights throughout the garage went dark, hiding her face right as I was about to get a good look at her.
“Alexis,” she woman called again, her voice sounded fairly normal, but it sent a chill down my spine regardless.
“Who are you, what…?” I started. In the middle of my sentence, my voice just stopped working. I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort, but no matter how I tried, I could not make a sound. Terrified of this turn of events, I tried to turn away from the woman and run, but found my feet locked to the ground. I raised my phone to call for help or at least dial 911, but the screen was dark and wouldn’t respond to my touch. With nothing to do, I stared at the woman as she started to speak.
"Alexis, you are hereby cursed. You WILL go a day without a man emptying his balls in your ass, and at the strike of twelve, you will become a fleshlight. You will turn back at the first ray of sunlight, until inevitably, someone will use you for your true purpose. Once they climax inside of you, your fate will become permanent and irreversible. Will it be someone you know, finding a discarded toy in the dead of night? Or a stranger who decided to ravage your pussy against your desperate pleas for him to take your ass instead, until he's left with a cum-soaked pocket pussy?
When you become a sex toy, you will keep whatever orifice is currently spread around a fat cock, otherwise, the only thing left of your humanity will be your wrinkly asshole; a fitting fate for a filthy butt slut. So if you can come to terms with your fate, you might just want to kneel at the feet of a man before midnight. Then at least you'd keep those plush lips and taste cum for the rest of your existence.
Oh, but look at the time, it's almost midnight already! There's a nightclub nearby. If you hurry I'm sure you can make it in time. I know public toilets aren't the most romantic, but they'll be enough for you. Go on then, run along my sweet doe! Or are you hoping to come home with me, in my purse?"
When the woman stopped talking, the lights came back on, startling me into looking around. When my eyes went to find her again, she was gone. I never even got a good look at her. I was shaken by what I saw, or at least what I thought I saw. Did that woman try to curse me to have anal sex every day? Or become a… fleshlight? Eventually, my intellectual mind won out and convinced me that what I saw was a mix of the alcohol I drank and the weed smoke I walked through on the way into the bar.
I checked my phone to see that it was working again, and why wouldn’t it be? I just had a mild hallucination, my phone was never broken.
It was 11:45 pm though, and even though I knew what happened was bullshit, I felt compelled to get back home quickly on the off chance that I did undergo any kind of change at midnight. I hiked to my car, started it up and pulled out into the night. Once I was underway, my nerves about what MIGHT happen at midnight only got worse. Even as I told myself over and over again that it was nonsense, I couldn’t help but have that nagging feeling in the back of my mind.
I obsessively checked my car’s clock as I rushed home, my panic only increasing, resulting in a cold sweat breaking out out all over my body. I ran through late yellow lights and pushed the speed limit harder than I ever have. I even squealed the tires as I pulled into the underground garage at my apartment complex. I opened the door to my car at 11:57, rushing to the elevator and desperately slamming the button.
“Come on, come on,” I pleaded with the machine until the doors finally opened. I ran in and pushed my floor button, pretending not to see woman approaching, waving for me to hold the elevator. The ride to my floor seemed to take forever. I tapped my foot and checked my phone at least a dozen times.
11:59 the door opened and I rushed to my apartment, fumbling with the keys in the lock. I threw the door open and rushed in, but before the door even closed, I felt a wave of nausea spread over me like nothing I had ever felt before. My entire world spun and I fell hard to the floor. When I regained my senses, something was wrong, terribly wrong. I was completely immobile, and the world seemed so big around me, but not like it would normally be when just laying on the floor.
I was laying on and partly inside of something, something made of cloth, like the clothes I was wearing, but much, much larger. Only when I felt a cool breeze pass over my ass, my BARE ass did I really realize what happened.
The woman from the parking garage was right! Exactly at midnight, I had turned into a fleshlight with an asshole! But that’s not possible, this can’t be real! What the hell was going on? I panicked in my black plastic body. What the hell was I going to do? Was I REALLY doomed to be fucked in the ass every EVERY DAY? How is this possible?
My musings were broken up by the sound of a door further into the apartment. Oh shit, my roommate was up! What the hell was I going to do?
“Alexis are you home?” a chill ran through me as I heard a male voice from the darkness. Even worse than my roommate, her boyfriend, Derek! He must be staying the night! He moved into my field of view with nothing but his boxers and a t-shirt on.
“Is she out there?” I heard Jill, my roommate, call from around the corner.
“No but there is something…” Derek said as he approached me, looking down with a confused look. “It looks like all of her clothes, purse, keys and phone are here.”
NO NO NO, just go back into your room, leave me out here, you wouldn’t touch my dirty clothes would you?
“Her clothes? Did she strip completely the second she got in the door?” Jill said as she appeared around the corner in just her bra and underwear. “I know she is kind of promiscuous, but that’s a bit ridiculous.”
Derek approached me in the dim light of the apartment, curiosity clearly getting the better of him.
“There is something else here,” he said, bending down and picking me up from my discarded clothing. I could feel his hands on the black plastic of my body, though it felt odd, as if through a thick blanket.
“Is that a fleshlight?” Jill asked, taking a few steps toward us.
My heart raced wondering what was going to happen, was he going to just put me down? Take me back to the room with them?
“Look, it’s an asshole one,” Derek said with a laugh, running a finger over me. I yelped internally as I felt his touch on what felt like my bare skin. The asshole is my actual flesh and blood?! I shouted in my own head.
“I guess she would need an asshole fleshlight, she is such a prude with her own…” Jill trailed off with a smile.
“Oh it’s warm, must have some kind of heating feature,” Derek said as he ran his finger closer to my asshole. I whimpered to myself, silently begging him not to touch me. Nothing about ass play had ever interested me, it was disgusting and vile, meant for dirty sluts, not someone as refined as I am.
“Does this turn you on?” Derek said, pressing on the entrance to my asshole.
NO no, please! I begged, but he pressed harder, his finger eventually slipped past my defenses and buried itself into me. I cried to myself, his finger felt huge in my very real-feeling asshole.
“Very mature,” Jill teased casually. Derek joined in her mirth and pressed deeper, the invasive feeling of my asshole being stretched would have brought tears to my eyes if I still had them.
“I know you like it deep…” Derek teased, pressing his finger even deeper, his knuckle pressing up against the skin around my asshole. The pain and humiliation of being so casually violated shooting through every fiber of my being.
“Get in here and I’ll show you deep,” Jill said and beckoned him with one finger as she slipped back and returned to her bedroom. Derek smiled and followed behind, slipping his finger out of me, much to my relief. To my terror he didn’t put me down, but carried me into my roommate’s bedroom instead. Once we crossed the threshold, I saw a naked Jill dropping her bra onto the floor before crawling into the bed.
Derek smirked above me and tossed me onto the bed next to her. The feeling of falling terrified me and I would have shrieked if I still had a voice.
“Which hole do you plan on fucking tonight?” Jill teased, looking over at me for a second. “I think you’ll find mine more agreeable.”
Derek quickly stripped, dropping his clothes in a pile before hopping into the bed next to Jill. I was forced to watch as she rolled over onto him and they started fooling around, running their hands over each other and making out. After a moment, she pressed him to the bed and slid down his body, starting to play with his cock.
She glanced over at me and smirked. Oh no, I thought. No way! Don’t even think about it, you bitch!
“You’d want to pound Alexis’ asshole wouldn’t you?” she teased Derek, reaching over and grabbing a hold of me. Of course she was referring to the “fake” one rather than my actual physical body.
“I mean maybe someday,” Derek responded, playing into her game. “Oh wait, you mean the toy?”
“Oh? Would you rather fuck her than me?” Jill asked playfully, bringing me up to his erect cock. Taking a hold of him, she ran his tip around the edge of my asshole. I silently begged and pleaded for her to stop and just put me down.
“That feels good, but I would much rather feel you,” Derek responded, rocking his hips, the pleasure getting to him even though he claimed to want no part of my asshole.
“I bet you would like it,” Jill said. “And it would give me a break. You can be a little too big for me sometimes…”
As she taunted him, she pressed him against my asshole for a brief second, eased up and pressed down again, getting progressively harder. Derek smiled to her and rocked his hips. I screamed as Jill pressed me down hard enough that I felt him enter me. My mind was practically broken by now, the terror of what would happen if they got carried away and let him finish inside of me. Jill pressed me down again, and I could feel him pop inside of me. The agony of his huge member forcing its way into me was like nothing I had ever felt. Please don’t do this! I pleaded pointlessly.
“Oh stop playing and get up here,” Derek said, gently guiding me off his cock and onto the bed next to me.
I heaved a huge sigh of relief, realizing that I would be allowed to return to human form in the morning. Though it was kind of hard to be excited about that as I was forced to watch a way-too-close view of their overly vigorous love making. It was awkward at first, but eventually I learned to sort of tune it out.
The lovers eventually fell to each others’ side panting heavily. After a moment, they worked their way under the covers and I was forgotten about. I lay there abandoned and forgotten, rolling up against Jill’s body as she moved in the night.
Eventually, light started to filter in through the window. As the first beam of light shone through, the same same feeling I had at the front door washed over me. I lost track of the world around me for a moment as the dizzying, sickening transformation took hold. Soon I was aware that that I was human again.
“Yes, I’m back,” I said without thinking.
“Alexis, what the hell!” Jill’s groggy voice snapped me out of my revelry.
“Huh?” I asked, looking back to the still-naked Jill and Derek, who looked at me like I just grew a third head. It was only then that I realized that I was still naked as well, and not protected by the covers either. “Ummm.”
After I rushed out of the room and got dressed, I met them in the living room. I explained everything, the weird curse in the parking garage and how I found myself turned into the sex toy that they almost used last night. I made sure to explain the trigger for my permanent transformation so they would be sure not to get carried away with me.
“So we almost got you stuck as a fucking fleshlight?” Jill was baffled, though she had basically witnessed me transform from sex toy to human.
“I guess so yeah, it’s crazy,” I said.
“And that’s going to happen every single night unless you get pounded in the ass?” Derek asked.
“Yeah it looks like,” I replied, hiding my gaze from them out of utter humiliation.
Jill and Derek looked at each other with what I can only call an evil smirk for a moment before they looked at me.
“Oh this will be fun,” Jill said with an evil tone. Terror gripped me, what the hell did she mean by that?