Ryna’s life had been a mess for the last couple weeks. She didn’t sleep well these days, the words her former employee said to her that one fateful night kept ringing through her head when she laid down to sleep:
“You are hereby cursed. If you go a day without a man emptying his balls in your ass, and at the strike of midnight, you will become a fleshlight. You will turn back at the first ray of sunlight, until inevitably, someone will use you for your true purpose. Once they climax inside of you, your fate will become permanent and irreversible. Will it be someone you know, finding a discarded toy in the dead of night? Or a stranger who decided to ravage your pussy against your desperate pleas for him to take your ass instead, until he's left with a cum-soaked pocket pussy? When you become a sex toy, you will keep whatever orifice is currently spread around a fat cock, otherwise, the only thing left of your humanity will be your wrinkly asshole; a fitting fate for a filthy butt slut. So if you can come to terms with your fate, you might just want to kneel at the feet of a man before midnight. Then at least you'd keep those plush lips and taste cum for the rest of your existence.”
Of course, it all seemed ridiculous, but had proved true when she was transformed and passed around by her boyfriend Steve and his friends. From that day on, Ryna practically begged him to fuck her in the ass, something that she had never cared to try before then. For the first few nights Steve happily obliged, but once the novelty wore off, he sometimes declined. To her great shame, Ryna nearly broke down in tears once or twice, begging him to pound her ass and prevent her maybe-permanent transformation.
Steve worried about her, and even her employees at the bakery had started to take notice. They worried about her, seeing that the normally social and friendly Ryna had become paranoid, tired and reclusive. The community was buzzing with rumors, everyone seeming to have their own theory as to why she was so unlike herself.
Eventually, Ryna broke down and confessed everything to her long-time friend, Hailey. At first Haily, being a reasonable person, didn’t believe the curse was real. Ryna had to show her the truth and stayed the night at Hailey’s apartment. When the transformation hit, Hailey was shocked and terrified. She couldn't even bring herself to touch or move Ryna, so she remained on the couch until the next morning when she changed back to herself.
The girls stayed in all morning, Ryna crying in terror and Hailey trying her best to reassure her. Steve was out of town, so Hailey suggested that Ryna stay with her so she could watch over her during her transformations. Ryna finally calmed down and went into the guest room to take a much needed nap.
Left alone with her thoughts, Hailey grew so furious at her friend’s fate that she couldn’t sit idly by. So against Ryna’s advice, she tracked down Justina. She had moved to a town several hours away, but Hailey was resourceful and found out where she lived and was waiting for her outside of her apartment.
Justina was confused at first, but then laughed when Hailey demanded that she lift the curse. With a wave of her hand, the witch froze Hailey solid, then planted a teasing kiss on her cheek and told her that if she was so concerned with her friend’s fate, that she could share it. Hailey felt a sickly feeling wash over her as Justina laughed and walked off. When the witch was out of her eye line, the magic holding her in place faded and she regained control of her body.
Hailey didn’t know how to describe the feeling, but she knew that something was wrong, that she was cursed. She considered going after Justina again, but thought better of it. If she could freeze her in place so easily like that, who knows what else she was capable of.
Instead, Hailey ran back to her apartment.
“Where have you been!” Ryna shouted at her the second she came in the door.
“I’m sorry, I um… went to find Justina,” Hailey was visibly shaking.
“You WHAT!?” Ryna screamed. “What were you thinking!? She is crazy and has magic, she could have…”
“She did,” Hailey cut her off. Ryna’s mouth fell open.
“She um… she said that I would share in your fate,” Hailey whispered as if speaking the words out loud were going to make them come true.
“No, why… I love that you tried to help, but now…” Ryna stepped closer to her, holding her arms out to hug her.
The two wordlessly embraced, tears streaming down their faces. Ryna pushed back suddenly.
“What time is it?” Ryna asked quickly, panic in her voice.
“Eleven fifty-nine,” Hailey said, her voice hollow and scared. Her eyes suddenly grew wide and her mouth fell open.
“What’s wrong?”
“Shit, shit, shit,” Hailey panicked and started to tear through her purse. “It’s my friend Tony’s birthday and he’s coming over soon! I told him he could come over to get his gifts tonight since I can’t make his party tomorrow! But if he finds us after we change…”
Hailey pulled her phone from her purse, her hands shaking. She finally managed to get her phone into her hands, and unlocked it.
“Please… don’t… come… today… I… will… be… at work… all… night,” she read aloud as she typed the text. “And sent, I think we’re good…”
Ryna smiled sadly, not looking forward to transforming, but at least secure in the knowledge that they would be safe in her apartment. Hailey turned to the front door, and seeing that it was unlocked, stepped forward, reaching for the deadbolt. Before she reached the door, however, the clock struck midnight and their transformations began. In just a moment, they stared at each other wordlessly and motionlessly from inside their plastic and silicone prisons. Just two asshole fleshlights laying next to the front door of the apartment.
Ryna was not happy to be in this position, but at least here she would be safe. The only other person in the apartment was suffering the same fate. In a way, it felt good that Hailey had been changed as well, at least now Ryna had someone who would truly understand what she was going through.
Hailey, of course, was freaking out. The change took her quickly and sent her head spinning. The helplessness of it all terrified her. She couldn’t even take comfort in the fact that she was safe from being used.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and a chill ran through both girls. The metaphorically held their breath, hoping that whomever was here would get the hint and leave.
“Hailey?” a voice sounded through the door.
Both of them recognized Tony’s voice. He must not have gotten the message! He knocked again and repeated himself. A moment passed and Hailey and Ryna thought they were in the clear. But then the door handle twisted.
“Haily? You home?” Tony asked as he stepped into view. He stopped in his tracks as he saw the two asshole fleshlights on the floor. He pushed the door quickly closed behind him. “Hailey? You said you had presents for me? Hello?”
Ryna and Hailey tensed up, staring up at him. Sure he was close with Hailey, but she hadn’t thought that he would just step into her apartment like this! Confused, Tony pulled his phone from his pocket, eyeing the fleshlights awkwardly, but with a little bit of hunger in his eyes. He tapped on his phone and muttered under his breath, reading Hailey’s message.
“Well shit,” he screwed up his face, clearly annoyed. “Make me drive all the way across town just to text me last minute that you’re not gonna be home, come on, Hailey.”
He huffed and turned toward the door, relief flooding the girls. But then he stopped and looked down again with his just eyes. Lifting his gaze, he scanned what he could see of the apartment.
“I wonder… is this one of those ‘mold your own parts’ kits?” He asked under his breath, picking up Hailey. “So this might actually BE her ass…”
Hailey screamed internally as she lifted into the air. She begged him to put her down and leave. She was mortified and terrified, the feeling of air on her exposed rear end highlighting just how vulnerable she was. Tony touched the flesh part with his finger, running it toward her hole. Hailey tensed up, feeling like she was holding her breath.
With the sudden urgency of having made up his mind, Tony kicked off his shoes, bent down and scooped up Ryna as well. Both girls screamed in their heads at the unexpected and dangerous turn of events.
Unaware of their turmoil, Tony walked off to Hailey’s bedroom, tossing Ryna onto the bed casually. Hailey watched her friend fly through the air, terrified that she was now alone. Without hesitation, Tony crossed to Hailey’s dresser and pulled open the top drawer, exposing her bras and panties to the room.
Hailey screamed silently at him, calling him every dirty name under the sun for snooping in her underwear drawer. Tony looked down silently, running his eyes over her garments and his tongue over his lips. His free hand slipped down to his jeans and unzipped. Ryna watched in helpless terror as he reached in and fished himself out.
A shiver ran through Hailey as she saw his cock protrude from his pants, already very hard and pointing out and up completely on its own. Tony reached into the open drawer and poked around, grabbing a pair of red, lacy panties. Hailey watched in disgust as he wrapped her underwear around his cock and started stroking.
To her shock, he lifted her up toward his face and planted a quick kiss right against her hole. She would have leapt out of her skin had she the ability to, the sudden wet warmth sending shocks through her.
As if suddenly emboldened, Tony sped up his efforts on his manhood and kissed her again, longer and harder this time. Hailey was beside herself. She knew Tony had a thing for her at some point in their past, but this was crazy!
Something seemed to snap inside Tony and he moaned at his own efforts, quickly lowering Hailey down toward his waist. She screamed again, begging, pleading for him to somehow understand her and stop this. Her efforts were in vain as she felt the tip of his meat press up against her hole, the red panties left to hang loosely from his manhood.
Hailey screamed at the familiar but uncomfortable feeling of her ass filling up. While it was not her preferred activity, she was well-versed in anal sex. One of her ex boyfriends was incredibly paranoid and refused traditional intercourse.
But now any pleasure that she might have felt was overridden by the terror of being stuck like this forever. Ryna watched it all, seeing the look on Tony’s face wasn’t one of a man who wasn’t planning on finishing…
As Tony sped up to a furious pace, he reached down into the drawer and grabbed a handful of her panties, lifting them up in front of his face. As he grunted and moaned with pleasure, he lifted the handful of underwear, pressing it into his cheek.
Ryna watched, unable to look away. Not only was this man being incredibly creepy with her friend’s undergarments, but he was unknowingly abusing her in the process. Hailey was inconsolable at this point. The intense discomfort and violation she was experiencing was more than she could handle.
Tony sped up, driving Hailey up and down his shaft with increasing speed, his grunts and moans becoming more animalistic as he went. Finally he sucked a deep breath, his hips shuttered and he slowed.
Hailey sobbed as she felt it. Unlike any other experience before, she could feel his load seeping into her. At the same moment, a cold chill ran through her, her body going numb for a second before sensation returned to her. She knew something had changed. She was stuck.
Ryna watched helplessly. She knew enough to recognize that Tony finished and trapped her friend forever. The realization hit her hard, her heart dropping out of her chest. If Ryna hadn’t opened up to Hailey about the curse, then she never would have been in this predicament to begin with.
Meanwhile, Tony heaved a deep sigh and slipped Hailey off himself, using the handful of panties to wipe the remaining load off the tip of his cock before putting them back in the drawer. Ryna was pulled out of her revelry enough to register disgust at his disregard. He took the red pair off his slowly deflating cock and went to put it back in the drawer, pausing to inspect it.
“Thanks for the gift after all, Hailey,” Tony said with a sigh, gathering up the red panties and the used fleshlight and turning toward the door.
Despite everything, Ryna heaved a sigh of relief at being left behind. She already started formulating a plan to get Hailey back from Tony in the hope that she can find a way to lift the curse. But then her blood ran cold as Tony turned back toward her at the last moment. He crossed the room quickly, lifting her as well.
Tony took his spoils all the way out to his car, dropping them in a heap in his passenger seat. Hailey’s panties draped over Ryna’s face, blocking her view and making her cringe in disgust. Going back to his place like this wasn’t exactly her plan to get Hailey back, but maybe this could work. When she changes back in the morning, she’ll be able to grab her and slip out.
After a while, the car stopped and Tony took Ryna, Hailey and the panties into his house, tossing them onto the couch. He sat heavily down next to them and flipped the TV on. Ryna didn’t know what Tony’s schedule was, but she hoped he would go to bed soon, being out in the open like this was nerve wracking.
After watching TV for a moment, Tony reached over and grabbed Ryna. Terror gripped him as she saw his throbbing cock out of his pants and pointing to the sky.
“Yeah… time to jerk it again,” he muttered to himself, moving Ryna into position.
Having made it through this before, Ryna knew what to expect, though that didn’t make it any better. As she felt his hard cock pressing into her, she desperately hoped that he would set her aside before he finished, but something told her that she was going to join Hailey as Tony’s new permanent fleshlight…