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Right Gift, Wrong Recipient: Part 2, Still Stuck

I freaked out as I was carried atop the pile of dirty laundry. I had transformed myself into a pair of panties as a sexy surprise for my girlfriend, Jenny, but it went wrong immediately. 

My plan was to pick out the perfect, sexy pair from Jenny’s drawer and turn into a perfect match. I had scheduled a message to send to Jenny after I made the change, telling her what I had done without telling her which pair I chose. This way the mystery of when exactly she wore me would add to the sexy surprise.

So I snuck into the house where she lived with her mom after they left for work. Or at least before I thought they left for work. Before I had the chance to pick out the right pair, Jenny’s mom walked in. I panicked and used the transformation charm to make the change, turning into a pair of red, seamless panties. To my horror, Jenny’s mom found me and put me on!

The worst part about this was that I had modeled my form after my girlfriend’s body, which was noticeably slimmer than her mom’s. So while I endured being worn during her work day and her intense, painful yoga session afterward, I was pulled and stretched near to bursting!

The day ended and Jenny’s mom peeled me off and tossed me on top of the laundry basket, where I was now.

She pushed the door to the laundry room open with her ample ass, and carried me inside. The basket was dropped heavily to the ground, freaking me out and bouncing the entire pile of laundry, mixing me in with the rest of the dirty clothes. I heard the banging of a washing machine door and then I saw her looming over me.

Reaching down, I was distracted for a moment as I saw Jenny’s mom’s braless tits hanging loosely inside of her tank top. As she scooped up an armful of laundry, I was wrenched back to my reality. She was putting me in the washing machine!

I was tossed into the darkness, covered up by soft, heavy cloth, where the only sense left to me was the smell and taste of the soiled clothing. I heard the loud clang of the washing machine door. A chill ran through me, the anticipation of what was happening sinking in. I nearly jumped as the sound of water echoed loudly around me. In no time at all, warm water flooded all around me, soaking me and the rest of the clothes. The weight on top of me increased incredibly until I felt like I was being crushed.

Without warning, the drum started spinning. For what felt like forever, I tumbled around in the dark wetness of the washing machine, the taste of sweat and grime replaced slowly by the taste of strong detergent. Finally that too was washed away and I was left cold, wet and crushed.

The door opened and I was lifted out, catching glimpses of the outside world, only to drop into the dryer. Again I tumbled around in the dark, this time burned by intense heat. It was an odd feeling: uncomfortable, but not as painful as one would expect. It was also weird to be so hot without sweating.

Eventually this too passed. Despite still being in the dark and covered by other clothes, I was actually comfortable for a while, the heat having faded into a comfortable room temperature.

Another unknown time later, the dryer opened and I was lifted yet again. After being carried in darkness and then tossed into a pile of other panties and bras, Jenny’s mom tucked me away in her drawer, closing me into darkness again.

It felt like I was there forever. Time passed slowly, and I was unable to sleep in this condition, so I was left in limbo. The drawer opened, giving me fleeting glances of Jenny’s mom past the cloth stacked on top of me, every time being plunged back into darkness as the drawer shut.

But then finally I was on top, giving me an unobstructed view of her fully naked body. While I was terrified of being worn again, I couldn’t help but admire her. She clearly took care of herself.

“Oh I remember you…” she said under her breath with a shy smile, lifting me with both hands in front of her face. For a moment I thought she knew I was here, but that was impossible. “You made me feel pretty sexy…”

With a girlish giggle, she lowered me down and pulled me up her legs. The familiar feel of her warm, smooth legs inside of me washed over me. I sighed, the feeling of being touched was undeniably pleasant after being left alone for so long.

That feeling faded quickly as she slid me into place. I had forgotten just how uncomfortable it was to be stretched over her wide hips. Again I felt like my fibers would shred apart at the slightest movement.

I grunted to myself in pain, already wishing she would take me off. Meanwhile, Jenny’s mom put a bra and blouse on, then reached for a pair of black leggings. A wave of despair fell over me. I didn’t want to repeat the experience of being trapped under her leggings while she did yoga. I distinctly remember hearing and feeling a pop from my body the last time.

Of course, I had no say in the matter, and the leggings came up over me in no time. The pressure of the tight garment squeezed me even tighter than I thought possible. And I was left completely in the dark. At least when she wore the skirt to work I could see a little bit.

Shortly after she got dressed, she started walking, making any chance of relaxing in my prison impossible. Everytime she stepped, a different part of me stretched and pinched, leaving me in an ever-changing stress position. I couldn’t keep track of what was happening, the sounds around me audible but indistinct enough to be hard to make out.

At some point, I felt her fingers hook into her leggings and pull them down. I was relieved to be free of her pants, but as she leaned over to remove them completely, the stretch of her ass hurt.

Recovering from the pain, I looked around, confused by my surroundings. It didn’t take long to realize that I was in a department store dressing room, the bench next to us was stacked high with various items of clothing. I didn’t know what to think. Sure I was not pressed up against her, but I really didn’t like her leaning over.

She pulled her blouse off as well and I stared at her in the mirror. The bra she had chosen matched me perfectly and flattered her quite significantly. My reverie was broken as she picked the first article of clothing. Thankfully it was a dress, so she didn’t have to lean over to put it on and it wasn’t tight. After a moment, she removed it and tossed it on the floor, apparently not liking that option.

The next was a skirt, and I was forced to endure the lean again. I swear I felt another pop as her large ass pulled me to the limit. I tensed up as she admired herself in the mirror, knowing she was going to have to lean again. Then it happened, and I felt that painful stretch again.

The next was a pair of leggings, which were far too tight, but she pulled them up anyway. I felt myself pressed so hard into her I felt the nonexistent breath forced out of me. I rode up her ass, the massive globes of her flesh pressing me tightly. With a struggle, and plenty of painful shifts and stretches, she peeled the leggings off with a sigh.

She picked up the next and final article, a one-piece swimsuit and leaned over to pull it up her body. It settled in over me, the thin crotch piece pulling into me. I could still see around it, and I watched as Jenny’s mom struggled to get the shoulder straps up over her shoulders. This too was too small, and forced me between the lips of her vagina. She gave a pained grunt and I felt the subtle wetness. Any pleasure I may have derived from that stolen away by the pain of being pulled into her with so much force.

Her struggles to get the bathing suit off her shoulders hurt me even more as it got worse before it got better. We both sighed in relief as the bathing suit fell off her shoulders and down to the ground.

Thankfully, the bathing suit was the final outfit that Jenny’s mom tried on. This point was accentuated by the fact that she reached for and started to pull up her leggings. After she straightened up I found myself sighing in relief. I stopped and scolded myself at taking comfort in being trapped inside her leggings. Such was the severity of the near-torturous outfit changes that it had me craving the leggings.

Trapped again inside her slightly sweaty pants, I grunted against her movements as she started walking. The next several hours passed like this, the pattern of her walking, standing and sitting changed unpredictably, keeping me on edge the entire time.

“Oh, Jon, what a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you here!” I heard Jenny’s mom say. Wherever we are must be somewhere quiet for me to distinguish her voice from the background noise.

“Oh hello!” I heard the voice I recognized as her yoga class instructor. “You did great in our last class! You must’ve had some extra motivation or something, you’ve improved so much.”

Jenny’s mom shifted back and forth as she responded.

“Well thank you!” she responded. “I guess I just felt good about myself that day!”

“You know, if you were interested, I could set up a, um, personal one-on-one yoga class for you,” Jon responded, his voice getting a tad bit flirty.

She responded by shifting again, this time rubbing her thighs together subtly, as if trying to hide something that was happening there. At that same moment, I detected a new moisture and taste emanating from her pussy. She was getting excited!

I was so thrown off by this new development and what it might mean for me that I didn’t catch the rest of the short conversation. When she started to walk again, my attention was finally brought back to the world.

Another few hours of being squeezed and pulled in darkness passed, leaving me wondering what they agreed on. I really did not want to have a front row seat to whatever a personal yoga session entailed.

My metaphorical ear perked up when I heard Jenny’s voice.

“I’m going out mom!”

“Meeting up with your boyfriend?” her mom asked.

“Nah, he’s… indisposed for another… eleven days,” she responded with a little giggle.

I wanted to scream, to call out to Jenny to tell me that I was trapped in her mom’s pants. God, there was no way I was going to be able to look at them the same way after this… That’s if I even can transform back. I thought for sure I had been ripped, and I didn’t know if that meant I was stuck like this… And according to Jenny, I couldn’t even try to find out for eleven more days.

At least I could take solace in the fact that the day was over and I was going to be free of her legs for a while.

Jenny’s voice disappeared and her mom dropped down hard on something soft. It was still and silent for a moment, but then I felt her hand running down her outer thigh, pressing on me gently through her leggings. That wetness and flavor returned and a chill ran through me. She was getting aroused!

Her hand kept wandering over and around her hips, sometimes up her thigh, and other times across her vagina. I felt myself getting wetter as finally her hand ran down between her thighs, gently pushing me up against her lips.

I felt her hips thrust forward as her fingers traced up and down her crotch. Her hand paused up by her waist for a moment. Suddenly, she frantically lifted her hips up and grabbed at her leggings, pulling them down with a desperate need. As light flooded over me, I could see that she was laying on her bed, her blouse already abandoned.

In just a moment, her leggings were free of her legs and tossed onto the floor. She fell back onto the bed so she was laying on her back. I watched her hand running down her body toward me. Then her middle two fingers hooked themselves between her legs and pressed into me hard right over her pussy.

She heaved a heavy sigh and rocked her hips as she rubbed herself up and down quickly. The cloth of my body threatened to go fully inside of her. By now the entire crotch part of my body was soaked through, her arousal seeping into my fibers.

I heard her moan and grunt above me as her hips started rocking up into her fingers at an increasing pace. I stretched uncomfortably, I was so tight across her hips and ass that as she pressed me into her clit, it pulled my entire body.

Her pace quickened, and her pressure increased, her hips eventually bucking with an animalistic fury. Her grunts became higher pitched and closer together. If I still had a face, it would be beet red by now. I was humiliated to be seeing and experiencing such an intimate moment from such a position. I swear I even went inside her at one point.

“Oh shit… oh fuck…” Jenny’s mom breathed. Her hips started twitching, her fingers rubbing like her life depended on it. My body tensed up, the sensations becoming intense.

She let out a long, undulating grunt accompanied by a sudden flush of moisture. I swore I could feel her vagina twitching underneath me.

Her fingers slowed down, but kept rubbing as her voice quieted to a loud, long sigh. She flopped back onto the bed, her hand draped over her thigh.

“Oh shit, I really needed that. I’m ready for my yoga session now, Jon,” she whispered with a sigh.

This  was worse than the yoga session. Now that things calmed down, I could feel and taste not only her arousal, but her sweat as well. She worked up quite the sweat in that short time.

I desperately hoped that she would take me off now, even if that would leave me with the disgusting feeling and flavors of her little ‘self-care’ session. To my dismay, she rolled over and pulled the blanket over herself. She wasn’t going to wear me all night, was she!?

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Right Gift, Wrong Recipient

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