I’ve known about the recent inanimate transformation trend for a while now, but I only recently found out how people were doing it and got my hands on one of the transformation charms. Basically if I wore this necklace, I could transform into anything I wanted and set conditions for my return to human form.
So I had an idea. My plan was to sneak into my girlfriend's house, where she lived with her mom, and transform myself into a pair of her panties for two weeks. I would be unable to even attempt to reform myself until after two weeks had passed.
I knew she would love this idea, but to make it more exciting, I wasn’t going to tell her which pair I turned into. In fact I wasn’t even going to tell her until after I had already transformed. I set my ThatsAPP to send her a message two hours after I planned to transform explaining what I was doing. Who knows? She might even be home already by the time she realizes that I was living in her panty drawer!
I knew where her mom kept the spare key. So I waited until ten in the morning, after they would have both left for work before I hopped the fence into their backyard and let myself in. I still felt weird about walking around their house alone, so I found myself sneaking.
I pushed into my girlfriend’s bedroom, a place I had been many times before. My plan was to transform myself in a way that I fell into her underwear drawer, but something on her bed drew my attention. Taking a closer look, I saw an outfit laid out, including what looked like a tight pencil skirt. I smiled, thinking about what she would look like wearing this.
I picked it up and turned it over in front of me, trying to imagine what it would be like being trapped under this sexy item of clothing. But then I heard movement in the hallway. I panicked, no one was supposed to be home!
Thinking quickly, I closed my eyes and focused on the transformation, abandoning my plan to end up in her panty drawer. I mentally told the magic of the necklace what I wanted to become and how long I wanted to remain in that form.
My world spun and I felt like I was falling. Before I knew it, I was looking up from the floor, partly covered with the skirt.
“Jenny?” I heard her mom’s voice. “Did I hear you in here?”
Panic gripped me as I heard the door opening and her mom walking in. While I could tell that the transformation was complete, it was still nerve-wracking to be exposed in front of her like this. I relaxed when she stepped in and looked around, her eyes falling right on me with no sign of recognition.
Now that I was safe, I had to admit that she was gorgeous, a slightly thicker and more mature version of her daughter.
“Hmm, must have been my imagination,” she said under her breath. “Geez, she just tossed my skirt on the floor? I’ll have to talk to her about respecting my things…”
Jenny’s mom leaned over and reached out toward me, reigniting the panic in me. She took a hold of the skirt and lifted it off the floor. As she lifted the skirt, I felt myself rising with it, her finger hooking through my body, presumably by accident.
“Well then again, she’ll be upset that I let her borrow it and then took it back, so maybe we’ll call it even,” Jenny’s mom said aloud as she walked out of the room, swinging me in her hand.
I felt myself falling to the floor as she let go of me, the skirt landed on me in a way that I couldn’t see a thing.
“Shit, really? No clean underwear?” I heard Jenny’s mom say, following the sound of drawers and rustling.
A moment later, the skirt lifted off of me, light flooding over me.
“Oh, there’s a pair.”
As I adjusted to the light, I could see that I was on the floor in a bedroom that I didn’t recognize, presumably Jenny’s mom’s room. Then I realized she was standing over me! And she was naked!
“Well it doesn’t look like mine, but I know it’s not Jenny’s…” she leaned down and picked me up with two hands, looking me over. “It’ll have to do, I can’t go without…”
Wait, what?! I was so distracted by her still-very-sexy body that I wasn’t sure I understood what she said. Before I could process what was happening, she lowered me down to her feet and stepped into me.
No, no this can’t be happening! Panic gripped me as I felt her warm, soft, and smooth skin rubbing over and through me. She seemed to be in a hurry, pulling me up without delay or hesitation.
I tried to brace myself as much as I could, which was not very much. My body stretched out as I reached her thick thighs, the weird fiber of my body taught. She pulled me up over her hips, a wave of intense discomfort came over me, my body pulled outward across her warm, almost hot body. Thankfully I wasn’t being pulled into her crack, but I could feel the skin of her ample ass pulling at my body.
A nervous and humiliating chill ran through me as I realized I could feel the contours of her vagina pressing into my body.
“Wow these are uh, tight. But damn they make me look good!”
I looked around, seeing her in a full length mirror, wearing a very tight-looking pair of red, seamless panties: me!
“But I’m late, so…” she said and tore her eyes away from the mirror.
I watched in disbelief as she reached down and picked up the skirt, stepping into it and pulling it up her legs. As it passed over me, my world went dark again. Not completely, as light still leaked up from her feet, but the cloth of the black skirt didn’t allow a shred of light through it.
But worse than the dark was the pressure. The skirt really was tight! It felt like I was being squeezed from every side as if my entire body was wrapped in a bear hug.
Which of course makes sense, if it fit Jenny, then it had to be extra tight on her mom. I was stuck staring down at her feet, my body feeling as if I was being forced into a yoga pose beyond my ability without any way to get relief.
Wait a minute, what if I get ripped? Will I still be able to transform back? I hadn’t planned on being stretched quite this intensely.
Suddenly my mind was taken off this thought as I felt her legs moving. She was walking, I could see her feet moving beneath me. Her ass shifted with every step, pulling on different parts of me, making it hard for me to form a thought.
After a while of her walking, I heard a car door open, and felt her crouching down and sitting in the driver’s seat. I groaned in my head, her full weight now pressing down on me. With her knees together, her thighs sealed off all remaining light, and I was left in the dark, stretched, hugged and crushed.
Almost instantly the heat surrounding me increased. I felt something changing… Was I starting to sweat? I started to taste a subtle salty flavor. No, she was sweating! And I was tasting it! I needed to get out of here, the day had only started! I desperately wanted her to start walking around again to spare me from this torment.
It seemed like we were in the car forever, until finally I heard the engine stop and the door open. Jenny’s mom shifted, swinging her legs out of the car and standing up. After only a few steps I regretted ever wishing for her to walk again! Sure I wasn’t crushed in the dark anymore, but the constant moving of her hips and ass inside me wasn’t better! The constant stimulation didn’t allow me a moment to settle into any of the intense sensations.
Her day seemed to last forever. I found out quickly that she had an office job, which involved a lot of sitting, smashing me up against her seemingly ever-increasing body heat. And when she did stand, my relief didn’t last long. My life seemed to be tossed back and forth between torments, either smashed flat under her sweating ass, or stretched, pulled, and pinched as she walked around.
The only times I got any break at all was when she went to the bathroom. Though even then I was lowered down to her distinctively smelly feet. The air felt cold on my mildly sweat-soaked body.
But then, who knows how much later, I felt the skirt lowering past me. Thinking it was just another bathroom trip, I didn’t think anything of it. But then I realized that she was leaving me in place on her hips. Looking around in the blinding light of the room I was finally able to see something other than the bathroom stall. I was in a locker room?
“So did you buy those leggings I was telling you about?” I heard a woman’s voice. Looking around there were several other women in various stages of undress. I felt my shiver run through me, undeniably excited at what I was seeing. One young-looking woman had her back to me, and was wearing only a black thong as she dug through an open locker. I instinctively looked away from her, forgetting for a moment that none of them knew I was here.
“I did!” Jenny’s mom said above me. “Maybe I’ll finally get Jon’s attention today!”
The other woman laughed as she pulled her blouse over her head.
What was happening, where am I? I wondered to myself. She was just at her desk moments ago, her office building must have a gym!
My introspection was interrupted by Jenny’s mom’s movements. I felt and watched her bend over forward and lift her leg. She was putting bottoms on! I looked down in a panic, remembering the talk of leggings. Sure enough, she was pulling a dark purple pair of leggings up her legs.
Before I could even dread what was happening, she pulled her leggings up over her hips. She let the waist go, letting them snap down over me. Instantly, the dark cloth pressed down on me. I thought the skirt was bad, but this new prison literally pressed in on every square inch of my fabric. While I could feel her vagina before, now I was being pressed against it, the cloth of my body felt like it was being forced between her lips.
Not to mention the heat. Without even the limited airflow that the skirt allowed, it felt so hot in here. At least now I wasn’t in complete darkness, the faintest bit of light leaked through the leggings. I heard conversation happening around me, but I was too uncomfortable to pay attention to any of it.
Then she took a step. I screamed in my head, the stretch and pinch of her steps seemingly so much more intense. I suffered through a number of more steps, how many I couldn’t say, my mind was pulled in so many directions that I could barely hold a thought.
Unlike the skirt, these leggings conformed to each leg individually, which had the effect of pushing me between her cheeks. Finally it stopped, though the damage was done, part of me was noticeably trapped in the crack of her ass. It was still uncomfortable, but at least I wasn’t being actively stretched. But as I was sighing in relief, I heard something.
“Alright ladies, welcome to yoga,” I heard a male voice saying. “Because you asked, we are stepping it up today! We’ll try some new, more intense positions. Are you ready?”
Amid the chorus of enthusiastic replies, I sobbed, not wanting to find out what an intense stretch felt like after experiencing the strain of simply walking.
I didn’t have to wait long. Music started and the male voice, whom I figured was the instructor, started giving instructions. Immediately, her legs and hips moved in a way that pulled on my fabric, threatening to tear me apart. Her ass bulged out, filling me to bursting, while the other side pinched me between her hip and thigh.
She leaned into the stretch, pushing and pinching me more and more. Then she shifted position, changing the stretch and pinch, but not making it better. Now I was pulled in a new direction, though equally as strained. Every time she changed position, it got worse, the instructor apparently putting her and the rest of the class into those ‘intense positions.’
Soon I was soaked, her sweat saturating every bit of my body, the smell and taste of it overwhelming my senses. As she changed position I felt and heard a pop. Wait, did I just rip? If I get damaged, can I even change back!? My mind raced as I realized there were so many things I didn't know about this transformation magic. Before I could follow that rabbit hole, she shifted positions again and I winced in pain.
Finally, when I thought it would never end, she finally stood up straight. I heard muffled conversations around me as the instructor and other class participants congratulated each other and said goodbye.
It became quickly apparent that Jenny’s mom went home after class. I was trapped in her leggings for another car ride and even longer after that. The heat I was suffering started to lower, but the lack of airflow was getting to me. I was hot, and wet, and stuck.
Finally, the leggings were pulled down and I was exposed to the air. I felt a cold shiver run over me as I saw Jenny’s mom’s room again. She paused for a second, admiring herself in the mirror wearing only her t-shirt and me. With a smile, she pulled me off and tossed me across the room.
I landed on something soft, the dirty laundry basket. A cold chill ran through me. Finally I wasn’t stretched painfully. But then I was cold. Above me, Jenny’s mom disappeared into the attached bathroom. I was left there for a long time, alone and cold.
Finally, she emerged from the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. Without hesitation, she picked up the basket and walked out into the hallway.
A few steps out of her door, she paused, looking behind her.
“Oh, I should get my towels too,” she muttered, putting the basket down and returning to her room.
“So baby,” I heard a familiar voice.
It was Jenny! I was sitting outside her bedroom and the door was open. I could see her, looking into her open underwear drawer.
“So which one did you pick? Maybe the strong black one? Or the girly, frilly pink one?” she asked.
She must have thought my plan worked as I meant! She thought she was talking to me somewhere in her panty drawer.
I wanted to shout to her that I needed her help! But then her mom returned and lifted the basket again, carrying me away from salvation.
That’s when it occurred to me. If I was being washed now, then I was probably going to be worn again! I didn’t even know if I was able to turn back, and I won’t be able to try for two whole weeks! This can’t be how it ends!