Ron walked into the bar in his college town. It was a bit of a shithole, but it was the best place that students could walk to. Anything further into town was almost twenty minutes away by car. He looked around, scanning the pool tables, the dart boards, then finally to the seating area near the bar.Finally he saw Alice, the woman he had been chatting with online. She was sadly a bit heavier than her profile picture suggested, but her distinctive red hair made her stand out among the crowd. He walked over to her quickly, driven equally by his desire to wet his whistle and wet his cock. With Melissa, his standard bootycall out of town on a class trip for nearly two weeks, with one more to go, Ron was getting a bit frustrated.
He sidled up to her, sitting in the bar stool next to her.
“Oh, hey Ron,” she said, holding up her beer bottle as if ready to toast his health. “I hope you don’t mind that I got started while I was waiting for you.”
“No, not a problem,” Ron responded, waving the bartender over. Despite dismissing it, he was a bit annoyed that she already ordered. He was already almost ten minutes early to their agreed upon time. For a moment he wondered if he was her second date on the agenda this evening.
The bartender came over and Ron ordered a beer, then turned his attention to his date. It was clear the beer in front of her wasn’t her first. As they chatted casually, her voice slurred and she visibly swayed on the stool.
Ron’s beer arrived and he drained half of it in one go. In their online chats, he got the impression that she was a pretty good match for him, but now all of that chemistry was gone. The woman sitting next to him seemed like a complete stranger. Online she seemed elegant and quick-witted, but now she was presenting as a slobbering drunk. One that hadn’t showered in a couple of days to boot.
She seemed to have the opposite feeling about Ron, however. She leaned toward him and found any excuse to put her hand on him somewhere. Just as Ron was about to excuse himself, his phone buzzed in his pocket.
He excused himself and retrieved his phone. Seeing an alert from Melissa his heart nearly skipped a beat. Without hesitation he opened his text messages to read what she said.
[Got back early, I’m home if you want to come over tonight!]
“Were you listening me to?” Alice said with an annoyed bite in her voice.
“Hmm, sorry,” Ron said halfheartedly, putting his phone facedown on the bar.
“The only person you should be focusing on is me tonight,” Alice’s voice had an arrogant, demanding quality that Ron was not accustomed to.
He was a warlock, and a pretty powerful one at that, so he was used to a certain level of respect. In fact, he demanded it in most cases. And while he hadn’t directly said he was a warlock in their online discussions, a couple of minutes of Googling would reveal who he was. So she was at best drunk or at worst had a death wish talking to him like this.
Ron’s eye twitched visibly and he picked up his phone again, tapping a message back to Melissa.
[I’ll be over in ten minutes]
“Sorry, this isn’t going to work out,” he said to Alice as he stood up and started to turn away from her, heading for the door.
“What?!” Alice’s angry retort was followed quickly by the sound of wood clattering to the floor as she jumped to her feet.
Ron didn’t waste any time looking back, he just kept walking until he was outside in the dark of the evening. His phone went off again and he read the latest message.
[Don’t forget that you promised you would try out a cock ring the next time we boned!]
Ron smiled, looking forward to meeting up with Melissa again. But then he stopped in his tracks.
“Shit, I forgot the cockring,” he muttered to himself.
From behind him, he heard the door to the bar flying open behind him with a heavy clang. He turned to look, seeing Alice stumbling through the parking lot toward him.
“I got dressed up for this,” Alice was drunkenly shouting. “I showered, and shaved, all for this date. And you’re just gonna walk away?”
Ron smiled tightly, a perfect idea crossing his mind.
“You know what, maybe you will feel my cock tonight,” he said, stashing his hands in his pocket and raising his hands in front of him as if holding an invisible basketball at stomach height. Red energy started to crackle between his fingers.
Alice stumbled back, her eyes going wide.
“Wait, you’re a…?” she trailed off as Ron pushed his hands outward, launching the red energy toward Alice.
She panicked and backed away, the energy rippling over and through her entire body. She looked up to him in fear as she felt herself falling toward the ground, her body pulling in on itself. Her skin rippled and her features smoothed out, changing to a dark blue. Her drunkenness fading away as her body changed shape.
Ron walked over to her with a smile, standing over her until her body was nothing but a silicone ring. He reached down and picked her up with two fingers.
“My friend with benefits wanted to try out a cockring, and you’ll fill in nicely,” Ron said coldly. He chuckled and tucked her into his pocket and returned to his car.
Before long, he arrived at Melissa’s home. He knocked on the door to announce his arrival and smiled as the door swung inward, just like in cop movies when the detective arrives at the crime scene. He pushed the door open, stepped into the dark foyer, and kicked off his shoes.
“It’s about time you got here,” a voice came from the darkness. He looked up just as Melissa flipped the light on. After blinking away the temporary blindness of the harsh light, Ron saw his curvy friend standing in the doorway to the kitchen, wearing nothing but a slinky red thong and matching lacy push up bra.
“So your trip ended early, huh?” Ron looked her up and down as he chatted casually, playing like he wasn’t already becoming aroused.
“Yeah, one of the students got caught spray painting a monument in the part or some shit and we got kicked out,” Melissa responded, sauntering over and wrapping her arms around his waist. “Now shut up and fuck me.”
She planted a kiss on his lips and pulled away, walking up the stairs to her bedroom. Ron smiled and followed, pulling the Alice-ring from his pocket.
Until now, Alice denied her fate, trying to convince herself that this was a horrible dream she was having after passing out drunk in the parking lot. But once she was free of his pocket and saw Melissa’s shapely ass walking up the stairs in front of her, she was confronted with the truth.
Ron could hear her voice screaming in his head, begging to be released and returned to her human form. What she didn’t know was that her begging was having the opposite effect and was actually getting him aroused. For someone with powers like Ron’s, traditional sex got boring quickly. Using someone like this gave it that special edge that kept things interesting.
Ron followed Melissa into her bedroom and watched as she crawled into the bed, swaying her ass more than she had to in the process. When she reached the head of the bed, she rolled over onto her back and settled into the mattress and winked at Ron.
Having been so enraptured by her body up till that point, Ron just stood and watched. It was only when she winked that he started to pull his shirt over his head, still holding the Alice ring in his closed fist.
Melissa heaved an exaggerated sigh, playing that she was annoyed that he was taking too long. Finally Ron pulled his underwear off, gripping them in the same hand that clutched Alice. She could smell and even taste his dirty underwear for a moment, her gag reflex triggering. Thankfully, he tossed the dirty garment aside.
“So you got something there for me?” Melissa nodded to his hand.
“Hmm, yeah, just a little something I picked up for us. I met a drunk woman at the bar and thought she would make a good cock ring for us,” Ron smiled, holding Alice up for her to see.
Alice was shocked that he admitted what he did, but heaved a sigh of relief. There is no way this woman will let Ron use her now that she knows. Her heart sank when she saw Melissa laugh.
“I still don’t get your sense of humor, it’s a good thing I like your dick.”
Alice screamed in her head, trying desperately to make herself heard. She repeated that he wasn’t joking and begged for help.
“So get that thing on and get your thing over here,” Melissa continued.
Ron lowered Alice toward his now fully-erect penis and pressed her up against the tip.
“Actually, wait,” Melissa said and rolled over, scrambling over to the edge of the bed and sat on her feet. The sexy grace was gone, her movements more like a child trying to get out of bed quickly on Christmas morning. Ron paused as she moved, curious what she was thinking. Alice watched intently, hoping that she changed her mind about helping her.
Melissa reached out slowly, exaggerating her movements sensually and took a hold of Ron’s cock at the base, her other hand replacing his on the ring. Then she leaned forward, taking Alice in her mouth. The transformed woman looked around in a panic as her teeth closed in around her, gripping her tight.
She teased his tip with her tongue, eliciting low moans of pleasure from Ron. Chuckling to herself, enjoying the effect she was having on him. Slowly she pressed down his shaft, using her mouth to press the ring into place.
Alice grunted to herself, the giant penis forcing its way through her. It felt like it was going into her mouth and out through her vagina. The feeling of both sucking and fucking a dick as big as her was intense and uncomfortable with an undertone of pleasure.
Once she had it about halfway down his meat, she pulled back, working her lips and tongue over the tip. Her other hand took a gentle hold of Alice and worked her down the length of his shaft.
Melissa looked up at him with her eyes, smiling to herself. Without warning, she clamped down gently but firmly with her teeth at the same time as she created a suction in her mouth. Ron gave a start, the sudden pressure sending a wave of pleasure through him. Mellissa pulled back with her head and pushed down on the ring. The effect of which was to force the ring down securely at the base of Ron’s cock.
It was a unique sensation for him. The pressure was a bit uncomfortable, but easily bearable, especially given the pleasure that Melissa’s mouth was delivering. He could tell, though, that the cockring was having the desired effect of trapping the blood in his manhood, and maintaining his erection.
Melissa continued to stroke him with her hands and mouth for a while, giving Alice a front row seat. The transformed woman experienced it all. She could taste the subtle sweat on his shaft, and smell the saliva now coating him.
“You keep that up, then I won’t make it to the bed,” Ron teased, running his hand over Melissa’s hair.
“Well then, come and get me,” she said, pulling away from him and laying back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows.
Ron smirked and climbed onto the bed, crawling over to her. Alice panicked as he moved, her mind telling her that she might fall off and onto the ground once his cock was pointed downward. Of course she was held tightly to him and didn’t budge, her intellectual mind berating herself for being so stupid as to think she would fall off.
But as Ron climbed over the top of his lover, she had more important things to be concerned about. She watched in horror as she approached the giant vagina beneath her. Soon she was directly over top, and Ron took a hold of his cock, guiding it toward the hot, wet folds.
Both lovers moaned as he made contact and pushed. The wet, slimy sound rang through Alice’s awareness, further increasing the disgust she was feeling. Alice started freaking Ron and Melissa’s bodies closed in on each other, the giant pussy closing in. If she still had a mouth and throat, Alice would have been retching in disgust. Soon, the only thing she could see was Melissa’s slit bearing down on her, the smell of it overtaking her senses.
Alice stared at the throbbing, wet cunt approaching her, dreading the thought of touching it, which would mean tasting it as well. She braced herself as much as she could, trying to prepare herself for it. But just as she was about to come in contact with Melissa, darkness fell, the lovers’ bodies blocked out the last of the light. Alice screamed in her mind, overtaken by the panic of no longer knowing when it was going to happen.
Before she could even process it, she felt the moisture pressed against her and the distinct, disgusting flavor of pussy pervaded her senses. Her world became hot darkness, the loud sucking sound of furious coitus and the taste of sweat and pussy the only things she was aware of.
Ron and Melissa fucked with a reckless abandon as they normally did, each of them working up a sweat quickly as Ron gyrated on top of her. Their grunts and moans filled the air as the temperature and sweat continued to increase in Alice’s prison. As the two lovers moved, the transformed woman couldn’t help but feel some amount of pleasure, which probably disgusted her more than anything. The fact that she could be enjoying this even a little disgusted her to no end.
Soon the combination of sensations became too much for her and she screamed in her head, wondering how the hell a bad date ended up with her wrapped around a cock. The only relief came when they pulled apart, though Alice quickly found out that they weren’t done. Melissa rolled over and lifted her ass, allowing Ron to start fucking her doggy style.
Alice screamed again, once more rammed into Melissa’s pussy, which was getting more and more ripe by the minute.