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Product Development: The Pissy Boss

“Are you three seriously just sitting around?” Rachel almost shouted as soon as she opened the door. The short, thick woman put her hands on her hips as she stared down her three subordinates. Her shoulder-length hair framed her angry expression. “You know what’s at stake here! If we don’t get the new toilet designs in front of the executives, there’s no way I’m getting that promotion!”

“Alright, alright, don’t get your panties in a bunch!” Alice, shot back. Alice was a short and effortlessly thin half-hispanic, half-african nonbinary person and was the unofficial leader of Rachel’s team, who was changing her preferred pronouns as often as Rachel changed clothes. They were adorned as normal, with several piercings in each ear and another through their septum. Today’s hair color of choice was a light pink.

“I’m sure we’ll have something by tomorrow,” Aaron chimed in. If he didn’t annoy her so much, Rachel might have found the hispanic man quite attractive. He wasn’t too tall, but couldn't be considered short either and had a light, but well-maintained beard.

“The deadline is today!” Rachel shot back, seemingly completely unhinged.

“Oh stop being so pissy!” Lindsey, the last member of the team added. Lindsey lounged back in her desk chair, her wide hips taking up the whole chair and her feet up on the desk.

“Goddamn you people, you’re going to send me to an early grave…” Rachel muttered under her breath. Her expression suddenly changed, her mind seemingly drifting off. “You know what, if you won’t design the toilets, then you can be the toilets…!”

Alice, Aaron and Lindsey looked at each other with confused, amused expressions, wondering what new crazy was stewing in their overbearing boss’s head this time. Rachel just casually pulled her phone out of her pants pocket and tapped away on the screen for a moment, raising it toward the three lazy employees.

Aiming first at Alice, Rachel taps a button on her phone. Alice’s body started to twist and shift, their mind swimming. Before either of the other two could react, Rachel aimed her phone at Lindsey and repeated the process. Having watched both of his coworkers start to transform in front of his eyes, Aaron stood and started to run toward the door, but Rachel aimed at him and he fell to the floor, his body crawling and changing.

“Well I’ll let you three settle into your new shapes for a bit while I get the testing room ready. Toodles!” Rachel waved and walked out of the room.

Alice, Lindsey and Aaron were left alone to figure out why none of them could move…

—Several Hours Later—

The lives of the three employees had been a blur for a while, the transformation scrambling their brains. Now they found themselves in darkness, having been covered in a black cloth for at least the last hour.

They heard Rachel talking, but not to them. Her voice was what they had come to know as her ‘meeting voice’ that she used when presenting something to her superiors.

“And without further ado, let me present our newest line of toilets!” Rachel’s voice got louder as she approached the trio. With a flourish, Rachel pulled the black cloth from over the three of them, bathing them in light and temporarily blinding them.

The room was quiet except for subtle mutterings a short distance away. Alice, Lindsey and Aaron finally got a good look around. Looking around the room, they quickly realized where they were: the toilet testing room. On one side of this room was a line of drains for toilets to be installed and tested.

The other side of the room looked like a small movie theater, with rows of comfortable chairs behind built-in counters in a stadium-seating arrangement. 

Sitting in these seats was the entire executive team, all twenty or so of them. Men and women, of various ages and body types were looking on with curiosity.

But that was not what had Alice, Aaron and Lindsey the most nervous. After seeing where they were, they looked to each other to see what they were. Each of them had been transformed, their bodies warped into completely different shapes: into the shapes of toilets!

Alice was mounted on the wall as a urinal. Their eyes were still visible above their wide, gaping mouth, which was forced open as the bowl of their new form. Alice couldn’t see past their own mouth, but they somehow knew that their naked chest was sitting on the floor, almost acting as ‘feet’ to their new form. Worse yet was that Alice could feel the lips of their vagina exposed between their tits.

Lindsey was a more traditional toilet, her eyes, like Alices, looked out from the tank. Her upper lip and nose made up the closed lid, while her jaw, complete with tongue, made up the bowl. The rest of her body felt folded up underneath her, leaving her chest laying on the floor like Alice. Though at least she was allowed the dignity of having her crotch tucked away out of sight.

Aaron could barely see from his position completely on the floor. He had been transformed into a female floor urinal, the kind that they would squat down over. His eyes looked straight up, his mouth forced open, ready for use. He seemed raised up, maybe two or three feet off the floor around him. While he couldn’t see, he could tell that his balls and cock were exposed and laying on the cold ground below his mouth.

Rachel was standing over them, looking down at all three with her back to the executives and a satisfied smile on her face.

“Now who’s being pissy?” Rachel whispered, so the toilet people could hear, but not the executives.

Lindsey narrowed her eyes and tried to protest, but her voice was distorted by its new shape and the water held within. Some of the executives even chuckled under their breath at the exaggerated, cartoony sounds.

“So as you can see, my team was gracious enough to show us the new designs!” Rachel said in her meeting voice, turning to the executives. “Alice is a new urinal, Lindsey became a standard toilet, and Aaron is a low-water female urinal.”

All three of them visibly blushed, humiliated at being presented in such a fashion, their distorted and very naked bodies on display for the whole room, with no way to move or effectively communicate.

“And now the moment we’ve been waiting for,” Rachel said. “Or at least I’ve been waiting for. You see I’ve been drinking extra water all day to properly demonstrate our prototypes!”

Lindsey, Aaron, and Alice all started grunting, their eyes frantically scanning the room, not believing that they were about to be used in front of so many people. Rachel just smirked. Even she was barely able to hear their complaints, and she was far closer than anyone else was.

“I’ll start off with this one,” Rachel said, walking over to the urinal mounted on the wall. “And yes, I know what you’re thinking, she, or rather, this is a urinal isn’t it? How would a woman be able to use it?”

As she spoke, Rachel walked over in front of Alice, her hands working to unbutton and unzip her work trousers.

“We thought of that, designing the bowl of this urinal to protrude a bit more than standard models,” by now Rachel was pulling her pants and underwear down. “So while it’s designed for men, it can be used by a woman in a pinch!”

With her pants and underwear around her knees, Rachel squatted down, protruding her ample ass out behind her. She was so close that Alice could feel the warmth coming off her skin. With a quiet sigh, Rachel started urinating, the liquid splashing down inside of Alice’s wide mouth.

To Alice’s surprise, the experience wasn’t unpleasant, though it was certainly odd. She could feel the warm fluid flowing down her throat and through her body. It just felt like she was drinking a warm glass of water.

With a subtle grunt, Rachel forcibly stopped her trickling stream and wiped herself with a wet wipe, tossing it off into a nearby trashcan.

“See? Perfectly viable for a woman’s use!” Rachel announced, pulling up her pants, but leaving them unzipped and unbuttoned. “And the best part is the hands-free flush mechanism! You simply step down on here…”

Rachel brought her foot out and pressed the toe of her high heel directly onto Alice’s exposed vagina. A wave of pleasure shot through Alice, her body quaking as a powerful orgasm overwhelmed her senses. Alice audibly moaned as her eyes rolled back into her head. She almost didn’t even notice the feeling of Rachel’s collected piss running through her, like Alice herself was using the bathroom.

“Oh wow, Alice, I know you liked showing off our new product line, but maybe you’re getting too into it!” Rachel laughed, exaggerating her reaction at the urinal’s pleasure.

Humiliation overtook Alice as she came down from her orgasm. The thought that she was both used as a toilet and forced to orgasm in front of so many people mortified her more than she had ever experienced.

“Well the next one isn’t quite as exciting, it’s more of a standard toilet,” Rachel said, continuing her presentation by stepping over next to Lindsey. Alice was at least glad the attention wasn’t on them anymore, but that did little to lessen their humiliation.

Lindsey, on the other hand, was now fully aware of what was going to happen, and was desperately gurgling to try and get Rachel to stop. It didn’t work, of course, as Rachel opened her lid, exposing her water-filled mouth. It also blocked Lindsey’s view, so she couldn’t prepare herself for the inevitable.

Lindsey gave a start when she felt Rachel’s bare ass settling down onto her lower jaw. The weight of the woman was awkward, but not painful. Though Lindsey didn’t have much time to reconcile that, as Rachel started peeing almost immediately, the warm liquid mixing with the water already held in Lindsey’s mouth.

Lindsey’s mind froze, not knowing how to make sense of what was happening to her. She was at least glad that she didn’t have to watch the room full of people stare at her while her bitchy boss pissed in her mouth.

“The best part of this model is that Lindsey’s tongue is better than any bidet!” Rachel said as she stopped peeing.

Before Lindsey could react, Rachel stepped down on her left breast, which forced her tongue to lift from the bottom of her bowl-mouth, and drag itself along Rachel’s skin. Lindsey was convinced she turned a deep shade of red, the humiliation of her predicament cutting to her core.

Rachel sighed and stood up. To Lindsey’s dismay, she closed the lid, giving her a view of the room full of executives staring intently at her.

“And just like the other model, it has a hands-free flush,” Rachel stepped down on Lindsey’s right breast. Just like Alice before her, Lindsey was hit with an unstoppable wave of pleasure. Her face flushed bright red as the orgasm ripped through her misshapen body. Her eyes rolled back and almost crossed as she too felt the sensation of peeing into the drain attached to her.

“Always a pleasure to see an employee really enjoy their work,” Rachel taunted, winking at Lindsey so the executives couldn’t see. 

Lindsey wished nothing more than to sink down into the floor to avoid the humiliation of what just happened. But no such luck. She was forced to sit there immobile under their stares.

“And finally, the one I am the most excited about,” Rachel said, stepping over to Aaron. “You’ll notice that this model has a very wide mouth, er, bowl, perfect for catching every drop!”

The human toilet stared up at her as she pulled her pants completely to the floor and moved into position over top of him. He watched helplessly as he watched her ample ass lower down into position.

Then the stream started and he closed his eyes, trying to deny the humiliation of being forced to accept her urine into his mouth. Finally, after what felt like forever, the last couple drops of urine fell into him. Rachel stepped away with a smile, wiped herself and pulled her pants back up before turning back to him. 

“You guessed it, this one also has a touchless flush!” Rachel said, stepping down on Aaron’s exposed cock. His eyes immediately crossed, a moan escaping his gaping mouth as his own orgasm wracked him. Spots formed in his vision for a split second before the pleasure finally faded.

“Alright, so that leaves us to open testing!” Rachel was addressing the crowd. “I’ll get out of the way and y’all can have at it!”

The executives started talking amongst themselves as they applauded Rachel’s presentation. The three toilet people looked on helplessly as the executives started walking over to them. They stared up anxiously as the executives wandered around inspecting the new products carefully.

But then one of the male executives walked over to Alice, pulling open his fly. Alice was forced to watch this man from less than a foot away as he drained his cock into their mouth. Tucking himself away, he stepped on the ‘flusher,’ sending mortifying waves of pleasure through Alice. Even knowing it was coming wasn’t enough for them to resist the orgasm.

Next to Alice, the other two were having similar experiences. A woman lifted her dress and sat down on Lindsey, while a third woman dropped her pants and moved into position over Aaron.

The next hour passed like that, each of the employees was used over and over by the executive team while others watched carefully. Through it all, Rachel smirked and eyed them knowingly, furthering their humiliation by solidifying her victory.

“Oh no, it’s perfectly ethical!” Rachel was saying to the CEO. “Just take a look, they are positively leaking all over the floor! They are loving this!”

It was true that the visible sign of their arousal was staining the floor, though for them it had stopped being pleasurable a long time ago. Each of them was overstimulated and wished for it all to end. Though strangely, they all started to subtly crave being used again…

Soon after, the ‘testing’ finally ended and the executives filed out of the room, leaving only the toilets and Rachel.

“So,” she said, hands on her hips, looking between her three employees. “I bet that’s more actual work then you’ve done in the past two years! The execs are organizing a happy hour to celebrate my presentation today, so I’ll come back for you later on.”

She waved goodbye to them as she turned off the light and closed the door, plunging them into darkness.

—The Next Morning—

The lights came back on over the three toilets. They blinked away the blinding light to see Rachel strutting over to them.

“I have great news!” she started. The disgruntled employees eyed her harshly, angry at being left in this humiliating state overnight. “I got the promotion!”

Lindsey rolled her eyes, Aaron glared at her, and Alice narrowed their eyes.

“Oh and since you were so happy to become our prototypes, we decided to keep you this way,” Rachel said as almost an afterthought. “So you’ll be making the rounds helping to market our new line of toilets. You’ll be on display at trade shows, used in commercials and so on! Isn’t that great! They’ll be a lot of down time, so in between all that, you’ll be installed in the bathrooms off the main lobby so prospective clients can test our new designs before buying!”

The three toilets started frantically grunting and gurgling, cursing Rachel and begging for mercy. But she just laughed and turned to walk away.

“The marketing boys will be in soon to collect you, have fun!”

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