Coach blew her whistle and Jenn charged forward, hitting the soccer ball with a good solid kick, sending it soaring into the other end of the field, the rest of her team charging after it.
Jenn’s college soccer team practice for this week was being replaced with a full skirmish, pitting half the team vs the other. The girls normally enjoy these types of practices, it’s a good break from endless, repetitive drills. Jenn was one of the top players, so was acting as the center forward for her team. The skirmish progressed as normal, with Jenn getting several good shots on goal.
Right as she was about to take an open shot on goal, a member of the other team, Samantha, ran out of nowhere and launched into a slide. Sam’s cleat knocked the ball clear, but then struck Jenn’s foot and sent her sprawling.
She grunted as she hit the ground and rolled, her uniform and skin picking up stains from the grass.
“Goddamn it Sam!” she shouted after her attacker. “It’s a fucking skirmish!” Meanwhile, a member of Sam’s team gained control of the ball and sent it down toward Jenn’s goal.
“Get better and I won’t be able to take you out so easily,” Sam winked as she gained her feet before running off after the ball.
“Jenn, leave your beef off the field!” Coach shouted from the sidelines. Coach was always taking Sam’s side publicly. It’s true that Sam was the best player on the team, but that still didn’t sit right with Jenn. Sam was way too aggressive and cost them several key games in the past by giving their opponents too many penalty shots. What Jenn didn’t see was how Coach always pulled Sam aside after and even during games and practice to get her to ease up. All Jenn saw was a coach’s pet who was more wrapped up in her own self-interest.
Jenn grunted and slammed a fist into the ground, watching as Sam’s team carried the ball toward her goal.
“Don’t let that bitch get to you,” one of Jenn’s teammates said, extending a hand down to her.
“Thanks Allie, but I’d rather get to her, knock her down a few pegs,” Jenn responded as she took Allie’s hand. The women both pulled, bringing Jenn to her feet.
“If you REALLY mean that, find me at halftime,” Allie said, a wicked smile crossing her face.
Jenn returned her smile and they both jogged off, getting back into the game. As soon as Coach blew the whistle to get the girls off the field for halftime, Jenn beelined to Allie, meeting her on the way off the field.
“So what’ve you got?” Jenn asked in a hushed tone.
“Something that will put her in her place for good,” Allie whispered back. “Get her behind the bleachers, I’ll grab it and meet you there.”
Jenn nodded and Allie ran off. As she slipped away, Jenn sought out Sam, who was sitting on the bench with her water bottle.
“Hey, Sam,” Jenn snapped as she walked up to the other girl. “Come here, I got something for you.”
“Why would I go anywhere with you?” Sam scoffed, taking a drink from her bottle and turning away from Jenn.
“Come with me now, or I’ll show your boyfriend those pictures I have of you and Jack,” Jenn said, leaning in close to Sam. She was completely bluffing, and didn’t really know if there was anything between Sam and Jack. True she had seen them together often enough to have an inkling that there was more to it. And it turned out, she may have been right. Sam’s eyes suddenly snapped up to her with a look of half-rage and half-surprise.
“You wouldn’t,” Sam stood quickly and advanced on Jenn, her voice a mix of begging and demanding.
“Oh I will unless you come with me,” Jenn hissed, stepping up to confront Sam.
“Fine, but you have to promise you’ll delete those pictures after you show me whatever the hell you’re going to show me,” Sam said, defeated.
Jenn gave a satisfied huff and turned briskly away, heading off toward the bleachers. Sam followed begrudging behind her. Jenn started to jog, knowing their time was limited before play started again. Truth be told, she was also a bit nervous not knowing what Allie had in mind, so she wanted to get to it as quickly as possible.
Soon they made their way under the back of the bleachers, completely cut off from the rest of the field, even though they were only twenty or thirty yards away from it. Jenn heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Allie was already waiting for them.
“So what the hell do you want?” Sam said, striking a sassy pose, hands on her hips.
“Oh just this experimental Manipulation Device,” Allie said, lifting a machine that almost resembled the scanner from Ghostbusters, complete with a screen and several dials and buttons. The whole thing seemed kind of slapped together.
“Manipulation Device? What the hell are you…” Sam started, though she was cut off as Allie hit a button. Jenn stared wide-eyed as Sam was immediately enveloped in a subtly shimmering blue energy, her body completely frozen in place.
“Oh shit, it worked,” Allie breathed, almost as if she didn’t fully believe that it would.
“What worked, what did you do to her?” Jenn asked, stepping closer to their frozen victim.
Sam’s eyes, the only part of her that could move, darted back and forth between her two teammates, horrified that she was so completely immobile, still in the hands-on-hips pose. She still had full feeling in her body, but none of her muscles obeyed her. Despite her body’s immobility, she could still feel the breeze moving her clothing against her skin.
“This is something my dad’s been working on,” Allie said, looking over the device and scrolling through options on the touch screen. “This was his first working prototype. It uses some new kind of energy to manipulate the world. From his notes it sounded like it could do almost anything…”
“He is going to kill you when he finds out you took it,” Jenn said, her voice a mix of concern and amusement. She knew enough of Allie’s father to know that her messing with his work would not end well. But then again, it wasn’t HER who would be killed…
“No, that’s the best part,” Allie excitedly explained. “He won’t miss it. His lab at home is locked with a code pad, but he doesn’t know I figured out the code months ago. I am always going in there. That’s how I know about the machine.”
Through this whole discussion Sam watched them with terror in her eyes, not able to comprehend how they were doing this, but very well aware of how much power they had over her.
“So when I snuck in yesterday, I saw that his time-delay mini-incinerator was on, so I checked inside,” Allie continued. “And there it was! I grabbed it out and checked his notes. Now that he was moving on to a different version of the machine, he was destroying the old one, ‘so it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands,’ as if he was a comic book hero.” Allie laughed as she finished.
Sam couldn’t help but think that it had indeed fallen into the wrong hands. She so desperately wanted to beg with these two to free her, to the point where she would have promised them anything in return. Though of course, she didn’t have the chance.
“So what can it do?” Jenn asked, stepping over to Allie and looking down at the machine.
“Most anything, really. It’s run on a kind of AI, so if you can ‘ask’ it things,” Allie responded, manipulating the controls. “Kind of like this…”
Allie moved her hand across the screen in a seemingly innocuous gesture. But as she did, Sam felt a strange, painful tickle across her chest. She winced with only her eyes as she felt rather than saw the ample chest that she was so proud of shrinking back into her body. She panicked and whimpered internally seeing her body physically changing under these girls’ control.
Allie and Jenn, however, laughed as they watched the bully’s boobs flatten out until her chest looked like one of the boys’ players, her shirt and sports bra deflating behind them.
“Awe, she went from a D cup to a no cup,” Jenn laughed, genuinely amused to see the terror in the eyes of their former bully.
“And we can make the bottom match the top,” Allie said and manipulated the controls again.
Panic welled up in Sam’s mind as she guessed their intention. Almost immediately after the thought formed, her suspicions were proven correct as she felt that same painful tingle between her legs. Though this time she felt something growing out from her body, stretching the fabric from her underwear and shorts. Again her tormentors laughed.
“Hmm look at that bulge,” Allie said, her voice boarding on flirtatious.
Sam tried desperately to look down at herself to confirm what she already knew to be true. They had just given her a cock. She could feel the alien organ pressed up tight against her, trapped under clothes not designed to accommodate it.
“So what do you think, should we just leave her down here, frozen for people to look at as they walk by?” Allie asked with a hint of deviousness in her voice.
“We can do that,” Jenn responded, gently taking the machine from Allie. “But first I want to make some changes. Since she LOVES the boys’ attention so much, let's give them something to look at.”
It didn’t take her long to figure out the controls, firstly returning Sam’s crotch to its former state. Sam sighed in relief despite everything when she felt vagina returning to her body. But Jenn didn’t stop there. Tapping some more of the controls, Sam felt her waist slimming, the painful itch circling her entire midsection. Her fairly loose-fitting shirt hid the visual, but she could not mistake the feeling.
“I can’t really see what I am doing,” Jenn muttered, tapping some more controls. With a swipe of her finger, Sam’s shorts and shirt puffed away to dust and were carried away by the wind. Her eyes went wide and her face flushed, the humiliation of being out in public in just her thong and sports bra burning her to her core. It didn’t help that she was still flat-chested, making her look like a prepubescent girl who stole her mom’s bra.
“There we go,” Jenn bounced with satisfaction, eyeing the girl standing in front of her.
Over the next minute or so, Sam’s head spun as Jenn played with the controls, giving her an exaggerated, but still kind-of-realistic hourglass shape through her waist, hips and butt. Sam strained against the pain of her now too-tight thong that threatened to cut her in half at the ass crack. She hadn’t thought it would be possible, but Sam’s humiliation deepened even more now that she was being turned into a photoshopped supermodel.
“You did a good job,” Allie said, walking around their victim. “I’m actually kind of jealous.”
“Now we just have to deal with this whole situation,” Jenn motioned to Sam’s chest with her free hand before going back to the controls. Once again, Sam’s chest painfully tingled, but this time started to return to its former size. Though it didn’t stop there. Jenn smirked evilly as she kept on going, watching Sam’s boobs grow to comical proportions, flesh starting to bulge out from around her sports bra. She grimaced against the pain, her bra cutting deep into her expanding chest.
“Just how big are you going?” Allie asked, her voice amused. Before Jenn could form a response, they both heard a loud ripping sound. They looked over to see a massive rip up the center of Sam’s sports bra. The seam at the top and bottom prevented it from ripping off completely, but her intense cleavage was starting to force its way out of the tear.
Both girls laughed at the ridiculous sight as Sam’s own chest started to get in the way of her face.
“Alright, that’s enough I think,” Jenn said and dialed her boobs back down to a reasonable, though still bra-stretching, size.
“OOooo, give me that, I have a better idea than leaving her here,” Allie said quickly, snatching the machine away from Jenn. She looked offended for a moment, but let Allie take it without complaint.
Allie played with the controls for a moment and pushed a button. The shimmering light around Sam pulled away from her body and instead formed an orb around her. It was large enough that Sam could stand fully upright, but only just, with her hair brushing the seemingly solid surface at the top. The moment the shimmer changed form, Sam found herself finally able to move again, and covered her crotch and chest with her arms. Her body moved stiffly exactly as she would expect after standing in the same position for an extended period of time. She tested the energy field with her foot, finding that it was a solid barrier.
“P-Please, give me my clothes back,” Sam stammered, looking back and forth between Allie and Jenn. “I won’t mess with you again.”
“What do you think, should we trust her?” Jenn asked, looking over at Allie.
“No, I gotta see if this works,” Allie said, flipping the controls. The orb around Sam started to close down around her, immediately pressing down on her head, forcing her to duck down.
“Please, stop,” Sam begged. “Let me out!”
Neither of the other girls responded as they watched the ball continue to shrink around their victim. Soon Sam was forced to the ground, sitting on her heels.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked in a panic. “It’s too small…”
Sam leaned over forward, trying to stay away from the top of the orb that unfortunately for her, didn’t stop shrinking. She looked up at it in panic, and it started to press her head back, her face flattening out against it like a cartoon.
“Well at least we don’t have to listen to her whine anymore,” Jenn commented on the fact that Sam couldn’t form coherent words through her distorted face.
Sam was wracked with pain, but not the intense, bone-breaking pain one would expect. It was more akin to a combination of being sat on by a large person and squeezing into jeans that were two sizes too small. Except that every inch of her body felt it at the same time.
The shrinking continued, pressing Sam’s head down on the rest of her body. The way her face pressed back thrust her chest forward, her still over-sized boobs pressing into the barrier. Meanwhile her legs were being similarly forced into the rest of her body, molding to the sphere as if they were made of putty. Her knees were forced up to either side of her chest, leaving her ass pressed against the bottom of her prison.
Sam’s mind spun, wondering how this was possible, how was she being so easily rolled up like a ball of clay? No answers were forthcoming as the sphere continued to shrink, her features smoothing even more until she was pressed into every square inch of her prison. Her facial expression became a ridiculous caricature as her tits almost overtook her face as they too spread out to a comical size.
Finally the sphere stopped shrinking at around nine inches from side to side. Allie and Jenn were now looking down on what looked like a ball printed with a cartoon face, cartoonishly smashed boobs breaking out of a ripped sports bra, and two hands with their palms out.
“Wow that thing is pretty powerful,” Jenn looked down in awe as Sam’s eyes moved around on the surface of the ball, the only part of her that could move.
“It has some more tricks,” Allie said and hit a button on the controls. The shimmering light dissipated in the same way as Sam’s soccer uniform. Though this time, Sam kept her spherical shape and didn’t regain the ability to move. However, now that the sphere was no longer holding her in place, she slowly rolled to one side on the uneven ground, revealing the underside of the spherical girl.
Both Allie and Jenn laughed when they saw what the bottom of her looked like. Her thong was only just barely visible in the massive, spread-out ass that took up almost the entire bottom of the ball.
“Oh man, that’s awesome,” Jenn wiped a tear out of her eye.
“Well she was just a big ass after all, now it’s official,” Allie responded.
“We’re going to have to get back out there soon, should we just leave her here? Come back after practice?” Jen asked.
“I had a better idea,” Allie smirked and flipped a button on the controls. In an instant the pattern of a soccer ball spread across Sam’s mashed surface.
Jenn laughed and gave her just a little tap kick, sending her rolling away a couple of feet. Despite the solid-looking surface covering her, Sam could still see and feel the world around her. The world spun as she rolled, her boobs and ass feeling the ground move under her.
“So is she still in there, or…?” Jenn asked.
“Oh she is exactly as she was, she just looks and feels like a soccer ball now,” Allie said.
Jenn laughed a deep belly laugh. “Oh man, this is just perfect.”
Just then they heard a whistle, the coach calling them back to the field.
“Well I guess we have to get back,” Allie said. “Grab our ball, will you?”
Jenn chuckled and scooped up the Sam ball, tucking it under her arm and jogging off after Allie. As they rounded the bleachers, they saw the rest of the team gathered up around the bench.
“Alright, so focus on your ball handling and keep to your positions,” Coach was saying to the rest of the girls. “Good of you two to join us. Wasn’t Sam with you, is she coming?”
“No she wasn’t with us, she isn’t here?” Allie asked, feigning ignorance, holding the manipulation machine behind her back.
Sam silently screamed from her position under Jenn’s arms, hoping against hope that someone would realize what had happened to her and free her.
As Allie was talking to Coach, Jenn slipped over to the game ball. Silently, she gently kicked it back behind her, letting it bounce off under the bleachers. Without a word, she dropped Sam to the ground, letting her fall where the other ball had been.
“Oh well we can’t wait for her, let's get back out there for the second half,” Coach finished up, prompting the players to take the field. As Jenn and the rest of the team ran off, Allie quickly stashed the machine in her bag under the bench, before joining the rest of the team.
Sam watched terrified as Coach stepped over to her and picked her up. Terror gripped her as she realized what was happening.
“Alright, blue team kicks off,” Coach called, cocking her arm back and throwing Sam into the center of the field.
Sam panicked and internally screamed at the sensation of flying through the air. She spun subtly, so she couldn’t even brace for when she hit the ground. Without warning, she hit the grass square on her ass, sending a dull pain shooting through her. While it didn’t hurt as much as it should have, it was still enough to bring a tear to Sam’s eye.
But it wasn’t over yet, the impact with the ground sent her spinning, the world becoming indistinct and blurry around her. Suddenly she felt a foot hit her, then again as one of her teammates dribbled her into position for the kick off. After a few more kicks, a foot stepped on the top of the Sam ball, settling her into place.
Sam finally got the chance to look around a bit, though she was laying sideways and partially upside down, giving her a distorted view of the field. Fear gripped her as she saw Jenn lining up for the kickoff, a little smirk on her face.
The whistle blew and Jenn took a few running steps forward. NO, NOOOO! Sam screamed in her head.
Pain shot through her as Jenn’s running kick struck her in the left cheek and boob. Sam’s head spun as she launched through the air, the kick still burning. Her hectic spin through the air made it impossible to track anything, so her ass hitting the grass came as a complete surprise, shooting more pain through her. Before she could get her bearings, another girl kicked her solidly in the right tit, launching her again.
In seconds, Sam lost all sense of her surroundings. Every inch of her body burned from the constant kicks and headers. Her world was alternating between the gentle but dizzying kicks of being dribbled and the strong single kicks when she was sent down-field.
At one point, a whistle blew and she was allowed to settle. When she finally got her bearings, she looked up to see that Allie was holding her with two hands, a smirk on her face.
“Alright, penalty kick, get lined up!” Coach was calling.
“I gotta tie my shoe first!” Allie called, kneeling down and putting Sam down next to her. As she fiddled with her still-tied cleat she whispered to the ball. “So how’s the game going? Maybe after being beaten around you’ll stop playing so rough and start being a team player.”
Allie laughed and stood up, moving back into position for the penalty kick. Sam braced as much as she could, but it didn’t help. Allie kicked her hard straight in the tit, sending her flying right back into the action.
Finally, after what felt like hours, a whistle blew and the girls jogged back to the bench, one of them picking up and tucking Sam under her arm. With her face buried in this girl’s armpit, Sam couldn’t tell what was going on, she was simply along for the ride. And while she was grateful that the game was over, she desperately wished for Allie and Jenn to find her and turn her back. Her entire body ached from the constant kicking, and her head was still spinning.
Sam flew through the air one more time unexpectedly as her teammate tossed her to Coach. For a moment she had a better view of her surroundings as the older woman idly tossing and spinning her with her while giving her typical end-of-practice spiel.
“Alright, good practice everyone, hit the showers and get out of here.” A chill ran through Sam. Now that Coach gave her typical sign-off, practice was officially over, leaving Allie and Jenn no more time to find her and extricate her from her tortuous position.
Sam desperately scanned the dispersing crowd, trying to find Jenn or Allie hoping to see one of them coming over to retrieve her. But as Coach carried Sam off and tossed her into the mesh bag with the practice balls and cones, her heart dropped.
-One Hour Later-
Allie arrived at home and tossed her bag onto the floor of her bedroom, exhausted from a long practice. When her bag made an uncharacteristic thunk, she knelt down and opened it, looking for what made that sound.
She laughed out loud when she saw the Manipulation Device. She grabbed her phone and sent a text to Jenn.
[Hey did you grab Sam at the end of practice?]
[lol, no] came the response a minute or so later.
[Well I hope she doesn’t mind hanging out for a while. I guess we can turn her back at the next practice] Allie texted.
[Maybe, it was kind of nice not to be slide tackled every 8 seconds] Jenn responded.
[lol, fair enough. I’ll keep the machine in my bag so we don’t forget]
[If you want to I guess, no big deal if we forget right?] the text from Jenn read.
[True] Allie texted before putting her phone down and settling in for the night.