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Performance Incentives

My name is Nick, and my friend group and I were all casual soccer players in the local adult league. It’s nothing largely competitive, but it keeps us in shape and gives us something to do. My girlfriend, Alice would get… overconfident at times, especially when it came to Emily. Alice constantly insisted that she would win in a one-on-one, but always refused to put it to the test. Emily finally got fed up and after one of our games, used her jailbroken Transform-It App to turn me into a white insole.

Alice went off on her and insisted that she turn me back, but Emily refused, saying that she would only make me human again if Alice beat her one-on-one. Alice agreed immediately and started to change back into her soccer gear. Emily laughed as she slipped me into one of her street shoes.

Emily mockingly explained that her week was pretty busy and she couldn’t possibly make time for the one-on-one until next week. She then buried her bare foot in my face and laughed as she walked out of the locker room.

My world was hell, Emily’s full weight crushed with every single step. I didn’t even have a chance to recover from one step before the next pressed down. Without socks, her feet started to stink, and stink BAD. The smell permeated my entire being. Even in the merciful moments when she wasn’t wearing my prison, the smell lingered.

A week of this went by, leaving me crushed under her foot every single day. Finally the challenge took place, increasing my torture ten-fold. Emily’s running and quick movements crushed me even further, and Emily’s sweat and stink soaked through me.

At the end, I was finally pulled from her shoe long enough for Alice to tearfully admit that she lost the challenge, meaning that I was stuck like this. Emily smugly offered to re-do the challenge in a month. I fell into a pit of despair as Alice profusely apologized for dooming me to this fate. Emily just laughed and slipped me back into the shoe. 

This process repeated three more times over the next three months. Emily constantly won the challenge and left me in my prison. A couple of times they didn’t even bother to tell me, I had to guess that Alice lost as Emily walked away with me. 

As the girls were getting ready for the next challenge, my prison sat empty on the bench.

“You know, after all this time as an insole, Nick might end up with a permanent foot mark on his face when, if, he turns back,” Emily said off-handedly.

“Really? That’s how it works?” Alice asked, her voice not showing the kind of concern that a girlfriend should have for her boyfriend.

“Yeah, I mean it’s been what, four months now?” Emily explained. “And I don’t think that foot smell is EVER going to go away…”

“What are you saying?” Alice asked. I, too, was curious where this conversation was heading. After four months of torture under Emily’s foot, I was desperate to regain my humanity.

“At this point… I think he just IS an insole…” Emily started, slipping both me and the real insole from her shoes. “I can’t even tell which one is him anymore, and if I turn him back I am short one insole and these shoes are unwearable. It might be better to just, you know, leave him…?”

I panicked, looking back and forth between the women, not able to believe they might leave me stuck like this forever.

“Just as well I suppose,” Alice said with a sigh. “Would save me having to explain why I am dating his brother…”


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