“See and that’s why you’ll never be as good as me,” Jane huffed arrogantly and turned her back on the other girls.
Her teammates seethed at Jane’s arrogance as their goalie retrieved the soccer ball from the goal. Jane was a senior at the university and one of the better players, well maybe in the top 20% at least. During a practice scrimmage, she had just passed up on a perfect opportunity for a passing play to juke the defenders and score a goal herself.
“She’s not even the best player we have,” Alice sneered when Jane was out of earshot. “But she still acts like she’s God’s gift to soccer.”
“She has to lord it over us freshmen because she isn’t even better than some of the juniors,” Christine agreed.
“Don’t let her get to you,” Megan, the goalie, responded as she heaved the ball to midfield. “I’ve had to put up with her for a couple years, but she’s gone after this season. I guess she got an offer to be an alternate on a club team in Burmont.”
“How the hell did SHE get an offer!?” Alice blurted out. “She may be good with the ball, but she is a terrible team player. Basically acts like the rest of us don’t exist!”
“Someone needs to knock her down a peg or two,” Christine agreed.
“I just might have just the thing, spread the word with the team that today is the day we teach her a lesson. After practice in the locker room,” Alice said with a sly smile.
“Can do,” Christine responded. “Here comes the kick, get ready.”
The girls jogged off to their positions to get ready for the kick off, Alice’s devious smile remaining on her face. Christine and Megan were curious about what exactly Alice had in mind, but as the scrimmage started again, they didn't have the chance to ask.
During the rest of the scrimmage, Christine and Megan whispered about the plan until everyone on the field was eagerly awaiting the final whistle.
Practice had ended and the coach rushed out quickly, leaving just the girls in the locker room. As was the norm, Jane was the last one out of the shower, preferring to take her time, always using the excuse that she worked harder than the rest of the girls and needed longer showers to wash off the extra sweat. The university locker room didn’t have that many showerheads, so this annoying tendency made many of the girls wait longer than necessary.
While she was still showering, Alice, Christine, and Megan gathered the other girls to wait for her, all of them now dressed in their street clothes. When Jane finally wrapped herself in a towel and meandered out of the shower, she was greeted by the entire team. Laid out on the bench between the lockers was Alice's #3 university-assigned uniform, still sweaty and dirty from today’s practice.
“What’s up girls?” Jane smirked. “Wanted to get a class on how not to suck from the best player on your team?”
This was met with many rolled eyes, since most of the girls were well aware that she was NOT the best player at all. In fact many of them theorized that she was only offered the position in Burmont because she was one of only two seniors graduating this year.
“Nah, we figured it was time to teach YOU a little something,” Alice said, crossing her arms over her chest. As she spoke, the girls subtly closed in behind Jane, blocking her into the center of the human circle.
“Please, you have nothing to teach me,” Jane huffed, turning to leave and seeing her path blocked.
“Oh no, this isn’t anything about the game, this is a lesson in treating people with respect,” Alice continued.
Jane whipped around with an angry expression on her face. “Oh come off it, I’m a senior, well past this stupid, hazing bullshit. Now get out of my way and let me get dressed so I can put some distance between you and your stink.”
“Funny you should mention my stink,” Alice smiled as she produced an old-looking tome from the floor beneath the bench. She opened the dusty book to a marked page and started to recite strange words printed there.
“What the hell is this?” Jane started, her voice showing signs of real fear. She turned to push through the girls behind her, but they grabbed her by her arms and turned her around. “Let go of me!” she shouted at them, fighting to get free.
As Alice continued her arcane reading, the energy started to flee from Jane’s body, her struggling stopping and her arms going limp. The air rippled between her and the uniform parts on the bench and connecting lines almost like smoke trials started to form. Soon Jane was pulled gently free of the girls’ grasp and drawn toward the fabric, her limp body suspended in the air and her toes dragging along the tile floor. Jane gave no sign of resisting or even understanding what was happening. As she approached the bench, her body dissolved into smoke, dropping her towel onto the ground. For a moment, her smoke-shrouded naked body was on display for the rest of the girls to see. Soon, though, her form lost all definition as it faded into nothingness. Without stopping, the smoke flowed over the uniform shirt and shorts before appearing to be “sucked” into the fabric. The soccer team watched in awe as the last tendril of smoke disappeared from sight.
During the process, Jane’s mind fogged just as much as her body, disorienting her and making it impossible to determine what was happening. But as soon as the fog soaked into the cloth, her mind reformed and her thoughts became clear again slowly, as if waking from a deep sleep.
The first thing Jane became aware of was how DIRTY she felt, as if she just finished a long, hot workout. But this was different, more complete, as if that dirty, sticky, sweaty feeling was INSIDE her. She could smell it and even taste just how soiled she was. The feeling was so intense and pervasive that she didn’t even get a good look around her for a moment.
Movement at the corner of her “eye” snapped her back to reality and she looked around in a panic, not able to figure out why she was now looking up at the team. As she tried to yell and scream at them for doing… whatever it is they did to her, she panicked realizing that she had no voice. In fact she couldn’t move at all.
“So is she IN there?” one of the girls asked, stepping forward and looking down on the plain soccer uniform.
Jane was losing her mind with panic at her apparent paralyzation. Her vision darted between the girls, desperately seeking an ally, someone who might help her or even just explain what the hell was happening. But seek as she might, she could not find one that she would consider her friend.
“Oh yes, her consciousness is completely intact,” Alice explained, crossing her arms in a satisfied pose. “She can see, hear, feel, smell and even taste just like when she was human.”
Just like when she was human. That phrase banged around Jane’s head for a moment, her mind trying to grasp what it meant. She WAS human, wasn’t she?
“Taste?” another girl asked. “So she can um… taste your sweat from practice?”
Is THAT what she was detecting? Alice’s sweat? Jane’s mind reeled, still unable to make sense of the world. That was until Christine stepped forward. She reached down toward Jane, gripping her on both shoulders at the same time. Jane yelped to herself at the sensation. Her body twisted under the grasp, wrapping into Christine’s hand. It became clear that she was now thin as cloth.
As part of her left the bench in Christine’s hands, Jane finally started to realize what was happening. Jane felt herself swaying in the open air, understanding against all logic that she had been turned into the #3 uniform. As she lifted, Her vision split and she found herself both looking up at the uniform shirt and down at the shorts at the same time. In that moment, she knew that she had been turned into the full uniform, her consciousness somehow split between shirt and shorts.
“Well Jane, how do you feel?” Christine mocked. “You look great, you definitely lost some weight.”
The girls laughed at the cruel joke, as Jane screamed in her head, terrified at the prospect of being nothing but cloth at the mercy of the team that she treated so badly.
Now that the shock of watching a person turned into cloth passed, the rest of the girls relaxed a lot more and started poking fun at Jane.
“Wow, she feels so gross,” one of them said, running their fingers over the uniform shirt. “Do you even wash your uniform, Alice?”
Jane’s world spun as another girl picked up the shorts and crumpled them up in a ball. “I wonder what she sees like this? Or how it feels to be balled up?”
“Let me see her,” Megan requested, taking the shorts portion from the girl. Megan did herbest to keep the shorts balled up and performed a mock basketball jump shot at the team laundry basket nearby, the one currently full with all of their dirty uniforms.
Jane panicked at the feeling of flying through the air, and screamed to herself as she realized where she was going. The relief of her landing was completely ruined by the overwhelming stink and taste that assailed her. The musk and salt flavors intensified ten fold, Jane now being able to taste and smell the other girls’ uniforms as well.
Meanwhile, Christine was still holding up the shirt half for the girls to take in. Though by now they had stopped poking at it due to just how dirty it was. While the girls laughed at Jane’s lower half being tossed in with the dirty laundry, they poked fun at the cloth girl.
“It looks like she’s pretty WORN out from practice,” one of the girls laughed at the obviously bad pun.
“Oh I would love to see her face now, she must be FREAKING out,” another one said through her laughter.
Jane could do nothing but sob internally, now fully aware that she had no way to communicate with the girls. No way to even beg for mercy.
“Well let’s get her in the laundry with the rest of the dirty clothes,” Alice said as the laughing and joking wore down. “I got better things to do than hang out with this sore excuse for a jersey.”
Without a word, Christine stepped over to the laundry bin and dropped Jane’s top half inside, which only increased the musky smell and taste the transformed girl had to endure.
“Wasn’t it your turn to do the laundry?” one of the girls asked Alice.
“Yeah, but I’ll come back in a couple of days to do it, let her really soak in it for a while,” both girls laughed as they pushed the cart into a storage closet and shut the door, dropping Jane into darkness.
Jane was left alone in the darkness, forced to stew in the sweat, dirt and grime of the entire soccer team for what felt like an eternity. Alice never came back to do the laundry. The next time Jane saw the light of day, she was pulled over Alice’s body, clad in nothing other than a sports bra and cotton panties.
“You ready for another game, Jane?” Alice laughed as they headed out to the field. “It’s a pretty hot day today, just like you like it!”
Jane screamed and cried as she felt Alice moving around inside her, a feeling she didn’t think she would ever get used to. It didn’t take long before Alice started to sweat, soaking Jane in a fresh coat of salty musk.
The game went on forever and was absolute hell for Jane. Not only was it hot, sticky and sweaty, but Alice’s constant movement was making her sick. Not to mention that the rest of her team took every opportunity to subtly make fun of her in passing.
“How’s it hanging there, Jane?”
“Working up a sweat there, #3?
At the end of the game, a win for Jane’s team, if it could still be called Jane’s team. The girls ran into the locker room, cheering and celebrating their win.
“Looks like Alice got a new lucky uniform!” one of them called out, patting Alice on the back. Eventually, the celebration died down and the girls started to get changed.
The teasing continued, some of the girls even using Jane to wipe sweat off the bench from where the girls were sitting.
“How’s it taste, sweat-rag?”
“Thanks for the win, lucky jersey! Same time next week?”
“Oh, Jane, you got some dirt on you, just there,” another mocked, indicating a large dirt stain from when Alice slide-tackled an opponent.
Alice laughed along with them as they all eventually filed into and out of the showers.
“Away game next week, so I’m taking you home with me,” Alice said to her uniform. “I might even find time to wash you, but probably not.”
Alice laid Jane’s top half out on the bench, and placed a bundle of cloth directly in the center of the uniform-girl. Jane nearly retched when she realized it was Alice’s sports bra and panties, still very ripe from their recent use.
Alice laughed as she wrapped Jane’s parts into a bundle with the soiled undergarments at its center. That laugh was the last thing Jane heard as she was zipped up into Alice’s gym bag.
Jane’s first season as clothing hadn’t even ended before the girls stopped mocking her, in fact they stopped acknowledging her at all. Jane didn’t know what was worse, the embarrassment of being mocked constantly, or the boredom of being completely ignored. Her life had becoming mind-numbing darkness punctuated by the hellish torture of a game or practice, then to be left in the dirty stink of some other woman’s exertion.
Eventually six years passed and every girl from that knew of Jane’s fate had graduated and moved on, some of them even being picked up by club teams. Jane however, had been left behind, treated as nothing other than the uniform she now resembled.
Eventually the team got new uniforms and Jane was relegated to a practice jersey, seeing even less washings than before, leaving her with what seemed like a permanent funk of old cloth. She even had started to deteriorate, some of her stitches coming out and her hems starting to fray. But the magic of the spell kept her mind sharp the entire time, never allowing the tortures to dull…