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My Own Left Foot

“Goddamn,” Stephanie whispered to herself, rubbing the exhaustion out of her eyes. Stephanie was a junior law student at a prestigious university, and was sitting on her couch with her laptop on her knees working through yet another essay.

“I just wish I could take a break for a bit, maybe like… take a backseat to my life or something,” she muttered to herself.

“Wish granted,” came a female voice out of nowhere. Stephanie looked around in a panic to see what looked like Tinkerbell in a red cocktail dress appear in mid-air above her laptop.

Before Stephanie could form the obvious question, she grew dizzy, the world around her growing indistinct. Her senses and point of view twisted as her consciousness seemed to fall away from her. As the world came back into focus, Stephanie had a close-up view of the hardwood floor, as if she had fallen out of bed face-first.

“Whoa, what the hell happened?” Stephanie heard her own voice from behind her. She panicked and tried to turn around to look, but found that she couldn't move. She tried to scream, the helplessness and confusion surrounding her situation was just too much to bear, but her mouth didn’t respond.

“Well Stephanie wanted a break,” the fairy said, not addressing Stephanie.

The college student nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt her body move, completely out of her control. But it was weird, like the top of her head was... curling and moving in distinct, disparate parts. Without warning she was pressed into the floor for a moment the pressure on her face making her wince.

“So I get to control the whole body now?” Stephanie’s voice asked.


“So that means that she is...”

“Yes! She took your place, as the left foot!”

Stephanie panicked, her mind screaming and crying at the same time as the reality of what just happened sunk in. Questions flew through her mind: How is this even possible? How do I get out of this? CAN I get out of this?

“Oh wow, it’s so nice to be up here for once, and not stepped on constantly. And the STINK down there is rough,” the former left foot said. “What do you think, lefty, how does it feel down there?”

Stephanie felt what she now knew to be her toes wiggling as her former body taunted her. Now that she knew what was happening, Stephanie became very aware of the subtle smell wafting around her, one that only promised to get worse…

“Well Left Foot seems pretty happy being in charge,” the fairy said. “This seems to be a better arrangement, I’ll leave you this way. You two enjoy!”

“Bye!” New Stephanie said with a laugh. “Just you and me now! I’ve always wanted to try coffee!”

Stephanie jumped as she was suddenly smashed face-first into the floor. She could feel the full weight of her former body press down on her as New Stephanie walked to the kitchenette. Foot Stephanie could smell and feel the dirty, dusty floor with every step. As New Stephanie readied her cup of coffee, her left foot could only cry internally at what was apparently her eternal fate.


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