My name is Lucas and I’ve been a dildo now for who knows how long.
Before now, I had spent a significant amount of time transformed at the hands of my bisexual best friend, Courtney. Despite developing feelings for her, these transformations culminated in me accompanying her on a date as her shoes. She was nervous and having me nearby helped her calm down and raised her confidence.
It wasn’t long before Courtney was calling that date, a woman named Leonie, her girlfriend. Since then, I continued to be objects for Courtney, even spending some time as her and Leonie’s bed when they first moved in together.
Leonie never liked how much time Courtney spent with me, and it was clear she never really liked me very much. But the problem really arose when Courtney finally told Leonie about my transformations. Turns out that Leonie is a bit of the jealous type. She managed to hide this from Courtney apparently, as my best friend didn’t say anything about it to me. I guess she saw it as me being intimately close to Courtney, which boarded on infidelity in her eyes.
So she sprung her trap, inviting me to her house when Courtney was at work. As soon as I arrived, Leonie used her own freshly-downloaded Transform-It app to turn me into a dildo, which she promptly used on Courtney. It was quite the experience, having basically my entire body shoved inside the object of my desires.
To cover her tracks, Leonie texted Courtney from my phone, telling her that I didn’t ever want to see her again. I had to sit in the nightstand drawer and listen to Leonie comfort my best friend over my supposed cold shoulder.
So now I spent most of my time in this blasted nightstand, a purgatory punctuated by being rammed into the women’s most private areas.
“Well hello again!” Lenoie said as she pulled my drawer open, temporarily blinding me with the bright light of the room. “It’s that time again!”
I would have rolled my eyes if I could have at the fake bright and bubbly act she was putting on. Not that she was a cold-hearted bitch normally, mind you, but she was just never THIS excited unless she was torturing me.
She reached in and pulled me out of the drawer, her huge hand covering from what would have been my chest to my upper thighs.
“Today was such an exhausting day,” Leonie started, acting like she was gushing to a close friend over dinner. “I was running around like crazy running this big corporate event downtown. I really worked up a sweat.”
Looking her over, I saw that she was only wearing a bra and panties. They didn’t match, the bra being flesh-toned and the panties black. They also weren’t anything frilly or sexy like some of the ones I know she owns. No, these were tried-and-true work underwear. And from the slight sheen on her skin and the subtle taste of salt on her hands, they must have been thoroughly soiled from the day’s activity.
“With Courtney still out of town for a day or so, I’m left to take care of myself,” she teased with a wink as she tossed me onto the bed without warning.
I gave a start as I flew through the air, suddenly unsupported by anything. Despite the fact that she did this a lot, I still never could get used to it. After I landed, I watched her strip off her bra and panties, exposing herself to me fully. I could tell that she had been lazy in her girlfriend’s absence. Leonie’s normally perfectly smooth crotch showed signs of several days worth of hair growth, which no doubt held onto the musk of the day that much more.
She eyed me with a smirk before she climbed onto the bed and lay down next to me. She rolled over onto her back and picked me up. Lenoie brought me to her face and gave me a quick little kiss on the tip of my phallic body, which was the equivalent of my forehead.
“You ready?” she asked, laughing to herself knowing that I couldn’t answer. Without further ado, she lowered me toward her hips. On the trip, I got a close-up of her slim body, one which I had come to hate seeing despite how attractive she was. Whenever I saw her naked, I always ended up inside her, and not always in her vagina. Those were particularly bad days.
Today though, seemed like he was getting lucky, as Leonie pressed my tip into her slit. I immediately smelled and tasted the salty grime of her unwashed body. This wasn’t the first time I tasted this, but this was the worst it’s been. I was put off by the taste, but wasn’t able to do anything about it as she worked my tip up and down herself, working her pussy open enough to accept me.
With a grunt, she pressed me into her, my head disappearing completely inside, putting me in complete darkness. The familiar feeling of the wet warmth pressing in on all sides. She pressed me deeper, my body consumed by her.
“That’s right you bastard, get in there,” Lenoie grunted above me. The nature of my transformation allowed me to hear her perfectly despite my head being buried several inches inside her torso. The tight confinement started to get to me, as it normally did, and I subconsciously tried to wiggle my way out. Even after uncounted weeks of this, I still sometimes had to remind myself that I was nothing but an object.
I felt my entire world moving rhythmically as Leonie bucked her hips up and down in time with her thrusts. I was pressed in and out, her muscles twitching and convulsing around me.
“Take it, TAKE IT!” Leonie repeated, her volume rising as she progressed. “You’re nothing… you were everything to her… but now you’re nothing but… my toy.” I heard her taunting me between deep breaths.
Her pace quickened until finally, the feeling I knew full well washed over me. My prison constricted in pulses as she brought herself to orgasm. Leonie moaned and screamed above me, even as she pressed me deep, the walls around me getting hotter and pulling in around me that much tighter.
After that, she slowed and pulled me free, her moisture still clinging to my body.
“Was that fun for you?” Leonie teased as she reached for a wet wipe from my drawer to clean me up. The taste on my surface changed to the acrid cleaner before she put me away with a wave.
Another eternity stretched by in darkness. Just like normal, I had no way of knowing how much time had passed. I couldn’t help but think about that text that Leonie sent to Courtney from ‘me.’ The only thing that cheered me up a bit was the thought that Courtney would figure out that the text was fake and come rescue me.
The next time the drawer opened, I was looking up at my best friend. Courtney was already naked, displaying the body that I have come to know. Even before I was turned into a dildo, I had seen her naked often. My first transformation was one of her five dermal piercings in her upper chest while she was on vacation. She never took me out, so I accompanied her to daily showers.
I watched her with a combination of dismay, lust, and hope. I didn’t want to be used like this, but I couldn’t deny it was hot being intimate with Courtney. And then, of course, there was the hope that maybe she would realize it’s me and change me back.
Today wasn’t that day. Courtney picked me up with the coldness of ignorance and took me to the bed. Just like Leonie had, she laid down on her back in the middle of the bed, and lowered me to her pussy. But unlike Leonie, she didn’t talk to me.
It wasn’t long before I was buried to my hips inside of her, thrusting in and out, her moisture and arousal making my rubber-like body slick. I could hear her grunts and moans from here, as she climbed to orgasm. Courtney was noticeably tighter than Leonie, but she never pressed me as deep. So when Courtney did eventually orgasm, her walls constricted on me harder. It was nearly as painful as well as humiliating.
Courtney removed me and brought me up to eye level, turning me over in her hands. After a moment, she cleaned me up with another wipe from the drawer, but didn’t put me in the drawer right away. Instead, she dropped me on the bed next to her and sat up against the headboard, her expression vacant like she was contemplating something.
She heaved a sigh and leaned over me to grab a cell phone off the end table. Leaning back, she looked down at the screen and tapped an unlock code into it. But she screwed up her face and looked at it in confusion.
“Oh, this is Leonie’s phone,” He muttered to herself. “Honey! Come in here for a second!” She called out to the house.
“Give me a minute!” Leonie’s voice called back.
That’s when the phone in Courtney’s hand dinged. She looked down at it instinctively and made a confused expression again.
“Congrats on two months of Lucas as your Dildo? What the hell does that mean?” Courtney asked, reading the notification that came up.
A wave of excitement ran through me. She’s going to find out! Yes! This is perfect!
At that moment, Leonie walked in and was taken aback a bit by Courtney being naked. She smiled at her girlfriend and crossed her arms over her chest.
“So, what can I… DO for you?” Leonie asked suggestively.
Courtney just stared daggers at her.
“Can you explain what this means?” Courtney demanded, holding the phone so Leonie could read it.
After taking a few steps closer and leaning in to better read the text. Then she went pale and a look of guilt crossed her face.
“I um…” Leonie stammered.
“Did you turn Lucas into the dildo?” Courtney confronted her, her voice stern.
“Yes,” Leonie said with a sigh, realizing she was caught.
“What the hell?!” Courtney shouted at her. “Get the hell out of here! I never want to see you again! How can you do that to my best friend!”
Courtney unlocked Leonie’s phone and accessed the Transform-It app. Suddenly I felt the feeling of being transformed. In an instant, I found myself returned to my human form, still wearing the clothes I was wearing that day two months ago when Leonie sprung her trap. I knew better than to get in Courtney’s way when she was on the warpath, so I simply slipped out of the room while she started to yell at Leonie again.
This fight carried on for a little while, with Leonie on the defensive, trying to make up excuses like she forgot, or she never meant to use me, nonsense like that. Courtney saw through those excuses and the night ended with Leonie leaving with a suitcase and plans to return for the rest of her stuff. But before she did, Courtney reported Leonie’s username to the Transform-It app so she would never be able to use it again.
Once she was gone and Courtney was dressed, we sat down at the dinner table as I explained how Leonie tricked me into coming over and transforming me.
“I’m sorry she did that, and I’m sorry that I had a part in doing that to you,” her voice betrayed her genuine sympathy. She reached out and put her hand on mine.
“I get it, it’s not your fault,” I said, my heart racing at her hand on mine.
“But that was a pretty terrible thing to do. I’m sorry that I thought you abandoned me,” she continued. “I should have known that text was completely fake.”
“I get it.” I don’t know what came over me at that moment, but I decided that now was the time. “You know, I want to talk to you about something, something kind of big…”
“Yeah, what is it?” Courtney asked, her motherly, concerned tone still present.
“Ever since that cruise, when you turned me into your piercing… I’ve um, kind of been sort of, falling for you,” I said, not able to make eye contact with her. Here I was embarrassed to be talking to my best friend. The friend that for the last two months I’ve been fully inside of multiple times.
“Whadda mean? I’m not sure I follow,” Courtney responded.
I internally kicked myself, of course she didn’t understand what I said, I was mumbling like an idiot.
“I mean I think I’m in love with you,” I said, still keeping my eyes down, embarrassed to be confessing this to her. “We’ve always been good together, right?”
“I um, wow,” Courtney was taken aback. She sat back in her chair, her hand slipping off mine.
“I get it if you don’t want to, I um, it’s a lot, so you know…” I mumbled, really disheartened and discouraged that she took her hand away from mine. I knew this was a bad idea, why did I confess like this.
“I just am worried that if it doesn’t work out, what happens to our friendship? I don’t know if I want to lose you,” Courtney said quietly.
“I get it,” I said, still keeping my eyes down. “I’ll just head home. That’s if I still have an apartment to go back to. After two months, I might have been evicted.”
I stood and started to head for the door.
“Don’t be a stranger. I don’t want this to ruin our friendship,” Courtney said, standing up and walking with me.
I reached her front door and started to pull it open, my heart broken from the recent encounter. As much as she didn’t want this to ruin what we have, I was afraid that would be impossible now. It will be hard for me to get past this rejection. Just as I got the door open about a foot, Courtney stepped up and put her hand on the door above mine. I looked at her with a confused look before she pushed the door closed slowly.
“Actually, why don’t you stick around here for a little bit,” she looked at me with a look I had never seen before.
Once the door was closed, she stepped in close to me, wrapped a hand around my neck and pulled my head down toward her. I let her move me but I still didn’t know what was happening. But then her lips met mine and it all clicked. I returned the kiss for a moment before we both pulled away.
“On second thought, maybe we should give this a try,” Courtney said. I smiled and leaned in for another kiss.