Courtney and Leonie had been dating for a full year now. Being my best friend, I still spent a lot of time with Courtney, so our life hasn't really changed all that much. At least not on the surface it hadn’t changed. After she changed me into her piercing for her cruise a while back, though, I had developed some pretty strong feelings for her. Don’t get me wrong, I really did feel happy for her and Leonie. She is my best friend after all. They even moved in together not too long ago.
And I was as close as ever to Courtney, maybe even closer now that we discovered the possibilities of the Transform-It App. After that first date where I helped Courtney get over her nerves by transforming into her shoes, we had been exploring the idea of further transformations. Over the last year I’d been transformed into various objects for her, mostly in the beginning of their relationship and for the same reason as the first date, to be moral support.
I had been a dress for one date. Which was a more pleasant experience than being her shoes, but certainly didn’t help me get over my feelings for her. I was wrapped around her mostly naked body for several hours after all. The trip through the washing machine when she forgot to turn me back tossed me around pretty good, but wasn’t wholly unpleasant.
On another occasion I was her lipstick, which was a completely different experience. I was somehow both spread over her lips and trapped inside the tube at the same time. I’ll admit that night got weird as Courtney drunkenly made out with her girlfriend.
But the weirdest transformation to date was when I was transformed into their bed. Courtney was moving her belongings into the new place while Lenonie was at work and the movers broke the bed. They were ‘kind’ enough to haul it away, but that left them without a bed for their first night in the new place. Desperate to avoid disappointing her new girlfriend, Courtney called me and before I knew it, I spent a week as their bed while Courtney searched for a brand new one to match. And this is how I found out that they had a pretty healthy sex life.
Of course Lenonie knew nothing of any of this. If she even knew the app existed, she never let on, at least not while I was around. Courtney banned me from ever saying anything to her while all three of us were together. I guess she was embarrassed that she was using me in that way.
After a time though I did start to get the impression that Leonie didn’t like me very much. Whenever we were both with Courtney, things were great, but any time it was just me and Lenonie, she would get cold and distant. She never really talked to just me, she only shared words with me when we were all together.
Eventually Courtney confided in me that Lenonie was jealous of the time we spent together. Even when we weren’t playing with transformations, Courtney and I did still hang out a lot. We shared a lot of hobbies that Leonie didn’t, so it was only natural.
One day, out of the blue, Leonie texted me, asking me to come over so we could get to know each other better. I was pretty thrown off by this at first, but then I remembered that Courtney had been trying to get us on better terms. Maybe it was working. I of course wanted to support their relationship, so I agreed. It might be awkward at first, but it would be worth it.
I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. As the door opened, I opened my mouth to greet her, but paused. Leonie had pushed the door open and stepped back a few steps. And she had her phone camera pointed right at me. What was going on? Why was she acting so weird?
Before I knew it, the familiar feeling of a transformation washed over me, she must have used the app on me! As usual, I felt myself shrinking down into myself, becoming smaller until Leonie towered over me. This time something different happened though. She must have changed some settings because as I reformed, my world started to go black as if I was passing out. The last thing I remember seeing was Lenonie’s smug smile high above me.
I came to slowly, the world starting to come into focus around me. I was inside. It was Courtney’s house, and more specifically, her bedroom. I was alone for the moment, Leonie was nowhere in sight.
What was going on? Leonie had transformed me? I didn't even know she knew about the app? All of these questions had to be left unanswered for a moment. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t even know what she had made me.
When Courtney transformed me, besides that first time, she had told me what I was turning into, which helped me reconcile my new self. But this time, I had no idea. I knew I was small, hand-held size, and I seemed to be one solid shape, though what shape that was escaped me.
Then I saw movement in the hallway door. Looking over, I saw Leonie walking in, texting on her phone. Wait no, that was my phone! What was she doing with my phone?
She ignored me and sat down on the bed close by, still texting. Finally she put it down and looked right up at me with a smile. A chill ran through me at her cold and satisfied expression.
“So, our girlfriend showed me the Transform-It App that you two have been using,” she said, her voice casual, as if we were talking over coffee.
A million thoughts ran through my head. Was Leonie going to be mad at us? Was this going to make her hate me more? Or would this be a sort-of icebreaker for us where she starts to get to know me better? Her use of the phrase ‘our girlfriend’ only just then dawned on me. She knew, or at least suspected, that I had a thing for Courtney. But I had been so careful not to give that away!
“Turns out you’ve been spending a lot of intimate time with her,” Leonie kept going. “And quite frankly, I really don’t like that. She is my girlfriend after all, her sexuality is mine to enjoy, not yours. I bet you really liked your time as our bed, pervert. Getting to see us naked, watching and feeling us fuck on top of you… Well that’s over now.”
I wanted to clear the air with her, I wanted so desperately to say that the reason I agreed to be their bed was so that Courtney didn’t let her down. I had no desire to see them be together, I was helping my best friend. But of course, my condition didn’t allow me that chance.
“I thought long and hard about how to get back at you,” she continued, not looking at me anymore. “I thought maybe I would just tell Courtney to cut you out, make her pick you or me. But then I decided on a better solution. I downloaded the Transform-It App onto my phone and turned you into a dildo.”
A chill ran through me, my metaphorical blood running cold. That’s what she did! What the hell!
“You want to be with her so much, then be with her, but she won’t know it’s you. She will just use you and toss you aside. She will use the only part of any man that is worth a damn and ignore the rest. Now let’s tuck you away, she’ll be back home in a couple hours and it will be your time to shine,” Leonie picked me up and pulled open the nightstand drawer. “Oh and I just texted her from your phone to say that you don’t ever want to see her again. Such a pity, I bet she will need her girlfriend to comfort her after her best friend abandoned her…”
With a laugh, she dropped me into the drawer and pushed it closed. As I watched darkness fall over me, my mind was running a mile a minute. Courtney is going to think I abandoned her? I would never do that! And meanwhile I’m trapped in here? Trapped as just a sex toy for her to use and not even know it? A shiver ran through me. Sure I had a thing for Courtney, but to have my whole body pressed into her… that was a whole new level of fucked up.
It was dark for a long time. I started to lose track of how long I was left alone in that drawer. From there I could hear nothing at all, and as such had no idea what was going on. Finally the drawer opened and I saw Leonie looking down on me with a smile. She held a finger to her lips in a ‘be quiet’ gesture and then left the drawer in that slightly-ajar state before disappearing again.
I heard Courtney’s voice as she entered the room and greeted her girlfriend. I was too stunned to focus on what they were saying, but after a moment it became clear what they were doing. The muffled grunts and sounds of lips could only mean that they were starting to kiss. I heard the sounds of the bed and of clothes rustling. They were clearly getting ready for some fun.
“Oh I need this,” I heard Courtney said. “It was such a long day. But get off me, I’m so gross, I need a shower before I get you all sweaty.”
“No no,” Leonie responded in a fake stern voice. “You just lay back and relax. I have the perfect… stress reliever for you.”
“Oh yeah? Okay I guess I can hang out for a little bit…” Courtney said, a smile in her voice. I heard the sheets rustling and I could imagine her shifting excitedly waiting for Leonie’s surprise.
“Good girl, now you stay right there. In fact, get these panties off, they’re in my way.”
“Ohh, so it’s that kind of stress relief.”
Then I saw Leonie’s face come into view over me with a small evil smile. As she reached down into the drawer to grab me, it became apparent that she was only wearing a bra. Despite everything, I had to admit that she was an attractive woman. As she lifted me out of the drawer I saw her in her full glory. Her hair was messed up and pulling out of her ponytail, and she was dressed in just a red bra and matching pair of panties. I was so enthralled by her that I didn’t even think to look over at my friend still laid out on the bed.
“Oh my,” Courtney said in a sexy tone. “Is that big boy all for me?” Her voice was teasing, and seemed to be targeted at Leonie, almost as if she was teasing her girlfriend for not liking men. I finally looked over at my friend.
The sight that greeted me was something I had dreamed about so much over the last year. Courtney was laying on her side, her elbow in the bed and her head on her hand. Her other arm was draped over behind herself, accentuating her curves, which as of right now were very much on display. She was still wearing a black bra, which showed off the five-stone dermal piercing across her upper chest. What had me beside myself, however, was that she wore nothing else at all. The only thing protecting her modesty at the moment was the fact that her upper leg fell in front of her lower leg. She looked at me with sexy, expectant eyes. Or, well she looked at Leonie with those eyes, I guess.
Leonie held me up for Courtney to see and made her way back over toward her, both of them eye-fucking each other as they went. That’s when the reality of my situation sunk back in. Leonie was about to fuck my best friend… with me.
“Now get back on your back,” Leonie scolded playfully, waving me in the air suggestively as she shifted closer to her girlfriend. Courtney giggled and obliged, laying on her back with her arms over her head. She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes as if she was settling into bed after a long day.
My vision darted between the two women as my mind raced. Part of me was excited to be spending this time with Courtney, but a larger part knew how wrong it was. As Leonie settled onto her side next to Courtney, the latter spread her legs wide, smiling and opening one eye like a kid peeking at Christmas presents.
Then I watched myself approaching Courtney’s hips. I had seen her naked a good number of times when I was turned into her chest piercing, but I never got this good of a look at her… down here. She was cleanly shaven and her skin looked soft and inviting.
Despite my rubber body, I felt my heart raising into my throat as I was unceremoniously moved into position. It was like that first hill on the roller coaster that you aren’t quite ready for. Before I knew it, I felt her warm, damp skin on me as what felt like my head rubbed against her clit. I tried to close my eyes against the awkward events that were unfolding, but I had no control. I was forced to watch it all.
I even watched as her lips were forced wide open by my head. My vision darkened as Leonie pressed me gently but firmly inside my best friend’s pussy. I saw her smile evilly and wink before my ‘head’ passed fully inside of her.
I could vaguely hear Courtney’s sigh high above me as her hips and thighs shifted around me in response to the pleasure I was bringing her. The tight walls of my confinement pressed in around me as I was forced deeper until it felt like my whole body was inside her.
What followed was an indeterminate amount of time being thrust and twisted in and out, my body remaining mostly trapped inside her. It was both the sexiest and most awkward, most terrible thing that ever happened to me. Finally, the walls of my prison started to twitch and convulse as they pressed in even harder around me. This lasted for a short while before I was pulled free, slowly returning to the light of the bedroom. Leonie winked at me again before rubbing me down with a wet wipe and tossing me back in the drawer with a smile.