It had been a couple of months since Courtney forced me to go on a vacation with her. I’ll admit I can be a classic work-a-holic and couldn’t let myself slow down for even a minute. So my best friend from childhood had to take matters into her own hands, and to an extreme, to get me to finally relax. That extreme measure took the form of the Transform-It app. She turned me into an inanimate object, with all of my normal senses of course, for the duration of her cruise.
To keep me safe, she chose a form that would literally be on her person 24/7. Courtney had a five-stone dermal piercing on her upper chest. It was her pride and joy and she took extremely good care of it, and never lost any of the stones. So she transformed me into a Lucas-piercing and wore me as the center stone. Since she never covered her piercing, I was able to experience the whole cruise with her.
While at first I was upset, I quickly came to enjoy the experience. But I will admit that something happened that I didn’t expect. So to start off I had never looked at Courtney as a possible romantic or sexual partner, even though I had to admit that she was pretty. During the cruise, Courtney literally never took me out. This meant that I saw her naked, quite a few times. It was a pretty warm trip, so she would often shower before and after bed, and even sometimes in the middle of the day after a pool or beach trip. And beyond that she changed into and out of her bathing suit frequently.
At first seeing her naked was awkward, like accidentally walking in on my sister. She even apologized for taking me into the shower the first few times, saying that it was a better alternative than me falling off the counter and getting lost. But then after a few days, it became completely normal. Courtney even started to talk to me casually while she showered, solidifying our shared showers as completely normal.
During the trip, Courtney was incredibly vigilant about me, constantly checking to make sure I hadn’t fallen out and so on. Every night, she would talk to me as she settled down for the evening. Sure I couldn’t talk back, but I enjoyed listening to her. I feel like she opened up to me in ways she never had before. Maybe she was more comfortable talking to me as an object.
So by the time the trip was over, I started falling for her. I was comfortable seeing her naked, I listened to her secrets and confessions, and I really liked the side of her I was seeing. Though of course, I couldn’t vocalize this during the cruise, so it remained my little secret. Even afterward I struggled with my feelings for her and could never work up the courage to tell her.
About two months later, Courtney called him up in a near panic, saying she needed to talk about something urgently. A few hours later, she was banging on my door.
“Okay, Lucas, I need your help,” Courtney spoke quickly, bursting through the door and practically pushing past me.
“So um, what’s up?” I asked, taken aback by the frantic mood of my normally very calm and collected friend. Now that I got a look at her, I could see that she was dressed for a night out. She wore more makeup than usual and was wearing a dark blue dress, the neckline cut low enough to show off her piercing but remain modest.
“So I have a date you know that girl from the cruise yeah her I’m meeting her in an hour but I have no shoes!” she said without pausing to take a breath.
“Wait, calm down, start again,” I said, making the universal ‘calm down’ motion with my hands.
“Alright, on the cruise, remember that redhead that I was talking to?” Courtney explained, her voice still strained, but now under control. “Remember that I got her number at the end of the cruise? Well she lives really close, and she agreed to go on a date!”
“That’s awesome!” I said with genuine excitement. I couldn’t deny the pang of disappointment over missing my own chance to date Courtney, but as her long-time friend, I really was happy for her.
“But, um two things: One, I’m nervous, and two, I don’t have shoes,” she lifted her foot to show me, revealing that she was wearing crappy, dirty flip flops.
“Yeah, those are not good,” I said, not sure how she expected me to help. “But you really have nothing to be nervous about, she is lucky to be with you.”
“I know, but…” Courtney said, making a cute face and putting her hands behind her back and swaying.
“Well I would love to help, but I don’t really have any shoes that would fit you…” I wrinkled my brow.
“I want you to be my shoes!” she blurted out, her eyes pleading with me. “Then I can have pretty shoes, and you can be here to support me. I know you won’t be able to talk, but I’ll know you’re there and that would make me feel good. Please…?”
“Can you even do that? Split me in two I mean?” I asked, not completely convinced to be transformed for her again.
“Yeah I see it all the time,” she waved her hand dismissively as if I was ridiculous to even ask that question.
“Huh,” I said, noncommittally. I will admit that I didn’t hate being her piercing for the cruise, and I know Courtney hadn’t dated anyone in a while and was likely both excited and nervous. So I made my choice. “Yeah, sure, I’ll help!”
“Okay, good, I was thinking high heels, black,” Courtney said without hesitation, pulling her phone from her tiny purse and tapping away.
“Okay,” I said and turned away, stepping over to the nearby wall. I turned back toward her and leaned back on the wall. “So how long…?” I started to ask. But before I could finish, she pointed her phone’s camera at me and tapped on the screen.
The world spun around me and I felt myself falling to the floor. The feeling wasn’t completely foreign, but this time, I felt the nauseating feeling of my body splitting in half. Soon the world resettled and I looked up at her from the floor. But my vision wouldn’t focus correctly as I looked up at her from two different locations. After a painful moment, my brain finally reconciled the confusing point of view.
“Okay, perfect, you look great, now I have to get going, you don’t mind if I leave my crappy flip flops here, do you?” Courtney asked, kicking her shoes off and walking closer to me. As she loomed over me, I couldn’t help but see up her skirt. While I didn’t get a good look, I thought I saw a lacy, red pair of panties. It wasn’t a pair I saw while I was on the cruise…
Without hesitation, she stepped her right foot down into me. Even before she touched me, I could smell her, the sweaty musk of a day of walking. I couldn’t dwell on it though as her foot slipped inside of me. The sensation was like nothing else I’ve ever experienced. It wasn’t like anything was going in my mouth or… other holes, but it was like my body was being pressed outward. Then came the pressure. Once she stepped fully onto her right foot, I felt smashed, like when I was a kid and my older brother would lay down on top of me. It only increased when she stepped up with her left foot to slip into my other half.
“A perfect fit, thanks so much for this, I’ll owe you one,” Courtney said and stepped off, leaving her flip flops on my floor, flicking the lock on my front door and stepping outside. She had an extra key to my place, so I wasn’t worried about getting back in.
The simple act of her walking set my world spinning. One part of me was still and the other in motion at all times. If I still had a stomach, it would be turning over itself inside of a few minutes.
I could barely keep up with where we were going. I finally got a break when she ended up in her car. After a short drive, I found myself dizzily moving again, my surroundings seeming vaguely like a restaurant. Courtney stopped for a moment as she talked to the hostess.
Soon I found myself on the floor under a table for two, the tablecloth blocking my view of most everything except the lower half of Courtney’s legs. It wasn’t long before she crossed her right leg over her knee and started to bounce her right foot. I knew it to be her nervous gesture, though I was certainly not used to seeing it from down here. The constant movement started to make me dizzy as half of my perspective moving up and down frantically.
Finally that stopped as I felt Courtney stand up and take a step to the side of her chair. From here I was able to catch a glimpse of her date. Up until this point, I will admit that I didn’t actually remember who she was talking about. But now seeing her, the memory came flooding back. I guess in my relaxed naivety, I mistook a budding friendship with a budding romance.
“Leonie, hi!” Courtney greeted her, her voice uneven as her nerves showed through.
“Sorry I was late,” Leonie apologized as the two stepped into a hug. From down here, I got a glimpse up Leonie’s skirt as well, though with her thighs pressed together I couldn’t tell if she was wearing a thong or nothing at all…
They stepped away from their embrace and they both sat down, burying me under the table again where I couldn’t see much except the two ladies’ legs. Leonie was wearing red pumps to go with her dark crimson dress.
The night from then on was pretty boring for me. I couldn’t make out much of their conversation, but from what I did hear, they seemed to be getting along famously. They even stayed long after the food was gone to share a few drinks.
Finally, they stood and started walking toward the exit together. In my time under the table, I had forgotten what it was like when she walked. The dizziness and pain of being stepped on returned in full and I had a hard time paying attention to where we were going. But then they stopped outside, standing at the curb of the busy street. I wondered what was going on, this wasn’t where Courtney parked?
Soon after, they both climbed into the backseat of a car, presumably a cab or some sort of rideshare. As soon as they got in the back and I was afforded a good look at them both, or at least a better look than I had in the restaurant, I could see why they did this rather than driving their own cars: they were both clearly drunk. As they buckled in and the car started to move, they started touching each other. Not in an inappropriate way, but rather they held hands and felt up and down each other's arms, or put their hand on the other’s thigh in a never-ending show of affection.
I was torn by what I was seeing. Part of me was happy for Courtney that she found Leonie, but another part of me was a bit jealous that it wasn’t me. Plus there was the awkwardness of being a third wheel to their date. After a short ride, the women thanked the driver, got out of the car and started walking again. Even with the dizzying movement of her steps, I recognized where I was. We were walking into Courtney’s apartment.
They walked quickly, staying very close together. From here I could see up both of their skirts and I couldn’t help but admit that it was pretty hot to see them getting close. Courtney unlocked the door and they both stepped inside. Leonie didn’t waste any time, she turned Courtney around by her shoulders and stepped in close. I can only assume they were making out since I couldn’t see past their skirts. A flurry of movements and frantic steps later, and I recognized what must have been Courtney’s bedroom.
Out of nowhere, Leonie playfully pushed Courtney back onto the bed. Courtney fell back with a squeal and lay out flat on her back. Leonie smiled and her fingers wrapped around my left part. With one quick motion, she pulled me off and tossed me behind her. My world spun as I arched through the air and landed on the ground. Before I could recover, my right part similarly flew, though this time I landed on the nightstand.
From there I could see the women both strip naked like their clothes were on fire. Their hands explored each other with a lustful ferocity, their mouths and tongues intertwined. It felt weird watching, but I couldn’t pull my gaze away. Not even when they took turns going down on each other. I was witness to their furious lovemaking for far longer than thought either of them would last. I heard them both screaming their pleasure to the ceiling as they groped each other and writhed in pleasure.
Eventually, they shut the lights off and fell asleep in each other’s arms. While it was equal parts sexy and awkward watching them have sex, watching them cuddle each other with their small smiles was pretty sweet, and only a little awkward.
All three of us spent the night there, the ladies falling asleep soundly and easily, while I flitted in and out of the closest thing an object can consider sleep. In the morning, after Leonie left, Courtney rushed back into the room. She picked up the half of me from the floor and looked around. When she saw me on the nightstand, her eyes went wide and she covered her mouth with her hand.
Courtney grabbed my other half and put me on the ground next to each other and hit the button on the app. The feeling of transforming came over me as I melted back together. In a moment I stood, back to myself again.
“So um, you could see all that from the nightstand couldn't you?” Courtney said without looking at me.
“Yes,” was all I could say.
“Sorry…” she trailed off. “But thank you so much for doing that. I felt so strong wearing you, and I felt safe knowing you were there with me.”
“I’m glad I could help, truly,” I responded and put my hand on her shoulder. I really did mean it, though I can’t say that I won’t look at her a bit differently from now on…