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Jealousy Flattened the Woman: part 1

Addison Rae was a 20-year old woman, the kind that everyone assumed things came easy for. She was stunningly beautiful, had smooth, shiny, long hair, a slim, five-foot-three figure that somehow still sported an above-average bust and ass. Everywhere she went, her hair was always immaculate, her makeup was perfect and her outfit was flawlessly coordinated. Even when she went to the gym, her ponytail was perfect, no stand out of place, and her workout wear, normally leggings and a sports bra, were matched and without stain or blemish. Addison’s exposed midriff and arms were slim, but sporting obvious muscle beneath the surface, not so much that it dominated her appearance, but enough to turn heads.

Sure she had some good genetics to her, but she also worked very hard for everything that she had. She woke around four in the morning to have enough time to perfectly fix her hair and makeup, went to the gym four days a week every week, even on major holidays. She only ever skipped her workouts when she was physically too ill to go or there was some significant event in her life that conflicted. In addition to her impressive workout routine, Addison avoided many foods that she loved, replacing them with healthier options to stay slim and avoid weight gain.

Lindsey, who worked at the gym, was very familiar with Addison, since her work schedule always lined up with Addison’s workout time. Lindsey was an avid user of the gym herself, though she didn’t exactly enjoy the same success as Addison. She was an attractive woman in her own right, but did carry a little more weight.

Any neutral third party would be able to tell that Lindsey just didn’t have the same dedication. She skipped one of her workouts almost weekly, indulged in unhealthy food more often, and so on. In fact, if Lindsey had thought to ask Addison for advice, the later would’ve been happy to help her achieve the same success.

But that’s now how it played out. Every time Addison came in, Lindsey, who worked at the front desk, had a front row seat to Addison’s cheery attitude and perfect body on almost every shift. Her anger and jealousy at Addison’s seemingly effortless perfection grew and grew. Even on those days when Addison didn’t go to the gym, Lindsey anticipated her arrival every minute of her day, so still got angry.

One particular day Lindsey was in a particularly bad mood. On top of that she barely made it into work because of a water main break on the road right in front of the gym. The parking lot was mostly flooded and her shoes were soaked through. Because of the leak, the gym was empty, no one wanted to wade through that mess, not for a workout at least.

But then the door opened and sure enough, Addison Rae walked right in, big smile on her face, and her tits peeking out of her classy-yet-sexy-yet-practical sports bra. Lindsey said good morning through clenched teeth, but inside she was seething. As Addison walked off, Lindsey couldn’t get her out of her head. Then she had a thought.

Acting quickly, Lindsey walked around the desk and looked out through the door. The parking lot was predictably empty, so she clicked the lever, locking the door. She walked through the gym looking for her hated adversary. Addison was in the yoga area, laying facedown on a yoga mat stretching her calves.

Lindsey quickly ran off to the storage closet and grabbed the tennis court roller, which was basically just a large, rolling barrel with a handle like a lawn mower. It was actually a lawn roller, but the gym used it to push the water off their outdoor tennis courts. One of the staff donated it when they moved into an apartment and didn’t need it nor wanted to store it. When the drum was filled with water, which it currently was, it was heavy, upwards of 270 pounds.

Lindsey quickly rolled the device over to her prey, stopping only to peek in on Addison. Seeing that she was still laying on her stomach, with her headphones in, Lindsey smiled wickedly and started pushing the roller toward her. It made a sound like sloshing water, though Addison didn’t hear a thing over her music. Lindsey pushed the roller faster. Soon it hit Addison’s feet, flattening them as it rolled them over.

Addison screamed and tried to turn over, throwing her headphones out of her ears in the process. She looked up into Lindsey’s eyes with a betrayed expression as the gym worker kept rolling over her. Despite the shock of what was happening, Addison couldn’t help but let out a sigh. The roller pressing down on her leg actually felt pretty good, like a deep tissue massage. She tried to form words but her mind couldn’t decide between demanding an explanation or begging for her to stop.

As it worked its way up her body, Addison felt more and more pleasure from the heavy roller that stole her voice away and she fell back down to the mat, moaning. The roller past her knees and she bit her lip, the massage now working her thighs. Her breathing sped up as the roller moved toward her hips. Lindsey screwed up her face as Addison started screaming in pleasure as the roller flattened her hips, giving her a powerful orgasm in the process.

Lindsey sped up, determined to get this whole weird ordeal over with. Sure she wanted to flatten the girl, but she never thought Addison would get aroused by it. Addison’s pleasure died down after the orgasm, but it still felt great. When her chest was flattened, she screamed out in another, less powerful orgasm as her sensitive boobs and nipples felt like a dozen people played with them all at once. Then, thankfully, her head was flattened, silencing her completely.

Lindsey pushed the roller aside and looked down at the flattened girl. Surprisingly, she wasn’t really all that spread out. She just looked like herself… but flat. The gym worker quickly rolled her up starting from the feet. As Lindsey worked, Addison’s features went by: first her hips, then her exposed midriff, that maddeningly perfect cleavage… When Addison’s face eventually came into view, she wore a pleasant smile. If one didn’t know better, they might say that her expression was the cheesy smile of an internet advertisement, rather than a woman who just orgasmed twice.

A few minutes later, Addison was laid out, faceup, on the floor just inside the gym door. Her position looked like she was hopping up on one foot with her hands out to her side like in a cheesy happy-go-lucky advertising piece. Lindsey sat behind the desk with a smug smile, watching gym patrons walk over and admire the new Addison rug.

As people stepped on her, Addison felt a confusing mix of feelings. If they stepped on her thighs, hips or chest she felt something akin to a minor orgasm, and would have moaned if she wasn’t frozen. But when they stepped on her face, arms or lower legs, it was just pain.

A week went by of Addison being trampled constantly by gym patrons, and by Lindsey herself when she got bored, before the gym owner told Lindsey to get rid of the new rug. People were creeped out by it, it just looked too real.

After much deliberation on what to do with her next, Lindsey figured it out. She wasn’t done torturing her just yet, and she wanted to keep her close. So after hours one day, she folded the rug in half, her front on the outside, and flatted her again with the roller. Again and again, she did this until the poor girl was about six inches across.

Addison was in heaven once again, the flattening process felt just the same as it did the first time, like the most intense massage she ever received. Since she was folded, her pussy was pressed more than once, causing her to orgasm each time.

Then Lindsey gathered her up into a ball as best she could, rolling her around under her palm like a kid making a ball out of clay. By the time the process was done, Addison had cum so many times and was so sexually exhausted, she had no idea what else was going on. 

Soon Addison was the size of a racquetball ball. The patterning on the surface was a seemingly random mix of colors, but Lindsey, knowing what it really was, could vaguely make out Addison’s face, and what looked like her crotch? Lindsey rubbed it a bit, sending a wave of pleasure through Addison. And with that, Lindsey dropped the woman in a drawer and went home for the night.

Over the next few days, Lindsey tossed the Addison ball around while on shift at her desk, bouncing her off the desk so she ricocheted off the wall and back to her. Every round of this was a confusing experience for Addison. First off, she would be sent spinning, completely throwing off her spacial awareness and making her dizzy. And depending on what part of her hit the desk and wall, she either felt a pain in her head, or intense pleasure through her crotch.

And Lindsey would sometimes bounce her for hours if the gym was slow with no patrons to attend to. By the end of her shift, Addison was so dizzy and cum-drunk she probably forgot her own name. Addison spent another three weeks in this condition, one of which was spent completely in the drawer as Lindsey forgot about her. But as soon as she stumbled upon the balled-up girl, she kicked off the routine of bouncing her all over again.

Eventually, Lindsey got bored of her desk ball and decided it was time for a change. It took her some time to decide on what to do with her, but decide she did. But first, she had to reform the girl into some semblance of her normal self. She searched the surface of the ball, finding what was probably Addison’s mouth. She took a pen and gently worked it between her lips, working them open by a quarter inch or so. Then she took her to the machine they used to fill the yoga balls and fed the nozzle at the end of the hose into her mouth.

Lindsey flipped the machine on, which started to fill the ball-girl with air. Addison quickly started to pull apart and retake the general form of the woman. While her body started to shift, it rubbed together, sending waves of pleasure through Addison, this time feeling like an intense stretch after a long period of immobility.

Once Lindsey could make out Addison’s human form, she pulled the hose from her mouth and laid her out on the floor, face up. Getting the roller out, Lindsey flattened her out again, sending Addison to the moon with the pleasurable compress. Lindsey looked over the flattened woman and folded her over at the sides and top, flattening her again. She repeated this process until Addison was shaped into a flat rectangle about an eighth of an inch thick.

She struck an odd image, with her torso, inner thighs and shins clearly visible in the middle, while the edged were a folded mess. Lindsey looked over over, figuring people would find the human pattern to be a bit off-putting. Thinking quickly, she retrieved some green paint from the storage closet, the leftovers from when they repainted the offices in the back of the gym.

Humming as she worked, Lindsey thinly painted both sides. Addison moaned internally as she enjoyed the feeling of the paintbrush caressing her body. Though it was over before she was able to reach climax. Once Addison was covered in paint on both sides, Lindsey hung her up on the yoga mat drying rack so the paint would dry.

The next morning, when Lindsey started her shift, she laid out all of the yoga mats for the advanced Hot Yoga class as she always did. She made sure to lay Addison in the front row in the center. While she looked a bit different than the other yoga mats, she still looked just like she belonged.

Lindsey went back to her desk and didn’t give her a second thought. Meanwhile, during the day, Addison endured several hot yoga classes. Which meant that she had a sweaty, scantily clad woman laying, sitting, and stretching directly on top of her for a good portion of the day in hour-and-a-hand increments.

Since she was laid on her back, Addison’s unknowing partners rubbed their bodies all over her chest, thighs and pussy, massaging and pleasuring her near constantly. By the time the day was over, Addison endured probably a dozen climaxes. Then she was wiped down and put away, sandwiched in the stack of other mats for the evening.

After a week of that, the paint started to wear off and Addison started to show through. Lindsey didn’t want to keep repainting her, so she decided something else more permanent had to be done. Following the same procedure to open up her mouth, Lindsey started to inflate Addison. Shortly after, she had popped back into her normal shape, though still flattened out and immobile.

Lindsey was curious if she would be able to return to human form on her own, but also didn’t want to risk her getting free, so she took Addison home for the weekend to keep an eye on her. Over the next two days, Lindsey watched Addison remain just as deflated as she always was. It occurred to her that like this she looked like a deflated inflatable doll.

And with that thought, a plan was formed and she got to shopping online for the necessary supplies. The next day she had to work, Lindsey brought Addison to the gym with her, along with a tube of instant dry, industrial strength superglue, and a replacement inflatable toy air valve. Before she opened for business, she brought out the inflation machine. She quickly, and with some difficulty, stripped off Addison’s clothing, which had been pressed into her like a second skin. 

This left Addison’s impressive body as naked as the day she was born. Lindsey turned her over, exposing her ass. Smearing superglue around her asshole, she quickly pressed the air valve to her skin. After a second, the glue cured, locking the valve to her permanently.

Lindsey tested the hold and smiled in satisfaction. Then she carefully inserted the hose into the valve and turned the machine on. Addison felt the air rush into her asshole, which sent her over the edge almost immediately. Lindsey continued to fill her until she looked like a balloon in the shape of a woman, her every curve exaggerated like a high-end inflatable sex doll.

Lindsey smiled at her creation and hid her away in the closet for the day. She had a close male friend who would certainly be interested in fucking the hell out of this thing. So while Addison was doomed to this form, at least she had some pleasure in her future…

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