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Jealousy Flattened the Woman: part 5, Charli D'amelio

Lindsey had a pretty good life. Work at the gym was going well, she had just been promoted due to her perfect record and for keeping the gym open on several key days of extreme weather or exigent circumstances. She even started to like the late evening shifts that she used to dread. After all, it was a late shift that got both of her favorite new toys.

Sitting at home waiting for her after every shift were two flattened and inflated women. Her first acquisition was a woman by the name of Addison Rae, a 20-something, naturally stunning woman, whom Lindsey had always been jealous of. On a day when Lindsey was going to close the gym early because of a water main break just outside, Addison came in and forced her to stay open. So Lindsey flattened her with a tennis court roller. After some abuse in that form, Lindsey turned her into a blowup doll with an air valve industrial-strength super glued into her ass. Lindsey’s friend, Oliver had a turn with her and broke her face clean off. So now, Addison’s body was stuffed like a giant pillow, a doll mask sewn in place to ‘fix’ the hole in her head, while her face had been plastered over a rubber dildo.

Alicia’s fate was a bit simpler, but no less tortuous. She was also flattened with the tennis court roller for daring to come to the gym during a near-blizzard. If it weren’t for Alicia, Lindsey could have closed up early and gotten home before the worst of the storm hit. Instead, she turned Alicia into another blowup doll for amusement, a fate that held true still today.

Lindsey had made it a habit of ‘relieving stress’ with her toys after every shift, which normally involved the Addison dildo and a good groping session for both the ladies.’ And in their flattened state, their nerves were extra sensitive, each touch sending pleasure spiking through them. 

Every time the gym was nearly empty, Lindsey would get into a good mood. Not only because there wasn’t much to do and she could sit back and relax, but also because it would remind her of the days when she flattened the two women. It was a Tuesday afternoon now, and she was sitting at her computer workstation, which was about ten feet behind the check-in desk. The lunchtime surge of gym-goers was already over, so it was pretty empty. She knew from experience that it would be like this for a while, at least until the after-work crowd would flood in.

The door opened, getting Lindsey’s attention. The thin woman with dark hair looked familiar to Lindsey, so she didn’t make any move toward the front desk. If Lindsey recognized her, then she must be a patron here, so she would scan herself in and be on her way without having to interact with Lindsey at all, which was the case with well over ninety percent of everyone that came in that door.

So Lindsey was thrown off when the woman walked up to the counter and stood there, staring daggers at her. Lindsey quickly spun her chair away from the desk and stood up, walking over to greet her. It was only then that she noticed this woman was not dressed for the gym at all, and was not carrying a gym bag.

“Sorry about that,” Lindsey started, her voice hesitant, her brain working overtime trying to remember where she knew this woman from. Then she noticed her cropped t-shirt had the TikTok logo on it and something snapped in her brain. “Wait… are you Charli D'amelio?”

“Yes I am!” The woman’s demeanor changed completely, her expression going from angry and unapproachable to kind and welcoming. Charli is one of the most-well known creators on TikTok, with over 150 million followers. Basically everyone of Lindsey’s generation would recognize her.

“Oh shit, I didn’t know you lived around here!” Lindsey said, a bit star-struck. While she wasn’t exactly an overwhelming fan of Charli’s, she certainly knew the name and face and it was pretty cool to see someone of such renown in her gym.

“Well I don’t really live around here, I’m just kind of passing through…” Charli started, her voice and expression slowly changing from flattered to serious.

“Oh you know the gym is basically empty, if you wanted to shoot one of your dance TikToks, you basically can pick anywhere,” Lindsey suggested, waving her hand at the empty rooms around them. It was clear that Charli wanted to say something, but Lindsey continued. “Even the locker room is open. It would be pretty cool to see MY gym on your account.”

“That’s not really why I’m here…” Charli started, clearly starting to get annoyed.

“Oh of course, you probably want to join the gym!” Lindsey interjected before Charli could finish. “Let me get the paperwork…”

“NO!” Charli finally snapped. “Sorry, but no, that’s not why I’m here…”

“Oh, um, okay, what can I do for you then?” Lindsey was taken aback, though she admitted to herself that she did come on a bit strong.

“I’m actually looking for a friend of mine. No one has seen her for months now and I’ve checked basically everywhere I can think of. The last place to look is here, I guess she was a member?”

“Oh um, yeah, what’s her name? Maybe I’ve seen her around,” Lindsey started, figuring she knew where this was going. She had flattened and basically kidnapped two people after all.

“Addison Rae, kind of short, maybe five-three or so, long hair,” Charli described Lindsey’s blowup doll to perfection.

“Hmm, let me look,” Lindsey said while she pulled up the member registration portal on her computer. Scrolling through, she found Addison’s member profile. Hitting the ‘delete’ button, she looked back up at the TikTok star. “I don’t see her in here, but there might be one other place, follow me real quick.”

“Oh, um, alright,” Charli asked, her voice betraying her confusion.

Lindsey led her back to the racquetball court. This was an older version, which didn’t have the glass wall like some of the new courts. The door was heavy and thick, but well-lubricated, so it swung open easily. It was only slightly ajar now, but when it opened, it pressed flat against the wall next to it.

“This is our storage room, I might have her paper records in here,” Lindsey lied. “If you want to wait right here, I can go see if I can find anything.” She pointed to the spot right next to the door on the hinged side.

“Well, uh, okay I guess,” Charli was no closer to understanding what was going on, but she did as she was directed and leaned up against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lindsey’s heart was racing as her improvised plan fell into place. She took a hold of the door with two hands and leaned into pulling it open as if it was almost too heavy for her. But once she was in place, she threw the door open with all her strength. It flew open on its hinges, smashing hard into the wall with a resounding thud. Poor Charli didn’t even know what hit her.

Humming with contentment, Lindsey pulled the heavy door away from the wall to reveal a flattened Charli, who wore a surprised expression. Lindsey laughed at her.

“You know, I think I do remember Addison,” Lindsey said with fake recollection as she tapped her chin. “And I won’t just tell you where she is, I’ll show you! But first I have my shift to finish. And I can’t leave you here, so…”

With a shrug, Lindsey pulled Charli from the wall like a piece of loose wallpaper. Rolling her up causally, she walked over to the storage closet and dragged out the tennis ball machine. It was a large box-shaped object with a large metal basket on top and a short adjustable nozzle on the side. The user would feed the top with upwards of twenty or more tennis balls, and the machine would fire them out of the nozzle.

Lindsey had a different idea for it though. She roughly shoved Charlie into the hole at the bottom of the basket until she was completely pressed inside. Then she turned on the machine and set it to start serving. Lindsey knew that the inner workings of the machine had to move the ball into place using a series of rollers. She watched the machine with bated breath, waiting to see if her plan would work. Soon, with a ‘whoomp,’ the perfectly spherical form of Charli D’amelio fired out of the nozzle and soared through the gym. Lindsey squealed with delight and ran after her new toy, finding it in a half-full dirty towel bin.

“Oh look at you, so cute,” she mocked, picking up the oddly colored and textured ball. Lindsey laughed as she walked back to the tennis machine, bouncing the Charli ball casually as she went. After the machine was stowed, Lindsey sat back at her desk behind the counter, tossing Charli at the wall and catching her as she bounced back.

Through the rest of the afternoon, Charli was subjected to this treatment. The painful, dizzying activity of being constantly thrown into a brick wall over and over again kept her from truly comprehending her position. Lindsey, on the other hand, was having a great time. Her satisfied smirk never seemed to leave her face. By the time she clocked out and headed home with her new conquest, she was horny and ready to have a special time with her new toy. She had even texted her current bootycall to swing by her place later in the evening.

When Lindsey arrived home with Charli, she forwent her normal post-work session with Addison and Alicia and instead started the arduous task of unscrambling Charli. After about a half hour of hard work, the still-flat TikTok star was laid out on the floor of her living room. In a matter of moments, Charli was stipped naked and flipped over onto her stomach. With a practiced ease, Lindsey had industrial-strength super glued an extra inflatable toy valve into the woman’s asshole. Then she brought out her air pump and in moments, her very own Charli blowup doll was ready!

“Now, like I promised,” Lindsey said as she picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, where Addison and Alicia waited for her on the bed. “Here is your friend, Addison! Oh, hang on for a second.” Lindsey put Charli down on the bed between the other girls, pushed Alicia’s panties aside and slipped the Addison-face dildo out of Alicia’s pussy, where she had been keeping it since ‘making’ it in the first place.

“Addison had a bit of an accident,” she explained to Charli, holding the dildo where she could see it. “So this is her face, and the rest of her body is my body pillow! Well my sex-doll slash body pillow I guess. Oh and this is Alicia.” Lindsey spoke casually as if introducing friends over coffee.

Charli, for her part, was still trying to figure out what was going on. Between being flattened, balled up and now inflated, her mind was a mix of feelings. As with the other girls, her nerves were put into overdrive, so the physical touch of being carried and handled alone was quite the experience. But now here were two more women similarly treated? How was this even possible?

“Now you three get to know each other, I’m taking a shower. I have a friend coming over to play with my new toy!” Lindsey said cheerfully before walking off toward the master bathroom, stripping her clothes off as she went.

For the first time in a long time, Charli wasn’t being handled, thrown or otherwise messed with, and she finally started to get a grip on her situation. Here she was laying next to her friend, the one who went missing months ago, but both of them had been turned into sex toys for this angry, horny gym employee. It was certainly not what she expected the day to bring.

Eventually, Lindsey emerged from the bathroom wearing a towel wrapped around herself. Her hair was dry, and she was running a brush through it. Tossing the brush onto the bed, she dropped her towel and opened the top drawer of her dresser. The three women watched in confusion and then horror as Lindsey withdrew a strapon dildo.

She winked at the flattened trio before she worked the smaller end of the toy into her pussy and wrapped the straps around herself. After it was secure, she grabbed a bathrobe from the top of the dresser and put it on, hiding the toy beneath. She made the ‘shh’ gesture to the women before leaving the room.

After what felt like an hour, she returned, still wearing the robe, followed by a large man with a military haircut.

“So you forgot the condoms, huh?” Lindsey was saying with fake disappointment in her voice. “Well that’s fine, I have another idea.”

“Oh yeah?” the man asked. His voice made it seem like he had been disappointed but was now hopeful.

“I have to break in my new sex toy, the one in the middle there,” she said, pointing to a horrified Charli. “Why don’t you pick a hole to fuck, and I’ll fuck the other one.” As she spoke, she dropped her robe and looked suggestively at the black rubber dildo in front of her.

“I can do that,” the man said, starting to strip off his clothes.

Soon, Alicia and Addison had been pushed to the floor and the man was lying naked on his back. Lindsey moved Charli into position and slid her down onto his hard cock. Pleasure beyond what Charli had ever felt shot through her. Before Charli could even process what was happening, Lindsey shifted into position behind her and pressed the strapon into her ass. Charli was assaulted by additional pleasure mixed with the pain of being stretched out.

Without preamble, Lindsey started to fuck her hard, which in turn pushed her down onto the man. Every hard thrust was a chain reaction of sensations for the poor girl as she was bounced between them in their perverse ‘sex by proxy.’ Charli tried to shut her ears to the pleasure moans in front of and behind her to no avail.

Despite it all, Charli’s pleasure was intense. She even found herself experiencing three distinct and very powerful orgasms through the process. Finally, the man grunted through his own orgasm, with Charli able to feel his load being deposited inside her. Lindsey chuckled and extracted both herself and him from the Charli doll, and tossed her aside.

“Was it good for you too?” she asked coyly and a bit sarcastically. She was presumably talking to him, but she glanced over at Charli as if to indicate that she was talking to her latest victim.

“That was great babe, but next time I’ll make sure to bring the condoms…”

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