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Jealousy Flattened the Woman: part 2, Oliver’s Turn

Oliver grunted as he thrust his cock into the pussy hole of his new inflatable doll. He lay on his bed, the doll on top of him, holding it tight to him, one arm around its torso and the other gripping tight to its ass. As he fucked the toy, he pressed it hard onto himself.

Oliver had been using and abusing this hyper-realistic blowup doll that his friend Lindsey had given him about a month ago. He had always loved the idea of blowup dolls like this, but none of the ones he ever tried felt right and he ended up getting rid of them. But then Lindsey came out of nowhere with this new one that felt absolutely amazing.

Unknown to Oliver, the reason it felt so amazing was because it was an actual person. Addison Rae, a stunningly beautiful patron of the gym that Lindsey worked at. That was before Lindsey flatted her and used her as a rug, a ball, and a yoga mat before industrial super-gluing an inflatable toy valve into her ass and inflating her like a blow up doll.

Addison was completely unable to move or speak in her new form, but all of her senses remained perfectly intact. In fact something about being flattened heightened her sense of touch to a significant degree. So when Oliver was fucking her, she felt intense pleasure. It was common for her to experience more than a single orgasm during each session, such was her sensitivity.

That was when he decided to fuck her pussy, of course. When he forced his cock inside her mouth, the feeling was much less enjoyable. Addison would gag and choke on him as he rammed himself deep into her throat without restraint. While she didn’t mind giving fellatio when she was human, this was a different feeling entirely, and one that brought her no pleasure.

Addison’s mind was spinning from the intense fucking she was experiencing. The nerves in her pussy were lit up like a Christmas tree, sending waves of pleasure through her whole body. In times like this she almost felt like her body was moving and thrusting as well, though she knew better. But it was more than just her pussy, her nipples rubbed up against the fabric of his shirt, the pleasure of that bordered on pain, it was so intense. Even his hand on her ass felt amazing.

She was so deep in the pleasure that her mind drifted away and she momentarily forgot that she had been reduced to nothing more than a toy for this random man’s sexual satisfaction. As Addison hit her third orgasm, the pleasure started to become tortuous, her worn-out body reaching its breaking point. 

Thankfully, Oliver reached his own climax soon after, grunting through it as he deposited yet another load into Addison’s inflated vagina. With a sigh, he pushed her aside, so she was laying on her back next to him. He lay there for a moment before getting up and pulling his pants back up.

Addison internally sighed in relief, though in truth not being used was just as bad as being fucked into oblivion. Now she had nothing to do but watch him go about his day. And that was only if Oliver didn’t put her away in the closet. 

Such was her life, left alone in a dark closet only to be pulled out, fucked hard and tossed back in. Oliver didn’t always clean her right after, so sometimes she was left with his sticky load drying to a crust inside her mouth or pussy.

Sometimes he would leave her out on his bed or on the floor between ‘uses,’ so she would get a view of Oliver’s day-to-day life. One such time, Addison was watching him play on his computer, some online game that she didn’t recognize nor care about. With a sudden popping sound, the inflatable cushion he was sitting on blew up, reaching the end of its life with a bang.

“Well damn,” Oliver cursed after squealing like a little girl at the sudden sound. “It took me forever to find the perfect cushion…” He grumbled for a moment before his eyes finally settled on Addison. A chill ran through her at the way he looked at her.

“Maybe that could work…” he muttered to himself, standing and walking over to Addison. He flipped her over nonchalantly and popped open the valve glued into her asshole, allowing air to escape.

Relief that she never knew she needed washed over Addison as she released gas pent up over the course of the last month. It was like she was passing wind that had stubbornly refused to appear. When she was maybe ninety percent deflated, Oliver pushed the plug back in, trapping what was left of the air. Addison was left looking like a pool toy that had been left outside all winter.

Oliver looked over her and tilted his head, contemplating his next move. Then he grabbed her right hand. Tightening his grip, he ran his hand up her arm, forcing the air inside her arm into the rest of her body. Addison sighed, the motion feeling like an intense massage of sore muscles. It felt good, but at the same time, the air moving into her torso felt weird and awkward. With her arm deflated, Oliver looped it around and tied a knot at her shoulder.

Addison would have yelped if she could have, the strange feeling causing her significant discomfort, which felt like it could be nudged into the realm of pain at a moment’s notice. Before she could settle into the new feeling and truly make sense of it, Oliver repeated it with her left arm. Addison grunted at the discomfort in her shoulders, though her blank expression showed no sign of her mindset.

Then Oliver stepped back, not sure where to go from there. After a while of poking and prodding. He started to run the air out of her legs too. That same massage feeling spread through Addison, though this time it was way more sexual as he worked his way up her legs toward her crotch. She moaned to herself and nearly orgasmed as he hit her hips. Again he tied off her limb right at her crotch and repeated it on the second leg.

Again the pleasure shot through Addison’s body, and again, she was denied her orgasm. She lay there frustrated as Oliver considered his next move. Eventually he flipped her over onto her stomach and folded her head backwards, so she was looking at the ceiling, the back of her head planted between his shoulder blades.

Oliver looked over at her and nodded, placing her on his computer chair, her shoulders pressed up against the backrest, her hips near where his knees would sit. She realized with a chill, that this arrangement left her head directly under where his ass would be.

“Alight, let’s see how this works,” Oliver muttered to himself, stepping in front of the chair. Addison braced herself and panicked as his ass lowered toward her. Eventually, his weight pressed down on her, burying her head into his ass. Again she was hit with a confusing set of feelings. Her nipples were pressed down into the chair, and as such, rubbed against the fabric and sent waves of pleasure through her.

But then her head and torso suffered the pressure of a full-grown man. Worse yet, Addison could smell his ass, which was less than appealing. And finally, the sensation that her entire torso was stretched to the max with an intense pressure from the inside out, like she was wearing clothing that was way too tight. Addison’s only hope was that her tormentor wasn’t comfortable with his new seat cushion and decided to try something else.

“Eh, not bad,” Oliver said above her, dashing those hopes. “It could work for a while until I find a better one.”

Dismay seeped through Addison, her fate seemingly sealed. And from what little she was able to see of Oliver’s life, she could tell that he spent a lot of time in front of this computer. He shifted in his chair, rubbing his disgusting ass harder into her face.

A week later found Addison still laying on his chair, though now her arms and legs were tied off to the central support underneath to keep her from slipping and a single piece of clear packing tape ran across her forehead and onto her shoulders, locking her head into place against her back, ensuring that she never got relief from his ass.

Every minute of being used was torture for Addison as she was pressed under his weight, his ass smashing her entire being, starting with her face, and subjecting her to the smell and sometimes moisture thereon. And Addison was not wrong with how much time he spent on his computer. She spent hours under him at a time, sometimes up to six hours with nothing short of bathroom or snack breaks.

After two more weeks of this, Oliver approached his desk again, sending a shiver through Addison as she anticipated the torture. But this time, he didn’t sit immediately like he had a hundred times before. He sat a package down on his desk and opened it with a pen, revealing a brand-new inflatable seat cushion like the one that popped weeks ago.

Relief shot through Addison as he manually inflated the new cushion and set it down on his desk. Then he set to work untying her limbs from the bottom of the chair and peeling the tape off her forehead. Once she was free of the chair, he tossed her onto the bed carelessly as he placed his new cushion in her place.

Addison was relieved to finally be free of the hell of being sat on repeatedly. Her arms and legs were still tied off at the shoulders and hips, though she had grown accustomed to the kind of numb feeling that came along with it.

For the rest of that day, Addison watched Oliver from the bed. As normal, he played on his computer for hours, only stopping for meals. Finally that evening rolled around and he shut it down for the day. Approaching his bed, Oliver smiled as he looked down at the crumbled inflatable girl. 

To her great relief, he finally untied her arms and legs, allowing her to finally relax after weeks of being awkwardly crumbled up. Then he retrieved his air pump and popped the seal in her ass. As he inflated her, Addison groaned to herself. The air flowing into her ass was never a feeling she would get used to, and as she inflated, the feeling of being stretched and filled returned in full.

As she was filling, Oliver’s phone vibrated and he stepped away from her. He walked into the hallway, his conversation out of earshot of the poor girl as air continued to fill her ass. Soon she was fully inflated, but Oliver had yet to return. Addison could see him in the hallway and internally pleaded for his return, but he seemed wrapped up in his conversation and ignored her. Soon the pressure inside her was overwhelming, causing pain in every muscle of her body.

Just as it was becoming absolutely unbearable, she felt a terrible ripping feeling in her chin, followed by a loud popping sound. Her entire face ripped clean off as the air filling her forced its way out. Oliver ran into the room, hanging up his phone.

“Goddamn it,” he muttered, turning the pump off and removing the hose from her ass.

Strangely, Addison could still feel her body despite her face now being a completely separate piece. It was disorienting and frightening.

“Fuck,” Oliver muttered finally and gathered up both pieces and tossing them under his bed. In his haste, her face landed right-side up on the floor, only halfway under the bed, so she could still see a portion of the room.

Several days went by with Addison left alone there on the floor, watching the small corner of the room that she could see. Oliver’s life went by the same way since Addison had been a part of it.

But then one day, he burst into the room, stripping off his clothes as he was making out with a woman about his same age. By their stumbling and hectic actions, Addison could figure that they were both drunk. Clothes started to fall to the floor until he was naked and she was only wearing her bra. They ended up on the bed and outside of Addison’s field of view. After messing around for a while, she heard a female voice.

“Do you have condoms?” the woman asked.

“Oh, uh, yeah,” Oliver stumbled a response. Addison saw his hand reaching out to the nightstand where he hurriedly tore open the drawer and rustled through. Soon after, his head appeared as he became more and more desperate.

“Baby?” the women asked, clearly wondering what the delay was.

“Hang on, I know I got…” Oliver trailed off as he eyed Addison’s face. He reached down quickly and grabbed her up, hauling her over to the top of the bed. Her head spun for a moment, but she caught a glimpse of the other woman, now completely naked and laying on her back. She wasn’t paying attention to them, however, with her hand already exploring herself.

That’s all Addison could see as Oliver hurriedly lowered her down toward his hips. Panic shot through Addison as she guessed at what was going to happen. Sure enough, Oliver draped her across his hard cock. She felt the hard shaft pressing up against the back of her face. Not the back of her head, mind, but the back of her face. It was the strangest feeling, almost like an intense sinus headache.

Though she barely had time to reconcile the feeling as Oliver quickly wrapped her around himself, her face getting folded up in the process. When he was done, he held her firmly by the base of his cock to keep her in place. Only one of her eyes was free, but she could see Olivery lowering her toward the other woman’s pussy.

While Addison had become used to getting fucked in both ends over and over, being pressed into a woman’s sex was both terrifying and absolutely repulsive to her. Regardless, the top of her head pressed into the warm wetness between her legs. After working her against the other woman’s opening for a moment, Oliver pressed down, forcing Addison into her. She screamed to herself as her eye passed into the woman completely, robbing her of her sight. Now she only felt warm, hot pressure on all sides as his cock pressed her into the woman’s vagina.

The quick movement in and out sent Addison’s head spinning. Without her sight to ground her, she became disoriented, the fact that her face was folded and mixed certainly didn’t help the matter. Soon, Oliver’s motions sped up, throwing her world that much further into chaos.

Then finally his pace slowed and Addison felt a hot sticky liquid smearing over the back of her face, feeling like it was inside her. She could feel and even taste it. As she gagged to herself at the amount of it, she was slowly removed, the heat and pressure dissipating steadily.

Oliver tossed her away quickly, not wanting to reveal what he had just fucked this girl with, and Addison spent the rest of the night face down on the floor coated on both sides with pure sex.

A few days later, Oliver had cleaned her off, sort of, and packed both her parts into a large shipping envelope. The worst part was that, to keep her together, he had tucked her face into her own pussy. While it wasn’t as bad as being inside his lover, it was still humiliating and disgusting. Addison had no idea what was happening until the top opened and she saw a familiar face though her left eye, the only one sticking out.

“Let’s see if we can’t get you fixed up for your next adventure,” Lindsey said to her with a smile, sending a chill down Addison’s non-existent spine.

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