“Hey James, today still your last day?” Lisa said as she approached me at the coffee maker. I was in the kitchen at work getting my cup of coffee ready for the day. I had been the only one there when Lisa entered, leaving the two of us alone.
“Oh um, yeah,” I said, taken aback by her question when I thought I was alone. “Moving that far away sucks, but I can’t resist the new job.” I was referring to the fact that I was leaving my current job, the one where I worked with Lisa, for another in the next state over, about a three hour drive away.
“Sucks to see you go,” Lisa said as she prepped the electric kettle for her tea.
Lisa and I met at work and I had to say that she was my closest friend in the office. I chatted with and was friendly with most people, but Lisa was the only one I spent any time with outside of the office.
Lisa was intersex, basically a woman with male genitalia. She didn’t want to announce this to everyone in the office, so she tended to dress in clothing that was more loose around the hips, so her bulge wouldn’t show. I was the only one in the office who knew this about her. Not that she was super private, but she just didn’t think it was anyone else’s business, which makes perfect sense.
One drunken night at the bar, Lisa confided in me that she was having a hard time satisfying her girlfriend. It turned out that her cock was smaller than average, and it just wasn’t quite doing the trick. I reassured her and tried to give her some tips as a fellow life-long owner of such equipment.
“I’ll miss working with you, but I’m not that far away, I will make it a point to come back and visit!” I reassured her, genuinely meaning what I said. “How are things with Alison?”
“Good enough I guess,” Lisa responded, keeping her eyes away from me as if ashamed. “Still struggling with… THAT.” From context I could figure out that she was referring to her bedroom size problem. “But I actually have a very interesting idea on how to fix that. It’s… something that you can help with actually…”
“Yeah sure,” I said with a smile. “Always willing to help.”
“Great! Thanks,” Lisa said and turned toward me. “This shouldn’t hurt…”
I turned to her with a confused expression. As I was about to speak, I saw her pull a small bundle from her pocket. It looked like someone wrapped string around three or four small sticks and some dried herbs. Lisa spoke an unrecognizable word under her breath and snapped the sticks in half. Shimmering dust rose from the breaking point straight up into the air. Lisa leaned forward and blew on the cloud, forcing it in my direction.
“What the hell…” I started to ask. Before I could finish my thought, a sudden wave of dizziness came over me. I put my coffee cup down on the counter and looked at her, my confusion showing on my face. Before the world went black, I could have sworn she was getting taller…
The next hours passed in an odd kind of limbo for me. It was dark and I could have sworn I was hanging by my feet, though I couldn’t move nor could I feel my limbs. I had a passing thought that this must be some kind of dream. Maybe Lisa brought out some kind of potpourri or something that I had a weird reaction to and passed out. Though I started to doubt this the longer this feeling persisted.
But then my darkness lifted. Some kind of shroud was pulled down and away from me, letting some light shine in. Though I still couldn’t see anything around me, a second shroud was still covering me. When that too was pulled away I had a hard time reconciling what I was seeing.
I was indeed hanging upside down, though without the head-rush feeling that normally accompanied such a thing. Two massive, flesh-colored pillars fell down below me that I quickly determined to be legs, smooth, closely shaven legs. The bare feet at the end of them did give that away.
“So… James,” I jumped at Lisa’s voice coming from above me. I directed my vision upward, though I got the feeling that no part of my body actually moved. I was looking up at Lisa past the front of her torso, which was still adorned by her white blouse from work. That’s when it determined that my point was coming from her hips, and more specifically from between her thighs.
“So you might have figured out by now that I turned you into my cock,” Lisa explained, her tone remarkably steady for such an insane declaration.
I tried to speak, to ask her how it was even possible and demand an explanation, but I couldn’t physically form the words. I guess not having a mouth made speaking impossible.
“I’m sorry, but my sex life is really struggling. This spell almost doubled my size and is supposed to give me better control over the duration of my erections,” Lisa explained. “But the spell required a that a person be transformed into my cock, and it had to be someone who truly wanted to help me. And as a bonus, you’re leaving, so no one at work will think twice about you disappearing.”
I was in complete shock. How could she do this to me? I was her coworker, her FRIEND! My head spun and I swore my vision actually started to blur, I was so taken aback. Even if I could speak, my brain couldn’t form the words that I would have said. Part of me wanted to scream at her for dooming me to this form, while another part of me wanted to beg for her to undo it and return me to my human form.
But in the meantime, I had the chance to look around my surroundings. It was weird, I was hanging from her body, sure, but the room did not appear upside-down like one would think. It was almost like my head, which was now the head of Lisa’s cock, was attached to the rest of my body at the scalp rather than the neck. That left the rest of my body to make up the shaft of her penis. While it was hard to be sure, it felt like my torso and legs had been fused into her length. From what I could tell what used to be my knees lined up with her body, as if my shins were buried inside her torso.
“I can already tell you added so much to my length and girth,” Lisa continued casually. “It might be harder to tuck you away at work, I might need to tape you down or something, but I have my whole life to get used to it…”
Her comment brought me back to reality. She was going to turn me back at some point, wasn’t she? The way she spoke made it seem like this was the new normal, which didn’t sit right with me.
“But let’s see how you… handle…” Lisa trailed off. Her right hand slipped across her thigh, taking me by the base and wrapping completely around me. My diminutive size compared to her was drilled into my head in that moment. But as her fingers took me in her grasp, a wave of sensation ran through me. The attention paid to my body was the same sensation as when I handled my own manhood when I was still human. To put it plainly: it felt good.
As she moved her hand up and down my body, I could feel the blood pumping through me, my entire being becoming erect. Lisa moaned above me, her hand working up my body toward my head. Thoughts fled my mind, the pleasure of her attention running through me. It felt like I was getting a hand job but it was so much bigger and more intense.
Lisa kept going, her giant hand working up and down my body, driving me crazy with sensation. I could barely form thoughts, my world completely overtaken by the pleasure. It wasn’t long before I felt something familiar building. The unmistakable feeling of an impending orgasm built up deep in my balls. It was at that moment that I realized something. My balls were HER balls! I could feel them swinging around below me, gently bouncing off her thighs as she worked me closer to orgasm.
Though just as I was about to reach that climax, Lisa’s hand stopped. She held my base and panted above me, refusing to give me those last couple strokes to put me over the precipice. I hovered there, on the edge, wishing for nothing but that sweet release. I looked up at Lisa to see her looking down on me, her bottom lip between her teeth, her breath coming quickly.
I screamed in my mind as I slowly pulsed with her heartbeat, my stiffness starting to fade. What was she doing…? Why leave me like this?
Suddenly, Lisa started again, stroking me with a furious drive for a moment. It felt like I was ready to burst again in seconds. She slowed her pace, keeping me there, seconds from the edge for what felt like minutes. I was desperate to climax, to feel that release. Nothing else mattered. I tried in vain to move just enough to get that last little bit of stimulation, but my helplessness was complete.
Again, Lisa stopped. I screamed internally, cursing her. But now I was cursing her not for turning me into her cock, but for denying me my needed release.
“Alright, that should keep me ready for Alison,” Lisa muttered and reached down toward her discarded undergarments. “I am pretty excited to put this new monster in her ass…”
No! I screamed. How can she leave me like this, I am so close, I need it! I suddenly became aware of just how fast she turned me from a person into a desperate, animalistic thing. But then she pulled up her panties, tucking me away into the tight darkness, my erection straining the thin cloth.
Lisa didn’t pull her pants back on, instead, she walked off dressed in just her blouse and panties that barely covered me. In such a state I could see better than before. I watched as she sat down on the couch and idly played on her phone, presumably waiting for Alison to arrive. During this time, the blood drained from me and I fell back into my flaccid state. I was still straining the cloth of her underwear and she was forced to adjust me several times as we sat there.
Then suddenly, Lisa stood up and took a step forward.
“Welcome home, I have a surprise for you,” she said suggestively.
“Oh yeah?” the familiar voice of Alison responded. I tried to get a look at her, but Lisa’s panties and blouse blocked my line of sight to her.
“In bed. Naked. Face down. Ass up,” Lisa playfully commanded.
“Oohh, THAT kind of surprise… okay,” Alison responded. I heard sounds of walking as Alison followed, her thighs shifting me back and forth with each step.
Moments later, I felt Lisa stripping off her blouse, giving me a better view of the room, though it was still obscured. More shifting and I watched Lisa’s bra fall past me, my excitement growing for no reason apparent to me. Then finally, she grabbed at the hips of her panties and pulled them down. I veritably popped out, and I saw the reason for my engorgement.
Lisa was standing next to her bed, upon which Alison, who was slim and sexy, maybe even more so than Lisa, lay with her hips up in the air, her holes on full display for us to see. Lisa took a hold of me and gave me a few strokes, her hand slick with lube. Letting go of my now-fully-erect body, she climbed onto the bed, positioning herself behind her girlfriend.
“Get ready, this might hurt a bit,” Lisa teased.
“Oh, I’m sure it will, baby,” Alison played along, clearly not taking her seriously. Lisa just chuckled and took a hold of me by the base and guided me toward Alison’s hips. The fast approaching private parts of the giant woman was intimidating, either one of those holes could swallow my entire body. And I knew that was exactly what was about to happen.
I was dismayed to realize that Lisa was directing me toward Alison’s asshole rather than her pussy. It loomed over me, growing every second until the valley of her ass crack was all that I could see. Soon my head was pressed against her puckered hole. Without hesitation, Lisa pressed harder, the slippery lube that covered me forced Alison open. I could hear her moaning in the distance.
Just as my eyeline pressed into the darkness of her body, I heard Alison speaking.
“Oh shit, are you… bigger?” she said, her voice disappearing.
Disbelief and disgust overtook me. My head was INSIDE her ass. I could feel the heat and pressure on all sides of me, squeezing me tightly. Worse than that, I could still smell and even taste. The aura of her ass was oppressive and inescapable. Before I could even start to reconcile what was happening to me, I was pressed deeper, my shoulders, torso, then hips were buried inside of Alison.
I could vaguely hear Alison through her body, her moans and grunts reverberating around me in a way that I could barely understand let alone describe. And despite my disgust at where I found myself, I couldn’t deny that it felt good. The pressure was hitting me in all the right places, squeezing me like Lisa’s hand had done earlier. But this time the entire length of my shaft felt it, every nerve lit up.
I couldn’t help but moan to myself as I was thrust in and out, the inside of her body rubbing up and down my body, hitting the nerve points on my skin, and sending my arousal through the roof. My disgust was buried under the pleasure, and my desperate need for more of it. Lisa obliged, presumably feeling the same pleasure that I did.
Soon the pleasure built up in my stomach until the orgasm overtook me. It ripped up through my body before erupting out of the closest thing I had to my mouth. It felt like a weird combination of vomiting and orgasming, though I had to admit that I liked it.
The orgasm passed, Lisa’s thrusts slowing down until they stopped. Though Lisa did not remove me. In fact moments later, I felt rhythmic breathing that could only mean one thing, they fell asleep with me still inside Alison ass…