Kat returned home from a long day at work. Exhausted, she wanted nothing more than to sit for the evening and do nothing, or maybe get some time in on her favorite video game. But the day was also a sweaty one, so she was overdue for a long, hot shower.
She wasted no time heading to the bathroom and pulling off her worn, soiled clothes one piece at a time as the water from the shower warmed up. Kat nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the quiet, muffled voice from behind and below her.
“Umm, Miss K?” the male voice said, nervously. “I can see again, does that mean you’re going to take me out?”
She heaved a sigh when the memories of her ‘passenger’ came flooding back to her. One of her followers by the name of Malik had a pretty serious ass fetish and had managed to convince her to transform him into her buttplug for a few days. So he spent the last ten or so hours happily riding out her work shift in the back of her pants. Unlike normal transformations, though, he was allowed to keep his audible voice, so long as he didn’t speak until Kat had returned home. So now that she was naked, the buttplug vision was no longer blocked by her pants and recognized her bathroom.
“Holy shit, you scared the crap out of me!” she hissed, annoyed that she let herself show such weakness in front of this pathetic object of a man. “Yeah, I’ll get you out, give me a second…” Her voice was annoyed, as if she couldn't be bothered by this right now.
Stepping into the shower, Kat heaved a heavy sigh, the hot water refreshing her body and mind. After she basked in the water for a moment, she reached behind her and gently pulled, easing the transformed man out of her ass. With a subtle moan and a pop, he came free, and she lifted him up to her face.
“So, how was your day?” she asked casually, like they were old friends talking over a coffee.
“It was amazing, miss,” the disembodied voice responded. “Everything I hoped it would be and more. Thank you so much.”
Kat just smiled and set the toy down on the shelf in the corner of the shower. Over the next twenty minutes, she thoroughly cleaned both herself and the Malik buttplug.
Eventually, Kat shut off the water and stepped out of the shower, leaving Malik on the shelf for the time being. Drying herself off, she wrapped the towel around herself and started to leave the bathroom.
“Umm… Miss K?” the timid voice came from the shower. “Can you take me with you? You don’t have to wear me, but can I at least be near you?”
Kat laughed and retrieved him from the shower. They both went into Kat’s room, where she tossed him on the bed. Pulling her towel off, she purposely laid it over top of him so he couldn’t see her naked. She smirked, enjoying teasing Malik. Once she was dressed in a loose shirt and shorts, Kat pulled him from under the towel and walked to the living room.
Dropping down onto the couch and setting Malik down next to her, she grabbed her PS5 controller and got ready for an evening of gaming. After maybe a half hour or so, Malik timidly spoke up.
“Can you hold me, Miss K? It’s so cold out here.”
“Fine, but you need to do something for me,” Kat sighed.
“What’s that Miss K?”
Without a word, she picked him up, nestled him between her thighs right up against her hips and crossed her legs.
“Do that little vibration thing you did earlier,” Kat demanded.
Malik’s mind was so overwhelmed by being pressed between her thighs that he almost didn’t acknowledge her command. But after a moment, he composed himself and started to vibrate his body. Kat sighed, the vibrations through her thighs bringing a smile to her face before she went back to her gaming.
After a couple of hours, during which Malik’s energy faded and he was forced to stop vibrating, the front door flew open. Kat looked over her shoulder to see a disheveled Lexi pushing through.
“Have a tough day, hun?” Kat called to her.
“Give me a second,” Lexi responded, urgency in her voice as she dropped her purse and jacket at the dining table behind the couch and ran off to the bathroom. After some frantic-sounding searching, Lexi called back to Kat. “Are we SERIOUSLY out of tampons AND pads?!”
“Oh yeah, I meant to buy some more today, but got distracted,” Kat called back, still focused on her game.
Lexi appeared in the hallway to the bathroom and bedrooms, her expression desperate and apologetic at the same time. Without a word, she snapped her fingers. In an instant, Kat disappeared, her body shrinking down into itself. A split second later, three things happened at the same time, Kat’s PS5 controller fell to the couch, the Malik buttplug fell on its side, and a tampon dropped onto the cushion.
“What the…” Malik exclaimed at Kat’s sudden disappearance. Lisa laughed at the appearance of the buttplug.
“Kat, were you using ANOTHER fan?!” she laughed.
“Really?” Kat’s voice came from the tampon. “Just like that, without warning? I was on a hot streak! Now I’ll be kicked for inactivity!”
“Oh you’ll be fine,” Lexi said, crossing quickly to the couch and picking up Kat. “No free shows, buttplug, whoever you are.” Lexi played at scolding Malik before she turned and walked off to the bathroom, presumably to insert the Kat tampon where Malik couldn’t watch.
Malik was left alone for a while, sitting on the couch next to the discarded controller, only able to watch the video game screen, which by now had defaulted back to the main menu. Not long after, Lexi emerged, wearing loose gym shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Even dressed like that, Malik was in awe of her. Of course he knew her well, since Lexi and Kat ran the same website, the same one through which he ended up as Kat’s buttplug.
Lexi didn’t pay him any attention, she just went to the kitchen, which was behind the couch and out of his sight. He heard the sounds of dishes and assumed that she must have been getting something to eat.
“Well you did volunteer to be my tampon,” Lexi said, her words confusing Malik. As he was about to say something, Lexi continued. “Not good timing? Are you kidding? You said ‘whenever I needed,’ and I need you now.”
Malik figured she was talking to Kat, whose voice must be too quiet for him to hear. She would be speaking from inside Lexi’s vagina after all. After a while, it was hard to tell time for the buttplug, Lexi walked past him, waving and blowing a kiss to him before she turned the lights out and headed for the bedrooms.
The next morning, Lexi, still disheveled from a full night’s sleep, stumbled her way into the living room.
“Yeah, but we still don’t have any tampons, I can’t exactly go to the store without one, and I can’t wait for you to go out and come back. I have to get to work on time today,” she snapped, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
“I told you, I can’t be your tampon today, I can’t miss work either!” Kat’s muffled voice came from under Lexi’s shorts. “I’ll get fired and then we lose the house! No offense, but you can’t afford it alone.”
“I have a presentation to the board today, I cannot be late!” Lexi said, dropping down hard on the couch next to Malik. “And I for SURE, cannot go up in front of those assholes without a tampon, one drop of blood bleeds through and I’ll never be taken seriously again!”
“Well then what the hell are we going to do?” Kat asked. Lexi shook her head and opened her mouth to speak, but paused. Her head turned slowly to the buttplug sitting on the couch next to her. Lexi smiled and turned, pulled her legs into a cross-legged pose so she was sitting facing Malik. Her shorts were small enough that the string of her tampon was visible.
“So, buttplug,” Lexi started.
“His name is Malik,” Kat interjected.
“So, Malik,” Lexi repeated in the same inflection. “We have a little… dilemma. And you might be able to solve it. You see, neither of us can miss work, but I’m on my period and we have no products. There also isn’t enough time to get any before work.”
“So how could I help, Miss Lexi?” Malik asked, confused.
“Well Kat… er, Miss K, needs to be human, and I… need a tampon,” Lexi explained slowly.
“Sounds like Miss Lexi wants you to be the replacement,” Kat chimed in.
“Wait, do you want ME to be the tampon?” Malik asked in disbelief. While he was infatuated with a woman’s ass, he was still disgusted by the idea of being used as a tampon. “Oh I don’t know about that, Miss Lexi, I don’t think I can do that…”
“What’s wrong?” Lexi started, putting on a cute face, and running a finger over the metal surface of the buttplug. A chill ran through Malik’s body at her warm touch. “A little nervous? Maybe you’ve never been in a woman’s…” she leaned down, getting close to him and lowering her voice until it was almost a whisper. “...Pussy?”
“No, I’ve had sex before,” Malik retorted quickly, not wanting to seem like less of a man in front of these two.
“So then you’ve been down there before, it’s not that different…” Lexi whispered, leaning on her elbows and running all of her fingers over him. It started to get hard to focus because of all the attention he was receiving.
“It’s not so bad in here,” Kat added, her voice nearly inaudible now that Lexi had moved onto her elbows and knees. “As her tampon, I am so… intimate with her. No one can ever be closer…”
“I um… I don’t… I don’t know…” Malik would have been blushing if he still had skin. Such attention from two women was more than he was used to.
“You wouldn’t want me to make a mess would you?” Lexi took her hands off him and held her head in her chin. “You follow us online, so that must mean that you want to serve us… right?” Her voice sounded deeply hurt by his refusal.
“No, I want to help, but I just don’t…” Malik’s will was weakening. He could barely look into Lexi’s eyes.
“You did so well as my buttplug, and tampon isn’t so far away from that,” Kat added.
“Let me ask you this, what is your greatest wish?” Lexi said.
“Well I’ve um… always wanted to be…” Malik trailed off, not sure if he had the courage to finish his thought.
“Go ahead, you can tell me,” Lexi coaxed.
“I've always wanted to be a… woman’s ass…” Malik said slowly.
“How about this, if you become my tampon,” Lexi started, purposely speaking slowly. “Then you can spend some time as my ass.”
“If that will make you happy… I’ll do it,” Malik said, his whole body tense as he spoke, his body fighting against his own words.
“Great!” Lexi said, sitting up quickly, her face lighting up in a big smile.
“But, um, what should I expect?” Malik asked quietly.
“Well,” Lexi said, sitting cross legged again with her hands in her lap. “It will be pretty tight, and warm. Actually, Kat, why don’t you take this one, I haven’t actually been a tampon!”
“It’s comfortable, tight, warm. You will have to drink a lot of blood, but you get to like it after a while,” Kat explained, her voice turning sexy. “It just feels so good to be serving so… intimately.”
“Okay… okay, do it, I’m ready,” Malik said, his metaphorical muscles settling as he became more assured of his choice.
Lexi looked down at him and smiled a sweet smile. She snapped her fingers and he felt himself change form in an instant. It wasn’t so jarring as his transformation from man to buttplug, but it still took him a moment to reconcile.
“Don’t worry, little tampon,” Lexi said, picking him up and cradling him in both hands. “I’ll take good care of you.” She planted a gentle kiss on him.
She stood and walked into the bathroom, setting Malik on the counter next to the sink. Then she turned her back to him and pulled her shorts and underwear down in one quick motion. Despite leaning down away from him, Malik wasn’t able to get a look at her ass, her oversized shirt covering her skin. He couldn’t help but be disappointed.
Malik watched as she reached up under her shirt and gently removed the Kat tampon. Though since she was turned away from him, he didn’t get a good look.
“Oh it’s so cold out here,” Kat said, her voice finally not muffled. Lexi looked over her shoulder at Malik, holding the soiled, bloody Kat tampon up for him to see. That was before she tossed it into the trash can by the sink.
“Hey!” Kat shouted. “What the hell?”
“Relax, I’ll turn you back once I get your replacement in,” Lexi said cutely.
“Yeah but the trash? Really?”
Lexi ignored her as she turned completely to face Malik. With a smile she picked him up gently and lowered him toward her hips. Malik watched as her vagina slowly came into view, a few drops of blood staining her lips. Lexi didn’t slow down, bringing him up closer and closer. She moaned and Malik felt a shiver run through him as she touched him to her slit. Rubbing him back and forth for a moment she pressed him slowly in. Malik saw the world drop away from him as he was forced into her.
Once he was in complete darkness, he felt something… odd, as the plastic applicator started to fall away from him as he fully seated inside of her. In the darkness he didn’t really know what was happening, only that he was now deep inside of Lexi.
Kat was right. It was comfortable. It felt like he was wrapped up in a tight, warm sleeping bag. He could even vaguely feel Lexi’s heartbeat. There was a distinct taste of blood that was at first off-putting, but Malik quickly lost himself to the sensation of being wrapped up tightly inside the most intimate part of the object of his desire. While the general feeling wasn’t unlike being in Kat’s ass as a buttplug, being in Lexi’s vagina, the center of all of her sexual pleasure, felt different, more… intimate.
He was so caught up that he almost didn’t even hear Lexi snapping her fingers, and the resulting crash of the used tampon suddenly becoming human again from inside the tiny bathroom trash can.
“Really, Lexi?” Kat’s voice reached him. Lexi just giggled.
“Well, Malik, let’s get ready for our day together!” Lexi happily announced.