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Flexi-Pandemic: part 2

Lisa had been removed from the Nick vacbed quite some time ago. She was exhausted, overheating, and sweating profusely from being left trapped inside Nick’s flattened body with a vibrator turned on high pressed against her clit and into her sex.

So weak and shaky after her experience, Alexis had to help the older submissive stand and walk up the stairs. Nick watched them go, the inside of his flattened body slick with sweat and other juices his former prisoner had left behind. On the way out of the basement, Alexis winked back at him before turning the lights out and plunging him into darkness.

His bad case of the Flexi Pandemic allowed him to remain in this flattened form with all of his senses intact. The black market form-stabilizing nanites Alexis injected him with kept him from being able to reform into his human body. With nothing but his thoughts to keep him company, the time passed slowly for Nick.

It didn’t take long for him to get used to the smell and taste that Lisa left behind. It quickly moved from revolting to the mild discomfort that comes after a hard workout. What was worse however, was his sexual frustration. Seeing and feeling these two women so intimately had turned him on more than he realized was possible, but he was left unable to bring himself to climax, and god knows, Alexis wasn’t going out of her way to give him one. The whole time that Lisa was tortured with non-stop orgasms, Nick was left helplessly bouncing on the edge of what would have been his most powerful one ever. Now that he was left alone, his arousal faded, but that blue-ball feeling was still very present.

Finally, the light flipped on, blinding Nick for a moment. By the time he was able to refocus, he saw Alexis walk toward him with a smile. In stark contrast with her dominatrix outfit of earlier, she is now wearing loose gym shorts and an oversized hoodie. She carried a steaming coffee mug carefully by the handle.

She walked over to him and sat down on the floor next to the human vacbed, crossing her legs and holding her coffee with both hands.

“So how was that?” Alexis asked sweetly as if asking for his opinion on a new restaurant. She took a sip of her coffee before continuing. “I always love my sessions with Lisa. Something about completely controlling such a powerful woman just gets me going, you know?”

Nick, being as deformed as he was, couldn’t form any response to Alexis’ question, which had the vibe of a woman gossiping with her best friend about a one-night stand.

“I didn’t even have anything to do upstairs like I told her, I just found the idea of her left alone down here cumming over and over again soooo incredibly hot,” Alexis continued, her eyes drifting around the room. “Even though she ate me out to a great orgasm, I still got myself off twice up there thinking about her.” Alexis heaved a satisfied sigh like a schoolgirl talking about her crush.

Nick felt his arousal growing again hearing her talk so casually about masturbating and dominating another woman. He was even being turned on by Alexis herself, despite her modest clothing. It surprised even him that he found her almost equally as attractive in her sweats as when she was wearing the corset.

“You know I almost want to let you reform so you can tell me about your experience,” Alexis said whimsically, heaving a smaller sigh.

Hope surged in Nick for a moment hearing her say those words. Her tone, and the word “almost” indicated in no uncertain terms that she was going to resist the temptation to restore him. His heart sank as she continued.

“I can only imagine what it was like to be wrapped so intimately around her curves…” Alexis trailed off as she ran a finger over Nick’s flattened body. “You were even sandwiched between her and my thighs when I rode her face, I know every guy has the fantasy of being with two women…”

Alexis’ teasing was getting to Nick more than he would’ve admited. In his current state, he was utterly incapable of doing anything except hang on every one of her words. If he still was human he would have been at full mast, begging for even the least of stimulation.

“Sorry to leave you for so long,” Alexis said after a pause. Nick was grateful the conversation moved away from sex, hopefully his unfulfillable arousal could finally dissipate. “After a session like that, there was a good amount of aftercare. Lisa was in desperate need of a drink and a shower. Her knees were so weak, I had to go into the shower with her to make sure she didn’t hurt herself.”

Alexis’ last comment dashed any hope Nick had of letting his arousal fade, his mind immediately going to a picture of the two women together in the shower. Since he had seen them both naked, it was a pretty clear image.

“Well sorry to leave you again, but I have some stuff I have to get done before I use you again, but don’t worry, I think you might like this one too,” Alexis winked as she carefully gained her feet and walked out, turning the light out as she went.

Nick spent the night in the dark, alone again, during which time, his unimaginable horniness was finally allowed to subside completely, and he was able to rehearse a speech begging to be allowed to reform into his human body. He was convinced now that he would be able to sway Alexis into giving him his life back, if she ever allowed him to speak again.


Alexis had finally come to collect him, and after a long and intense reshaping session, she stood in front of the floor-length mirror in her bedroom admiring her new look. Every part of her body from ankles to wrist to neck was covered in what appeared to be a deep purple catsuit. The suit conformed to every curve, even cupping of each of her tits individually, the “material” thin enough to see both nipples clear as day. The catsuit even separated her ass into individual cheeks. With the possible exception of her sex, it was as if she literally just changed the color of her skin.

Nick, whose body had been reformed into said catsuit, looked out from her chest again. His vision was a bit distorted as his face followed the contours of her body. He didn’t think it possible, but he hugged Alexis tighter than Lisa. As a vacbed, there were parts of him that didn’t directly touch Lisa, since his flattened form was longer and wider than she was tall. The same couldn’t be said about his current state. He was one solid piece, so not a single part of Nick wasn’t pressed tightly into Alexis’ warm skin. He was extremely mixed up, but Nick swore he felt one of his “hands” across one cheek of her ass, which he would admit to enjoying. What caused him a bit more discomfort was that his cock apparently ran down the inside of her thigh, so every now and again a shiver of pleasure ran through him as it rubbed her other leg.

“This turned out even better than I could have imagined.” Nick wasn’t sure if she was talking to him or just to herself. “I mean look at this, if I changed you to a skin tone, I would be arrested for indecent exposure.”

Being stretched and pulled awkwardly and uncomfortably, Nick found it hard to take her undeniably sexy appearance as any comfort. He could feel every single muscle tense as she moved, which was sometimes pleasurable, but far more often left him in agony.

“This is just perfect for this weekend,” Alexis continued, still turning and shifting to get a better look at herself in the mirror. “I’m going to the big fetish convention to show you off. Should be a long day, but wearing something as comfortable as my Nick-suit, I should be good all day. I can even program certain openings to appear for when I need to use the restroom…”

Nick recalled the torture and teasing of being her leggings for a day, so he could vividly imagine what a day like this would be like. A chill ran down his spine at the thought.

“But sadly, that’s a couple days away and I have some errands to run,” Alexis sighed, her disappointment evident. She picked up her phone and tapped away on the app controlling Nick’s nanites. After a second, Nick felt his body splitting as a seam opened on Alexis’ back, running  from the neck of the Nick-suit to the base of her back, right above her ass. It was almost like a high-tech zipper that disappeared completely when closed.

Still on her phone, Alexis entered a command for Nick’s body to loosen just slightly. The pressure of hugging her curves subsided as the entire “garment” grew about half a size. 

“I just can’t get over this,” Alexis said in amazement. “It is just so easy to get in and out of you. Anything like this available on the market would almost take a team of people and probably pounds of baby powder to get into. But with you, a push of a button and I’m all set.”

Nick was relieved as she started to pull him off like a wetsuit, his larger size allowing her to do so without difficulty. He was finally able to really relax now that he wasn’t stretched so tight, though her words and tone had him worried. If she liked his new form too much, what was the chance that Alexis would ever allow him to be human again?

“Alright, well you stay right here, I look forward to wearing you this weekend,” Alexis said, hanging him on a hook on the outside of her closed door. He felt the hook on the inside of his “neck” take his weight. It didn’t hurt, but wasn’t terribly comfortable. From his position he could see Alexis clearly, even as his body folded in on himself. Since she had been wearing only him, Nick was treated to a view of her fully nude body yet again. He couldn’t help but take it in as Alexis crossed the room to her dresser and started to get dressed.

Finally dressed, Alexis stepped out of the room, looking back and waving with her fingers at her house guest. Nick reflected on how he was really starting to hate that look as he was left alone again.

Over the next two days, Nick hung there, completely ignored by Alexis. In fact he only saw her for short moments when she came out of her showers in the morning, got dressed for work, and undressed for bed. He wasn’t sure he wanted to experience the stretch, pain, and sexual teasing of being worn by her for an entire day, but being left alone was not likely any better. The time ticked by slowly for him.


Alexis practically jumped out of bed on Saturday morning, beating her alarm by nearly forty minutes. Nick winced as she threw the light on in the otherwise dark room. Seeing Alexis naked now was no new thing for him, but he had to admit that he was still turned on by her standard sleeping attire of an oversized t-shirt over nothing but a pair of panties.

“So are you ready for the weekend?” Alexis said to Nick, finally acknowledging his existence. Nick knew it was extremely unlikely that she would forget that she had transformed him into this suit, but after a couple of days of no interaction, his paranoia nearly convinced him that she had.

Obviously he could not respond to her question and just gave her a glare that, if he still had a face to express anything, would have been a mix of begging for mercy and utter hatred.

“What would you think if I were to announce to everyone that I was wearing a living suit?” she asked with a tease in her voice as she ran a single finger over his deformed body. Panic rose in Nick at the thought of a room full of fetish enthusiasts bearing witness to his utter humiliation. Even as this thought crossed his mind, he internally sighed deeply at the pleasure her tough brought him.

“I was thinking about it over the last couple of days…” Alexis trailed off, both of her hands now exploring his flattened body. The caress of her hands changed Nick’s entire mindset. After being ignored for so long, the feeling of her skin on him was heavenly, so much so that he would have agreed to pretty much anything in return for more. Luckily, or maybe unfortunately, he still did not have a voice to express this.

“Sadly, I’m going to have to skip it this weekend,” Alexis finished. Her expression turned into a cutsy pouty face that would melt almost any man’s heart. “While it’s not unheard of for human accessories at these things, there is the issue of liability. I would need a signed contract from you or I would be in some pretty serious trouble.”

Faced with days of sexual frustration and the cute, disappointed expression and tone, Nick found himself practically begging for a contract to sign. It only lasted a moment before he came to his senses, cursing himself for even allowing his mind to form that thought. Agreeing to such a thing would take away any last shred of humanity he still clung to. Such was Aelxis’ power. With the right expression, tone, and body movement, she could make straight men and gay women agree to literal torture just to see a smile on her face.

With maybe a little bit of disappointment, Alexis turned away and stepped into the bathroom. Nick found himself longing for her as she disappeared into the bathroom. It wasn’t lost on him that he was desperately craving the attention of the woman who was torturing him seemingly without end.

Having been acknowledged and even touched by her got him excited to experience something other than the barren void of being left hanging on a hook. Now to be left alone again was excruciating. The time passed slowly again as Nick strained his “ears” to see when Alexis would return to him. Eventually the shower sound gave way to a hairdryer, and then silence. With the only indication of what she was doing stolen from him, Nick stared at the door, jumping at any shadow that crossed the light from under the door or subtle sound from the bathroom.

Finally the door opened and Nick sprang to attention, staring intently, waiting with electric excitement to once again be in Alexis’ presence. If he had a jaw, it would have dropped at what he saw. Alexis strode from the bathroom, completely naked, freshly shaven on all parts of her body. Her hair was in a high ponytail, and her dark goth makeup was perfect: her lips jet black and her eyes adorned with stark black lines. She struck an incredibly sexy figure. By her slow, deliberate swagger, Alexis knew it as well as Nick did. He had a hard time determining if she looked more like an excited, teasing bride on her honeymoon or like a predator stalking her poor, helpless prey.

She stopped in front of Nick and looked him up and down, her expression, pose, and subtle movements of her hips betraying her sexual excitement. For that moment, Nick was happy that he didn’t have to pretend not to be staring at her. 

“Oh, it’s been a long wait, but now it’s here,” Alexis breathed quietly, stroking both hands up and down Nick’s body. “I’m not sure what YOU will feel, but I know I will feel so incredibly sexy…”

Her hands strayed to the shoulders of Nick’s purple rubber-like body and lifted him carefully off the hook, dropping him down to the floor.

He practically vibrated with excitement as Alexis stepped one of her feet into him. Nick internally sighed as he felt the warmth of her skin caressing his own. Alexis stepped in with her other foot and started to pull him up her body.

Nick practically drowned in the sensations running through his body. While Nick loved the feeling of touching her skin, it was all too much too fast. It was as if he had just woken from a deep sleep to furious sexual foreplay during an advanced yoga class.

Before he was able to process it, Alexis had pulled him completely into place, his body hugging hers loosely. She heaved a sigh, taking in the feeling of her sentient attire. She crossed the room quickly to her night stand and picked up her phone. Tapping away commands, she initiated the final step.

Suddenly, Nick felt himself shrinking, the slit in his back sealing itself up completely. The pleasant feeling of gently caressing Alexis’ body was quickly replaced by an extreme tightness as every bit of air between them disappeared. He cupped both of her tits perfectly and threaded his way into the crack of her ass, cupping and lifting both of them just the right amount. Nick gasped internally at the sheer speed of his constriction.

“Oh my god,” Alexis moaned sexually. “That is something else…” she muttered to herself as she walked back over to her full-length mirror. She took a moment to admire herself, twisting to get a better look at her ass in the mirror.

“You make me look so good I may never take you off,” she said, her tone neutral, marking that statement as the only non-sexually charged thing she did since leaving the bathroom.

While Nick was pretty sure she was exaggerating and wouldn’t actually wear him forever, he still felt that spike of fear at the proposition of being like this indefinitely. After a few moments more of admiring herself, Alexis walked off to her closet.

Every step lit Nick’s nerves on fire. Some of her movements felt good, like a deep stretch, others just plain hurt like pressure on his balls, and even others sexually teased, like a gentle breeze across his cock. He couldn’t even zone out and try to block the sensations, they were intense and uncomfortable enough to become his entire world.

Alexis, meanwhile, had made her way into her walk-in closet and threw open a large chest. Peering in, Nick saw a veritable smorgasbord of fetish attire. Purple, black and deep red leather and latex stared up at him, piled in such a way that it was hard to see what any of it was.

Wasting no time, Alexis pulled a purple leather under-bust corset from the chest and pulled it on over her head. Even unlaced as it was, it still pressed down fairly hard on her chest as she moved it into position. For the next few minutes, Alexis struggled to tighten the lacings on the back of the corset.

Her contortions further tormented Nick as she constantly moved, stretching and reaching to get the laces pulled tight. Finally the task was done, the long end of the laces tied in front of the garment. With the assault on his senses finally subsiding, Nick took stock of the result. Now part of his body, he couldn’t exactly tell what part, was pressed even harder against Alexis, the increased warmth already becoming evident. Arguably worse than that was that Nick’s vision was now partly obscured, so making sense of the world around him became that much more difficult.

Nick had only just taken all this in when Alexis reached back into the chest, retrieving several more items. The confusing, disorienting movements of Alexis getting dressed were even more pronounced now that Nick couldn’t see well.

Soon after, Alexis was adorned with thigh-high black latex stockings that resembled fishnets but with much larger gaps, and strappy heels that wrapped around her shins. Her heels weren’t all that high, maybe only an inch and a half or so, but Nick could feel the effect immediately as Alexis walked out of the closet, moving again to her full-length mirror.

“Oh yes, everything looks just perfect,” Alexis said, again going through the process of twisting to get a good look at herself. “I figured all of this would go so well with the Nick, I mean with the bodysuit.” She smirked at her own mocking joke. “Well my ride will be here soon and I don’t have time to waste.”

It was hard for Nick to keep track of what happened next, but from what he could tell, Alexis pulled a long, loose-fitting dress over her fetish outfit, topping it off with a long-sleeve sweatshirt. The effect of which was that Nick was nearly completely covered and could now only see the floor beneath her as she walked.

The next hour or so was a blur. With so little visual input, he was well and truly left alone with the sensations of being stretched, smashed and teased. At some point he figured they climbed into a car, but he couldn't be sure.


Nick spent the next block of time buried under Alexis’ modesty clothing. It was impossible for him to even take a guess at how much time passed. At no time was he anything that resembled comfortable. Even sitting in the car didn’t give him any real relief. True that the sensations from being rubbed and stretched were lessened, allowing at least some of his nerves to relax and experience a bit of peace, but Nick still felt the immense pressure of her sitting on and leaning against him. Not that Alexis was heavy, but rather that Nick was stretched so thin that being pressed against the seat felt like a 250 pound man sitting on his chest.

By the time the car stopped and Alexis stepped out, Nick was relieved, almost begging for the over-stimulation of her muscles moving inside of him. He felt only the subtlest of cool breezes as she walked and could only see the movement of concrete beneath her. They must have arrived at their destination.

After a bit of stop-and-go, Alexis’ arms flexed in a way that Nick was sure she was taking off her sweatshirt. A moment later, the dress lifted off over her head and Nick’s guess was correct. The sudden light blinded him a bit, but that faded quickly.

Taking stock of his surroundings, Nick determined they must be in the lobby of a large convention center. Directing his gaze around him, he was immediately mortified seeing the large crowd of people around them. Some of them, men and women, were dressed like Alexis in various degrees of bondage attire, while others were dressed as if they were going to the grocery store.

Several people, again both men and women, let their eyes linger over Nick’s stretched body, prompting him to look away in embarrassment. Sure, he knew that they were looking at Alexis and didn’t even know he was there, but he couldn’t help but feel completely humiliated.

Trying to distract from all of that, he drew his attention to what Alexis was doing. She had just finished putting both her dress and sweatshirt onto a heavy-duty coat hanger. A man dressed in all black leather, complete with a full-face hood, accepted the hanger from her and handed her a check ticket, before disappearing into the coatroom. Alexis slipped the ticket into her corset and practically bounced off through the nearby double doors into the main conference hall.

Nick didn’t think it possible at that point, but his humiliation somehow managed to become even more severe. In addition to the dense crowd, he found himself surrounded by the kind of booths you would expect at a convention, with the significant difference of subject matter. Everything he could see featured ways to restrain, pleasure, tease, and otherwise roughly play with a sexual partner. He could see several people strapped into various bondage devices while onlookers watched closely and in some cases even laid hands on them.

Still not truly used to not having eyes, Nick didn’t know where to look. He felt incredibly uncomfortable looking basically anywhere, the kinky displays dominating the entire room, both as booths displaying the most intimate of toys and implements and as guests dressed to match.

“Oh my god!” a female voice rang out above the cacophony, originating from behind Alexis’ left side.. “That catsuit is just… just crazy!”

Alexis turned to see a younger woman in street clothes with her jaw on the floor, metaphorically, staring unabashedly at every inch of Alexis’ body.

“You like it?” Alexis turned fully to her and made a sexy pose. If Nick hadn’t been purple at that moment, he would have turned a deep crimson being the center of both of these women’s attention.

“How the hell does it fit so tight?” the other woman asked, stepping closer, her eyes never meeting Alexis’, being so focused on the purple “material.”

“Custom job, almost feels like I’m not wearing anything…” Alexis trailed off with a wink.

The blush that immediately crossed the other woman’s face betrayed her other-than-straight sexual orientation. Nick felt like the worst kind of third wheel, completely unable to ignore or dismiss himself from being between the two of them.

“You want to touch it don’t you?” Alexis asked coyly, licking her black lip.

“Can I…?” the other woman asked, her hand already extending outward with hesitancy.

Alexis didn’t respond, but rather took the woman’s hand in hers and drew it in straight to her chest. The other woman practically squealed with embarrassment and awkwardness, the red in her cheeks deepening and her eyes finding the floor.

“Oh wow, that’s… that’s…” She couldn’t find any words as Alexis released her hand, leaving her to caress Nick’s deformed flesh and Alexis’ chest. Lighting shot through Nick’s nerves as fingertips brushed over him ever so gently, working their way around Alexis’ chest. Worse yet is that occasionally her fingers would poke him in his eye, which he could do nothing to prevent.

Finally the woman pulled her hand away, unable to bear the sexual tension as her finger brushed over Alexis’ very hard nipple.

“That um… that really does feel amazing,” she stammered, her face red as a fire hydrant. “Thank you for… letting me feel it. I’m going to get back to the convention now…”

“Well I hope to see you again, baby,” Alexis shamelessly flirted, her sexual motor absolutely running at the effect she was having on the poor girl.

The other woman muttered something about being around before she was finally able to turn her back to Alexis and disappeared into the crowd. Nick watched her go, glad to not be the third wheel anymore. As Alexis took a step, Nick became aware of a noticeable wetness between her thighs. She was very clearly enjoying her time at the convention.

For the next thirty minutes or so, Alexis sauntered through the convention, every step slow and deliberate. She wasn’t even stopping at any of the booths along the way, though her eyes lingered on a few. Nick was convinced that she was basking in the attention she was getting as a living, walking display rather than a guest of the event.

Several people stopped to talk to her for a moment, asking about something she was wearing. Sometimes they would ask about the corset or the tights, but most of the questions were regarding Nick himself. And of course Alexis wasn’t shy about letting even more people feel the “material.” Each time fingers ran over him, the sensation was just as intense as the first.

It wasn’t lost on Nick that Alexis was only approached by women dressed very similarly to her. Alexis’ dress and demeanor must have been too intimidating for anyone short of a professional mistress. Though many, many eyes followed her, mostly belonging to men in street clothes. A few men approached her, most of them appearing dominant themselves. They all tried to cow Alexis, but they all ended up walking away with their tails between their legs.

After a couple full loops of the convention center, Alexis’ eyes finally started to seek out the booths surrounding her. She approached one and stopped, eyeing a pegboard with a variety of female sex toys.

“You look like a woman not shy about her pleasure,” a male voice addressed Alexis. She turned to see a man, oddly dressed in jeans and a polo shirt.

“How could you tell?” Alexis asked coyly, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to her right foot. Nick’s third wheel feeling returned in force, this time far more awkward. Since the man was looking directly, albeit unknowingly, at him, it was as if he was flirting with Nick directly. 

“Excellent judge of character,” the man winked, oddly at ease surrounded by fetishists dressed for the occasion. “But what you’re looking at there is minor league, have you ever tried one of these?”

Alexis followed the man a few steps across the booth before he stopped and waved his arm out in front of him as if he was Vanna White. Alexis cooed out loud when she saw what he was presenting. Sitting proudly atop a wooden stand, all plugged in and everything, was the telltale black saddle of a Sybian sex machine. While it was deeper into the stall, it was still very exposed and in plain sight of the main convention floor.

“You know, I never had the chance,” Alexis said, staring at the machine as she stepped over to it. She walked around, running a hand over the black plastic.

“Well I’ve never bought a car I didn’t test drive,” the man said with a subtle smile, knowing full well what he just implied. “And I have one in the back here if you want some… privacy…”

He paused at the last word because Alexis had already thrown her leg over the machine, her crotch hanging just inches above the silicon attachment. Nick stared down at the thing, knowing what it would do to her, but having no clue what it would do to him.

“This one’s fine with me,” Alexis said to him over her shoulder. “If it’s plugged in that is…”

“I mean, sure,” the man said with a shrug. “You can use that one, if you don’t mind the audience.” He accentuated his last point by waving out to the main floor, where dozens of people were walking no more than twenty feet away from Alexis.

“Just hand me the controls,” Alexis said sternly, but playfully, nodding toward the control box, which sat on the floor in front of the machine, at the end of its cable. As she talked, Alexis let her weight down, moaning ever so slightly as her Nick-clad sex touched down on the machine. Nick felt it press into him, every contour was perfectly clear as Alexis’ body weight forced him onto it.

“Yes, ma’am,” the man said with a smirk. He stepped over in front of Alexis and respectfully kept his distance as he leaned over and picked up the control box. Alexis moaned again, situating herself on the machine, nestling the small circular nub right up against her slit and the studded arc against her clit. Nick’s panic only increased. He braced himself as best he could against the unknown.

Alexis winked as she took the controls out of the worker’s hand and inspected them. There were four total inputs, an on/off switch and power knob for rotation and vibration respectively. The switches were currently off and the knobs set to zero.

From his vantage point basically on her chest, Nick saw passers by looking in their direction and pausing. Some of them stopped completely, trying to watch without looking like they were watching. It was hard to blame them, Alexis was stunningly sexy, and was very obviously about to start pleasuring herself on this powerful sex toy.

If Alexis noticed the crowd starting to slow down, she didn’t show it. Instead she flipped on both of the switches. With both dials still set to zero, nothing happened just yet. Slowly, she turned up the rotation dial and gave a start as the nub against her sex started to move. She moaned slightly, taking in the feeling. Nick felt the movement as well, but to him it felt like someone was giving him a massage with a hammer, the pressure was too strong and too focused to bring any pleasure. The fact that he couldn’t move meant that it was furiously irritating that one single spot. Alexis pressing down harder certainly didn’t help, as the pressure and heat started to increase.

Leaving the rotation low for a moment, Alexis increased the vibration dial just a bit, sending gentle waves of pleasure through her clit. As she moaned, Nick internally groaned, with his cock essentially spread out on the inside of her thigh, the vibration enough to pleasure him, but it was near enough to be incessantly teasing.

As Alexis slowly raised each dial in turn, neither her nor Nick really paid that much attention to the crowd. Many people stopped where they were and watched her discreetly from a distance. Some of them sped away, the second-hand embarrassment getting the best of them. A rare few stopped and stared unapologetically. Two even stepped away from the rest and made their way slowly toward her. The first was dressed similarly to Alexis, in a not-quite-as-tight catsuit. Hanging from a D-clip on her belt was a black leather flogger, the many strips of leather swinging with the movements of her hips.

Following diligently behind her was a woman dressed in far less. Wearing only nearly-sheer black lingerie, she was wrapped tightly around her chest, waist, and crotch with stark white ropes. They didn't restrict her in any way, but did give her bust quite the lift and solidified her place as the other woman’s submissive. And if that didn’t do it, the collar and leash she was being led by certainly would.

By now the sybian rotation and vibration were up to about 30% and Alexis ground her hips into the machine hard, her head rolling around and her eyes fluttering open and closed. Nick’s discomfort had risen as well, the vibrations now strong enough to provide a small tickle of arousal through the otherwise intense discomfort of being pressed so hard and so furiously into the machine.

Neither of them really noticed the two women approaching until they were a few feet away. At that point, they couldn’t miss them, no matter how distracted they may be.

The mistress walked up with a hungry smirk, her slave following behind sheepishly, not sure if she had permission to watch the show before her.

“May I?” the mistress asked softly, running her fingers over Alexis’ hand and the sybian controls. Alexis’ eyes fluttered open enough to meet her gaze, then looked down. She smiled through a grunt when she realized that the mistress was asking to take over the sybian.

“...Please do…” Alexis breathed, holding the controls out to the woman. She got a smile from the mistress in return, who accepted the controls. Alexis’ hands went to the front of the saddle as she leaned forward into it, working her hips like a porn star.

The mistress stepped back and to Alexis’ left a bit as if knowingly clearing the onlookers’ line of sight. Her fingers traced over the controls, working the vibration and rotation up and down, though always higher than they started. Alexis’ reaction was immediate. She moaned audibly when it went up and almost whimpered in disappointment as it went down. Though this woman knew what she was doing and never had the power turned down for long. The result was to introduce enough teasing to send Alexis ever higher, nearing an almost desperate need to orgasm.

The pattern had basically the opposite effect on Nick. As the power went down, he sighed a bit in relief only to have it ramped back up and mercilessly drive him back into torture before he could really relax.

“...Is that…” Alexis started between deep, shuddering breaths, nodding toward the flogger at the mistress’ waist. “Only for… show?”

A lopsided smiled crept across the other woman’s face.

“Slave, get over here and make use of my flogger,” she demanded, not even looking over at the collared woman.

“Yes mistress,” the slave immediately responded as she retrieved the flogger from her belt and stepped toward Alexis.

Nick’s tortured mind registered the exchange enough to be terrified. Just walking around as Alexis’ bodysuit was painful enough, he shuddered to think what an implement designed to cause pain would feel like.

“Start with her tits,” the mistress instructed her slave. “And make it hurt, she seems like she can take it.”

“Yes mistress,” she responded and crossed to Alexis’ right side.

Before Nick could fully process it, the slave wound back and swung, striking Alexis square across the chest with the flogger. Pain shot through Nick as the flogger hit the equivalent of his face and upper chest. It was a sharp, stinging pain that remained even after the flogger fell away.

Alexis let out a half-grunt, half-whimper as the leather made contact. Her hips sped up on the sybian and she leaned further forward just slightly to get better contact. It was clear that the pain of the flogger only managed to excite her even more.

The mistress smiled to herself and continued to ramp up the sybian, keeping the same pattern of a little up and a little down. Nick silently begged for mercy as the slave wound up again, landing another strong blow.

Alexis writhed with pleasure and Nick cowered in pain. This hit was noticeably harder than the first, the woman on the other end of it emboldened by Alexis’ positive reaction to the first. The longer this went on, the more intense the heat grew inside Nick. It got to a point where it was starting to become unbearable. Of course this was accompanied by ever-increasing moisture, both in the form of Alexis’ sweat and arousal.

The crowd gathering around them grew, the members therein starting to give up their attempts to be coy as they took in the show with awe.

The mistress continued to expertly work the controls, finally topping them out. But that didn’t stop her playful manipulations, she continued to work the vibrations and rotations up and down in sequence. Before the pain of the second hit faded from Nick’s flattened body, another struck him, further overwhelming his sensations. Between the vibrations, the flogger, and Alexis forcing her full weight down as hard as she could, Nick's head was spinning. In the back of his mind he knew the crowd was gathered around him, but he was so clouded that the humiliation didn’t really sink in.

Finally, Alexis’ breath started to come in short gasps. Her eyes pressed closed and her head rolled back. The slave hit her again, even harder than before. That was enough to send Alexis hard over the edge. She seemed to lose all control of her muscles and was reduced to a twitching mass atop the machine. The mistress’ expert eye recognized the onset of a powerful orgasm and turned the controls to max and left them.

Alex fell forward, catching herself weakly with both hands on the front of the sybian saddle as she screamed at the top of her lungs, the most powerful orgasm she ever experienced ripping through her entire body.

The now-constant full power of the sex machine ripped through Nick as well, but painfully with just a hint of sexual teasing. He internally tensed up, hoping the torture would end with Alexis’ climax. After what felt like an agonizingly long time later, Alexis started to slump in the saddle, completely spent. The mistress read the signs and turned the machine down, easing the power off quickly before setting the controls down.

Nick heaved a sigh of relief, the torturous vibrations now finally gone. The heat was still burning away at him, and the moisture of her sex had only managed to increase. As he was reveling in the lack of over-stimulation, both the mistress and slave stepped quickly over to Alexis and each took one of her arms. The stall owner, who had been watching from a short distance away, grabbed a folding chair and brought it near to the sybian.

The other two women helped Alexis off the device and deposited her in the chair. Nick felt like he had just gone ten rounds with a professional boxer. Every part of his body felt tender and sore, as if bruised from his ordeal. Not only that, but if felt like his skin was practically on fire, Alexis’ body heat radiating from inside him, reflected back by his body. He was so soaked with sweat and sexual fluids that he might as well have taken a bath in it. And as his mind relaxed, the humiliation of being the center of attention at a fetish convention sunk in more than ever. In that moment, he resolved never to sign a transformation consent form. People bearing witness to this kind of humiliation and degradation was too much for Nick.

He became vaguely aware that the stall-keeper returned with a bottle of water, opened it and handed it to Alexis, who accepted it quickly with a shaking arm.

“Something tells me you might be interested in my business card?” he addressed her with a smile.

Alexis chuckled with her throat as she polished off the entire bottle in one long gulp.

“And I’ll put my number on the back, just in case,” the mistress added with a wink. “I’m always looking for play partners. If you promise to repay me in kind, I might even let you dominate me…”

Alexis, panting from the orgasm and the long drink, smiled up at her.

“I don’t sub, and I can be a demanding mistress, are you sure you’re up for that?,” she responded with a wink.

“Well if I’m not, then we can just take turns with my slave here, if she can take it or not is irrelevant,” the mistress talked as if the slave couldn’t hear every word. The slave shifted her thighs ever so slightly, betraying her arousal at the thought.

Nick was too beat up and overstimulated to be awkward at once again being the third wheel. Or maybe the fourth by now.

Soon after, the stall-keeper returned with his business card. The mistress snagged it before it made it to Alexis’ hands and made good on her promise to write her number on the back.

“I hope you call,” she said, handing the card to Alexis, who made a show of slipping it into her corset. “I’m Scarlett, by the way.”


Nick didn’t recall much of the rest of the convention, his mind was so broken from the experience that he could barely perceive the world around him. Alexis didn’t stay much longer anyway. When she finally arrived at home, she keyed the command to loosen Nick and stepped out of his sweat, and otherwise, soaked body.

Nick heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, after hours of stimulation and torture, he was finally allowed to relax. His nerves finally went silent as he peeled away from her skin.

“Well I need a shower,” she said to him, hanging him back up on the hook on her closet door. “I’ll get you cleaned up, but it’s a bit late for laundry, so maybe I’ll get to it in the morning.

As she stepped away from him, he felt something akin to a cold breeze wafting over him. Without her body heat, which he had become at least partly accustomed to, he felt cold and empty. For a moment, a pang of longing struck Nick as he watched her naked back disappear into the bathroom, like he wanted her to put him back on.

He quickly snapped out of it, reminding himself that he didn't want to be worn, he wanted to be a human again, away from Alexis’ control. He shuddered, both from the cold and from the thought that he was starting to get accustomed to being her plaything.

Alexis took a long shower and then collapsed hard on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly, leaving Nick hanging there, hoping that sometime soon she would get bored of her game and let him return to human form.

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