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Flexi-Pandemic: part 1

Alexis was the kind of woman that left an impression on everyone she met. While she tended to dress and present herself as goth, nobody seemed to be put off by that fact, even those who normally hated the dark aesthetic. She could carry on a conversation with anyone, putting them perfectly at ease in moments. Some even said that Alexis could get people to share their darkest secrets less than an hour after meeting her.

Straight men and lesbians were intrigued by her and straight women and gay men questioned themselves, if only for a moment. Many speculated that she could get anyone to do anything she wanted with the right look and tone of voice. While this was exaggerated, Alexis certainly could exert a significant amount of influence with a minimum of effort.

While she certainly wasn't a professional bondage mistress, her demeanor and particular sexual tastes sort of accidentally backed her into being a dominatrix for several people on a regular basis, most of them women. Alexis’ demeanor commanded respect and subservience more than her words ever could. Moreover, she always encouraged and supported her subs, they always left her presence exhausted and worn, but with an insatiable itch to be at her mercy again.

Recently, Nick, a friend of Alexis, fell on rough times, so she offered to let him live with her, under condition that he never go into the basement nor ask about Alexis’... clients who came and went occasionally. He agreed immediately, grateful for the help.

Nick was a tough case, however, the recent Flexi Pandemic had hit him harder than most. Some people gained only the slightest extra flexibility, gaining an inch or two of reach if they really stretched. Others could go as far as to tie parts of their body in knots before reforming themselves.

Nick though, was in a category of his own. Like the others, his added flexibility was permanent, but much more advanced than other cases. His body would act like wet modeling clay at even the slightest of impacts. But the worst part of his particular condition was that he had very little control. If he was smashed hard enough, it would take him days to reform himself.

This was actually the cause of his rough times. It was hard to keep a job if you could be put out of commission if you walked into a door or tripped over a step. Since the pandemic was still very recent, there were no laws in place to protect the newly flexible people, so he was fired for being unreliable.

There was medication that could help him maintain solidity, but it wasn’t cheap, and the doses Nick needed were very expensive. Around the time he came to live with Alexis, he had basically given up trying to buy the medicine.

Late on a Friday night, after a long day at work, Alexis pushed the garage door open and made her way into the house. She was dressed in a black, office-appropriate dress with her “muted” goth look, which consisted of a dark shade of red lipstick and a pale, but not-quite-white makeup.

As she hung up her light jacket in the laundry room, her expression turned angry for a second as she saw the still-full laundry basket. Next up was the kitchen. Alexis’ visage hardened again as she saw the sink full of dishes. Finally she made her way into the living room.

“Oh hey, welcome home,” Nick said from his slumped position on the couch. His right hand lay on the couch next to him, flattened out to about three times its normal size.

“What the fuck?” Alexis spat at him as soon as she saw him. “You were going to clean the house today! The laundry is still piled up and the sink is full of dishes. Did you do ANYTHING today?!”

“I flattened my hand this morning,” Nick nodded down to his right hand. “Can’t do anything with it.” His tone was casual, like he didn’t even care, which only enraged Alexis further.

“You have your pills!” she practically screamed at him. “I had to skip my car payment to buy those for you!”

“Well I wasn’t going anywhere today, so I figured I would skip them today,” Nick said, not looking at Alexis. “I should save it for when I really need it, you know? If I get flattened at home, the worst case is the chores don’t get done.”

“They never get done! That’s all you have to do, all day, is just clean up,” Alexis shouted.

“Well I can’t do it with a flattened hand, now can I?” Nick shot back. “You don’t know what it’s like to flatten out this easily. Once it happens, I can’t do anything.”

Alexis fumed and paced around for a moment trying to gather her thoughts. Her eyes landed on the oversized throw pillow laying on the floor nearby. She wrestled with an idea for a moment before her anger got the better of her. 

“You know what,” she started, picking up the pillow. “If you want to be flat and useless, let’s make it official.” Alexis stepped over toward Nick holding the pillow in front of her with both hands.

“Wait, what are you…?” Nick started. He moved to sit up, but Alexis was on him too fast. She rushed forward and pressed the pillow hard into his chest and face. Nick mumbled in and tried in vain to push her off with his one good arm.

Under the pillow,  the soft compression was enough to force Nick’s face and chest to compress. Once she was satisfied that he was flat, she moved the pillow, trapping his good arm under it and flattening that out too. His comically flat face looked at her with an angry expression. After a moment, Nick was flattened completely into the couch, looking like someone had draped a life-sized poster over the couch cushions.

“There,” Alexis said with a satisfied huff, tossing the pillow to the ground.

“Ha Ha, bery funn-ee,” Nick mumbled, his words muffled and distorted by his flat expression. Alexis smiled as a thought crossed her mind. She grabbed up the remote control and flipped the tv over to the Hallmark channel.

“There, enjoy your chick-flicks for the rest of the night,” Alexis teased and sauntered off, hearing muffled protests from behind her, the immobile Nick trying to shout after her.

A feeling of superiority surged through Alexis, bringing with it a sexual charge. It was the same feeling she would get when with her special clients, but far more intense. When she was playing the domina, she had people helpless in front of her, but with Nick it was different. She had made him helpless in a far more profound way. His actual body was rendered useless to him.

Alexis was deep in thought when she stripped down and stepped into her hot shower. She had known about Nick’s deformation condition, but she had never purposely molded him like this. It was almost as if something had awoken in her, and she wanted to, no NEEDED to explore it further.

Stepping out of the shower, before she even wrapped a towel around herself, Alexis walked into the bedroom, into her walk-in closet and paused in front of a small dresser. She stood there for a second before opening the bottom drawer and dug through the unused clothes and old pillowcases. Finally she pulled a small cardboard box from the back of the drawer. It was plain brown cardboard and long, wide, and deep enough to fit about a dozen pens.

Alexis stood there staring at the box in her hand, her naked body still dripping from the shower for a long minute before she quickly put it down on top of the dresser.

“No, not now,” She said and turned away, walking back to the bathroom. “Maybe give him one more chance…”


Nick still flattened against the couch, his body ever so slowly reforming. He knew from experience that it was going to take all night for him to reform enough to move even an inch. The TV still blared loudly, having been at a high volume when Alexis switched the channel.

Given his position, it would have taken more effort NOT to watch the sappy, romantic movie that was currently playing. It didn’t look like he was going to get any sleep with the TV on, so he heaved a sigh and settled in.


Alexis woke to her alarm wearing just a pair of panties and an oversized t-shirt. She shut off her phone alarm and sat on the edge of the bed, composing herself for a moment.

“Oh, right,” Alexis said, remembering Nick downstairs. Not even bothering to put any clothes on, she jogged downstairs, only pausing to compose herself and put on her ‘dominant’ face before stepping into the living room.

Nick turned his head to face her, his body only about three quarters back to normal. He struck a pretty comical look, still partly squished into the couch.

“Awe, you look like when the cartoon character goes all couch potato,” Alexis cooed as she approached him.

“Fuucc yoo,” Nick stared daggers at her, his head lolled lazily to the side to look at her.

Alexis stalked closer to him, putting on her best dominatrix stance. “So listen up, I’m happy to help you and give you a place to live, but it doesn’t come free. If you don’t start taking your medicine and doing your part around here, things are going to get bad for you real quick,” Alexis said, leaning over him menacingly. She didn’t exactly LIKE doing being like this with him, but the last few weeks taught her that the gentle approach was not going to work. So maybe her dominant persona could do the trick.

“Fine…” Nick sighed, letting his head roll so he was looking at the TV again.

“Good boy,” Alexis said, patting his cheek. Nick glared at her with his eyes while she stood up with a satisfied look on her face. Alexis turned and walked away, deliberately exaggerating her steps to accentuate her legs and ass.

Despite himself, Nick found himself watching her walking away, enjoying her lack of an outfit, from bare legs to her disheveled hair.


The sound of the garage door opening sounded in the living room, even over the superhero movie currently playing on the TV.

“Oh shit,” Nick gave a start, realizing that Alexis was home and he hadn’t done anything around the house like he promised he would. Panicking, he jumped up and ran into the kitchen. He looked around in a frenzy for a moment before grabbing an unwashed saucepan from the sink. Without hesitation, Nick slammed the pan down on his right hand, flattening it into the counter… just as Alexis walked in.

“What the hell?!” an angry, disheveled Alexis shouted, having caught him red, and flat, handed.

“Umm…” Nick said, his face draining of blood in the face of the angry, powerful woman, the pan still sitting on top of his flattened hand.

“So not only have you STILL not started taking the meds I paid for, but you’ve been flattening YOURSELF to get out of helping around here!?” Alexis advanced on him a few steps.

“Well, I, umm,...” Nick stammered, knowing that there was no way to lie his way out of this.

“You know what, you are going to be useful around here one way or another,” Alexis muttered, dropping her purse on the counter and advancing on Nick.

Before he could protest, Alexis pushed him hard against the wall, his body partially flattening from the impact alone. Alexis looked to Nick’s right, smiling at the partly-open pantry door.

“No no, wait…” Nick begged, holding his hands weakly out in front of him as he realized her intention.

With a quick movement, Alexis stepped forward and threw the door of the pantry open, swinging it hard into Nick’s body. The impact knocked the wind out of him and pressed him hard into the wall.

Alexis just laughed as the faint grunt she heard from behind the wooden door. The fairly violent flattening had taken some of the immediate anger out of her, and she regained her composure. She put on her best ‘in-charge’ face and slowly closed the pantry door.

As it swung closed, Nick came into view. His malleable body was pressed to a couple of inches thick, but still had most of his shape intact. His face looked just like a cartoon character who ran too hard into a wall during a chase scene. Alex raised her hand to her mouth and snickered, playing up the sexy, teasing vibes.

 As the door moved away, he started to slide down the wall, his legs no longer able to support his body. Alexis made no move to catch him and he ended up in a heap on the floor.

“Oh that felt good, I have to admit,” Alexis said to the pile of flesh and cloth before her. “I had a rough day. It was great to get that out.”

Nick grunted, only able to look up at her with one eye, the other folded underneath himself. While this wasn’t exactly the MOST he had ever been flattened, it was certainly in the top five and he knew it was going to take a while to reform. He stared daggers at her, grunting his annoyance and anger that she had ruined his evening.

“What I really need now is a good long shower…” Alexis kept going as if she was having a casual conversation over dinner. “BUT, the laundry isn’t done, and I don’t have any clean towels…” she trailed off.

Nick’s eyebrow, or at least the flat flesh that used to be his eyebrow, furrowed, wondering what she was going on about. His eyes went wide when she looked down at him evilly.

Without warning, she snatched him up, his unique condition making his body lighter in its flattened state. Alexis hummed to herself with a subtle smile on her face as she dropped him down hard on the counter, the impact reverberating through his body. Alexis didn’t pause, spreading him out enough to strip off his shirt and tossing it aside. Nick’s eyes followed her in a panic, wondering just how far she was going to go. His question was answered quickly as his tormentor untied the string of his sweatpants and removed them as well.

“Shh,” Alexis scolded gently in response to Nick’s panicked grunts and attempts at wiggling off the counter. She acted as if he was a toddler who was refusing to pull his pants down to use the bathroom.

Nick’s furious, panicked movements increased as Alexis’ hands went to the waist of his boxers and started to pull them down. He would be lying if he claimed that he hadn’t thought about being naked with Alexis, but THIS wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. His heart raced as Alexis pulled his boxers off, revealing his flattened manhood, which wasn’t looking too terribly impressive in its current state.

“Awe,” Alexis’s voice dripped with teasing disappointment as she took in his naked form. “I kind of feel bad for your previous girlfriends. But I have to admit, it does look soo cute all smashed up…”

Nick kept his eyes away from her, the humiliation too much for him to bear. He gave a start and whimpered as he felt her finger bush down his shaft. Alexis laughed and moved her hand away. She chuckled to herself as she turned away for a moment, returning with a rolling pin.

“Uh uh, uh uh,” Nick managed to grunt, trying to shake his head. It was clear Alexis was going to flatten him even further and he wanted none of it.

Alexis didn’t seem to care. She just smiled to herself as she pressed the rolling pin into his naked flesh, spreading him around the counter like pizza dough. The sensation was intense for Nick. It felt almost like a too-strong masseuse was taking out her anger on him. There was a degree of pleasantness to it, but he couldn’t deny that it hurt.

Once he was flattened down to about half an inch or less, he was nearly spilling off the counter. Alexis continued her work, folding parts of him over, making sure to keep his head and privates exposed. Nick’s eyes followed her in silence as she worked, the rest of his face far away from working at this point. After he was folded into a rectangle, she returned to work with the rolling pin, eventually flattening him into a fairly neat shape.

“Perfect!” she said and picked him up by short end and held him out in front of her. She smiled and tossed him over her arm and walked upstairs to the bathroom. Nick’s world spun, his head hanging upside down, his body folded in on itself.

Nick finally got a good view of his surroundings when Alexis took him off her arm and held him up in front of her again. His eyes darted around and he realized they were in the master bathroom, the one that Alexis used. Alexis smiled at him and fed the leg end of his flat body over the towel rack, hanging him neatly. This meant that his head was facing the room, but was still upside down.

Alexis continued humming to herself as she stepped over to the shower and turned the water on. Nick’s expression changed ever so slightly, turning confused at what was happening. She was taking a shower? So he was going to see her naked?

His question was answered as Alexis casually began undressing right there in front of him. Soon, she stood before him, completely naked, acting as if he wasn’t even there. Nick’s eyes remained glued to her, wondering if this punishment was turning into a reward.

Once steam started to leak out of the shower, Alexis gave Nick a little cute wave and stepped into the shower, depriving him of the view. He heaved an internal sigh of disappointment as his new situation suddenly became very boring. Damn, Alexis really did take long showers, didn’t she?

Finally, the water turned off and the curtain was pulled back, revealing her dripping body to the human rectangle. Without leaving the tub, Alexis reached for Nick and suddenly it dawned on him what was happening. She was about to use him as her towel!

He barely had time to reconcile that fact as he was brought toward her quickly, his face being pressed into her hair as she used him to squeeze the water out. Nick could barely make sense of what was happening, his body was twisting and distorting against his will in ways that should never have been possible. As Alexis pressed his face into her armpit to shed the water there, Nick practically moaned, his cock rubbing against her leg ever so slightly.

The next minute or so was a confusing mix of sensations. Occasionally she would press his cock into her body, sending a wave of pleasure through him, though other times, she would smash his balls against her, making him wince in pain. Though the most memorable part was when Alexis used the face of the human towel to push the water off her chest, running it down her body and between her legs.  Nick practically whimpered at the front-row tour of her most private parts.

In almost no time at all, Alexis pulled him away from her body. Nick didn’t know if he was disappointed or relieved. The sexual teasing, pain and discomfort was certainly not missed, but it was pretty sexy being pressed into her like that.

But it looked like she wasn’t done with him just yet. Positioning his head against her chest with his head facing out, she wrapped him around her body, tucking him in tight so he wouldn’t fall off. Without a word, she walked out of the bathroom, into her closet and up to the dresser she had dug through the day before.

Alexis picked up the cardboard box from earlier and held it in front of her. Nick watched curiously, wondering what was happening.

“A client of mine gave me this. You see he was kind of like you,” she explained. “Though not as extreme. He worshiped me, and he begged me to own him…to fully control his form.”

Alexis opened the box to reveal an epi-pen style injector. It was a common enough item, but this one was unusual, as it didn’t have any kind of label at all. Nick really started to get nervous now.

“It’s a black market, nanobot form stabilizer developed to combat the Flexi Pandemic. These are normally meant to prevent people like you from being deformed, just like your medicine. It’s experimental still, and absurdly expensive, but my client is… a person of means. I could never bring myself to use this on him as he wanted, but he left it with me, maybe to tempt me to use it on him.”

At the revelation of what that injector could do for him, Nick’s nerves faded away. Maybe she wasn’t going to punish him after all, maybe she was going to use this to finally cure him of his affliction. But wait, she had this the whole time and was only just now telling him? Something else was going on.

“So you might think your… punishment will end soon when I let you reform,” Alexis continued. “But I’m not done with you yet. In fact I almost hoped you would slack off today.”

A cold chill ran through Nick. She was planning on using this to CURE him, right?

“As you can probably tell, this will lock your shape, so you won’t be squashed anymore,” Alexis explained. “But this particular stabilizer is hacked, and allows someone to freely change the shape of whomever is injected.” Without warning, she grabbed a handful of the Nick-towel in her fist and stabbed the injector into it.

Nick whimpered faintly as she gave him the shot, an odd sensation spreading across his body, a warm, almost numbing feeling. His eyes, the only part of him he had any real control over, snapped around in a panic as Alexis sighed in almost a sexual way. While the feeling of being wrapped around her naked body was arousing, the thought of being completely at her mercy was terrifying.

“Ever since I flattened you on the couch, the idea of reshaping your body became all I could think about. And now I can do whatever I want with you, and I don’t even have to worry about you reforming until I choose to let you. So maybe now you won’t be so useless around here after all…”

Nick’s mind raced, his body vibrated with his attempts to beg Alexis to restore him to human form. If he had been able to form words, he would have promised to take on all the household chores. But sadly for him, his mouth was far too flattened.

Alexis moaned quietly at the subtle vibrations. They were nowhere near enough to cause her to orgasm, but her heart was already racing at the thought of having Nick fully at her whim. She crossed quickly to her bed and crawled in, laying back against the headboard. Her hand quickly ran down her body and up under the Nick towel. As she started pleasuring herself, her other hand strayed to her chest, pressing Nick roughly into her hardening nipple.

Nick felt himself start to get aroused despite himself. His head pressing into her tit was undeniably arousing, though he wished it was his hands and not his head caressing her warm, soft flesh. He could feel the back of her other hand moving against his thin body as she pleasured herself. He couldn’t see her fingers moving, but knowing what they were doing, sent a tingle up the flesh that used to make up his cock.

Alexis’ breathing and heart rate picked up as she moaned and gyrated on the bed, her head rolling back into her pillow. As she climbed ever closer to orgasm, Nick could only feel teased. The stimulation he felt was too subtle to bring him even close to satisfaction. The only thing he could feel was her rising body heat and the slick sweat that started to build up on her skin.

Soon Alexis was screaming through a powerful orgasm, her hand and fingers working furiously on her chest and sex.

“Holy shit…” she muttered, letting herself slump back onto the bed, basking in the afterglow with a sigh.

Nick desperately tried to move against her body to get some amount of stimulation, but his muscles didn’t respond, as he knew would be the case. Alexis’ body was uncomfortably hot by now, but he was still helplessly wrapped around her. Being so close to an amazing climax but so far away from his own was torture, but Alexis didn’t seem to know or care.

Alexis settled into bed shortly after her amazing self-care session, tossing the now-trapped Nick towel off onto the floor. She didn’t even bother getting dressed, preferring to sleep in the nude. When she woke, she went about her morning routine, ignoring him completely as if he was nothing more than an actual towel on the floor.


Nick was relieved when she finally picked him up off the floor and smiled at him. Having been left all night, he was afraid she had forgotten about him.

Without a word, Alexis carried him to the laundry room and pulled out the ironing board. She laid Nick down on the board and pulled her phone out, clicking a couple of keys.

Nick felt his muscles relaxing as his body almost started to flow on the surface of the ironing board. He figured she must have released the form stabilization, which would allow him to reform if she did nothing else. Though since she had brought him to the laundry room, he figured she probably had something else in mind.

He was right of course, as Alexis started working his malleable body. It would seem that she purposely re-positioned certain parts of his body, though he was unable to figure out why. After what felt like forever, she stepped back, happy with his shape. Picking up her phone, she tapped a couple more keys and Nick felt himself shifted subtly before his body tensed up. He wasn’t sure how he knew this, but he even felt the color of his skin changing.

“There, perfect,” Alexis said, holding up the black pair of Nick leggings. “Now you can keep me company all day.”

Nick finally got a feeling for what she had turned him into only as she was pulling him up over her legs. The feeling of being wrapped around both of her legs so completely was disorienting. It was only exaggerated by the fact that his body was so mixed up that he could barely tell what part of him was where.

His nerves lit up as she dragged him up her smooth legs. When she pulled him up completely and let his waist settle around her hips, he felt a tingle through his cock, which elicited an inaudible grunt. As he snapped into place he realized two things: his face was positioned on her ass, looking out into the room, and his cock was settled into her crotch. A shiver ran through him as she shifted her stance, her thighs sexually stimulating him.

“Do me a favor will you?” Alexis asked smugly. “Keep track of who stares at my ass. I have a feeling some of my coworkers just love eye-fucking me whenever I turn around.” She laughed at her own joke and walked off toward the kitchen.

With each of his eyes on a separate cheek, every step sent his vision into a near vomit-inducing spiral. He could concentrate on the room only if he focused hard. Worse yet was the constant stimulation of her thighs rubbing his cock. Every step felt like his cock was being stroked methodically, which was intense enough that he couldn’t ignore it, but not near fast enough to push him to orgasm.

Maybe twenty minutes later, Alexis climbed into her car, pressing Nick’s face hard into the seat. It was only now that he understood the true torture of his situation. Either she was on her feet walking around, sexually teasing him to no end, or his face was pressed hard into her ass, which was already starting to gather a slight sheen of sweat.

Alexis was having a particularly horny day. For the entire morning, she was completely unfocused on work, thinking of her living leggings and the torture she had devised for him. When she was alone, she even found herself absentmindedly rubbing herself through him. It wasn’t until after her lunch break that she had a meeting with her fellow employees and was forced into a fully work-focused mindset and kind of forgot he was there.

Not so for Nick, the constant rubbing of his manhood as Alexis seemingly walked around all day was driving him near to madness. He had the distinct feeling that if he was able to orgasm it would be the strongest and best of his life, though he fully knew that his body was too smashed and mixed up. But unlike Alexis, he was completely unable to ignore the sensations.

Hours later, an eternity for Nick, they finally arrived home and an exhausted Alexis stripped him off her warm, sweaty legs. He heaved an internal sigh of relief as he felt her body retreat from inside of him.

“Well, after a day like that I need to wash up,” Alexis addressed the leggings as she held him up in front of her. “I think we both do.”

Before Nick could contemplate what she meant, Alexis dropped him into the laundry basket, where he was assaulted by the smell of her dirty laundry as he landed face-down into it. He felt his world sickeningly moving around him as she picked up the basket. Before long Alexis tossed him into the washing machine with the rest of the clothes.

“Have a nice wash,” Alexis taunted him from above. “I’ll certainly have a good shower thinking about you being tossed around with my dirty panties.” Alexis laughed and closed the lid.

Nick panicked as he realized she wasn’t kidding. Soon after the water flowed in and he knew he was in for quite a ride.


Alexis had enjoyed torturing Nick, but she needed something else, something… more. Then she had the absolutely perfect idea. Making a quick call, she set up a session with one of her special clients.

The preparation for the session was hard work this time around. She carried Nick, currently still in the form of leggings, into the basement. Taking a look around, Nick was not all that surprised to see a fully-stocked bondage dungeon, complete with a small cage, several different tables and frames with attached cuffs, and various bondage and impact play toys hanging from the walls and sitting on every surface. He didn't get a long time to look around as Alexis released the form hold and started to reshape him again.

Reshaping Nick’s body into its new shape was proving to be difficult, but Alexis would not be discouraged. The thought of what she was going to do to him drove her to new heights. Finally, she had flattened him completely, stretching his body into a paper-thin “pocket” of sorts. He was laid out on the floor of the basement, his body a seven foot by four foot rectangle made of two layers, connected on three sides, leaving only a single short side open. About a quarter of the way in from the open side was a small hole about three to four inches across.

“So I think you might just thank me for this one,” Alexis said, looking down on him, locking his form with her phone. “That is, unless you don’t like older women, then you’ll probably not have much fun.” She laughed to herself and set to work again.

Nick didn’t really understand exactly how, but he was able to watch her move around the room above him. His body was so incredibly stretched and mixed up that it was a single tan color, any distinguishing features of his skin faded and mixed to a point of being unrecognizable. He could still see, feel, hear and all that, but it felt like he was experiencing the room from a mile away.

Alexis returned to him carrying PVC pipe formed into a rectangular frame that looked big enough to be a small doorway. Before he could ask himself what she was using it for, Alexis knelt down and pressed the frame into the pocket of his body, stretching him further out and forcing him to hold a perfect rectangle shape.

“Alright, perfect,” Alexis said as she stood up. “Now don’t you go anywhere, I have to go get dressed.”

Nick was plunged into darkness as Alexis turned the light off behind her. Being in the basement, there was absolutely no light at all, and he was forced to wait and wonder at what the hell she turned him into.

It wasn’t long at all before the room suddenly filled with a red light. It was still bright enough to see, but changed the entire feel of the room from a basement to a bondage dungeon. Nick’s jaw would have dropped if he still had one when he saw Alexis step into the room. Her hair was up in a high ponytail, no strand out of place, her face made up with her deepest goth makeup. Her lips were jet black, her eyes rimmed with a deep purple. The leather corset she wore left her shoulders bare and gave her tits a mouth-watering lift. Below that she wore a pair of black panties, garter belt, fishnet stockings and black stilettos.

She strode into the room, giving Nick a smile that would’ve given him a near-instant hard-on. He was so focused on her, that he almost didn’t notice the older woman entering behind her, looking as if she just came from an office job, with a white blouse and gray pencil skirt.

When he did notice her, he recognized her immediately. Nick had seen her with Alexis before, and knew her story. Her name was Lisa, she was 38 and stunningly beautiful. Lisa was a senior executive in the banking industry who was happily married with three kids.

What Nick didn’t know was that she found out later in life that she was a lesbian. Her and her husband had agreed to see other people, but remained married for the sake of the kids and because they still very much enjoyed each other’s company. Lisa’s high-powered job and soft spoken husband drew her to crave sexual submission. And Alexis was happy to make this older woman her bondage slut.

Lisa kept her eyes to the ground as she walked in, her gait shy and cautious, her hands held in front of her. Alexis stopped, standing over Nick and turned to look at Lisa.

“Strip, bitch,” Alexis said simply but in a tone that didn’t leave room for defiance. Lisa nodded and started stripping almost frantically.

Nick’s “eyes” were locked on her as her clothes hit the floor one article at a time. Soon, Lisa’s fully shaven body was on display for Alexis and Nick to see. She clearly took care of herself, potentially even surgically, her curves were perfectly thick and perky.

“Hmm,” Alexis moaned sexually, looking her up and down. “So I have a lot to do today, so I have something new I want to try.” Alexis retrieved a wired, hitachi vibrator with a large dildo and clit massager attached.

“Put this in,” Alexis demanded. “Then climb into the vacbed with your face in the hole.” When she pointed to Nick, he finally understood what she had done to him. His heart raced as he realized his body was going to be wrapped completely around Lisa. He was so caught up in the thought, he only snapped back to reality as Lisa, holding the vibrator inside herself, started to pull apart the open side of his body.

Alexis watched on, heat flushing her crotch at the thought that Lisa was literally climbing inside of Nick’s body. For Nick, the feeling was like nothing else he could imagine, and he had been a towel and leggings very recently. His body was pulled tight, making it difficult for Lisa to crawl inside, holding the vibrator into herself was certainly not helping. Every now and then she would let out a moan, the dildo attachment shifting inside of her.

Nick’s body was alight, the constant shifting, pulling and stretching was a bit disorienting and overstimulating, almost like getting a deep tissue massage right after waking from a deep sleep.

Finally, Lisa was in place, laying on her back, her arms by her side, her legs close together, and her face from just above her eyebrows down below her chin exposed through the hole in Nick’s top layer. The cord from the vibrator ran across her knee, then up her side, the wall plug exposed on the outside of the “vac bed,” where it was plugged into an extension cord.

“It’s about time, you little slut,” Alexis said, stepping over Lisa, looking down on her with her feet on either side of her stomach. Pain from her stiletto heels shot through Nick, making him tense up. Granted nothing actually tensed, but the feeling was the same for him. “Because you took so long, you’re going to have to make ME cum before I turn this toy on.” Alexis addressed Lisa in a stern tone.

“Yes, mistress,” Lisa moaned softly, her hips rocking subtly as she looked up at the beautiful woman above her.

“But first, let’s get you fully settled in,” Alexis stepped off Nick’s rubbery body, eliciting an internal sigh of relief as the pain subsided.

Alexis picked up a long pipe-like object and slowly dropped to her knees at the head of the Nick-Lisa combination. She clipped the object over the two layers of Nick, sealing the opening, leaving only the smallest gap for the vibrator hose. Leaning over from her position, she took the end of what looked like a vacuum hose and pressed it into a circle opening in the sealing bar.

Without a further word, Alexis stood and followed the hose to the shop-vac style machine. She flipped it on, filling the room with the distinctive sound of the vacuum motor. Immediately, the machine started sucking out the air between Nick’s layers. Nick moaned to himself, feeling his body pressing tighter and tighter around Lisa’s body. Soon the air was completely removed from the two layers, Nick’s flattened body forming a second skin around Lisa, revealing and smoothing every one of her curves.

“So how is my big, powerful executive feeling in there?” Alexis cooed from above her, purposely standing at full height to accentuate her position of power.

“It’s very tight, mistress. I can’t move at all,” Lisa responded, keeping her voice low and respectful.

“And what are you down there?” Alexis prompted.

“I’m… I’m just your toy to use, mistress,” Lisa responded. Clearly this was not their first of this type of interaction.

“Good girl,” Alexis smiled. “Now don’t speak until I allow you to. I have a better use for that mouth.”

Lisa nodded, or at least tried to, the strict confines of the Nick-bed severely limited her ability to move her head. Alexis just laughed and stepped onto Nick’s body again, this time on either side of Lisa’s head. Pain shot through Nick’s body as the sharp heels once again pierced into him. He got some relief as Alexis dropped one knee to the floor, just above and to the side of Lisa’s head.

As she lowered the second knee, a chill ran through Nick as he realized what she was going to do. He would admit to enjoying watching two women together, and was undeniably aroused, even if his fantasies of a three-way were very different from what he was experiencing.

“Eat me, my little slut toy,” Alexis demanded, dropping down slowly to put her sex onto Lisa’s lips.

“But mistress, your panties are…” Lisa’s complaint of Alexis’ panties being in the way was lost as her mouth was pressed under the black fabric.

“If my panties are in the way, move them. God, do I have to think of everything?” Alexis sighed.

Lisa’s “Yes mistress,” was muffled and barely audible through Alexis’ private parts. Nick could barely believe it. He had often imagined himself with Alexis sexually, and was unbelievably turned on by her dominant demeanor, fetish outfit, and his front-row seat to this “forced” oral sex.

Over the next half minute or so, Lisa struggled to, and finally succeeded in shifting the crotch of her mistress’s panties far enough to the side to get access to her flesh. Then Nick watched as she started to lick and eat her out like it was her last meal. Alexis moaned and grinded down on her face, occasionally covering her nose and completely cutting off her air supply. Alexis, and Lisa, for that matter, didn’t seem to care as Alexis climbed closer and closer to climax.

Nick’s own arousal grew beyond what he could handle, watching, hearing, and even feeling these two women enjoy each other was turning him on. But of course, there was nothing he could do but watch and bask in the moment.

Above him, Alexis’ movements sped up, her moans and grunts getting higher pitched and closer together. With the additional movement, she blocked Lisa’s nose with greater frequency, using it as a clit massager and making it harder for her toy to breathe. Soon Alexis’ legs started to twitch and she screamed through what must have been a powerful orgasm. Alexis heaved a sigh and slowed, but didn’t stop, her grinding on Lisa’s face, allowing her to breathe a bit more freely.

“That was pretty good, I think I’ll keep this toy,” Alexis winked down at Lisa, slowly standing up and repositioning her panties over herself. Again the pain of the heels shot through Nick and he winced to himself. Lisa’s hips kept up the thrusting motion that Nick had barely released she was making. Being used as nothing more than a sex toy was turning her on and she desperately craved her own sexual relief. Her motions brought her only the most minimal amount of pleasure as it shifted the dildo inside of her. Though it was nowhere near enough to get her off.

“So this is kind of embarrassing,” Alexis started, smiling down at the two of her submissives. “But I actually have a lot of things to do around the house.” As she spoke, she leaned over and ran her hand over the vibrator buried in Lisa’s sex. “You’ll be okay down here for a while, right?”

“Um… yes… mistress,” Lisa responded, her words almost a question. She knew that was the right answer, but was confused at the prospect of being left alone so soon into a session that Alexis herself set up.

“Of course you will be. Now I don’t want you to be bored,” Alexis said, flipping the vibrator on high.

Lisa yelped and her body instantly started writhing under the assault of the vibrator on the inside of her sex and her clit at the same time. Nick could instantly feel her arousal as a growing warmth and a moist feeling emanating from her crotch.

“Now I know you get sensitive after your first orgasm, so you may want to try to hold off for a while,” Alexis warned with a smile. “It might be a while before I come back to check on you.”

Nick could feel every muscle in Lisa’s body as she shifted and strained against the vibrator, part of her wanting to drive immediately to orgasm, but the better parts of her mind trying desperately to delay the tidal wave and the over-stimulation that would follow.

“Bye, have fun,” Alexis waved over her shoulder as she walked out, flicking the light off and closing the door.

Lisa whined and instantly came, Alexis leaving her in this state so casually pushed her unstoppably over the edge. She started whining and writhing even harder, the vibrator overstimulating her.

Nick was lost in the vibrations giving him his own, albeit muted, pleasure and the sexual motions of his prisoner. He internally cried desperately to be allowed an orgasm while Lisa verbally cried out for her own orgasms to stop.

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