Currently I was a pair of pink panties wrapped around the hips of my girlfriend Lisa’s hot roommate Andrea. Lisa finally convinced me to try the Transform-It app to be a pair of her panties, promising me a threesome with Andrea in return. Lisa wore me for a very long day at work. It was a weird mix of sexy and painful. Every step she took stretched and pulled me around her ass and crotch. But I will say that I did very much enjoy being so close to her pussy for the day.
Things got weird when she got home and apparently forgot she was wearing me. After rubbing one out, through me, I might add, while watching porn, Lisa tossed me in the laundry. And that’s where Andrea found me the next morning. Thinking I was a pair of her panties, she picked me up and put me on. Andrea was apparently a bit bigger in the hips and I was subjected to a much more significant stretch.
Before I knew it, Andrea pulled on a sports bra and went off to the kitchen to get something to eat. I knew her well enough to know that it wasn’t exactly unusual for her to hang out around her home in her underwear. That is actually why I was so enticed by the idea of a threesome with her in the first place.
Andrea toasted and buttered two slices of bread and leaned her ass against the counter to take a bite. Just then, a panicked Lisa ran into the kitchen and went pale when she saw Andrea wearing me.
“Oh hey, Lisa,” Andrea said with a smile. “Are you okay? You look kind of pale.”
I was ecstatic. Now that Lisa realized what happened, she was going to get me back from Andrea and turn me human. As much as I would never tell Lisa, I was pretty turned on by being worn by Andrea, but it was starting to hurt and I was nervous what would happen since she didn’t realize that I was down here.
“Oh, well, um,” Lisa stammered, apparently intimidated or embarrassed to just come out and say it. “The thing is that…”
Andrea took a huge bite of her toast and spoke through a mouthful.
“Listen,” she muttered before she swallowed. “As cute as it is that you’re still intimidated by me in my underwear, I gotta run.”
“But I have to… I mean I think so are mine…” Lisa pointed at me.
Andrea laughed through another mouthful.
“No way these are yours,” Andrea said through her last bite of toast. She turned and put the plate down in the sink and stepped away from the counter. “You leave your laundry in the washer and dryer enough for me to know that you don’t own any like this. Now I have to get going. We’re still going to the club tonight right?”
Andrea didn’t wait for her to respond and just started walking out of the kitchen toward the bedrooms.
“Um… yeah,” Lisa finally said, her voice defeated. I panicked and screamed in my head as I watched her worried and apologetic expression fade away behind Andrea.
What the fuck!? Lisa left me to be worn by Andrea! I knew that Lisa was a bit intimidated by her, but she was actually going to let her wear me for the day? This is crazy, this was going to be so much worse than being worn by Lisa!
Andrea hummed to herself as she arrived at her room and closed the door. She walked across the room to her dresser, and pulled a few items out before sitting on the edge of the bed and lifted one of her legs up. I watched as intently as I could, but it was hard to see from my point of view in her crotch.
But then I realized what was happening. She was pulling on a tight pair of running shorts! I had seen her wear them before and the purple and black pattern was unmistakable. Panic gripped me yet again. Those things were beyond tight. Lisa and I joked that if Andrea leaned over in the right way, you’d be able to see her asshole through them. I screamed in my head before I was ultimately covered by the shorts.
As they snapped down over me I learned the true meaning of the word ‘tight.’ I was pressed so hard against her skin that I thought for sure I would merge with either the shorts or her body! It felt like I had an entire person sitting on top of me! Not to mention I was already stretched nearly to my limit by her hips. Every second was near-agony.
But then she started to walk and it got so much worse. With each step I was stretched and pulled just like I had become familiar with, but now I had nowhere to go because of the shorts. I was smashed, rubbed, and pulled, sending my brain into overload trying to reconcile the sensations. Through her shorts I heard the sound of a door opening and closing, and I was hit by the cool late-autumn air.
Before it fully dawned on me what that meant, Andrea picked up her pace, taking long, quick strides. I screamed in my mind, the stretch and smashed feeling intensifying way beyond anything I felt before. She was running! With her legs stretching out further, I was pulled so much more, and the pinching caused by the fold of her ass against her thigh became way more intense.
What followed could only be described as hell on earth. One side of me was pulled nearly to ripping, while the other was pinched between her flesh, back and forth with no break at all. I lost all sense of time. All I could do was silently grunt and scream in my prison, cursing Andrea for putting me through this and cursing my girlfriend for leaving me like this.
As her run continued, it got worse. The stretch and pinch was ever-present, and the heat started to build until I felt like I was in the dryer again. But this time, I was also getting damp with sweat, the briny smell and taste overtaking me. Time stretched out seemingly forever, there was no relief from the agonizing pull and stretch.
Finally, she slowed, and I heard the sound of a door opening and closing again. But at the same time, the heat around me seemed to jump up noticeably. Were we home? Hopefully we were so she would finally take me off. Even if I was left in the dirty laundry basket at least it would be better than this.
Soon light spilled over me and a massive flood of relief washed through me. I was still pulled tight over her hips and ass, but at least I wasn’t crushed against her by those god-awful shorts. As I took stock of my surroundings, my heart skipped a beat. Andrea was in her room, and completely naked except for me. I couldn’t help but admire her body for a moment, even as I began to get excited over the idea of her taking me off and ending this stretching, pinching nightmare.
But she didn’t. After checking herself out in the mirror and fiddling with her hair a bit, Andrea just turned and walked out of her room, still wearing only me. As seemed to be the pattern today, disappointment and dread filled me. Why was she still wearing me? Who doesn’t change their underwear after running?
As Andrea walked to the couch in the living room, I scanned the rooms around us, hoping against all reason that Lisa was still here and would get her roommate to take me off. But just as I suspected, she was already at work, leaving me alone with Andrea going about her apparent day off.
For the rest of the day, every time she moved, I got my hopes up that I was finally going to be removed. But I was wrong. She simply went about her day, watching TV, talking on the phone, taking a nap on the couch, and so on. All while wearing me around her waist. It felt wrong to be doing this. Sure it physically still hurt being stretched out this much, but it also felt like I was being a creep by observing her like this without her knowledge. But of course, there was nothing I could do.
Eventually, as the sun started to go down outside, Andrea went to her room and started to get dressed. I was once again trapped in a tight darkness, this time beneath a pair of black leggings. What followed was a confusing series of movements and sounds as she seemed to get into and out of a car. Then I was met with the unmistakable sound of a nightclub.
My heart both sank and filled with hope at the same time. Andrea dancing was sure to make her sweat again, which I didn’t look forward to, but I did recall that Lisa was going to meet her here, so maybe she could convince Andrea to take me off.
Andrea started dancing, putting me through an all-new hell. While each movement wasn’t as bad as running, they were unpredictable enough to leave me surprised at every pull and pinch, unable to anticipate what was next. I swore to myself then and there that I was never going to let Lisa transform me ever again. When I was finally free of this, that would be the end of it.
Thankfully, Andrea’s movements started to slow and fell into a walking pattern. I heaved a sigh of relief, though I was still on edge, not knowing what to expect next. But then a door opened and closed and the noise of the club faded behind me. I heard a sink and figured I must have been in the bathroom.
“So um, Andrea.” My heart leapt at hearing my girlfriend’s voice, though I noted that it was slurring pretty badly. She was clearly drunk. “I um… have to tell you… something,” Lisa continued, her voice uneven as if dreading what she was going to say next.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Andrea responded, her voice slurring with alcohol as well.
“So I um… convinced my boyfriend to let me turn him into my panties yesterday.”
“Oh yeah?” Andrea laughed. If I still had skin, it would have flushed red at the humiliation of my situation being announced like this.
“And, um… this morning, you um… put him on,” Lisa’s voice dropped almost to an imperceivable volume. “He was the pink pair you wore this morning…”
Andrea laughed harder for a moment before I felt a finger slip into her leggings and push up against me. Then a sliver of light came through as Andrea pulled the waist away from herself enough that I could see out. Lisa looked down at me in shock.
“You mean this pair?” Andrea said, her voice absolutely dripping with amusement.
“YES!” Lisa was shocked. “You’re still wearing him!?”
Andrea let her leggings snap back and I was in darkness again. At this point I still wanted to be turned human of course, but I kind of wanted to wait a bit for the humiliation to wear off. The fact that Andrea was laughing about putting me through hell today cut me deeper than I expected.
I heard the door to the bathroom open again and both women went silent. I guessed that another woman came in, cutting the conversation short. I strained to hear what they said next, but they must have left the bathroom, the sound of the dance floor getting louder yet again. After walking for a while, I heard the sounds of car doors as Andrea sat down on me.
I heard voices, Lisa and Andrea of course, but there were two men as well. Sure one of them was probably the rideshare driver, but who was this random second man? Soon we arrived at home, evident by Andrea standing and walking some more.
I was so close to humanity again, and I started to get antsy, every second that I wasn’t removed from Andrea’s hips sent ever more anxiety through me. What was she doing, why was she still wearing me?
Finally I felt Andrea gripping her leggings. Low light washed over me as Andrea pulled them away from herself, letting me see straight up, but nothing else. Andrea was again topless, which sent a shiver through me. Now that she knew that I was here, it was that much worse that I was staring at the underside of her tits. She winked at me as soon as I could see her.
Then she pulled the leggings down and I was greeted by a very odd and confusing sight. Firstly we were in Lisa’s room, not Andrea’s. Second, Lisa, dressed only in leggings and a white bra, was sitting on her computer chair that for some reason was positioned in the corner of the room. Even more oddly was that she was sitting with her arms behind the back of the chair. Were her wrists tied or cuffed behind her? The way she moved in the chair it really looked like she was. What the fuck was going on?
But then I noticed the worst part of the scene before me. There was a naked man laying on Lisa’s bed. An apparently very horny man judging by the fact that his large cock was standing at full attention. Andrea pulled her leggings off and tossed them onto the floor and proceeded to climb onto the bed, walking on her knees over to the man.
I panicked. What the fuck was going on!? Why are we in Lisa’s room? Is Andrea about to fuck this guy? While wearing me and while Lisa watches!?
Andrea giggled and reached down to her crotch and hooked her finger under my cloth right at her vagina. She pulled me aside, revealing herself to the man below her. No… She IS going to fuck this man! What the hell!?
Before I could think any more about it, Andrea lowered herself down, taking a handful of his strange man’s appendage. Lower and lower, I approached the cock, which at the size I currently was, appeared to be as big as I was. I saw and heard the wet sound of her pussy accepting the tip. I was forced to watch as this massive penis slipped inside Andrea.
He grunted and she moaned as he pushed further and further inside. I screamed in my head as the force of the insertion dragged me closer until I was touching the shaft. I could taste his sweat as well as hers. He pushed in even further, pulling me just a bit inside Andrea, the taste of her arousal becoming much stronger.
I could not believe this was happening. I thought for sure that Andrea would be embarrassed by wearing me all day, but it seemed like I was way off. Was she turned on by wearing her roommate’s boyfriend as her panties!?
The lovers got into it quickly, the giant cock ramming in and out of Andrea with a ferocity that took me by surprise. Was this what it’s always like? Did it just seem faster because I was so small and so close? As they sped up, each of them moaned and grunted as if they didn’t have an audience, despite the fact that two people were being forced to watch this intently.
At some point, Andrea’s hand came down to her crotch, rubbing her clit furiously. She even pulled my cloth over enough that she was rubbing herself THROUGH ME! This only pulled me closer to the cock, forcing me to be dragged along with it as it thrusted into her. Part of my vision darkened as I was pulled inside her, the taste of both cock and pussy becoming stronger and stronger.
Every now and then I got a glimpse at Lisa, who was watching with an odd expression, like she was both feeling sorry for me, but was also turned on. What the hell was happening!? I never saw anything about Lisa or Andrea to suggest that they had this kind of relationship.
Finally, Andrea and the man grunted and moaned through what must have been powerful orgasms, their thrusting finally slowing. As she screamed, I felt a subtle flood of liquid coming out of her and drenching into my fibers. Did she… did she squirt on me?
With a sigh and a moan, Andrea lifted off of him, moving to lay down next to him. While she moved, I felt extra moisture soaking into me, coming out from her slit. I tried to convince myself that it wasn’t his load, but I knew that’s exactly what it was.
She lifted her legs and finally pulled me off. The strain was gone, though I couldn’t exactly enjoy that given what I was soaked with. She stood up, holding me between her thumb and forefinger.
“You can go now,” She waved dismissively to the man on the bed. He seemed taken aback, but he started to climb out of bed. As he collected his clothes, Andrea sauntered over to Lisa, who looked up at her naked roommate with awe, fear and a little bit of arousal. Andrea bent down and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
To my complete shock, she started to raise me up toward Lisa’s head and shoulders.
“Open up,” Andrea instructed. Lisa’s mouth seemed to fall open almost on its own. Before I knew what was happening, Andrea pressed me into Lisa’s open mouth! What the fuck?
I was assaulted by an all new sensation as I felt the warm, wet cave pressing in around me. Andrea poked a few times, forcing me behind her teeth. I vaguely caught sight of the man, half-dressed, excusing himself from the room, glancing back at the three of us for only a moment.
“Now you keep him in there while I get cleaned up,” Andrea patted Lisa’s cheek. “I’ll untie you when I get back.”
She stood up straight and started to walk out, but then turned back toward us.
“Oh, and don’t you dare turn him human until I give you permission…” Andrea giggled as she turned and walked out.
I was at a complete loss. Here I was, soaked with sweat and cum from two people, left crammed inside my girlfriend’s mouth. After a day like this, what the hell was going to happen next?