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Finally Convinced (A Panty TF Story)

“I don’t know about this, babe,” I said quietly, knowing what I was saying wasn’t going to be well-received. “I’ve always been supportive of your fetishes and everything, but being turned into your… panties, I think that might be a bit… uncomfortable…?” My voice cracked when I said the word ‘panties,’ my mind seemingly rebelling against the fact that I was actually talking about this out loud. I really wasn’t sure I liked the idea of being worn around Lisa’s hips. Sure, she was my girlfriend, and sure I liked basically everything about her body, but this was just at a completely new level that I wasn’t sure I was ready for.

“Aw, come on,” Lisa pouted, putting on her cutest face. Then her expression changed to a seductive, playful look as she sauntered over to me. “I’ll make you a deal, if you do this for me, let me transform you into my panties for a full work day… I’ll talk to my roommate about that threesome you’ve been wanting…”

I felt a shudder run through me, but I tried not to show it. Her roommate, Andrea, was extremely attractive. She had a tendency to wear very little around the apartment so I had accidentally seen her basically naked more than once. It was very awkward at first, but Lisa nor her roommate seemed to care that much. And then Andrea teased about a threesome and quite frankly, it’s been hard to keep that out of my mind. I pretended to think it over for a bit before responding.

“I um, okay, I’ll give it a try,” I said, still very nervous about the prospect of being so helpless. I trusted Lisa completely, but after the transformation I wouldn’t even be able to communicate, so there was no going back after I agreed.

Lisa did her little excited dance where she bounced on her toes a couple of times and clapped her hands silently in front of her. I had to admit, her smile alone was almost worth it. Almost, that threesome is going to be something special, especially if the stories about Andrea were even half-true.

Lisa ran up to me and threw her arms over my shoulders, holding me tight and giving me a long, passionate kiss before crossing the room. I thought for sure I was going to get lucky tonight, and I could feel the blood rushing to my cock. But then she stopped and grabbed her phone. She turned to me, aiming the phone camera at me and tapping away furiously.

“Wait, you’re doing it now!?” I nearly shouted, holding my hands up in front of my face as if to block the Transform-It app from changing me.

“Why not? You said yourself that you have the day off tomorrow, and we’re already at my apartment…” Lisa said as if it was no big deal.

“Yeah, but I need time to like… I don’t know, get ready…?” I stammered, not able to articulate why I wasn’t ready to do this yet.

“Nah, we should just rip the bandaid off!” Lisa said, a smile on her face and in her voice. She tapped a few more buttons on her phone.

“WAIT…!” I rushed toward her. But I was too late, the flash went off on her phone and the world started to go fuzzy around me. It felt like I was falling, a chill running through my body. The next moments seemed to both pass quickly and take forever at the same time. But by the time I was aware of my surroundings again, I was looking into Lisa’s smiling face. I tried to ask what happened, but I had no voice.

“You’re so cute as my panties! My little, pink, soft undies!” she giggled.

My sense of self returned as she was speaking, and I realized that she was holding me by the hips of my new form, spreading me in front of her face. I could feel the stretch, like I was in a yoga position beyond my abilities.

I could still feel, see and hear, which I will admit made my current predicament a bit more bearable.

“But I need to get ready for bed, I don’t need to wear you until tomorrow!” she said and carried me through her apartment until we were in her bedroom. She casually tossed me onto her dresser, causing me to panic as I flew through the air. She giggled and walked off, leaving me there as she went through her nightly routine. I could do nothing but watch.

Before I knew it, the room was dark and I drifted off to sleep. Until I woke the next day I wasn’t even sure I could sleep in this condition.

I woke with a jolt as I felt hands grabbing at me. By the time I remembered what happened, Lisa was already stepping through the holes in my new body. She pulled me quickly up her legs, my mind racing as I was barraged with new sensations. I sighed with comfortable pleasure at the feeling of her perfectly soft and pleasantly warm legs running over my body. Though before I knew it, the pleasant feeling shifted as my fabric stretched over her thighs and finally settled in around her hips.

“So I’m running a bit late,” I heard Lisa say. “So I have to make this fast. I love you and I hope you enjoy your day as much as I will!”

For that short moment, I was still for long enough to finally take in the new sensations of being transformed into panties. My body was pulled tight, I doubted there was even a single wrinkle in my fabric. Her body against me was warm, bordering on almost too warm to be comfortable. An aroused chill ran through me as I realized that I could feel the slight dampness of her vagina. I felt every contour and curve of her most private parts!

Just as I was reveling in this, I felt and watched her lean forward, her arms reaching to the ground. I tensed up and internally gasped as I felt a part of me slipping between her firm cheeks. I was in her ass!

Lisa took a hold of her leggings and started raising them along her legs. As she straightened out again, her ass cheeks closed in around me, pressing me tightly.

“Hehe, getting a wedgie,” Lisa teased, pausing to pull at my cloth, resettling me around herself. I sighed in relief as I was freed from the hot pinch of her butt.

But then I was plunged into darkness as she pulled her tight leggings up over me and high on her hips. The heat I was experiencing jumped up noticeably as my sight was robbed of me.

Panic gripped me again. While I never described myself as being claustrophobic, the sensation of being pressed so tightly into her body was unsettling and disorienting.

“I’ll see you again in around ten hours or so!” Lisa teased again, patting me through the fabric of her leggings over her ass. What followed was a confusing, unclear flurry of movement as she presumably got ready for work. Since I couldn’t see, I didn’t have a clear idea of what she was doing.

Something that I did know however, was just how much someone’s hips, legs and ass moves during even the most mundane activities. I was able to deduce when she was walking through the rhythmic, predictable movements. But even that stretched and pinched parts of me far more than I would have realized.

Lisa worked as the regional manager of a major clothing store with several locations around the city. So her day was filled with long periods of time on her feet, with the occasional breaks when she traveled between locations.

My situation became more and more uncomfortable, her body heat only seemed to increase as she walked around, which of course brought with it the salty tang of her sweat. It wasn’t long before I was damp, which seemed to never go away. Time lost all meaning as I continued to suffer in darkness.

It wasn’t all terrible I will admit, with every step I was aware of my body pressing into and rubbing over her pussy. I swore she was getting aroused by wearing me, as I felt a bit more moisture from between her lips.

Trips in her car were not uncommon, so I didn’t think anything of it when I felt her sit and heard the hum of the engine again. Though shortly afterward I heard a familiar voice.

“Welcome home, you look rough, long day?” I heard Andrea ask.

“Oh god yeah,” Lisa responded.

We were home! Or at Lisa’s apartment anyway. The end of this ordeal was in sight! The girls talked more, though I didn’t take too much of it in. While I had been getting used to the timeless void, I now found myself being impatient. I knew I had almost earned my human body back and wanted this over already.

Finally their conversation wrapped up and I felt Lisa walking off. I heard a door close, followed shortly by light flooding over me. I felt her leaning over forward as I watched her tight leggings falling away beneath her as she slid them down. Looking up, I realized she was already completely topless, having removed her work blouse and her bra before releasing me from my prison.

The cool air felt good on my body, though it quickly got cold, the moisture of her sweat still permeating me. I looked up at her, expecting her to remove me next so she could turn me back into myself. But she didn’t.

Instead I watched as she walked over to her computer desk in the corner and sat down, shifting her chair forward until I was in relative darkness again. She didn’t forget about me did she?

It wasn’t long until I started hearing sounds coming from her computer speakers. At first I didn’t pay attention to the voices I heard, but then I heard a woman’s moan. Was she watching porn? What the hell?

Lisa’s hips started to shift on her chair and a hand came into view above me. Without warning or pause, her fingers slid in between her legs and started to rub me. No, she wasn’t rubbing me, she was rubbing herself! She was starting to masturbate!

At first her fingers drew lazy circles, pressing me into what had to be her clit. Her hips shifted more, sliding back and forth in place on the chair. The heat emanating from her body increased as her fingers sped up. I became aware of an increasing amount of moisture from her pussy.

I was conflicted, at first it was kind of hot that she was pleasing herself right in front of me like this, but on the other hand, I was starting to get saturated yet again. Her sweat and arousal soaked into me until no part of me could be considered dry. Lisa’s fingers sped up even more and she even started to push my body inside herself as her desperation to cum increased.

Before I knew it, she was moaning, her hips quivering, and her fingers furiously rubbing. I felt a new rush of liquid seeping into my cloth just below her fingers. She slumped into her chair and pulled her hand away from me.

Lisa sat for a moment before heaving a heavy sigh and standing up. I got a good look at her flushed face as she leaned over, hooking her fingers into my body at her hips and pulling me down her hips.

Oh good, I was finally going to be human again! Though that hope was quickly dashed as she tossed me through the air. I landed on a pile of cloth. Looking around I realized it was more than that, it was her laundry basket! I looked up to her in desperation, only to feel something large and soft falling onto me, putting me in darkness again.

I felt my world lifting and moving before everything around me started to tumble. I got a brief glimpse through the other dirty clothes and a chill ran through me. She put me in the washing machine! No, Lisa, it’s me, not just a random pair of panties! Please!

But it was no use, the lid closed with a slam. A tense moment passed before the sound of running water reached me. Soon I was floating amidst her clothing, the tang of soap surrounding me. Then my world turned into a cyclone! I was spun incredibly fast as the washer did its work. It felt like forever there in that wet hell.

Finally, thankfully, it stopped. Though now I was freezing! I could barely see, but I could tell that I was stuck to the side of the washer drum, partly covered by other clothes. I begged for Lisa to come find me, but nothing happened for what felt like an eternity.

Finally the lid opened.

“Dammit Lisa,” I heard Andrea mutter. “Move your damn laundry.”

Hands reached down and started scooping up the wet clothes, myself included. I watched as I was moved to the dryer. The door slammed closed, and again my world began to spin. At least this time, welcoming warmth surrounded me, the dampness I had been shackled with all day finally starting to work itself out. But then the warmth became unbearable heat. I screamed to myself as I tumbled through what might as well have been the surface of the sun.

Finally this too stopped. I was still in darkness, but at least now it was warm. I was comfortable finally. The warmth slowly faded, replaced ultimately with room temperature. Thankfully, it never got cold.

I don’t know how long I was left there before the door opened. As the clothes were pulled from the dryer, I ended up on top of the pile. I hoped to see Lisa with her phone, ready to change me back, but I was greeted by Andrea once again. I gave a start when I realized she was naked!

Andrea paused as her eyes fell directly onto me. Wait, she doesn’t know it’s me, does she?

“How did a pair of my underwear get in Lisa’s load?” I heard her ask under her breath. I looked around in a panic, hoping I misunderstood what was happening.

But no, she reached down and picked me up. Andrea shrugged and bent over, stepping through my body, and pulling me up her legs.

No, not again! My mind rebelled against the familiar feeling of being stretched around a warm body. Andrea was a bit wider in the hips than Lisa, something I hadn’t really noticed until now as my cloth pulled tight.

Caught up in the panic and discomfort, I didn’t really follow what happened afterward, but Andrea must have done some more work in the laundry room, and wandered off to the kitchen. When I finally brought myself back to the moment, I realized where I was. Andrea, wearing only me, was in the kitchen starting to get breakfast prepared.

I heard the flurry of footsteps and a panicked, pajama-clad Lisa rounded the corner.

“Andrea have you seen my…” Lisa said in a barely-controlled panic. Her eyes darted down and stared directly at me, her eyes going wide and the color draining from her face. “...Panties…” she finished.

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