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Dave Lasco (panties TF)

My name is Dave Lasco and I've been working at Esco Labs for the last ten years or so. Our work is on the cutting edge of physics-defying technology, the ability to transform matter from one form to another. Objects to objects was pretty easy for us at this stage, our challenge now was changing living matter inanimate and returning it to the same form. 

Our technology has been able to turn a mouse into a brick, but the return change was proving to be more difficult. At first, the animal was dead when we turned it back, effectively turning one inanimate object into another. Advancements were made and we successfully returned the brick to a live mouse. However, it wasn’t the same mouse. We had trained our mice to navigate a complicated maze, but post-transformation, the mice were completely unable to complete the maze. Basically we conjured a completely new mouse out of a brick rather and restoring the original mouse.

I was in the lab late one night, working alongside our intern, Amy. She was a 20-year old doctorate student, and was strikingly beautiful. Some of the others around the office insisted that she was into me, but I vehemently denied them. Any supposed flirting was just her being police or excited about our work.

I would never be so lucky to have the attention of someone so young and attractive. She certainly had an amazing body and I couldn’t help but see that through her flattering her choice of clothing. Tonight was no exception, Amy was dressed in a tight tank top and a skirt that fell only to her mid-thigh. It wasn’t really appropriate for the lab, but it was pretty late and we were the only ones here. Besides, I didn't want to have that awkward conversation. But right now I couldn’t be distracted by that kind of thought, not tonight. We were so close to something big.

“What is your conclusion?” I asked Amy with bated breath, my foot bouncing nervously against the foot of the office chair I was seated in. We had just transformed our mouse-brick back to its mouse form, and Amy was busy at its cage running a few final tests.

“Promising,” Amy said, looking up from the animal. “The subject not only seems to retain its knowledge from before the change.”

“So that means…” I started, my heart starting to race.

“The subject was able to perceive its surroundings,” Amy finished, her voice equally excited. “Even DURING the change, it was able to recognize the other mouse.”

“What about the behavior test?” I stood up quickly and walked over to where she was standing.

“I was about to do that now,” Amy trailed off and reached to the table next to her. She picked up a bright orange screwdriver looking tool that came to a sharp point. Opening the top of the mouse enclosure, she maneuvered the tool into the box, approaching the mouse slowly.

Seeing the tool coming, the mouse squealed in fear and scampered away, hiding inside the small plastic shelter inside the enclosure.

“It recognizes it,” I whispered in awe. We had used that very same tool to gently but firmly poke the brick when the mouse was transformed.

“And it ran away from it,” Amy again finished my thought. “That means it not only recognizes, but fears it. It must have FELT our pokes when it was transformed.”

I could barely believe what we just discovered. We wanted the transformed animal, and possibly, one day, a person, to be aware of their surroundings, but we hadn’t anticipated that they would feel pain. In my disbelief I wandered over to the transformation chamber, a glass enclosure roughly three foot square with a swinging glass door. Placing my hand on top of it, I leaned onto the machine, still awe-struck.

Suddenly and without warning, I felt something strike the back of my leg. I cried out as I was forced to my knees on the hard floor. I turned around in shock to see Amy standing over me. She wasn’t tall, so even on my knees, she wasn’t that much taller.

“Did you…?” I started to ask. Before I could even register what she did, Amy stepped forward and pressed hard on my shoulders, rolling me onto the ground. No, not on the ground, into the transformation chamber!

I fell hard into the glass chamber, my head, shoulders and waist fully inside with my legs sticking out. I panicked and tried to fight back, but before I could recover, Amy forced my legs inside and pressed the door closed behind me. As the door latched closed, I rolled over so I was sitting on my feet.

“Amy? I, um, I don’t like it here,” I stammered, figuring this was some kind of awkward, ill-delivered joke. “You got me, good joke, just open the door now.” I tried not to betray how nervous I was. Being in this chamber was like being in the back of a garbage truck, the very obvious danger of the machinery hovering over me. The energy of the machine necessitated a thick container, with only a small opening that I could hear and speak through in the door.

Amy just kind of smirked and walked away with what I can only describe as a saunter: a slow, deliberate walk of someone savoring a win. The joke of locking me in here, in poor taste in the first place, was now starting to make me angry.

“Amy!” I demanded, changing tactics. “This is not a place to be joking like this, now let me out.”

Amy ignored me completely and walked over into an area of the lab that I can’t see clearly from my cramped confines. It was clear that she was pretty dedicated to this sick joke. I gave a start and twisted, realizing that she seemed to be walking toward the scanner, where the target object data is uploaded to the computer. It was hard to see but it distinctly looked like she stepped out of her panties and placed them on the scanner.

“Amy, what…?” I started, not sure how to address what I just saw. Is she scanning her underwear into a transformation machine that I was currently trapped in?

Even though I didn’t believe that she would do it, I panicked at the thought and tried to slam into the door, my better sense fleeing me. The cramped confines meant I couldn’t get much leverage and the solid glass of the chamber held without even the slightest budge.

In my panic, I lost track of Amy for a moment, only noticing her again when she walked back over to my prison and squatted down, keeping her knees together to protect her modesty. I stopped my struggling and looked up at her smug smile.

“Amy,” I said sternly. “What do you think you’re doing? This is NOT something to play around with.”

“What do you mean doctor?” She asked, her voice as smug as her attitude, her hand resting on the top of the glass box. “I would never play, I just mean to move our experiments to the next logical step: human trials.”

This joke had gone way too far and I was losing my patience with her attitude and the threat of what this machine could do to me.

“Amy, if you don’t open this box NOW and end this, you’ll never work in any lab in the country,” I threatened her. I didn’t know if I really had that much pull, but I felt I had to go big.

Amy smiled and looked over at the scanner, responding to a chiming sound.

“Excellent, the scanner is complete, now I just have to enter some object data and we will be ready to proceed,” she said in a business-like manner, as if we were in fact running a normal test.

My struggles to open the box continued, this time fueled by anger at her treatment. In my thrashing movements, I caught a glimpse of where she sat at the laptop hooked up to the machine. I had a clear view of the screen, and the image I saw there sent a shiver down my spine.

It was a 3D render of a pair of lacy women’s underwear, the kind that were meant to be seen. Amy busied herself manually inputting the final data points into the computer. She was making a transformation profile for a pair of women’s panties.

“Well, that’ll do it,” Amy said and turned her chair around to face me. “Let’s begin the test shall we?”

“NO, Amy, do not press that. NO!” I screamed at her, trying again to force my way out of the box, to no avail of course.

Amy chuckled, turned her chair around again and clicked the initiate button on the program. My eyes snapped to the emitter on the backside of the chamber in fear, watching as it lit up and started to hum.

I grunted in pain and surprise as a weird, half-numb, half-electric feeling coursed through my body. My vision blurred as the whole world swirled and changed around me, making it impossible to focus on anything. The feeling in my limbs slowly faded and I felt like I was falling. All the sensations were too much for me and I blacked out for a moment.

The next thing I was aware of was seeing the door to the much-larger chamber open, and Amy’s giant hand reaching in toward me.

Amy, what…? I tried to speak, though I was acutely aware that no sound came out. Wait, I can still see? I thought to myself. I guess we were right…

I panicked as Amy’s hand closed over me and started to lift me off the bottom of the chamber. I could feel the warmth of her skin and the pinch of her grip.

“Well the transformation seems to be successful,” Amy said with a smile, holding me with both her hands in front of my face, moving me around to inspect all sides of me. “The subject really looks and feels just like an ordinary pair of panties.”

She smiled at me with a mix of accomplishment and sexual satisfaction. Without a further word to me, she lowered me down to her feet.

No, no, she can’t actually WEAR me, can she? I thought to myself, panicking as she stepped one foot through one of my leg holes. I couldn’t help but take a second to peer upward, into the darkness of her skirt, trying my best to get a clear view. I was snapped out of my revelry as she stepped her other leg into me and started to pull me up her legs.

I internally recoiled at the irresistible force pulling me up under her skirt, like a hesitant rider cresting that first hill on a rollercoaster. The higher I moved up her legs, the thicker her leg became and the more my body stretched to accommodate. My world went dark as I passed the hem of her skirt. Obviously her hands lifted the fabric and let some light in, but my view of the room around us was mostly obscured.

Amy finally shifted me into position, bouncing her hips to settle me into place. I felt as if my heart skipped a beat as I felt the slightly damp, perfectly smooth skin between her thighs. While I wasn’t exactly well-versed, I was no stranger to women’s sexual functions, and since it was actually a bit chilly in the lab, I predicted this moisture had a… different origin.

She let go of my fabric and let her skirt fall, plunging me further into darkness. My whole body felt pulled tight, though not to the level of true pain, but still carrying a degree of discomfort. Since every inch of my new body was pressed tight against her, I felt every subtle movement, even a barely noticeable shifting of weight translated through my whole body.

Without being able to see anything, I had very little idea of what was happening around me as she took a couple of slow steps and shifted her weight a few times back and forth.

“Hey it’s me,” I heard Amy say in the phone-call tone of voice. “I need to call in that favor we talked about… Yeah, my ID is in my desk, can you swipe into the gym for me?... And also the cafeteria, it should be opening up for Midnight Lunch in a bit… Thanks! I owe you one!”

Swipe her ID? Why would she need someone to swipe her ID on the other end of campus? And didn’t she swipe into the lab with me? My mind raced, trying to find answers. Wait no, she followed me in, she never swiped, which means there won’t be a record of her ever being here tonight.

I heard Amy giggle above me as she kept pacing around the space, this time with more purpose. Her motions weren’t random wandering, but rather a purposeful, specific movement. I could feel her walk swiftly, stop, lean and crouch in intervals. I tried to focus on her and what little I could see, trying to figure out what she was doing. That became ever harder though as her quick movements started to change my environment.

At first I could feel the slow buildup of moisture, and then, to my surprise and horror, I realized I could taste it. She was starting to sweat, even with the airflow under her skirt. I couldn’t help but taste her warm salty sweat, and I involuntarily gagged. The miracle of science that was gagging without mouth nor throat gave me little comfort.

Suddenly, without warning, Amy dropped down into a sitting position, probably on one of the office chairs. I yelped to myself as I felt her weight pressing me into the soft seat. This sensation drove closer to painful, though remained as what I could best describe as intensely uncomfortable. As I was recovering from the quick drop onto the seat, she crossed her leg over her other knee, sealing off the small amount of light slipping into my prison. It also felt like temperature raised by several degrees instantly.

After a moment of her sitting and shifting casually, I heard her voice again.

“Hey, we’re on,” I heard her say, again sounding like she was on the phone. “Come to the loading dock that I showed you, I’ll meet you there with the machine.”

Loading dock? I ask myself, wondering what the hell she was talking about. Wait ‘with the machine?’ Was she stealing the equipment?

She stood and thankfully, I felt the cool breeze on me again. The moments that followed were characterized by purposeful movements around the lab, with her occasionally bending and reaching. While she wasn’t exactly running around, her movements were quick and sustained enough for her to build up a bit of sweat. I could do nothing but feel my body stretch and contort as the salty taste increased.

From my limited viewpoint it was hard to see what exactly was happening, but if I had to guess, I would say that she was loading equipment onto one of our large carts. My suspicion was confirmed when I saw her step next to the glass shell. Amy knelt down in a position where I could clearly see the clear shell. Struggling and grunting, she shifted it onto the low cart.

Her last bit of exertion soaked me in her sweat. The constant moving and stretching, combined with the overwhelming scent and taste of her sweat left my head spinning and I found it hard to concentrate. I tried to bring my thoughts inward to shut out the sensations.

I was snapped back to reality by voices above me. Amy was talking, but I couldn’t make out what she was saying. Given how close I was to her, This meant that she was whispering purposefully to keep me from hearing. I was startled to hear a male voice respond, equally quietly.

I saw a man’s shoe come into view beneath me as Amy stepped forward and pushed up onto her toes. The man she was with stepped in as well, and I could only assume they shared a kiss before they stepped apart.

“You can load all of this up for me, can’t you?” she said sweetly, flirtatiously. Before even waiting for a response, she stepped around him and walked away.

“Um, yeah, sure,” I heard him say as a cool gust of air hit me. Even with the limited view her skirt allowed, I could tell that Army had just stepped out onto the loading dock. I was grateful for the chill, maybe her sweat wouldn’t be such a problem anymore.

But then I heard a car door opening and I felt her climb up before her slightly damp ass pressed me down into the soft seat of the car. As soon as Amy sat down, she crossed her leg over her knee, trapping me further into my dank prison. The pressure, heat, taste and smell weren’t overly intense, but it was constant. It was almost like sitting in an uncomfortably small seat with someone my own weight sitting on my lap: a constant discomfort and pressure without relief.

Time slipped away from me as I tried my hardest to find some comfort, or at least take my mind off my predicament. It was still hard to believe that moments ago I was making a career-making discovery, and now I was wrapped around the hips of a sexually charged college student.

I could hear voices, but I couldn’t bring myself to pay attention. I could only make out something about Amy “paying back” the man she was with.

I don’t know when it happened, or even what exactly happened, but I felt movement. I slowly became aware of the ground moving underneath my host. Suddenly and without warning, she fell forward, stopping with a bounce when her torso was horizontal. In my position around her hips, I didn’t move much, but her shifting body still gave me a start. After a moment I realized where we were: Amy had bent over something soft, probably a bed, and presented her ass to the room.

Light flooded over me as fingers took her skirt and pulled it down her legs. Once the fabric slipped off her hips, the room came into focus. I gave a start when I saw the man looking down on me hungrily. I looked away from him awkwardly as if he had just walked in on my having sex. It took me a second to realize that he didn’t actually see me, or rather, didn’t realize what I was. He licked his lips and his hands slipped to Amy’s hips, starting to slip underneath my fabric.

Wait, was he about to…? Were they…? I thought in a panic.

“No, leave them on,” Amy said with mischief in her voice, her hand coming around to rest on his for a moment. “Just push them aside.”

Shit, they are about to have sex! I nearly shouted in my head. And she’s keeping me on! Panic gripped me and I looked around desperately, as if something in the room would somehow save me from my fate.

His hands slipped away from me as he desperately tore at his belt and pants. In seconds, his jeans fell down around his ankles.

No, no, no, no, I screamed internally, rebelling at what Amy was very knowingly about to put me through.

I tried not to look, but I had to know when it was coming, so my attention darted to and from Amy’s soon-to-be lover. He hesitated for a moment before stepping forward, his fingers shifting me aside to reveal Amy’s arousal,

Goddamn it, I screamed desperately as boxers came down, freeing his massive, hard cock. He moved quickly and hungrily toward Amy, his cock dominating my vision as it rocketed toward me.

No, no, no, damn it, I screamed in my mind, unable to avoid it, protest against it, or even block it from my vision.

Amy moaned, likely in an exaggerated manner as the tip of his cock touched her lips. Even though the cloth of my body was pushed to the side of her pussy, I could feel the warm, hard skin of his manhood as he clumsily forced it into her.

Both of them moaned and shifted, pressing their bodies into each other. I gagged, my body coming in contact with her moisture on the skin of his dick as he slipped out of her. I felt what would have been a shudder run through me as the taste of their sweat and arousal permeated my body.

No, this can’t be happening, I repeated, trying to take my mind off what was happening. It didn’t work, nothing could prevent nor shut out the reality of it. I felt his hands on my fabric at her hips, his warm, slightly sweaty hands felt disgusting to me.

“That’s right… give it to me,” Amy grunted between breaths.

As they sped up, I slipped closer to his cock, now rubbing against with every stroke, the taste of her pussy and sweat seeping deep into my being. The speed of his thrusts threatened to drag me inside of her, and I tensed up, trying in vain to keep that from happening.

Above me, both of them moaned, grunted and shared the occasional dirty talk lines, though I was not in the right mind to take in what they said. To make matters worse, he slipped his fingers under my body at her hips and pulled gently up, stretching me and adding pain to the mix of feelings coursing through my fabric.

If I could be, I would be practically sobbing from the constant stimulation. The pain, tastes and smells of my predicament overtook my thoughts and indeed my entire reality. I vaguely became aware that his rhythm picked up as their grunts and moans grew in volume and urgency.

“I’m… I’m cuming,” he grunted, his thrusts falling into the distinct rhythm of a man at the edge. A second later, he let out a half-grunt, half-sigh and his hips slowed.

“Don’t you dare stop,” Amy growled animalistically. “I’m… close…” As she spoke, Amy’s hand reached back and grabbed at his wrist, as if to hold him in place and prevent him from pulling out.

I caught a break in the sensory overload hell to dread what new fluids I would be forced to endure once he did pull out.

Above me, I could see a look of almost worry cross his face at Amy’s harsh command. His grunts changed tone to one of a man trying to perform without over-stimulating himself. He winced and tightened his expression in his obvious discomfort.

A new sensation sent a shock through me and if I could have moved, I would have jumped. I quickly realized that this new feeling was Amy’s hand, which shot down between her legs, finding her clit, which was still covered by my cloth.

I could almost sense her smirking at my discomfort as she furiously rubbed herself through me, moaning and thrusting her hips into her clearly uncomfortable lover. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her breathing picked up and her breath quickened.

I could see a sigh of relief on my male tormentor’s face as he struggled through her quickening pace.

With an almost fake-sounding moaning scream, Amy’s motion finally slowed. She screamed through the orgasm for a long moment before she heaved a heavy sigh and slumped down into the mattress.

I grimaced as I felt his hips retreat, wincing at the wet sound his cock made as it slipped free of her. As he stepped back and composed himself, Amy pulled herself further onto the mattress and rolled over. Only now that the activity died down did I realize that Amy had stripped down to her bra and, well… me.

“What are you doing?” She asked her lover as she watched him take a step toward the bed.

“Oh… I um was going to um… join you? It’s late after all…” he stammered, clearly taken aback by her harsh words.

“No, that’s fine, you can go,” Amy said dismissively.

As she spoke, her hand reached down to her hips and slipped me back into place, her wet, still overly-warm pussy once again pressing into my cloth.

No, no, no, no, no, resounded through my head, the dread of his… stuff leaking out of her and soaking into me.

“So guess I’ll just take a shower and head out then, if that’s okay,” He said, gathering up his clothes, using them to cover himself as he backed away from the bed.

“No thanks,” Amy said, responding as if someone had asked to give HER something, rather than the other way around. “We’re all done here, so you’re dismissed.”

“...Okay…” the man said, taken aback. I’ll admit it was a bit odd to hear her talking so… businesslike while laying back on the bed in nothing but her undergarments.

Shit, I muttered to myself as I became aware of a new taste starting to emanate from her pussy. Damn it, damn it, damn it, I muttered to myself, knowing that I was tasting that man’s semen. I was so caught up in my disgust that I barely noticed him leaving.

Above me, Amy let out a satisfied sigh and fell back onto her bed.

“So how’s it going down there, Dr. Lasco?” I heard Amy address me.

I looked up to her and saw her smiling down at me, propped up on her pillow enough for me to see her face clearly.

I tried to ignore the growing taste as I stared up at her. If I still had a face, I would be glaring at her.

“So you probably figured out that I stole the transformation machine with the help of my friend there. I agreed to let him fuck me in exchange for his help,” she said and rolled her eyes. “These college boys are just sooo easy to manipulate.”

Damn it, she did steal the machine, and probably all the research too, I thought, knowing that my best, and maybe only chance, of being human again, was this woman taking pity on me. We were months away from human trials, no one would even consider that a human had been transformed. But once they realize that Amy stole it, I’m sure someone will come to find me.

“Now I bet you’re thinking, hoping maybe, that someone will realize that I stole it and come to rescue you,” Amy went on with her monologue. “But you forget, YOU were the only one to scan into the lab.”

Damn it! I cursed, remembering that Amy came in with me and didn’t actually scan her ID on the access panel. It was protocol to always scan in, but I’ll admit that lab personnel weren’t always good about doing it.

“Oh they’ll question me when they find the machine gone, but they’ll dismiss my involvement. After all, my ID was used to swipe into the gym and the cafeteria across campus,” Amy smirked. “And with Doctor Dave Lasco disappearing the same day the machine did…”

Damn it, I swore, knowing that she was right. With my disappearance, it would be pretty clear that I stole it and ran off. Ah shit, that’s disgusting, I muttered to myself, my mind wrenched back to the disgusting amalgam of tastes and smells.

“Why did I steal it?” Amy asked, feigning a response to a question I couldn’t possibly ask. “Well it’s valuable of course, I could either sell it or just transform random trash into money, but that’s only a side thing. See, for as long as I can remember I’ve had an inanimate object transformation fetish. So when it looked like it might actually be possible? I just had to be a part of it. I did everything I could to get into the university, and to work in that lab,” Amy rolled her eyes and heaved an exasperated sigh. God, it was so agonizing waiting so long to push you into that machine. Trying to be nice to you and ‘yes sir, no sir’ with you every day when I was SO CLOSE to wearing an actual human around my hips. I mean I knew the machine worked, but I had to be sure you could feel the transformation, or it was just wasted, you know?”

Wait, so she purposely waited until she KNEW the transformed person would be AWARE before she sprung her trap? What kind of sick bitch is she? I was truly astonished at her cruelty.

“But you know, it’s been quite a day, so I should really get some sleep,” Amy said, crawling to the edge of the bed and standing. Her movements sent a whole new wave of HIS taste through me as more of his essence seeped into me.

I tried to steel myself against my own disgust as I watched her strip off her bra, dropping it to the ground. I watched it fall past me and couldn’t help but look up. When I did, I saw her looking down on me with a smile, giving me a quick wink.

I guess the chances of her taking ME off for the night are pretty low… I said to myself.

My guess proved true as I watched her pull a pair of black bike shorts up her shapely legs.

“Good night,” Amy said, pausing with her shorts just below her hips. “Maybe I’ll do some laundry in the morning, after my trip to the gym, of course.”

Laundry, why would she…? My train of thought trailed off, realizing that she meant that she would be washing ME. And the promise of the gym threat wasn’t exactly appealing either.

“I’ll turn you back eventually, at least for a little while,” Amy said almost to herself. “I mean I HAVE to hear ALL about your experience. For science, you understand. But then it’s right back into my panty drawer…”

She chuckled to herself and pulled the black shorts up over me and let them snap into place. The dark fabric not only blocked my sight of the room completely, but it also pressed me further into her, intensifying every feeling, taste and smell. I shuddered, not only at the increased intensity of… everything, but also as I realized that Amy certainly meant to keep me forever…

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