“So I wanted to talk to you about something,” Ron started as he and Mary sat down in the coffee shop. They worked nearby and often met up here to grab a cup of coffee before their respective shifts started.
“Sure, what’s up?” Mary responded, leaning in. The words he used were the stereotypical opening lines for an argument, but his tone and facial expression indicated otherwise.
“I have a chance to perform on a cruise next month, nothing too fancy, but it hits all the Caribbean hot spots that you’ve talked about wanting to go see,” he said with a smile, nervously playing with this long, red ponytail at the back of his head.
As he was talking, Mary slipped her foot out of her shoe and ran it up his leg. She followed his knee all the way up to his crotch, her toes slipping playfully across the bulge of his cock and balls. He sucked in a breath at the stimulation, but continued, pushing past his girlfriend’s complete obsession over his man parts.
“So I was hoping you could get the time off work and uh, go with me? I have a couple shows to do, but we’ll still have a lot of time to do our own thing,” Ron worked as a performing warlock, using his ancestral magic to put on shows that ‘astound and amaze’ as the posters say. He maintained a day job as well, but his passion was in his shows.
Mary smiled at him. First off, she loved playing with him like this, teasing and arousing him in public where he couldn’t show it. And she just loved how cute he was. They had been dating for nearly a year now, but he was still nervous about asking things like this. It was one of his best features.
“That actually sounds pretty great,” she said with a smirk, holding her coffee up with two hands. “Just imagine us living in tight quarters for a week… I wonder how we could pass the time?” As she finished, she licked the lid of her coffee cup subtly before she took a sip, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Great!” he said, relieved that she agreed, even though he knew she would. “When I get back home, I’ll text you the dates so you can get the time off!”
“Sounds great, babe!” Mary responded, equally as excited.
The two finished their coffee casually, chatting over what they looked forward to during the course of the cruise. Once they were finished, they went their separate ways, working the day away and returning to their respective homes. They had talked of moving in together, but had not made a final decision yet, so for now they maintained their own apartments.
As Ron got home, he pulled up the cruise tickets on his computer so he could get the specific dates and times to send to Mary. As soon as he did, the blood drained from his face. The ticket was for a single cabin with a full bed, which was fine, it would be tight for two people, but neither of them would mind that. However, it only came with a single ticket, so there was no way for Mary to get on board.
She was very excited about the trip, so there was no way to uninvite her at this point. It would break her heart and Ron couldn’t do that to her.
Ron’s family frequented cruises in the past, so he knew that they wouldn't need tickets after they boarded. Meals, shows, pool access, none of that required passengers to show tickets. So all he had to do was get her on the ship somehow, and they would be fine.
After a few hours of weighing his options and running scenarios in his head, he came up with a solution. So the next morning when he met up with Mary for coffee, he explained the situation.
“So yeah, I’ll need to smuggle you onto the ship, and I have an idea how to do it,” Ron explained, nervous about her reaction.
“Okay, what do you suggest?” Mary said with a little smile, having a clue of what his suggestion was going to be.
“I can use my warlock magic to transform you into an object small enough to carry you on board,” Ron suggested. “Then once we get to the room, I’ll turn you back. Easy.”
“Okay,” Mary said, surprisingly okay with the idea. “So what am I going to be? A toothbrush or shoe in your luggage?”
“Well I’ll have to keep you near me, they will screen luggage for this king of magic,” Ron explained.
“So like your shirt or something?” Mary asked.
“They will screen us too, but their detectors require line of sight. So you need to be something out of sight… and that will remain out of sight…” Ron went on, dancing around saying what he had in mind.
“So what then?” Mary asked, puzzled.
“Like my… underwear,” Ron finally said.
“OOhh, so I get to cradle your man bits the whole time?” Mary asked, her voice flirty.
“Umm, yeah, I guess,” Ron said, relieved that she was on board, but also a bit disturbed that she seemed so enthusiastic about it.
The rest of their coffee date was spent planning how they were going to make this happen. Obviously they would have to share luggage as he couldn’t be seen carrying two people’s worth of clothing on his own.
A month later, they met up at Ron’s apartment. Everything had been packed, so the only thing left to do was to prepare Mary for the trip. Mary had stripped completely naked for the occasion, her clothes weren’t going to change with her, so it was easier without them.
“You ready for this,” Ron asked, mentally preparing for the most complicated bit of magic he ever attempted.
“Yeah, let’s do this,” Mary said. “But remember, this is what you get to look forward to, so don’t forget to turn me back!” She ran her hands over her body flirtatiously as she spoke.
Ron smiled and raised an eyebrow. Then he closed his eyes, pictured what he wanted her to become and started forming the magic in his hands. Yellow and green sparks started to fly between his fingers, creating a miniature storm in his hands. Mary watched expectantly, shifting her feet.
With a flourish, Ron opened his hands to her, the sparks flying out and striking her naked body all over. Immediately, her muscles released and she started to fall to the ground. As she did, her skin started to turn black, the texture changing to that of cloth. Mary’s features dissolved together, her limbs and head falling away into her torso. By the time she hit the ground, she had been reduced to nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, similar to many commercial brands available. The only difference was that her name repeated in stark black letters all around the gray waistband. Ron stood stock still.
“Are you okay baby?” he asked the underwear, every muscle in his body tensed up.
[Ummm, I think so?] Mary’s voice echoed in his head. [It feels soooo weird…]
Ron heaved a sigh of relief. It worked, and the mental connection was strong. As long as he stayed close to her, he would be able to hear her thoughts.
“Okay, well um, I guess it's time to put you on?” Ron said, hardly able to comprehend the situation despite his involvement and the extensive planning that went into it.
[Yeah, let’s do it!]
“You seemed excited,” Ron said with a bit of a laugh.
[Well yeah, it’s cold down here. And between laying on the floor and holding onto that dick, it’s an easy choice!]
“Alright, well we do have to get going, so…” Ron trailed off as he pulled down his loose jeans.
[Umm, that’s right, strip for me…] Mary flirted in Ron’s head.
Ron smiled, so she had retained all of her senses after all. That was the intent of his magic, but he knew things didn’t always go as planned. He stepped out of his jeans before pulling down his underwear, an almost exact copy of what his girlfriend had become.
[There it is! Whoop! Whoop!]
“Oh, be quiet, or I might forget which one is you!” Ron teased as he stepped over to her.
[Oh wow, that feels so strange…] Mary said as Ron picked her up by her waistband. Her whole body shifted in ways she never felt before, like she was along for the ride in a contortionist’s body, but with none of the pain or stretching sensation.
Ron stepped into her with one leg. Mary watched him go in and through her. It was a weird thought, but it seemed natural. The other leg stepped in and Mary looked upward, metaphorically licking her lips as he pulled her up toward his hips.
The higher she went, the tighter she was stretched, her body starting to pull awkwardly like she was getting into some pretty intense yoga poses. Then Ron finally snapped her into place around his waist. Mary was loving the feeling of being wrapped around his manhood. It was like she was both holding his cock and balls with both hands, yet simultaneously pressing her face against them AND wrapping her mouth around them all at once.
“How do you feel down there, baby?” he asked her.
[It’s tight, every muscle is straining. But hey, I got your balls!] Mary joked with him.
“You are pretty comfortable,” Ron said. “Nice and warm!”
[I wonder if I could…]
Her mental dialogue was cut off by Ron nearly jumping out of his skin. The cloth of his girlfriend’s new form caressed his cock and balls. He moaned, feeling like his manhood was being playfully fondled. Mary’s laughter echoed in his head.
[Oh, this is going to be fun!]
“Alright, you’re going to have to chill with that,” Ron demanded. “We have a long trip and I can’t have you basically jerking me off the whole way.”
[Okay, okay] Mary said dejectedly and fell still.
“Alright, let’s get going, I may not be able to talk to you for a while,” Ron said, picking up his luggage and heading for the door.
Just as he opened the door and stepped outside, Mary fondled him again, making him gasp and keel over forward ever so slightly.
“Hey, come on,” Ron snapped at her.
[Sorry, sorry] she said with a laugh, clearly not sorry. He shook his head and walked down toward the curb, where his cab waited to take him down to the port. The driver helped him load his bags into the back before getting into the driver’s seat.
Ron climbed in the back and as soon as his butt hit the seat, Mary started to fondle him again. He grunted and struggled to keep his breathing even as she slowly worked her cloth body over his balls and dick. With the driver in earshot, Ron couldn’t say anything to her. He tried to pinch her through his jeans to give her the subtle sign to stop, but his pants were too tight and he couldn’t get any purchase. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his cock now fully erect, pressing painfully into his jeans.
[Hehe, what’s the matter babe? Underwear got your balls?] Mary whispered in his head.
The driver tried to make small talk, but Ron’s only responses were short and terse, unable to keep his voice even under the constant barrage from Mary.
[I wonder if I can make you blow your load like this?] Mary said, trying to play it off like she was thinking ‘out loud.’
Ron grumbled under his breath, looking down at her, cursing his inability to speak to her directly. Her touch was certainly pleasurable, but Ron very seriously doubted her ability to make him cum like this. Though she also wasn’t allowing him to have any semblance of a social interaction either. She didn’t stop even for a moment during the entire twenty minute cab ride, forcing him to get out and retrieve his bag with a raging hard-on. He tried his best to keep the driver from noticing, but he noticed a very distinct downward glace.
Ron paid him and rushed off toward the dock, Mary still going hard on him. Ahead, he saw the line of people getting ready to board.
“Fuck, they aren’t boarding yet,” he muttered, needing to get into private so he could turn his horny girlfriend back into her human form and get her off his dick.
[Oh, something wrong?] Mary’s voice sounded in his head, her tone dripping with fake concerned.
“No, they just aren’t boarding yet, so we have to stand around and wait,” Ron whispered.
[STAND around? So that means there’s no hiding this hard-on?] Mary laughed.
“Come on, stop it,” Ron hissed, though he had to be quiet, almost inaudible as he was approaching the waiting passengers. He stopped behind the last of them, trying to stand in a way that hid his crotch from the crowd, though he couldn’t help but think that all eyes were on him anyway.
Of course, Mary didn’t stop. In fact, Ron heard her giggling from time to time, clearly enjoying herself in his pants. His erection starting to almost hurt it had been present for so long, Ron looked impatiently at his watch, willing time to go faster so he could get into his cabin.
A woman standing near Ron glanced over at him, then down, then back up, meeting his gaze with a smirk. Ron shifted uncomfortably and tried not to look at her. Out of the corner of his eye, Ron could see her sneaking glances at him. His face flushed the most red it had ever been under her gaze. Luckily the crowd started moving as they started to take passengers onto the ship.
Ron purposely lost her in the crowd as he moved forward, eventually making it through the security checkpoint. Just as he predicted, they had anti-magic scanners, but buried as she was under his pants, Mary slipped their detection.
Soon he was in his room, a tiny cabin with an even smaller bathroom and a bed that folded out of the wall. Dropping his bags, he stripped his pants off, tossing them onto the small couch.
[Oh, you gotta warn me about that, it’s so bright!] Mary complained. [Whoa going for a ride!] Mary said as she was pulled down his legs and tossed onto the floor. Ron stripped her off as well, heaving a sigh of relief as his erection bounced in the air, free of the painful restriction.
Ron closed his eyes and cast his counter-spell, returning Mary to her human form, standing naked in front of him.
“Well that was fun!” Mary said gleefully.
“For one of us,” Ron grumbled. “Since you made this thing,” Ron motioned toward his cock. “You get to take care of it.”
Mary slowly dropped down to her knees, a smirk on her face. “Don’t mind if I do…”