It was Friday night, I just got back from a late dinner at the cafeteria and settled into my bed in my cozy pajamas. I heaved a sigh and smiled to myself, looking forward to a quiet evening of catching up on some studies before going to sleep for the night. I pulled my comforter up to my waist and settled my physics book into my knees, flipping open to the dog-eared page.
Suddenly, without any warning at all, the door to my dorm room slammed open with a noise that practically lifted my ass up off the bed in surprise. My suddenly wide eyes found the door quickly, seeing my roommate Lisa standing striking a pose like she just entered an Old West saloon.
My face reddened and I slipped down into the bed hoping that she didn’t hear me squeak in surprise at her enthusiastic entrance.
Lisa was out of breath as she scanned the room quickly. Then, her eyes locked onto me and she rushed over, letting the door swing closed behind her. Before I knew it she sat down on the bed and leaned over me, putting her hands on my shoulders and staring into my eyes.
“So, um, what’s up?” I squeaked quietly, a bit intimidated and uncomfortable with her face so close to mine. Leaned forward as she was, her impressive cleavage and bra were clearly visible inside her right tank-top. I couldn’t help but dart my eyes down to her chest for the briefest of moments before meeting her gaze again.
“Ellie, guess where we are going tonight?” Lisa said, her voice quivering as she clearly struggled to hold back her secret.
It was clear she was not going to speak until I guessed. My mind raced trying to find something to say, if for no other reason than to end this awkward proximity, but I was at a complete loss and my face showed it.
“Um, well I kind of wanted to… stay in?” I finally stammered, figuring that was not what my outgoing roommate wanted to hear.
“No way,” she said and shook my shoulders gently. I couldn’t help but blush when her movement made her chest bounce ever so slightly. “I got us both invites to the Underground Homecoming Party.”
“The what?” I asked, my heart sinking hearing the worth ‘party.’ I genuinely had no idea what she was talking about, all I knew was that I absolutely did not have the energy for anything social. I always wanted to be more outgoing and social, but my nervous brain never let me.
“Only one of the. Biggest. Parties. Of the year,” Lisa said slowly, emphasizing the last few phrases with more shakes of my shoulders.
Before I could respond and just as quickly as she entered the room, she pushed herself upright and crossed over to her side of the room. Despite myself, I couldn’t help but watch her shapely, short-shorts covered ass as she started digging through her dresser drawers.
“So get out your sluttiest clothes and let’s get going,” Lisa continued.
“What is that? I haven’t seen any fliers for it,” I said to her back, trying to think if I HAD seen a poster for it and just forgot. With all the events marking the start of the semester, it’s very possible that I just didn’t see it.
Lisa laughed, “Oh no, girl, this is NOT the kind of party that has FLIERS,” she said as she calmed down. “It’s the UNDERGROUND homecoming,” she continued as if emphasizing that one word was supposed to clarify the whole thing. “It’s not exactly sponsored by the university if you know what I mean.”
“Wait, if it’s THAT kind of party, wouldn’t the university shut it down?” I asked, growing more nervous about being dragged to this party.
“It’s tricky. My other brother said it’s been going on for years, the school knows about it, but they don’t talk about it much,” Lisa explained. “They’re afraid if they come out and talk about it, it will make them look bad since they can never seem to find it. It’s always in a different place every year.”
I squirmed in my seat, my nervous fraying even more. A school-sponsored event was one thing, but I've heard the horror stories of college drinking parties. I’d always wanted to go to one, but I could never work up the courage.
“I don’t think that I am uh, quite ready for that…” I squirmed in my bed and dropped my eyes away from her, my whole body tensing up at the prospect of being around so many people.
“Oh come on, stick with me and you’ll be fine… damn it, I thought I had some in here,” Lisa said, her voice trailing off as she rummaged through her drawers.
“I mean I WANT to go, but I’ve never been to a party like that and I get so nervous with that many people,” I said, almost hoping my voice was low enough that she didn’t hear me.
Lisa turned quickly and ran back over to me, dropping down onto my bed next to me. “But you HAVE to come with me. You’re my roommate, you have to support me and be there for me,” she said insistently.
“I know, I’m just so…” I trailed off, not wanting to say that I was scared.
“Well what if there was a way to kind of… ease you into it?” Lisa asked. “If there was a way that you could BE there but not have all the pressure of being social, would you do it?”
I couldn’t help but feel like she had a plan that she didn’t want to tell me about, which was making me a bit nervous. But then again, I really did want to be more social.
“Yeah, I think I would like that,” I said with a shy smile. “Do you have something in mind?”
She squealed in excitement and bounced on the bed a couple times before leaping up off the bed and running over to her desk.
“You trust me right?” Lisa asked as she dug through her desk drawer.
“Well I mean, we only met like a week ago…” I started.
“Oh come on, you can trust me, I want to help you get over your social anxiety. BUT you have to agree now and you can’t back out. A-ha!” she exclaimed, pulling what looked like a gold coin on a necklace chain from her desk drawer.
I was nervous at her proclamation, but this was college after all, a place to grow and get out of my comfort zone. I heaved a sigh, closed my book and set it aside before pulling the blanket off me and sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Okay, I’ll do it, so what’s the plan?” I asked her, steeling myself for what might be a pretty exhausting night.
“Perfect!” Lisa said and held the coin out in front of her with both her thumbs like she was holding a cell phone. She closed her eyes and chanted a few words under her breath.
Before I could ask what the hell she was doing, a wave of nausea fell over me and the world started to spin around me. I tried to speak, but I couldn’t find my voice. I felt sick to my stomach and my vision blurred. I looked over at Lisa to ask her for help, and I could have sworn I saw the coin glowing.
“Mhhmmaa,” I muttered weakly before my whole world went black.
My world came back into focus a moment later, it felt like hours to me, but I would soon realize it was less than a minute.
What the hell? What happened? I said, or rather, tried to say. I was somehow aware that even though I formed the words, no sound was produced. I tried to lift my hand to my head to try to clear it, but my body didn’t respond. It felt weird, like I knew that I couldn't do it, that my body was… different, but I didn’t know exactly how. As I started to focus on the world around me, I realized I was laying on the surface of my bed, but my view was weirdly obscured by… my own clothing?
I heard Lisa giggling excitedly. “It worked!” she exclaimed excitedly.
What worked, what happened to me? I tried to say, though my voice still didn’t work. Soon after I saw Lisa looming over me. Without delay she reached down and toward me, pushing my clothes apart, clearing my view. I felt her hands on me and then I was lifted off the bed?
What the hell, what the hell!? I shouted to myself as Lisa lifted me without effort and held me in front of her face. What the hell was happening?
“Hi Ellie,” Lisa said with a huge, satisfied smile, still holding me at arms length. “Can you hear me?”
Yes I can hear you, what the hell happened to me? I looked around the room trying to figure out what happened. The pile of my own clothes beneath me on the bed gave me no better idea. Why was I so much smaller, and how are my clothes still on the bed?
“Hmm, well damn,” Lisa muttered quietly, as if talking to herself. “I must have done something wrong, I was supposed to be able to hear you. So anyway, I turned you into my tights! See?”
Before I could even process what she said, Lisa turned quickly and stepped over toward her closet and the full-length mirror on the door. As she took the couple steps, she moved her arms so that she was holding me out to her side, as if posing for a picture.
The quick move and my inability to control my own body sent a panic through me as I swung around. When she stopped moving, I looked up at the mirror. All I could see was Lisa holding a pair of sheer, one-piece tights off to her left side with a huge smile on her face.
“This is perfect!” she said, talking to the mirror. “This way you can come with me and experience the party and I have my roommate with me for support! Plus I guess I forgot to pack my tights, which I NEED for the outfit I had planned. Win-win!”
What the… how is this a WIN? I thought, still trying desperately to talk to her.
“Well anyway, I have to get dressed now,” Lisa said and tossed me onto the bed. I panicked again as I fell, feeling the air flowing around and THROUGH me. All I could do was watch as my roommate, who I would admit to being at least a little bit attracted to, pull her shirt off over her head. For the next moments, she acted as if I wasn’t even there. In full view of my position on the bed, she stripped down completely naked before pulling on a pair of red lacy panties and matching bra.
I couldn’t help but watch her, partly in awe of her beauty but also in fear of what the night was going to bring as nothing more than an item of her clothing. After digging through her closet for a moment, she came back to the bed carrying what looked like a small, tight-fitting red sundress.
“In all the excitement, I almost forgot you were here, Ellie,” she said with a huge smile and picked me up. “I guess maybe I could have gotten changed in the bathroom…”
I was speechless despite my mind racing to come up with a response. Of course, she couldn’t hear me, but my scattered mind didn’t process that fact.
Without delay, she lowered me down to the ground and stepped into me with her left foot.
Ahhh, shit, I muttered to myself, bracing myself as if I was about to go down the hill of a huge roller-coaster. Feeling her foot ENTER me was certainly something I was not used to, but it wasn’t altogether unpleasant.
I grunted internally, however, at the fact that I could taste her foot. The musty, old cheese taste was muted as if I had a bad cold, but still made me gag for a moment. What followed immediately after however, made me forget all about that. Lisa’s fingers gathered up my cloth body and pulled me up her shapely, warm, smooth legs in one quick motion.
Uhhh, oh shit, I grunted. The feeling of being stretched over her skin was intense, both comfortable like I was stretching out under a warm blanket, and pleasurable like I was getting a full-body massage.
Lisa didn’t waste any time stepping into me with her other foot and pulling me up over her hips. At this point I was immensely grateful that she COULDN’T hear the near-sexual grunt that made. As she settled me into place, every nerve in my body lit up as literally my entire body was pressed against her warm skin.
“Oh, you feel good,” Lisa said. “And you’re such a perfect fit.”
I only just registered what she said, because as she spoke, she ran her hands over her hips, sending shivers of pleasure through me. At the same time, she stepped over to the mirror again. With every step, my fibers shifted against her hand and her legs, intensifying the pleasurable sensations.
Lisa held relatively still long enough for me to focus. I almost let out a grunt when I got a look of her, well US, in the mirror. While I am more into men than women, I can appreciate a sexy woman when I see one, and damn, Lisa fit that bill. Her red, almost lingerie-like undergarments complimented by the dark stockings, me, gave her the look of a Victoria’s Secret runway model.
“I hope you’re enjoying being worn as much as I am enjoying wearing you,” Lisa said, striking up a couple sexy poses in the mirror. “You have no idea how much you are going to tie this outfit together.”
After a short while of her admiring herself in the mirror, Lisa walked back over to the bed and slipped the dress on over her head. When the cloth fell over me, I could still see the room around me from underneath the mid-thigh skirt. I could also see the darkness of the inside of her dress if I turned my attention to it.
Lisa admired herself in the mirror for a moment longer, turning her hips to get a look at her ass, and tugging gently on her neckline to accentuate her cleavage. While the sensations didn’t abate completely, I was able to catch my breath, so to speak, by her relative lack of movement.
With a huff of approval, she crossed over to her desk, where she dropped down into her seat and started working on her makeup and hair.
Being sat on was a completely new sensation, not painful, but maybe a bit uncomfortable. Like laying down with a large dog or small person on your chest: pleasant but bordering on uncomfortable. From my new vantage point, I couldn’t see much, so I just had to wait patiently in darkness for her to finish, her weight getting more and more unbearable as the minutes ticked by.
Finally, Lisa stood up, gathered her purse and phone from the table and stepped over in front of the mirror. I sighed in relief having her weight off me finally.
“You ready to party?” she asked, presumably to me, while she performed a little dance move by putting her knees together and squatting down while twisting her hips. I grunted to myself in response, the rubbing and shifting of her body on and in me sent waves of both pleasure and discomfort in equal measure through me.
Lisa laughed to herself, her excitement evident in her voice. “Don’t worry, I’ll turn you back human when we get back tonight.”
Her declaration only reminded me that my night had only just begun. I already needed a break from the never-ending uncontrollable sensations.
Just don’t stay out too late please? I begged her, knowing she couldn't hear me.
Lisa walked out, closing the door behind her, the sensations starting as soon as she took her first step. With every step she took, I could feel the muscles from her toes to her hips moving and shifting, which meant that my entire body felt some kind of stimulation at every moment in time. I grunted against the feeling, which both felt good and uncomfortable, almost like trying to masturbate long after the horniness had fled.
I could still see the world around me, but the sensations I felt were so overwhelming and complete I barely registered anything that I saw. It was still early in the Fall semester and was warm outside, so once she left the building, a new sense added into the mix as I could subtly taste the sweat that started to build up on her legs and hips.
The next while, which seemed like an hour, passed with me feeling as if I was tensing every muscle and gritting my teeth against the feelings that I had no ability to lessen.
“Alright, we’re almost there, so just relax and try to enjoy yourself a bit,” Lisa said quietly, not wanting anyone to see her talking to herself.
Hearing her voice kind of snapped me out of my stupor and I looked around us. I didn’t recognize where we were, but I could already hear the music coming through a set of double doors in front of us.
We passed through the doors and were greeted with what one would expect of a massive, underground college party: loud music, low lights, and many, many people. Lisa flashed a small card, presumably the invitation, to a male student just inside the door.
“Welcome, welcome, drinks are on the far side, bathrooms on the left,” he said, waving her in.
Being socially awkward for as long as I can remember, I experienced sensory overload before. But this was above and beyond anything from my past. The loud music and low, flashing lights, combined with my limited vantage point made it nearly impossible to tell what was going on around me. And then there was the physical sensations. Before, Lisa was walking straight and steady, so her movements were predictable and repetitious. But now, she was dancing around and through people, making her movements unpredictable and far more exaggerated.
At first I tried to control my grunts and moans in response to the stimuli, but as the night went on that proved to be impossible. My world swirled around me, nothing more than sound, light, and the most pleasurable pain I've ever felt. With no control over my body, there was nothing I could do to stop it, I couldn’t even close my eyes.
If before it felt like masturbating on an empty tank, now it felt like furiously masturbating after having already cum many, many times. The body was weak and exhausted, but the stimulation just refused to stop. But despite the over-stimulation, it was never enough to actually push me over the edge to orgasm. I guess cloth can’t cum.
Please, Lisa, I know you can’t hear me, but please can we go back now? I begged to myself between uncontrollable grunts and moans. But of course, I couldn’t make her hear me and the night continued.
As the evening progressed, Lisa’s movements became ever more erratic. I could only assume she was drinking and getting more and more drunk. That of course led to more… enthusiastic dance moves in closer proximity to her partner of the moment. I could feel the rising heat, not only from Lisa herself, but from other bodies rubbing up against me. I thought for sure I felt a hand or two slipping over my fibers.
And of course, as she heated up, both physically and sexually, my taste buds, such as they were, were assaulted ever further. Lisa was working up a solid sweat… and more. I could swear I could feel and taste something… different originating from between her legs.
I had a hard time admitting out loud that I might be bisexual, but my reaction to the realization that I was tasting her arousal made it perfectly clear that I most certainly was. I tried in vain to focus on her taste as a way to block out other sensations, but there was just too much going on.
For what had to be hours the sound of the music died down. The lights around me settled and I focused again on the world around us. We were outside now, Lisa stumbling over herself, her drunken steps still rubbing my entire body.
Despite the continued stimulation, I was able to relax a bit finally, at least some of the sensations eased up. Finally after long last, Lisa made her way back to our room and dropped heavily onto her bed. I heaved a huge sigh of relief. With her movements stopped, my stimulation came to an end.
Lisa? I asked in my head, knowing she couldn’t hear me of course. We’re home now, can you change me back?
I was greeted by a snore and I knew I was in for a long night.
Her drunken stupor did in fact last all night. But since cloth doesn’t sleep, I was awake the whole time, staring out from under her dress at the dark room. Thankfully she was still most of the night, but occasionally she would stir in her sleep and send a shock through me again. This brought its own torment as the anticipation made me a nervous wreck.
Finally the next morning rolled around and Lisa woke to the sun shining through the window. She slowly sat up and I could see her blinking away the light.
Oh good, I said to myself. Finally I will be human again.
“Oh shit, I slept in my dress,” Lisa muttered to herself. “I have to wash it right away so it doesn’t wrinkle.”
Did she… forget about me? I asked myself, getting my answer as she staggered up and stripped her dress, then me and her undergarments and tossed them, and me, into a pile on the top of her laundry basket.
While I was grateful to have a full view of my surroundings again, I didn’t like where this was going. I begged and pleaded with her, but she couldn’t hear me, so minutes later she was dressed in a bathrobe dumping the laundry, and me with it, into the top of a washing machine.
No, goddamn it, I’m still in here! I screamed at her as the lid closed above me and the water started to rush in.
Well this can’t be as bad as last night, I muttered to myself.
The next few minutes proved me wrong. The water quickly turned very hot and felt like it was burning my entire body. As the washer filled above me, I panicked and tried to hold my breath. Luckily I didn’t have to breathe as a pair of stockings, but the panic of being submerged was almost as bad as drowning. That and the constant movement rubbed me into myself and the other clothes, lighting up my nerves similar to the party.
I grunted and strained against the whole new assault on my senses, knowing that the washer cycle is close to an hour. Finally, after a long rinse and a couple brutal spin cycles, the washer came to a stop. Shortly after, the lid flew open and I heard a familiar voice.
“Shit shit shit shit,” Lisa repeated as I felt hands reach into the washing machine and dig around frantically.
A beam of light hit me as the clothes above me were pushed aside.
“Oh thank god,” Lisa said as she gingerly pulled me out of the washing machine and held me in front of her, heaving a sigh of relief. When I cleared the machine I could see that she was wrapped in a towel and her hair was wet. She must have realized where I was as she was taking a shower.
Lisa quieted down quickly as someone else came into the laundry room. She placed me down gently on the table in the center of the room, moved her laundry to the drier, then rushed back to our room with me.
Once there, she laid me out on the bed, grabbed up her coin and repeated her ritual. Several foggy moments later, I was laying on the bed as a wet and very naked human.
“Oh shit,” Lisa said, looking up from her coin at me. “Shit, I um, kind of forgot you’d be naked.” She lowered her gaze as I rushed to my closet and pulled a bathrobe over myself.
The whole while, Lisa repeated her never-ending string of apologies.
“I’m sooooo sorry that I forgot about you, I just drank so much and was so tired, that I completely forgot, I’m so sorry,” she repeated, her head still turned away from me.
“It’s um, it’s okay,” I said, still finding it odd to use my voice again. In truth I wasn’t quite okay with what she did, but I was never good at confrontation. Besides it was over now, so I guess no harm done? “It was… intense, uncomfortable at times, but not ALL bad…”
“Listen, I NEVER meant to leave you like that, let alone WASH you,” Lisa insisted. By now, she had lifted her gaze back to me, seeing that I was dressed. “I swear I will make it up to you. You just name it and I’ll do it.”
I was very much aware that the both of us were practically naked as I looked over at my hot, towel-clad roommate and smiled at her.