Ron was having quite a good time. While, as a college-age man, he was already pretty a very sexually-driven man, he had been especially horny the last few weeks. And he had been gaining a reputation as quite the stud. He was often seen at the various parties around campus, and pretty much always took one of the young women to bed. There was even a rumor about how he spent the night with the entire women’s volleyball team, though no one was quite sure if that was true. Ron certainly didn’t deny it, but he also played coy with the truth.
Those who knew him were a bit confused by this sudden burst of energy, though they chalked it up to his girlfriend suddenly leaving him. It’s not uncommon for men to sleep around after having their heart broken after all.
While the reason was related to Jessica’s disappearance, it was far different than anyone would have expected. Ron’s girlfriend was currently living life as Ron’s cock. Jessica had always been smarter than Ron, so he came up with a way to cheat on an important test. By turning her into a part of his body, he gained access to her mind and knowledge.
The school would test for the presence of magic before the test, but Ron found a way around that. It was pretty common in these modern days for transgendered people to use magic as gender affirming care. So even if the administration was able to detect the magic centered around his crotch, strict privacy laws forbade them from asking questions or be sued for harassment and breach of privacy.
Of course that test was three weeks ago. Ron didn’t anticipate just how sexy having his girlfriend trapped in his cock was going to be. He enjoyed having her there so much, that he as of yet had not returned her to human form. The poor girl had been subjected to the disgusting taste and feeling of him urinating, masturbating and even having sex with multiple partners around campus.
Not too long after Jessica disappeared, her brother, Ben, came looking for her. Thinking quickly, Ron transformed his girlfriend’s brother into his swim team speedo, forcing him to cradle his cock and balls during weekly practice and two full swim meets.
Both of his transformed victims were fully aware, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting everything. They even had a telepathic connection to their tormentor, giving them the ability to complain, scream, and beg in his head. However, this connection was not to each other, so until now, neither sibling knew what had happened to the other. Tormenting Jessica and Ben turned him on more than anything else ever could, which led to his new-found sexual prowess and desire.
Now, Ron sat on his bed in the fraternity house wrapped in a towel after just completing a shower. He dropped the towel to the floor and looked down at his naked body.
“So how are you doing down there?” he asked Jessica, addressing her for the first time in at least a week.
[Terrible, you know that!] she screamed at him, having long given up trying to appeal to his humanity.
“Oh I bet you’ve enjoyed at least some of it,” Ron teased. “You were so uptight before, now you can let loose and finally get some action.”
[IS THAT WHAT YOU’RE CALLING THAT!!] her voice rattled in his head. [Is THAT really what you call that torture you put me through!? Being shoved so roughly into everything on campus with tits?!]
“Oh I know you feel the pleasure too, it can’t be all bad!”
[It really is! And I’ve been missing for how long now? My family is probably freaking out! And then you turn Ben into your fucking SPEEDO!?]
“You know, I don’t think I ever told him what happened to you, should I tell him now?” Ron asked as he smiled, stood up and crossed the room, forcing Jessica to swing freely between his thighs.
She watched, at least enjoying the fact that she could see her surroundings for a change. Despite how much time she had spent as part of him, she had seen precious little. Ron wasn’t naked very often. Ron bent down and pulled his speedo from his swim duffel.
“Ben, you know how you asked what happened to your sister?” Ron asked, holding the speedo at around waist high.
[YES! That’s what got me into this mess!] Ben’s voice screamed in Ron’s head.
“Well I needed some test answers, so I turned your sister into my cock!”
[YOU DID WHAT!?!?] Ben screamed. [That’s so fucked up!]
“Yeah, well my dad and grandfather always said that humans were nothing more than playthings for warlocks like us,” Ron shrugged. “I never really understood that until now. But damn, there is something so empowering about having this kind of control over the two of you.”
What followed was a cacophony in his head, both of his victims screaming at him, calling him horrible names and cursing. They had both kind of given up on begging him for mercy or trying to convince him to change them back. By this point, and after what all he had done and said, it was clear that he wasn’t going to be convinced.
“You know what, this is insane. I am going to connect you two,” Ron said, not able to keep straight who was talking. He closed his eyes, waved his hands and muttered a phrase under his breath. A red swirl of energy formed between his outstretched hands before being released into the air.
Suddenly, Jessica and Ben were able to hear each other.
[Ben?! I can hear you!!] Jessica screamed, her voice a mix of relief and terror.
[Yes! Did he really turn you into his… his fucking dick?] Ben asked in disbelief.
[It’s been horrible! I have to… to taste everything that… comes out… and he’s slept with so many women…]
Ron walked back to his bed, listening to the two of them talk between themselves with a small smile on his face. He sat for a while feeling blood pumping into and through Jessica, his arousal growing as they recounted their experiences. With a sly smile, he lowered Ben down toward the floor before pulling him over his feet and up his legs.
[Wait, don’t put me on! It’s bad enough that you swim every day, do you really have to wear me now!] Ben shouted.
“Oh quiet you, I think I might be out of clean underwear, so I’ll just wear you today,” Ron teased.
[Fuck you! You just did laundry yesterday! I know because I was tossed around with all your socks and gross boxers!] Ben screamed, feeling his fibers start to pull and stretch as Ron raised him up his leg.
[He put you through the washing machine!?] Jessica spat. [And I thought the shower was bad. That body wash tastes so terrible!]
[You’re telling me, I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of that taste!] Ben was cut off as he settled in around Ron’s hips, feeling his body stretched painfully in all directions. [You sick bastard, you’re loving this aren’t you? Stretching me over my own sister AND your fucking crotch!]
Ron laughed out loud, feeling another burst of blood through his cock at the thought. He pulled playfully on the sides of the speedo, stretching Ben even more and causing him to grunt his pain.
[It’s not better for me. I feel so… gross with all this long hair all around me, and I can feel his… his balls every minute of the day, it’s disgusting!] Jessica agreed, the entire experience somehow worse for her now that she knew Ben was an unwitting part of her torment. The Ben-speedo was so tight, it crushed her up into Ron’s body, which started to get uncomfortable in its stuffy warmth. At least he was clean for the moment, but she knew that would only last for a short while.
“Alright, well keep it down you two, I’m going out for a run,” Ron scolded them, to a flurry of complaints from them both. Ben so far had been spared this experience, but Jessica was very well familiar with it. She nearly started sobbing thinking about what was about to happen.
Ron hummed to himself as he pulled up a tight pair of spandex compression shorts, increasing the heat Ben and Jessica were experiencing immediately. They both complained loudly, Jessica feeling even more cramped in her tight, dark prison.
Ben’s discomfort was different but no less significant. Sure he was stretched tight, but the main source of discomfort was in the fact that he was being pressed against another man’s equipment. Ben was straight as an arrow, just the thought of being this close to a dick was disgusting. Given how small his new speedo form was, it felt like every inch of his body was touching either cock and balls or ass.
Ron pulled up a pair of loose gym shorts, shutting out every last bit of light from the siblings. They were both now well and truly in the dark. They both grunted and whined as Ron walked around his room, pulling on a tshirt and his running shoes. Every step shifted Jessica back and forth, effectively rubbing Ben into and across his moistening skin.
Fully dressed now, Ron walked casually out of the fraternity house, listening to Ben and Jessica whine from inside his pants. He just smiled smugly, knowing what he was about to put them through.
It wasn’t long before he was outside and started to get his run underway. The second he took his first step, Jessica groaned as she was violently rolled around against his balls and thighs.
[Ahh! What the fuck?!] Ben screamed, the sudden and intense movement of Ron’s legs shocking him. [God I can FEEL your meat inside me, this is so fucking gross!]
[How do you think I feel!?] Jessica retorted. [I AM that fucking meat!]
Ron smiled as the argument of who had it worse echoed in his head, inspiring him to run faster, further aggravating the two transformed people. Soon he started to sweat, the moisture pooling up in his shorts around Jessica and through Ben.
[Gahh! I thought the pool water taste was bad, this is terrible! Let me out of here you sick fuck!] Ben complained.
[Good luck with that, Ron doesn’t give a shit, we’re just toys to him now] Jessica chimed in, her tone betraying her defeat.
Ron just smiled and picked up speed as he reached the campus quad. He made his way to the seating area in the center, which was scattered with picnic tables and benches for students to congregate on. Currently it was mostly empty, only a couple of students sat alone at the edges of the space.
Wanting to give his passengers a little extra thrill, Ron took a flying leap up to the top of one of the picnic tables. Planting his foot on the center of the table, he launched himself off into the grass on the far side, landing in a full sprint.
[Oh shit! What the hell?] Jessica shouted at the sudden movement, her sentiment echoed by Ben as the extra movement of his legs added to the stretching and rubbing of his junk inside his spandex.
[Would you take it easy up there!?] Ben scolded. [I felt like you were going to rip me in half!]
Ron laughed out loud as he jumped up onto another table, this time taking long, leaping strides across several tables before landing back on the path. Jessica and Ben grunted, but didn’t complain as they started to realize that Ron was doing this on purpose and wasn’t likely to stop.
After a couple more laps of the quad, and many more tables vaulted, Ron came to a stop. By now he was breathing heavily and dripping with sweat. He walked over to a bench away from the other two students. He dropped down onto the bench hard, eliciting subtle grunts from Ben and Jessica.
[Oh thank god for the break] Ben signed.
[Don’t encourage him] Jessica warned, figuring Ron might immediately get up and start again.
“I need to stay in shape you know,” Ron scolded them quietly in a teasing voice. “I’m one of the best swimmers on the team, that doesn’t come easy. If I slack off, then those other bastards might take my place.”
Ben and Jessica were silent, very aware that any protests would be counter-productive.
“But anyway, I think it’s time to get back home,” Ron said as he stood up. Ben and Jessica let out whining sounds, hoping for a longer break before running the long way back to the frat house. Without giving them a chance to say anything, Ron took off again at a steady jog.
The rhythmic movements of his thighs weren’t as harsh as they were moments ago, but still put Jessica and Ben through a lot. And since they were completely in darkness, they had no way to know how much longer it would be before returning to the house and getting a break.
Ron took his time getting back, enjoying what he was putting his captives through. He even took the long way around to add time and steps.
When he finally arrived back, Ron went up to his room. As he was opening the door, he saw his cell phone ringing from where he left it on his desk. He crossed to it quickly and picked it up.
“Lisa! Hello!”
Neither Ben nor Jessica could hear the voice on the other end, and neither of them knew Lisa.
“Oh yeah? No, I think I’m free tonight! I have swim practice until six, but I can come by after that…” He paused, listening to the response. “Haha, don’t worry, I’ll take a shower before I come over! … I’ll see you then!”
Ron chuckled and put his phone down.
“So good news and bad news,” Ron addressed Ben and Jessica in a casual tone, as if he was talking to close friends about plans for the evening. “So that was Lisa. Jessica, you might remember her, we spent the night together a couple days ago? Though you might not recognize her, when we… met, you weren’t in a position to really see much of her…”
[You asshole, that’s the girl you fucked, isn’t it! You fell asleep with me still inside her!] Jessica screamed at him.
“Yup, that’s the one!” Ron responded with a laugh. “So the good news is that she wants to see me tonight, so Jessica, you get another round with her! The bad news is that I have to go right over after swim practice, so Ben, you’ll have to hang out in my swim bag probably all night!”
[Both of those are bad news!] Jessica screamed.
[You fucking prick!] Ben chimed in.