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Cocky Test: Part 3, Another One Bites the Dust

the Dust

Ron returned to his room at the frat house after class. He had just gotten the results of his test back, where he passed with flying colors. While his professor seemed surprised when she handed the test back, Ron wasn’t. After all, he had used his magic to cheat. Warlocks like him were not uncommon, so many places, the university he attended being one of them, consistently checked for magic methods of cheating. But Ron had the brilliant idea to turn his girlfriend, Jessica, into part of his body. This allowed him to share her mind and her knowledge.

To avoid detection, Ron chose to turn her into his cock, knowing that the university staff was forbidden from questioning the transformation even if they detected the magic. It was pretty common to use magic as gender-affirming care these days, and his access to such care fell under medical privacy laws. Since the penalty for breaking these laws was severe, no one at the university would risk asking him.

Jessica had been willing to help him pass his class, but would never have agreed to this. She screamed in his head over and over, demanding to be turned back. Jessica was fairly conservative, so they had never been intimate, nor even seen each other in any state of undress, so being transformed into his cock was a violation of the highest order. Or at least she thought it was at the time.

A much worse violation occurred the night after Ron took his test. He went to a frat party and flirted with a friend of Jessica’s. One thing led to another and they ended up naked in bed together. Upon realizing that they didn’t have protection, Ron transformed her into a condom in a drunken stupor. Just as he realized his mistake, another drunk woman stumbled into the room, and they put the Amy condom to use. Both women independently screamed in Ron’s head, the disgust and violation of two straight women being forced inside a hungry pussy weighing heavily on them. A hungover Ron left Amy in the trash of the frat house bathroom the next morning, much to both transformed women’s dismay.

Jessica tried to tell Ron what happened, but by the time the warlock recovered from his hangover, it was too late to go back for Amy. That was a week ago now, and Jessica’s protests had slowed to an occasional complaint. Ron Learned something as he was fucking a stranger with the transformed women in his cock and condom. He was turned on by the power and couldn’t bring himself to change Jessica back. And as more time went on, and the less Ron was willing to turn her back. The more tortues she suffered the more likely she was to turn him in when she returned to human form.

So for now, she was trapped with no end in sight. And while Ron never learned the name of the woman he slept with that night, he certainly had his fill of sexual partners since then, forcing Jessica to be an unwilling, front-and-center participant in his unfaithful escapades.

[Listen, please] her voice echoed in Ron’s head. [I promise I won’t say anything, just please turn me human again, I… can’t take this anymore…]

Ron didn’t respond verbally, though his cock pulsed ever so slightly. Jessica’s voice reminded him that she was still there, and still fully under his control, which turned him on. She felt this movement, but didn’t fully know what it meant. While she could talk to him inside his head, she could only hear him if he spoke out loud and had no insight into his thoughts, and into just how much the thought of her being trapped there affected him.

Instead, he simply smiled as he closed the door to his room and sat down at his computer. A hand slipped into his shorts as he opened up his internet browser. It was still open to his email, where he caught a glimpse of yet another email from Ben, Jessica’s older brother. He reached out to Ron a couple of days after she disappeared asking about her whereabouts. Ron and Ben didn’t know each other well, but had met a couple of times, so when Ben wasn’t able to reach his sister, he emailed him asking to speak to her.

Ron had ignored it, but Ben was persistent. Even after only a week of Jessica’s transformation, Ben had emailed him four times. Clicking away from his email, Ron opened up one of his favorite porn videos, the hand in his pants starting to stroke the already partially hard Jessica.

She knew what was coming but knew better than to beg, though Ron heard her whimper slightly as he took a hold of her through his shorts. But before Ron hit play, he heard a knock on the door.

“Shit, already?” he cursed under his breath. Ron was on the swim team, and always walked to the pool with a couple of his frat brothers. He had hoped to rub one out before heading over, but it looked like his teammates were early today. He begrudgingly closed his browser and stood up, crossing to the door as the knocking sounded again. He walked toward his swim bag, pulling the door open as he went.

“Give me a second, I…” he started, though was taken aback when he realized who was at the door. It wasn’t his teammate like he thought, but rather, Jessica’s brother.

“Hey man, sorry to barge in, the front door was open,” Ben said as he stepped through the door, which still had Ron’s hand on it. “I’m just worried about Jessica. Did you get my emails?”

Ron pushed the door closed behind Ben, his mind racing for something to say.

[Ben? Is that you? Help me!] Jessica screamed in Ron’s head, though she fully knew that Ben would not be able to hear her.

“I um, I don’t think so,” Ron fumbled looking at his computer quickly to see if his email was still open. He sighed with relief when he saw that it wasn’t. He didn’t want Ben to see that he had indeed gotten his emails.

“Well I haven’t heard from her in like five days,” Ben said, starting to pace around the room.

“Five days isn’t too long, maybe she is busy with classes and such,” Ron said quickly.

[You bastard! Just turn be back and let me leave with my brother] Jessica screamed.

“For us it is. We talk most nights, and if we can’t talk, she’ll normally text me at least,” Ben said, his voice starting to get frantic. He paused for a moment, looking at something behind Ron’s bed. He took a step forward. “Is that… is that her backpack?”

Ron gave a start. He had forgotten that her things were still here from when he changed her.

“You do know something!” Ben turned toward Ron with anger on his face.

Ron looked around in a panic, trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. Among other things, his eyes landed on his swim bag, but could find nothing helpful.

Ben rushed across the room toward Ron, “Tell me what you know…” He started.

Ron, panicking at the larger man coming toward him, instinctually called upon his magic. Ben stumbled and fell to the ground, shrinking and changing as he went. Ron smiled when he realized what had happened. Since swim practice was on his mind, Ron had used his transformation magic.

He looked down at the changing Ben with a smile on his face as his featured disappeared, his body becoming flat. Ben’s eyes betrayed his confusion as they flowed into the rest of his body, replaced by the university’s logo.

[What the hell?] Ben’s voice asked in Ron’s head.

The warlock just smiled and picked up Ben’s new form, a perfect copy of his swim team speedo. Ron didn’t say anything, he picked up his swim bag and swapped the Ron speedo for his inanimate one.

“Hey Ron, are you ready to go?” a voice called through his closed door.

“Yeah, I’m coming,” Ron said, throwing the bag over his shoulder, grabbing his shoes and opening the door.

“Was someone in there with you?” Ron’s frat brother asked, looking past him. “I thought I heard voices?”

“Nah, just the TV,” Ron said, “Let’s get going.”

[What did you do to Ben!?] Jessica screamed at him, figuring that something was up, but not knowing what.

Ron smiled as he followed his teammate out the door and across campus, bullshitting and chatting as they went. Ron was in a good mood, better than he had experienced in a while. His teammate took note of this, finding it odd, though he thought nothing of it.

Jessica bounced around in Ron’s pants, buried in the tedium and darkness of her cloth prison. Now, though, she was tense and impatient. The thought that her former boyfriend had done something horrible to her brother weighed on her mind. She was desperate to figure out what happened to him.

Ben, on the other hand, was still freaking out more than a little. He too was trapped in darkness, but had no idea what happened to him and why he was unable to move or speak aloud. Ron tuned out Ben’s voice in his head, screaming and talking to himself, trying to work through what happened.

Not long later, Ron dropped his bag on the bench of the pool locker room. Ben gave pause, wondering why his dark prison had suddenly come to a stop. But then light shone in as Ron pulled the zipper open.

[Ron! What the hell happened?] Ben asked, panic in his voice, but also hope.

Ron just smiled down at him with a knowing look. He didn’t say anything, but simply reached into the bag and took a hold of Ben, lifting him out and holding him up in front of his face.

[What… what am I?] Ben said, looking around the locker room. His ‘eyes’ landed on a nearby mirror and the realization hit him. [Am I… Your speedo!?]

Ron nodded to him and set him down on the bench. Ron started to strip down as Ben finally realized what was happening. All around them, the other men were getting changed as well, some of them were already wearing carbon copies of the speedo that Ben now found himself as.

[No, no, wait!] Ben screamed, knowing what was happening. But before he knew it, Ron was naked and taking a hold of him. Ben whimpered and whined as Ron lowered him to the ground and stepped into the transformed man. Ron smiled and his cock pulsed as he pulled Ben up his legs, he was so turned on by the power he held over him.

Jessica stirred, being able to see her surroundings finally. She had come to know this locker room, and even though she was fairly shy when it came to matters of sex, she had come to like it at least a little bit, surrounded as she was by men in various stages of dress. Though now she looked up to Ron and saw his expression. Somehow, without even really knowing how, Jessica figured out what was happening.

[You… you turned him into your speedo didn’t you?! Fucking bastard!] she screamed in Ron’s head.

Ron chuckled as he finally raised Ben into position nestled up against his cock and balls, pulling them up tightly against his body. Ben would have retched if he was able, the disgust of being wrapped so closely around Ron’s sweaty privates.

[God, nasty, what the hell man!] he screamed at Ron, fighting against the truth of what was happening to him.

Ron smiled as he grabbed up his towel and tossed his bag into a locker. As he started walking, Ben felt the shifting of his cock inside of him, rubbing the stink further into his new form. He complained and whined in Ron’s head. Jessica joined in the chorus in his head, yelling at Ron, cursing him for what he had done to Ben and was continuing to do to her.

As the practice got underway, the screams of anger and disgust caused him to get more and more… excited. Jessica’s body was flushed with blood, sending waves of disgust through her, knowing what it meant. It was also not lost on her what was happening to Ben as well. As she grew more and more with Ron’s arousal, Ben was pressed harder into her and stretched to a greater extent.

Jessica knew the routine of practice and knew what it felt like to be underwater, but Ben did not. So when Ron dove into the pool for his first lap, Jessica was ready for it, while Ben’s panic rose even more. He sputtered and screamed, the feeling of the water surrounding him giving him the feeling that he was drowning even though he no longer needed air.

Both of the transformed people could taste the heavily chlorinated pool water along with the sweat and grime of Ron’s body. Jessica endured it as she had before, not with grace, exactly but at least with the resolve of knowledge. Ben was not so lucky. He complained and screamed the whole time, finally coming to realize that he was safe, and would not come to any more harm than the discomfort of the stretch.

Ron was pushed to greater heights, once more enjoying the power over them. Each scream and complaint drove him to push harder and swim faster. His teammates and coaches took notice and congratulated him, sharing encouraging words and hopes for future competitions.

Ben’s complaints eventually disappeared, reality sinking in. After the practice was over, he wrapped himself in his towel and headed to the locker room. Ben was hopeful for the first time, thinking that at least he was going to be removed from his disgusting, painful and humiliating position. Though Ron didn’t get changed back into his street clothes as others did. He simply dried himself as best as he could with his towel and started to pull his pants up over the Ben speedo.

“Have fun in there,” Ron mocked him before plunging him into darkness.

Until this point, Ben couldn’t know for sure that this wasn’t an accident. But now he knew for sure that Ron had done this to him on purpose and for a reason. Whatever happened to his sister, he figured it must have been equally on purpose.

Ron chuckled and headed out back toward the frat house, a smile on his face.

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