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Burned at the Worst End

Adrian had been dating Stephanie for just over a year. That’s when he made the worst mistake he ever made. After a fight with Steph, he went out drinking with a group of his friends. And of course when the hot girl at the bar started to flirt with him, all of his drunk, dumbass friends encouraged him. Emboldened by drink and his friends, Adrian went home with her.

Of course Steph found out. She gave him one opportunity to earn a second chance, to prove that he was dedicated to her. He would submit to her… shall we say challenge. If he made it through with grace, then Steph would give him another chance. If he complained, whined or begged for it to end, he would be kicked to the curb.

Adrian agreed without a second thought, not even asking what it was. So he was a bit confused when she asked him to drop his pants, but of course he complied. Without preamble, and without being gentle, Step grabbed him by his cock, which had already gotten hard just by virtue of being bared to her. Adrian grunted and recoiled from her harsh grasp.

Steph muttered a word under her breath and then pulled. To his shock, Adrian’s cock and balls painlessly and effortlessly came away from his body, still gripped firmly in her hand. Of course he panicked and nearly screamed, but a harsh look from her quieted his complaints. He knew she had magic, but he never imagined seeing her use it in this way. The weirdest part of the whole thing was that he could still feel her hand on his cock…

She left the room, commanding him to remain. He could feel her hands on him still even from the extra distance. A weird sensation rolled over his manhood, first comfortable and warm, then turning frigid, feeling like his manhood was dropped in ice water.

When she returned, she was holding a green candle in the shape of his cock. Adrian had a million questions, but his added brain was in shock and was unable to form any words at all.

Steph explained that the candle would burn more slowly than a standard candle, maybe 3 to 4 times as long. But more importantly, that he had to endure until it was burned all the way down to earn his second chance. He was a bit less enthusiastic about it now, but he agreed, too scared to ask if he would be getting his cock back after the candle was gone…

Steph set the candle on the table and looked at Adrian with a mischievous smile, pulling a lighter from her purse. She clicked the lighter and pressed the flame to Adrian’s wick. The candle lit and Adrian felt a tickle in the end of his cock. Thankfully he didn’t feel the burning heat of the flame, but then the wax started to melt.

Adrian keeled over forward, his cock feeling sudden, intense feelings of both pleasure and pain. It was like he was jerking himself off, but with twice the pressure he normally used. He grabbed at his crotch to alleviate the pain, but of course there was nothing there. When that didn’t work, he ran over and tried to blow out the candle. Though his best efforts didn’t move the flame at all. Struggling to fight the intense sensations, he instead tried to grab the candle, intending to take it to the sink, but an invisible force kept his hand from contacting it. He looked at Steph in a panic.

“Oh you’ll just have to endure it until the candle is burned down,” she said. “Maybe I’ll give you a break in an hour or so.”

Adrian looked back to the candle with wide eyes, seeing the first drop of liquid wax form at the top.


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