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Bored and Horny

Ron was drunk. He had been at a house party where he planned on spending the whole night, maybe even taking one of his college’s cheerleaders to bed. Things were looking up for him, he had two gorgeous prospects that he was flirting with over the course of the night. But then the police arrived, sending the underage partygoers scattering.

Of course Ron wasn’t worried about getting caught, but he was annoyed that he had to go home early and without a partner for the night. On his way out the backdoor, he was confronted by one of the officers, whom he promptly used his warlock magic to turn into a pigeon. In his drunken state, he couldn’t remember if he set a time limit on the transformation like he intended to or not. Not that he cared much about it, truth be told. That’s what she got for ruining his night after all.

An annoyed and horny Ron had just arrived at his room, which thankfully was currently empty, his roommate off somewhere. Needing to blow off some steam, Ron sat at his computer, pulling up his favorite porn site. Just as he was about to get started, he heard the door handle jiggling.

Closing the browser window with an exasperated sigh, Ron watched as the door opened and his roommate walked in.

“Oh hey,” Steve said. “Thought you’d be out tonight…”

“Fucken party got raided,” Ron responded. “Weren’t you going to play Path of Duty with your cousin tonight?”

“I don’t think so, he invited me, but I’m pretty beat, I’ll probably just study for next week’s exam.”

Ron’s eye twitched. “Really? The new DLC just dropped, I thought you were excited about it,” Ron tried desperately to convince him to leave so he could have the room to himself. 

“Nah, I’ll just play it myself tomorrow,” Steve pulled off his jacket and tossed it onto the ground, jumping up on his bed and pulling out his phone.

Ron heaved a heavy sigh. He was already frustrated at his night being ruined, and now he was going to have to go to bed horny?

“Fuck this,” Ron muttered and held his hands out in front of him, gathering his magic between his hands.

“Did you say something… What are you doing?!” Steve said, panicking as he watched Ron get a spell prepped.

Ron ignored him and completed his spell, sending red lighting arcing across the room, striking Steve in the chest. His mouth opened as if he was about to yelp in surprise, but no words came out. Steve looked down at himself frantically, trying to figure out what Ron was doing to him. He knew his roommate was a warlock and was a bit loose with his magic, but had never got the feeling that Ron would use it against him.

As Steve started to panic and sat up on his bed, pulling himself away from Ron, his body noticeably changed. His arms and legs started to shrink into his clothing, which he watched happen with a terrified look on his face.

Ron didn’t even watch. He simply walked over to his computer and reopened the closed tab. He smiled at the array of porn videos displayed before him. He selected one and put in his earbuds as the video started to play.

On the other side of the room, Steve’s expression changed, his mouth falling open into an O-shape, while his features became more feminine. His chest ballooned out, her waist pulling in and his hips widening. Though perhaps the more distressing change of all was that he felt his penis shrinking and then splitting open.

By the time Ron looked back over at his roommate, he had been fully transformed into a female sexdoll, completely with realistic hair falling down over it’s armless shoulders and exaggerated tits and ass.

Steve was freaking out in his head, his view scanning the room, though no part of his body moved. He watched in fear as Ron stood up, picking up his laptop and walking over. He set his laptop down on the bed next to the transformed man. Steve caught a glimpse of the screen, where he saw what could only be porn playing.

“Alright, Stephanie, why don’t we start slow,” Ron said, grabbing his former roommate by the shoulders and dragging her to the edge of the bed.

Ron pulled at the waist of his pants, pulling them and his underwear down in one go. His hard cock bounced free, pointing straight at Stephanie’s mouth. Ron smiled down at her, running both of his hands over her head, intertwining his fingers through her hair. He guided her down toward him as he shifted forward, touching his cock to her lips.

Stephanie retched at the thought, disgusted by the giant, warm cock against his mouth. Ron slipped himself in slowly but firmly, pressing her down his shaft until her lips met his pubic hair. He moaned and rolled his head back, pleasure washing over him. Stephanie gagged, the tip of Ron’s cock pressing down his throat, her relatively smaller mouth not able to contain its entire length.

Ron shifted her head away from himself, slipping his cock back along the inside of her mouth. Stephanie’s gagging sensation faded away, though in its place, she felt him moving against her tongue, feeling and tasted every inch of his manhood.

Without hesitation, Ron rammed her back down onto himself. The speed at which his dick buried itself in her throat caused her to panic, the feeling of choking coming back in full force. As he moved himself inside her, Stephanie was uncomfortably aware of every single imperfection in the surface of his meat. She retched and tried desperately to brace herself against the disgusting sensation, though without command of her body, there was nothing she could do but endure.

Ron, meanwhile, wasn’t even looking at her, his eyes fixated on the laptop screen. The hardcore porn played on his earbuds, driving his arousal to new heights. He could feel himself getting harder in the mouth of his new sex toy, the warm, wet interior of her mouth sucking him off as well as any flesh and blood woman could.

Ron grunted, speeding up his pace of dragging Stephanie’s mouth up and down his every-hardening shaft. She felt it too, the constant in and out washing her with ever-changing sensations that overwhelmed her brain and leaving her in a constant state of panic.

“This is good, but let’s step it up,” Ron muttered, slowing his pace and finally slipping himself out of Stephanie’s mouth. Relief washed over her, yet there was a quiet voice deep inside her mind that was already missing the taste and feel of his cock. She dismissed it quickly, clinging to her humanity.

Ron harshly flipped Stephanie around and pushed her down onto the bed. She panicked again, landing face-first in the sheets of her own bed. Without the ability to turn her head, her sight of the room was robbed.

Hands traced down her back, sending warm, almost pleasant sensations through her. Again she rejected her own thoughts, reminding herself that she was still human. Wait, that he was still human… her? The truth was harder and harder to keep track of.

Taking two handfuls of ass, Ron guided himself toward her slit, his dick still throbbing, desperate for more. Confusing pleasure shot through her as Stephanie felt something warm touching between where her thighs should be. 

She sucked in a breath, or would have if she had lungs, when she felt Ron pressing inside of her. It was a confusing and overwhelming sensation, having never felt anything like it before. Wait, but she wasn’t a virgin, she had sex before, right? But it was different then, she had a penis, didn’t she? No that can’t be right…

All of this ran through Stephanie’s head in an instant, again the truth of her nature eluded her and confused her mind. She could spare no more thought for it though as Ron pressed harder, burning himself deep into her vagina.

Stephanie screamed in her own head, at first rejecting the unpleasant stretching, but then moaning in pleasure. She continued to struggle with the confusing flurry of sensations as Ron grunted, his mind deep in the porn that was playing.

Again he pulled himself out, the contours of his cock stimulating and being stimulated by the interior of the incredibly realistic sex doll in front of him. It didn’t take long for him to be pumping in and out of Stephanie furiously. He grunted under his breath, the sound grating on the unwilling ears of his former roommate.

Stephanie couldn’t wrap her head around the confusing mix of pleasure, disgust, and discomfort. To some degree she liked it, but she knew that she wasn’t supposed to for some reason. The physical stimulation she felt shifted so fast between pleasure and discomfort. It never really hurt, but it was so alien that her mind interpreted it as almost pain, as if at any moment it could turn agonizing.

Ron smiled to himself, happy that he was able to salvage the evening. And while this wasn’t exactly how he expected to be spending his night, he had to admit that it wasn’t so bad. He felt himself getting closer, almost ready to burst.

Suddenly, a sound cut through the headphones, forcing Ron to stop and train his head, trying to identify what he was hearing. Stephanie didn’t hear anything at all, and was confused and somewhat relieved that the thrusting stopped. Ron reached over and slapped the spacebar on his computer, pausing the video.

Then the sound repeated, Ron identifying it as a knock on the door. He paused, hoping whomever it was would give up and go away.

“Steve? You in there?” a voice called through the door.

“Shit,” Ron muttered under his breath. It was his roommate’s cousin, and Ron knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t go away until he answered the door.

Stephanie reacted to the voice. He knew him! Maybe he’s come to help, but help do what? Stephanie was fine, wasn’t she?

Ron slipped out of Stephanie and stepped over to the door, pulling it open a crack, but keeping his body behind it. He was still wearing a t-shirt, so hopefully, he would look dressed.

“Oh hey Ron. Is Steve here? We were going to play games tonight.”

“Nope, not here,” Ron said dismissively, trying to get rid of him quickly.

“No? Do you know where he is?” 

“Nope, he isn’t here, bro, and I’m trying to sleep,” Ron spat, not at all trying to hide his annoyance.

“Well can you call him or something? He’s not answering his phone.”

“Dude, you call him, he’s your fucking cousin. If he isn’t answering who, why would he answer me?” Ron practically yelled.

“Well if you see him, tell him to call me, will you?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Ron pushed the door closed.

Stephanie heard the whole conversation, wondering why his cousin was so worried. She was right here, nothing was wrong, she just couldn't play tonight. Why couldn’t she play tonight? Her mind was foggy, like she was in a dream that didn’t quite make sense.

Once the door was closed all the way, Ron hesitated for a moment, leaning close to the door, wanting to hear the cousin leave before he went back to his new toy. He heard the sounds of the man in the hallway calling and leaving a voicemail with Steve before finally walking away.

Ron rolled his eyes and rushed back to his roommate’s bed, hitting the spacebar to get the porn playing again.. Without hesitation, he grabbed her by the hips and rammed himself deep inside her. Stephanie yelped at the sudden intrusion, but then moaned to herself in pleasure.

Picking back up right where he left off, Ron pounded her with a reckless abandon. Stephanie’s mind went foggy again and thoughts of her cousin slipped away, the discomfort and pleasure of being railed taking over.

Going faster and faster, Ron leaned over for better leverage, his hands slipping up Stephanie’s back to her shoulders. Somehow he had gotten even harder, leaving Stephanie feeling almost like he was going to pop out of her mouth.

With a few more powerful thrusts, Ron grunted though his orgasm, his cock spasming as he shot his load into her. His head rolled back, his eyes drifting shut, the powerful climax making his knees weak.

Stephanie could feel the warm fluid filling her up, settling almost pleasantly into her belly. Heaving a huge sigh, Ron pulled himself free of her. She almost felt disappointed that he was done. His mind rejected that notion, trying desperately to remember… something. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t figure it out. Was something wrong? Had she forgotten something? It escaped her.

Meanwhile, Ron stepped away from her, closing the porn browser on his laptop and returning it to his desk on his side of the room.

“Well that was great babe,” he said with a smile, dropping down hard onto his bed. “But I have to get some sleep.”

As Ron pulled the blanket over himself, Stephanie was left facedown in the other bed. She missed him, missed the feeling of his cock inside her, either her pussy or mouth, it didn’t matter. She craved him, needed him. Hopefully he’ll wake up soon and show her a good time.

Ron drifted off to sleep. His last thought was how nice it was not having a roommate snoring to keep him up at night. Maybe this was better, maybe Stephanie was a better roommate than Steve.

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