“Oh, shit, that was a good one, Lucas,” my friend Lenoie said, still laughing at my joke.
“Oh, look at the time, we gotta get going, Lenoie,” her boyfriend, Justin chimed in. We were hanging in the food court of the mall, probably one of the last ones still open these days, after watching a movie in the theater around the corner. Justin stood and grabbed up his soda that he was still drinking from the movie.
“Yeah, I guess so, you wanna walk out with us, Lucas?” Lenoie said, standing and gathering up her purse.
“Nah, I’ll stick around a bit, my buddy from down at the bar is about to get off work and we’re gonna grab a few drinks,” I said, with a smile.
“Alright, have a good one, be sure to get home safe,” Lenoie said, waving as she walked off with her boyfriend.
I wasn’t lying about my friend getting off work soon, but I didn't actually have any plans with him. Rather I wanted to stick around because I couldn’t take my eyes off a girl across the way. From where I was sitting, I got a pretty good look both up her skirt and down her blouse. I knew her from my 9:00 College Algebra class. It looked like her friends were about to get up and leave, so I was about to make my move.
“Well, well well, look at the loser over here,” I heard a familiar voice over my shoulder. I sighed and rolled my head forward. Well there goes any plans with the girl.
“What do you want now?” I said before I turned my head to greet Lena, a girl I went to highschool with who now goes to the same college. She was approaching, as always, with her two wingmates, whose names I’ve purposely forgotten.
“Still hanging out with Lenoie and Justin?” Lena said, crossing her arms under her chest. “How far you’ve fallen.”
Lena was obviously, and not for the first time, referring to how we used to be attached-at-the-hip best friends through most of high school. But then she linked up with these two ‘friends’ and she changed. Things got bad between us and now she’s dead-set on being my bully for some reason.
“Listen, it’s not my fault you started hanging out with the asshole twins here,” I shot back, not really in the mood for their shit today.
“Hey who the hell are you to talk to us like that?” one of the cronies demanded, stepping up like she was going to intimidate me.
“If he’s being an asshole like this, then maybe we SHOULD do what we were talking about,” the other chimed in.
“What the hell are you on about?” I asked with a sigh, knowing I was playing into her game.
“Well we just so happened to find some powerful spells which would put you in your place for good,” the first crony added.
“And what the hell do you think is ‘my place,’ exactly?” I called her bluff.
“You’re nothing, trash, less than trash,” the second added as if they rehearsed it.
I just heaved a sigh and started to stand to leave, completely over the trio of stupid’s shenanigans for the day.
“Listen, Lena,” I started sincerely. “We were good friends, if you want to talk without your cling-ons, I would be up for that. But if you just HAVE to be with them 24-7, then do us both a favor and leave me the hell alone. Alright?”
I turned and walked away, not really interested in hearing what any of them had to say. I ignored the insults hurled at my back, mostly from the two friends. I didn’t hear a word from Lena herself, but I’m not sure if that was because she felt bad, or just wanted to let her cronies do her dirty work.
That night I didn’t sleep well. What they had said about a powerful magic to put me in my place stuck with me. I wasn’t scared exactly, but I was a bit unnerved. It wasn’t like them to make idle threats, and while magic was rare, I personally had seen enough to know it is real.
The next day I went to class as I always did and met up with Lenoie at the student center, like a normal Tuesday for us. In our secluded corner, we laughed and carried on, occasionally getting some studying done, but not really.
After maybe an hour, she wandered off to the bathroom, leaving me alone for a bit. I put my head into my phone, messing around on social media while I waited for her.
“Friend left you all alone, did she?” that same voice from the other day said.
“Lena, what the hell? Can’t you just leave me alone?” I said before I looked up. A chill ran through me when I actually did look up. It was all three of them, of course, but the cronies each were holding a rolled up, weathered scroll. They really had found some kind of magic.
“You and Lenoie are over,” Lena said with a smirk. “You’re a terrible friend, so I plan to save her from you.”
She waved to one of her friends, who started to open the scroll, holding it from the top and bottom.
“Come on, Lena, you can’t really be doing this?” I said nervously, standing up to meet them. “We had a falling out, that happens to friends sometimes. But is it really worth… whatever this is?”
“Yes, you know what, yes,” Lena spat back. “You were my best friend. You knew everything about me, and then you just…”
Meanwhile, crony number one had the scroll fully opened and looked to Lena, who nodded to her and she opened her mouth to start reading.
I had no idea what spell they were trying to conjure, but I had no intention of being at the receiving end of it. I lunged at her, trying to grab the paper away, or rip it, or something. Lena must have been ready for me, as she planted a palm in the center of my chest, pushing me back.
As her friend started to read the scroll, I felt my body faltering, the energy of the magic taking a hold and washing through me. What the hell did they have up their sleeve, what were they doing to me? Now that the spell was started I could offer no resistance as I fell back into my chair. I felt like a part of me was separating, being pulled away somehow. The air shimmered, and what looked like a shadow of me stood up and took form. Standing over my chair was a perfect copy of me.
I regained my strength now that the magic was done and I looked over to Lena with a questioning expression.
“What? Why did you… clone me?” I asked, my voice still shaky from the spell.
“That was only part one,” Lena explained, waving to the other girl, who by now already had her scroll open and ready.
She started reading and the same feeling washed over me, the new spell taking effect. I fell back into my chair again, the strength sapped from my muscles. Even the clone of me smiled down on me with a satisfied look. This time, I felt my body shrinking down, my world being smaller. My arms and legs started to dissolve into my torso as it shrunk down in size. But as I shrank, I didn’t fall, but rather, I remained suspended in the air, right around where my chest had been.
But I felt hollow, somehow, like I wasn’t actually there, or at least wasn’t physical. And of course, I continued to shrink. I had a hard time seeing, but I could somehow tell that my body had changed, and now had a silvery surface, and was composed of two spheres connected by a narrow rod. My brain and all my senses had somehow remained intact despite all of this.
The girls and my clone looked at me for a second before I suddenly was sent flying through the building, racing so fast I could barely tell where I was. I approached the bathroom quickly, heading right for the woman’s restroom sign. I screamed a silent scream as I was about to hit the wall. But somehow I flew right through it without feeling anything.
On the other side I briefly saw Lenoie standing at the sink washing her hands. I flew toward her and passed right through her cheek before finally stopping. I tried to look around, but it was nothing but black. And wet, I could feel the dampness around me like I was buried in a saturated blanket. I was touching something soft and warm, which occasionally shifted and moved around like a snake. I tried to scream, but I had no voice.
I was trapped in this dark, wet cave for a while, the subtle movements around me not enough to give a clue as to what was happening nor where I was. But then a sliver of light shone in. I looked at it and saw my prison cracking open, allowing more and more light to get through. A chill ran through me as I saw the teeth. As crazy as it was, they were definitely teeth. And beyond them, the warm, wet lips. I was inside a mouth. But not just any mouth, Lenoie’s, my best friend's.
Sound echoed around me, nearly deafening. It took me a moment to reconcile what I was hearing, but eventually I recognized it as Lenoie’s voice.
“...Are you doing here?” she was asking, the amount of light changing as she spoke and her mouth opened and closed. It went dark again and I heard a faint voice from outside her mouth, Lena’s.
“I was just making up with my best friend here, right Lucas?” she said.
“Yeah, that’s right,” I heard another voice, MY voice. My clone was talking to Lenoie, and telling her that I was Lena’s best friend.
“Well you two have a lot to catch up on,” Lena said. “So I’ll leave you to it.”
“Best friends with Lena now?” Lenoie asked my clone, the sound echoing around me, nearly hurting my metaphorical eardrums with its intensity. I caught a glimpse out of her mouth to see myself standing there looking at her.
“Yes, well more than that even,” my clone responded. “I, um, I think we’re falling in love.”
I scoffed at the fake me’s words, I would NEVER even be friends with her anymore, let alone DATE her. What the hell was going on?
“What the hell is going on?” Lenoie echoed my sentiment exactly, giving me another fleeting glimpse of the world before plunging me into darkness.
“A week ago, we talked, she reminded me of the good times we had, and we made up,” the clone explained. “And we’ve been hanging out since then.”
Shit, this was part of Lena’s revenge. First she traps me inside Lenoie’s mouth somehow, but leaves this clone in my place to break my best friend’s heart.
“Well that’s… good, I guess?” Lenoie said slowly, unsure of her words. “I mean reconnecting with an old friend…”
“Well, good for me, yeah,” the clone started. “But not really for us. You see, she would only hang out with me, if… if I stopped seeing you.”
“What? Why?” Lenoie asked, incredulously.
“Sorry, I have to go. Do me a favor and lose my number, huh?” my clone said.
Lenoie’s mouth fell open a bit, allowing me to see a bit of the outside world. I saw my clone gather my things and walk away as Lenoie turned to watch him go. In the light that her open mouth shed, I was finally able to see what had happened to me. I had been turned into her tongue piercing, left as nothing but a metal stud sticking through my best friend’s tongue. I was in complete shock over Lena’s cruelty that I lost track of time completely.
For a long while after that I was kept in darkness, with the occasional glimpse into the outside world. Eventually I heard Lenoie talking with Justin. My rare view to the outside showed me they were in Justin’s room at the house he shared with several of his friends. They talked for a moment, where Lenoie shared the weird news of my supposed betrayal and abandonment.
But then they stopped talking. I saw her lips purse from inside and slip open ever so slightly, but there was almost no light. I couldn’t tell what was happening, As I could barely see anything. Every now and again, a small beam of light would make its way in, and eventually it illuminated a second tongue, one coming in from the outside.
They were making out! And I had an awkward front row seat to it. Now that I knew what was happening I could very clearly feel Justin’s tongue running over Lenoie’s, and occasionally even playing with me. Being in her mouth was bad, but having HIS tongue on me was an affront to my heterosexual nature. I would have gagged if I still had that ability.
I endured this for what felt like hours before his mouth finally slipped away. I sighed in relief, glad that THAT was over. But then I saw her mouth open wide, the light spilling in more than it ever had. I looked out to see what was going on, and immediately wished I hadn’t.
I clearly saw the head of a giant cock heading straight for me. I screamed in my head as Lenoie took Justin into her mouth. I felt his warm skin on me and a gag reflex shot through my whole body. Compared to me, this cock was the size of an elephant, and pressed me hard into her tongue as she took him deeper, running me back and forth over the underside of the beast. I could even taste the salty sweat of his entire day, my gag reflex triggering again.
How could this be happening? I thought to myself, thinking that less than a day ago I was a normal man with a normal life. How I was tasting my friend’s dirty dick while he fucked my best friend’s throat.
Lenoie, or maybe Justin, started fucking the cock, tongue, and me, riding up and down on his disgusting meat. I could feel every contour on the underside of his cock, from the tip, to an impressive way down the shaft. The dick sped up, and by Lenoie’s occasional gag and cough, I ascertained that Justin was fucking her mouth faster and harder. Which only meant one thing.
A moment later, the thrusts slowed to a crawl. I knew what that meant, Justin was about to… before I could finish that thought I felt a blast of warm liquid. Knowing what it was, I gagged uncontrollably, panic overtaking me as my mind tried to command my body to escape, though of course nothing happened.
I gagged and dry heaved as Justin slowly thrusted a few more times before finally withdrawing from what had become my personal hell. Lenoie quickly swallowed the mess, giving me some relief from the disgust. Though I got the distinct impression that she missed a little but that wrapped around me…