Rick, Jacob, Samantha and Private Ethan Ryan were all hanging out in Rick’s barracks room late on a Friday night. They had plans to go out drinking, but a blizzard had blown in out of nowhere and the base closed down completely for all non-essential travel. So they were stuck spending time in the barracks instead of doing something fun.
Propped up in the corner was the flattened and inflated Sergeant D. Rick had recently discovered that she was a flexi-human, struck by the weird pandemic from a few years prior, making the infected malleable and durable. Rick sprung a trap and flattened her with a novelty mallet, inflated her through the ass like a cheap sexdoll, and plugged her with a special plug that kept her inflated, but allowed full use of her rear end.
It was well-known among the privates that Rick and Jacob had the doll, though everyone who knew about it thought that it was just that: a toy that resembled the hated sergeant. They also knew the strict rule that Rick had to never let it deflate. They just didn’t realize that the rule existed to prevent her from ever retaking her normal form, and likely significant vengeance on Rick.
The barracks dwellers knew to keep the sex toy a secret, and often moved it from room to room to avoid being discovered during inspections. While it wasn’t exactly contraband to have sextoys, it would raise questions and bring attention to them in a way that they certainly did not want to deal with. Samantha already had to inventory her sex and bondage toy collection with Sergeant D, before she was flattened of course.
As for what happened to Sergeant D, no one knew. It was assumed by now that she had gone AWOL, and would be arrested on sight for abandoning her post without leave. And this fact was not lost on her. Even if she were to regain her form, she would have a lot of explaining to do before she could return to her normal life.
The four soldiers had dug up some vodka and beer and were doing their best to forget the past week.
“So ya’ll actually fuck that thing?” Ethan asked, raising his recently-empty shot glass toward D.
“Oh yeah, over and over,” Samantha responded, drawing Ethan’s questioning gaze.
“You too?” Ethan asked, his brow furrowed.
“Oh you haven’t heard?” Rick asked with a laugh. “Sam is the barracks freak! How many dudes you tie to your bed, Sam?”
“Eh, lost count…” Samanatha shrugged. “Few women too…” She winked at Ethan.
“Oh my,” Ethan said under his breath.
“Plus, it’s completely self-cleaning,” Rick said with a smirk that only Sergeant D understood. “So it’s way cleaner than just jerkin’ it. No mess to clean up. Must be nice being a woman and not having to worry about that eh?” He directed the last sentiment toward Samantha.
“I wouldn’t know, I tend to… make a mess as well,” she shot back, refilling her glass with vodka.
All of them had been drinking for a while, and it showed on their faces and in their voices. D was terrified watching them. Not only did she know that Rick liked to torment her whenever possible, but she knew by now that when the roommates got drunk, they got unpredictable. Also, they always worked hard to impress women, and Samantha was popular among the men on this unit.
Time went on and the four of them continued to drink, mostly ignoring the poor sergeant. She knew better than to relax at that thought, however. Eventually, Samantha looked over at her with a mischievous look before turning back to the boys.
“You ever share it?” she asked, nodding over to D.
Rick wore a confused expression. “You know I have, you’ve even used her…”
“No I mean… at the same time?” Samantha continued with a clear plan brewing behind her eyes.
“Can’t say that I have,” Rick responded and took a quick shot of the vodka.
“Why don’t you?” Samantha asked, that smirk on her face again. “You three, right now…”
The three of them looked around at each other, clearly uncomfortable at the thought. There was, however, a small spark in each of their eyes that meant they didn’t fully dismiss the idea.
“Well I don’t think I know about all that now,” Ethan stammered.
“How about this…” Samantha started. “If you three agree to it, I’ll get naked right now. And when you finish…” she picked up the vodka bottle. “I’ll show you just how much of this bottle…” she ran the fingers of her other hand over her crotch before she finished. “...I can fit…”
The three men shifted, clearly interested in the prospect. They looked around trying to suss out if the others were interested, none of them wanting to be the first. Sergeant D watched on in horror, the thought of being taken by all three at once was humiliating and uncomfortable at best.
“Sure, why not?” Rick shrugged finally, figuring one night of drunken crazy fun was worth the image of Samantha shoving a vodka bottle into herself.
“Okay, but dibs on mouth,” Ethan chimed in, not wanting to be so close to one of the other men.
Jacob rolled his eyes. “I’ll take her ass, but only if you let me pick the position.”
The others nodded their agreement and then looked over at Samantha.
“What?” she asked coyly.
“If we’re doing this, you’re getting naked first,” Rick clarified.
“If you insist…” she stood up and slowly pulled her shirt off over her head, revealing a purple sports bra with a zipper up the front. Winking at the men, she unzipped her jeans and pulled them down as well, showing off her black panties. Samantha watched them closely as she unzipped her sports bra and pulled it apart, baring her moderately-sized, perky chest. She paused then for a moment.
“Don’t forget to blink, boys,” she teased with a wink.
“Oh get on with it,” Rick laughed. He and Samantha were the closest between the four of them, so he knew that this kind of teasing was normal for her.
Samatha stuck her tongue out at him before she looped her fingers into her panties and shimmied them down, revealing her perfectly smooth skin beneath. She sat down on the chair she was previously in, crossing her legs and nodding to the men.
“You got your show, now time for mine,” she said sensually and poured more vodka.
The men turned away from her and started to strip down, pausing for a moment before removing their underwear, still a bit shy about being naked around each other. After a short and awkward discussion, they agreed on a position. Jacob lay down on the bed on his back while Rick collected Sergeant D. He gave her a wink and brought her over to the bed. D tried to brace herself as much as she could, which was not at all, for what was about to happen.
Rick laid her down on top of Jacob, face-up with her shoulders near his feet, leaving her head sticking off the end of the bed. Jacob took a hold of himself and guided his cock into the sergeant’s ass with a grunt. D tried to tense up at the intrusion, but had no control over her body in this state. Rick climbed up onto the bed, straddling the sergeant looking toward her head. Jacob turned his head to the side, not liking the view of Rick’s ass not that far away from him.
Finally, Ethan moved into position standing over D’s head, looking away from the other two, so all he could see between his legs was the sergeant’s head. Rick slid himself into D’s pussy, and Ethan grabbed her by the hair and pulled her mouth over his cock.
At that point, all hell broke loose for the poor flattened woman. Rick, Jacob, and Ethan all started fucking her various holes at the same time. Despite her unwilling participation, D couldn’t deny that each individually was pleasurable. Though being treated like she was nothing but an object to be fucked was humiliating and invasive.
Used by Ethan and Jacob was bad, because they thought of her as nothing more than a sex toy, but at least there was a level of innocence due to the underlying ignorance. Sure, they delighted in tormenting her as a stand-in for the real Sergeant D, but at least they didn’t know what they were doing. D could even consider them to be lesser victims of Rick’s cruelty. She might even be able to forgive them for their part. Of course, she would have to put a lot of distance between her and them, as the humiliation of her being used like this would never wash out of their relationship.
But D wasn’t able to consider any of that now. She was forced to stare straight up at a naked Ethan, who seemed to be taking the frustrations of his week out on her throat. Like many of the soldiers under her command, Ethan held only contempt for her, having been forced to do extra duty three weekends in a row for simply having his pants come untucked from his boots while the commander was visiting.
Ethan looked down at her, enjoying seeing just the top of her head, emotionless and blank, staring up at him while he rammed himself further down her throat than any woman could take. This fact wasn’t lost on D, either. She felt her insides stretching to accommodate him, which did nothing to lessen the choking and gagging of the huge penis in her mouth. Ethan gave her no consideration, and thrust hard and deep into her, causing her to panic and internally retch at the intrusion.
Between her thighs, Jacob and Rick were similarly going hard. It almost felt like their cocks were meeting inside of her body, the stretch and pressure of them ramming hard into her was no less intense than Ethan’s efforts. Rick’s particular brand of cruelty was very familiar to her, as she was forced to deal with it multiple times on most days, though for whatever reason, he seemed to be redoubling his efforts.
Rick’s powerful, deep thrusts were offset and increased by the fact that Jacob was pushing up from below. The combination of their ill-timed thrusts seemed to be distending and twisting her hips unnaturally. And that didn’t even account for the reckless abandon of the two drunk and horney men trying desperately to get their rocks off. Both pussy and asshole were stretched uncomfortably, bordering on painfully.
Despite the frantic activity, the room was nearly silent, each of the men carefully controlling their grunts and moans, self-conscious about being vocal in the presence of the others. Samantha sat back, biting her lip watching the display of writhing men before her. Her mind was split, not sure if she would love or hate being in the same position as the Sergeant D look-alike. What she did know, however, was that it was incredibly sexy to watch, her hand going between her thighs almost on its own.
D, however, was completely unaware of Samantha’s arousal. In fact, she almost completely forgot that the Private First Class was even there, such was the intensity of her ordeal. She wished against all hope that this would be over quickly, though the opposite seemed more likely. The men were occasionally reminded that they weren’t alone, which had a negative impact on their arousal, making them lose their focus and extending the time until climax.
Finally, though, Rick started to grunt under his breath and despite his best efforts. His thrusts became faster and faster until they finally slowed, turning into a methodical, deep pace as he blew his load into her pussy. D felt the familiar warm, wet feeling that never failed to disgust her spreading between her hips.
Just as Rick was finishing, Jacob’s thrusts fell into a similar pattern, his eyes closing tight and his breath catching in his throat. With a deep, tight sigh, Jacob too climaxed, his load bypassing the one-way valve buried deep in the sergeant’s ass, destined to be absorbed by her body. D could feel it, blocked up deep inside her where it would sit for a few hours before finally dissipating.
Rick climbed off her, stepping away and falling down hard into a nearby chair as Jacob shifted D’s hips up off of him, but remained in place, laying back against the headboard. Ethan, unaware of what was going on behind him, hit his own climax, pulling D’s head down hard on his cock and depositing his load down her throat. She hated the feeling of the warm, sticky fluid, but had no recourse to do anything about it. Ethan stepped away from her, his cock slipping out of her mouth, finally giving D some relief.
“Bravo, bravo,” Samantha started a slow clap, each impact shaking her naked tits for all four of the others to see. “Though next time, I would like to see some more movement from you Jacob. And Ethan, you need to work on your facial expressions. You looked like you were trying to take a shit!”
Ethan and Jacob looked away, remaining silent, embarrassed at being naked and vulnerable in front of Samantha. Her words only making them more self-conscious.
“Oh quiet, you,” Rick admonished between deep breaths, knowing that Samantha was teasing. They all shared a laugh, though some were more awkward than others.
D was grateful to be left alone, though that left her stewing in the aftermath of being triple-teamed. Normally during these sessions, she was able to enjoy her own climax. But this time, the overwhelming sensations, and the general unpleasantness of bring fucked down her throat made that impossible. So not only was she left with three man-loads festering inside her, she was also wholly unfulfilled.
Meanwhile, the men turned their gaze to Samantha, who was sitting back with her legs crossed again, holding the near-empty vodka bottle.
“Eyes up here, lads,” Samantha smirked pointing to her face.
“Well…?” Rick asked expectantly.
“What?” Samantha played coy.
“You know what you promised us,” Rick continued.
“Well,” Samantha started, drinking the last bit of vodka from the bottle and uncrossing her legs. “If you insist.”
She put two fingers on her other hand deep into her mouth, then brought her wet hand down between her legs, rubbing the moisture up and down her slit. At the same time, she licked the top of the bottle, running her tongue over it like a porn star giving a blow job. As her fingers worked over her pussy, she took the bottle deeper into her mouth until she couldn’t take any more.
“So you ready for this?” Samantha asked, taking the bottle out of her mouth and standing up. None of them answered, they just looked at her hungrily as she lowered the bottle between her legs…