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Barracks Sex Doll: Part 2, Ringing in the New Year

It had been three days since Private Rick Stone discovered that his supervisor, Sergeant D, not only had a JustFollowers account, but was a flexi-human, a person afflicted with a strange disease that makes their body infinitely flexible and durable.

Since D was an incredible asshole who basically bullied all junior soldiers, Rick decided to make use of this information and crushed her flat with a giant mallet when they were alone on the final day before Christmas leave started. Using the air pump in the motorpool, where they both worked, he inflated her through her asshole into the most realistic inflatable sex doll that ever existed. In her flattened state, she was completely incapable of moving or speaking, so it genuinely looked like she was exactly that, an inanimate doll. And since holiday leave was in full swing and no one was expected to report to work, not a soul missed D’s presence.

At first he had plugged her with one of many rubber stoppers they had at the motorpool, but since then, he switched it out for what was essentially a thick, rubber condom combined with a buttplug. Located at the tip was a one-way valve, which prevented the air inside her from leaking out, but allowed deposits to enter her body. It was a not-quite-legal product that Rick had actually bought for just this occasion. Not that he planned to use Sergeant D as his living sexdoll, exactly, but he had hoped to live out this fantasy with someone, presumably a more willing partner.

Rick was a part of an online fetish community dedicated to human blowup dolls. After the disease was discovered and its non-lethal nature was better understood, an interesting fetish community developed online. It consisted of people wanting to use, or be used as, a human blowup doll. This community was still very fringe, and honestly would likely be shut down because of the legal issues of putting someone into a position where they could not fight back or even communicate. Despite this, Rick was immediately enamored with the fetish for reasons that even he did not fully understand.

As the communities grew, the unique plug, and other such products, appeared on the market for those adventurous souls looking to try it. Rick purchased one on the off chance he ever had met a flexi-woman willing to play it out with him. Until Sergeant D, he didn’t hold out much hope for that actually happening, however. 

Rick didn’t have anywhere to go over the holiday season, which left him alone in his so-far private barracks with very little to do. For a man in his twenties like Rick, that meant playing video games and fucking his new toy. After one such rowdy occasion, he lay back on his bed and heaved a sigh, looking at D with a smile. Over the last three days he had blown his load in every one of her orifices multiple times each. Since she was a living person, her system absorbed anything deposited therein, the exact science of how that worked was still a mystery. The weird nature of the flexi-human condition made her holes, in a way, self-cleaning. 

And she was forced to endure it all. The air trapped inside her put pressure on her insides, making her feel bloated every second of the day. She was still fully conscious like this, but utterly unable to do anything. Being flattened and inflated made her completely incapable of moving or even talking on her own. Of course, the worst part of it all was that she could still see, hear, and feel everything.

Two days after Christmas, the furnace in half the barracks building broke, forcing the residents of those rooms to move in with the soldiers with working heat. Specialist Jacob Ronin ended up moving in with Rick. That was lucky for the two of them since they knew each other already, making it a pretty easy transition.

At first, Rick hid D away to avoid questions, but by the 29th, Jacob had settled in and Rick revealed his new toy, though he didn’t reveal that it was a flattened human. Jacob laughed, remarking on how much it looked like the hated Sergeant. He even joked about borrowing her when he visited his family for New Years.

Jacob was taken aback when his new roommate agreed. Rick gave him the rundown on the toy, explaining how it was self-cleaning and thus didn’t need to be washed out after each use, and warning him never to remove the plug in her ass or let her deflate. He was vague about why, but Jacob seemed to accept it without question.

Sergeant D watched this all, terror gripping her. She had hoped that Jacob would realize that she was real and somehow help her get out of this situation. Though she did realize that was unlikely. She had gone to great lengths to keep her private life secret, so no one knew she was a flexi-human. That, and she was particularly hard on Jacob after he flirted with her on his first day in the unit, so there was little hope of him in particular coming to her aid.

Before she knew it, she was packed up into the oversized duffel bag for the eight hour drive to Jacob’s hometown. Not knowing what to expect when she arrived, she was terrified. At least being on base, she was close to people who might recognize and rescue her. But this far from base, her chances were almost nil of that happening. 

The duffel bag finally opened and Jacob reached in, grabbing her indiscriminately, one his hands taking her by the chest, and the other one under her arm. He pulled her out without care for her, pressing her awkwardly into the side of the bag. When she was fully free, she was able to take in the room. She was in what looked like a basement bedroom, presumably in the home of Jacob’s family.

“So this is my room, what do you think?” Jacob said as if presenting his home to a girlfriend.

D felt her face flush with panic, thinking for a moment that he might realize who she was.

“Well it’s not my room exactly, my room was on the second floor with the rest of the bedrooms,” he continued, though now he seemed to be talking to himself. It was pretty clear to the sergeant that he was talking to the sexdoll, not the human. That was both comforting and terrifying. Comforting because at least she didn’t have to deal with that humiliation. But of course that meant she was going to be used like an object, which wasn’t much better.

“Mom and dad moved the guest room down here when I moved out,” Jacob continued. “But that’s enough of that. It was a long drive.”

Jacob carried her over to the immaculately made bed and laid her down on top of the blankets, propping her up against the wall at the far side. He picked up a TV remote from the nightstand and climbed up next to her. With a sigh, he clicked the TV on and leaned against the wall next to the sergeant. Finding a war movie, he tossed the remote and lay back, watching the explosions and gunfire for a while. Jacob put his elbow up on her thigh like it was an armrest.

For D, his touch was uncomfortable. Not only was it weird that he was fully dressed and she was naked as the day she was born, but his elbow pressed hard into a pretty intimate part of her. It only solidified the fact that he had every bit of power in this situation. She was nothing more than whatever he wanted her to be.

Being a JustFollowers model, Sergeant D was extremely open and adventurous with her sexuality. She even let several of some of her partners play around with her flexibility. More than once, she had been tied to a bed with her own limbs, so being helpless in a sexual situation wasn’t new to her. But this situation terrified her.

After a while of watching the movie in silence, Jacob shifted his position, and pulled D over toward him, wrapping one arm around her shoulders, his hand hanging loosely off her other side. His other hand settled on her thigh. It was like he was cuddling with a lover. D was on edge, she didn’t like his hands on her like this. At any moment, the situation could change drastically.

And then it did.

Jacob’s hands started to explore. His hanging arm pulled in tighter, his hand playfully and absentmindedly playing with her nipple, his other hand running along her inner thigh. D’s mind rejected what was happening, but her body responded very differently. She couldn’t deny the pleasure of his fingers on her sensitive parts. Part of her even started to crave it.

Jacob started to get into it as well, his own arousal building at having such an alluring toy at his disposal. It wasn’t long before he slipped off the bed and flipped the TV off. He turned back toward D and pulled his pants down, kicking them away from himself, leaving him standing in his boxer shorts. Sergeant D watched him as much as she could out of the corner of her eyes. He didn’t even bother getting naked, he just pulled himself through the opening in the front of his boxer shorts and stroked it a few times as he stepped over to the bed.

“Alright baby, we got all afternoon,” he said, lifting D up, rolling her over and bending her legs down, so her ass was presented lewdly. D was left staring at the blanket, unable to see anything, unable to prepare herself.

Jacob, not having any reason to take it slow or careful, stepped close to her, his cock in his hand. His other hand reached between her legs, finding and spreading the opening between her thighs. D braced herself as much as she could, which was basically not at all. Without any warning at all, Jacob pressed himself into her, letting a moan fall from his lips. D tensed up, the insertion certainly unwanted and invasive, though undeniably pleasurable.

“Oh damn, that feels… wow,” Jacob muttered, surprised at the quality of his new roommate’s sexdoll. “This is some good shit.”

Jacob grabbed D’s hips, which were wider than his own, and pulled her to him, burying his cock balls deep inside her. D screamed in her head at the sudden insertion. He was bigger than Rick, though it hadn’t been apparent until now. Jacob heaved a sigh and pulled back, leaning down on D with both hands as he picked up pace.

The inflated woman’s whole body moved with every push, her naked body rubbing against the comforter. D grunted to herself, trying to deny the pleasure. But in her flattened state, her senses were heightened and she couldn’t deny that it felt good. In fact it was almost better this way. It seemed that her body stretched and flexed way more, which completely negated any painful stretching that would have occurred with normal sex.

Jacob, unaware of the inner turmoil going through the mind of his ‘partner,’ sped up his pace, the warm, wet-feeling interior rubbing his cock in all the right ways. He knew he could finish this quickly, busting his nut in just a few moments, but he was determined to make the most of it. He kept his thrusts at a slow pace, preferring to fuck her deep instead of fast.

It seemed that every thrust sent more blood to his cock, engorging his already throbbing erection. D was very well aware of exactly how big he was, her pussy feeling the stretch even in her flattened state. Jacob’s pace quickened noticeably with each push for a moment. Then without warning, he pulled himself out of her and flipped her over.

D was shocked by the sudden movement. Though that wasn’t the worst part of what happened. Despite the terror of her situation, she found herself disappointed that he pulled out. It only lasted for a second, but it happened. She forced herself to remember that she did not want to be here, and that everything that was happening was a violation.

Now that she was on her back, she could see Jacob’s face. It was flushed noticeably red from his arousal and activity. Seeing him hovering over her was a pretty good reminder of her situation. She felt herself withering under his eyes. Without delay, Jacob’s cock was pressing back into her, the hard shaft meeting almost no resistance.

Taking a grip on one of her hips with his left hand, he went to work. Leaning forward, he brought his right hand up to her chest. He leaned down hard on her, supporting his weight on her chest, crushing her boob under his weight.

Pain shot through her, his hand squeezing down on her incredibly heavily. Despite that, she couldn’t deny that it felt good to be fucked, her entire body seeming to resonate with every thrust. He didn’t seem to be holding back now, his pace quickening with each push. His face contorted in the most awkward of sex faces that D had ever seen, a byproduct of the illusion of being alone.

As the two of them neared climax, Jacob practically fell forward on top of D in the throes of pleasure. Both hands ran down her chest and behind her back, scooping her shoulders up toward him. With the ferocity of a wild animal, he bit down hard on her boob.

D screamed silently, though in her heightened state of arousal, the pain only managed to take her there faster. While Jacob writhed and grunted in a desperate attempt to get his rocks off, D felt her own orgasm overtake her. The intense pleasure rippled through her, causing her to almost lose consciousness.

By the time she came down from her climax, Jacob had grunted through his own, depositing his load deep into her. Only after his orgasm subsided did he release his teeth’s grip on her chest. D’s vision refocused to see him straightening up, walking his hands back along the bed to help stand upright.

“Damn…” Jacob sighed. “I really needed that.”

He stepped away and pulled himself back into his boxer shorts. He dropped down hard on the bed, sitting next to his toy.

“You and I are going to have a lot of fun this weekend,” Jacob patted her thigh. “You might even be my New Year's kiss. And by kiss I mean blowjob of course. That’s kind of a kiss, right?” He laughed at his own joke.

Sergeant D hated everything about this. Sure, she enjoyed the orgasm, but now that her mind wasn’t clouded with lust, the full weight of her situation fell down on her. The only way she had any hope to reform would be to get the plug out of her ass, but there was no chance of that without help.

Jacob heaved a sigh and shifted onto the bed, positioning himself on his back, his head laying on D’s stomach, his face turned into her tits.

“I just might have to use this as a pillow. Nice and comfortable. You don’t mind, do you, baby?”

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Barracks Sex Doll

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