“Goddamn it! This is useless!” Ron spat in frustration. “I’ll never understand this stuff.”
Ron was sitting with his girlfriend, Jessica, on the couch in the living room of his fraternity house, his ‘Calculus for Business’ books and notes open in front of them on the coffee table.
The two of them couldn’t be more opposite. He was conventionally attractive and charismatic, the kind of man who could, and often did, strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. Ron could talk to fellow students, the janitor, or the physics professor with ease, somehow managing to have a deep, meaningful conversation with every one of them, despite having little in common. While he wasn’t a collegiate athlete, he did keep himself in shape and competed in intramural sports to keep himself in shape.
Jessica was almost spot-on the stereotypical college nerd. She was a bit more on the shy side, finding it hard to start and maintain conversations. Though when the right people coaxed her out of her shell, she was a great conversationalist. She preferred to dress on the plain side, keeping it simple with t-shirts and jeans. While she did wear make-up and did up her hair, it was always on the conservative side. She even wore glasses, striking home the ‘nerd’ vibe.
They were both in the Marketing and Advertising program, but with very different focuses. He was an artist by nature and was specializing in ‘Creative Advertising,’ where he hoped to be able to work on graphic design and marketing design.
Jessica, on the other hand, was specializing in ‘Marketing Analytics,’ working with trends and data-driven making. While most of Ron’s classes were creative based, the marketing degree required a slew of basic business classes, including finance, economics, and of course ‘Calculus for Business.’ Jessica was in her element in this course, but Ron was barely passing.
Since he didn’t understand it, Ron had always put off studying, getting frustrated with the material to a point where he just could not bring himself to plow through it. Catching up to today, Ron and Jessica, though they were in different classes, had a midterm coming up in calculus. Ron couldn’t afford to fail, having too many poor grades already, so Jessica had agreed to help him study. But, true to form, he was having a hard time.
“I know you can get it,” Jessica reassured him. “You did great on that econ test didn’t you? So I know you can get there.”
“That was conceptual, not all this math shit,” Ron countered, his voice exasperated. “Besides, it was multiple choice, so I got a few lucky guesses.”
“Even so, you’ll get it,” Jessica frowned, her face showing her concern. She knew he was great at the creative side of marketing and didn’t want this class to stop him from pursuing that future.
“I mean I have magic, I’m a fucking warlock for god’s sake, is there no spell or something that I can use to get through this? I’m never going to be a numbers guy anyway!”
“Even if you could cheat, that’s not the way to pass this test,” Jessica, who Ron joked about being a ‘goody two-shoes,’ scolded.
“But it’s just this one dumb class, learning skills I’ll never use in my job anyway! It's just a box that I have to check to get my degree so I can do what I actually like.”
“Even if you could cheat, if they found you out, you’d be expelled. At least on the off chance you fail, you can always try again,” Jessica reassured him.
“Yeah and they probably would catch my spells anyway,” Ron’s voice was dejected, his hopes of using his magic to get out of the test seemingly dashed. Warlocks were rare, sure, but common enough that detection spells and artifacts were used frequently.
“It’s getting late and I have my test tomorrow morning,” Jessica said. “Why don’t we pick this up after lunch tomorrow? Then I’ll know what’s on the test and can we work on that.”
Ron agreed and kissed her goodbye as she went back to her dorm. That night he stayed up late, thinking that there had to be a way to use his magic to get through the test. Something maybe that the detectors wouldn’t be able to pick up on. An idea occurred to him and he climbed out of bed and went to his computer. After searching around on a few forums he came up with a perfect plan. He smiled, knowing that tomorrow, when he met up with Jessica, he was going to ensure that he passed the test
The next day, Jessica came over to the frat house as they agreed, though this time, Ron brought her up to his room rather than setting up in the living room like they normally do. Jessica was nervous, something about being in a boys room in a boy house made her ill at ease. But she trusted Ron and followed him up to his surprisingly clean room.
“So I have an idea about my test tomorrow, and I know how I can pass it,” Ron said with confidence as he sat down on his bed.
“Oh yeah?” Jessica asked with apprehension, taking a seat in his desk chair.
“So you want me to pass this test, right?” Ron asked.
“Of course I do!” Jessica responded, wondering where he was going with this.
“And given the chance, you would help me pass?” Ron continued.
“Yeah, of course I would,” Jessica’s voice was still a bit uneasy.
“So I have a way to make it work, and since you want to help me, you’ll agree to it right?”
“Where are you going with this?” Jessica was starting to get nervous at his behavior. But they had agreed that magic wouldn’t work, so whatever he had in mind couldn’t be that bad.
“You would help me, right?” Ron reiterated.
“Yeah I would help you, now stop being weird and just tell me what your idea is,” Jessica said, exasperated and done with his cryptic attitude.
“Well, I think I’ll just show you,” Ron said and held his hands out in front of him, one over the other, palms facing each other. He focused his magic and green energy started to crackle between his hands.
“Wait, what are you doing? We said your magic won’t work for this…”
Ron didn’t respond, he just gathered his magic and released it at her, the energy bolts lancing from his hand and striking his girlfriend all over her body.
“Ron, what are you doing to me…?” Jessica shouted, her body starting to tingle and ripple. She tried to keep talking, but found that her voice failed her. She started to feel lighter, her body becoming indistinct, almost like she was turning into smoke. When she reached a level of weightlessness, she felt herself drawn toward Ron, her body being pulled through the air by his magic. Jessica wasn’t able to speak, but her expression was panicked as it faded completely into a green smoke. Her world became indistinct and she lost track of where she was.
Ron smiled as the green smoke of his girlfriend floated through the air and disappeared down into his shorts. Jessica’s world came back into focus, but she found herself in the dark. She tried to gain her bearings and found that she wasn’t herself. She couldn’t move and her body felt wrong, mixed up and missing parts. She couldn’t feel her arms or legs, as if she was only a torso and head.
She called out to Ron, but found she didn’t have a voice.
“Did it work?” Ron said aloud, still sitting on the bed, but now was alone in his room, Jessica’s backpack and purse still on the floor next to his desk. Jessica heard his voice, but it was from above her and muffled, as if coming through a thin wall.
[Did what work? Where am I?] Jessica asked voicelessly.
“Well, let me show you,” Ron said, standing up and unbuttoning his pants. Jessica screamed in her head, unable to figure out what was happening as her world moved as Ron did. Meanwhile, Ron dropped his pants, leaving him wearing just a pair of black boxer briefs and his t-shirt. Without pause, Ron pulled those down too.
Jessica’s world was flooded with light. She was temporarily blinded, so it took her a couple seconds to figure out what was going on. But then the world came back into focus. Though what she saw didn’t clarify anything for her. She was viewing the room from about waist high, and everything appeared to be huge. Looking around more, she noticed that Ron’s legs extended out beneath her, leaving her hanging loosely with something below her pushing her gently forward. Her head was ‘right-side-up’ despite feeling like it was hanging beneath the rest of her body. Overall it was an incredibly disorienting feeling. But then it dawned on her…
[YOU TURNED ME INTO YOUR… YOUR…] Jessica couldn’t even finish the thought, she was too shy to say the actual word.
“Yes, I turned you into my cock,” Ron finished for her. Jesscia would have blushed if she could have.
With his confirmation of her suspicions, she realized that the mysterious object holding her forward must have been Ron’s testicles, though her field of view was limited and she could not confirm it. The realization of that sent a shiver through her.
[WHAT!? Why!? This is insane?!] Jessica’s mind raced, barely able to comprehend what was happening.
“Listen, and calm down,” Ron said. “This way I can share your mind and you can help me with my test!”
[Your test? What?] The shock of her situation made Jessica completely forget how the conversation started.
“Yeah! This way you and I can share thoughts since we inhabit the same body! And this isn’t the kind of magic they test for!” Ron said excitedly, happy to share his plan with his supportive girlfriend.
[But but but… why your… why your… penis…?]
“Well with all of the magical transsexual controversy, it’s basically illegal to search for magic between the legs,” Ron explained. “Even if they did pick up magic there, the law prevents them from even asking about it.”
[But but, this is so… awkward… you can’t leave me like this!]
“Don’t worry, my test is tomorrow evening, so you won’t have to stay like this for long.
[TOMORROW EVENING?!] Jessica shouted. [You’re going to leave me as your… for a full day?]
“Relax baby, it won’t be that bad,” Ron reassured her. “We’ve been wanting to take our relationship to the next level, haven’t we?”
[But we’ve never even seen each other naked before! Isn’t this a bit of a jump!]
“Maybe this is good, a way to ease into being intimate. Now you have a bit of experience before we take each other to bed…”
Jessica was stunned into silence. She couldn't believe the turn of events and his audacity to do this to her without warning or permission.
“But ummm, and I’m sorry for this. I um, have to pee,” Ron said, bringing her back from her reverie.
[Wait WHAT?!] Jessica shouted, the reality of what that meant dawning on her. [No you can’t… what is going to happen?]
“I really am sorry, but I can’t just… NOT pee for a whole day…” Ron said sarcastically as he pulled up his underwear and pants.
Jessica was plunged back into the tight darkness of his underwear. It was worse now than when she first found herself here. Now that she knew what was happening, that she was pressed up against his ballsack, she was even more disgusted and embarrassed.
Ron started walking, his legs forcing her to shift back and forth, his thighs pressing into his balls and into her in turn. She was utterly humiliated, reduced to nothing but his hanging meat. After a short walk, she heard the sound of a door closing. A few more steps later and she is once again exposed to the open air. After the initial shock of the blinding light, she found herself in the bathroom as Ron took up a wide stance over the toilet.
[Ron, don’t do this] she said slowly, fear in her voice. [Just turn me back]
Ron didn’t answer. Instead he reached down and gently grabbed her up in both hands, aiming her toward the toilet beneath her.
[Ron… please?] Jessica was growing desperate, her begging becoming pathetic. She started panicking as she felt something welling up in her ‘stomach.’ It was like something was building up, ready to spill out. Her next protest was cut off before it started as the feeling of impending vomit overtook her. The disgusting liquid worked its way up her throat before spilling out of what felt like her mouth.
Jessica’s mind raced as the uncontrollable stream of urine flowed out of her mouth. She silently gagged and dry heaved at the disgusting taste. While she didn’t actually need to breathe, the constant expulsion made her feel like she was suffocating, unable to draw a breath. She couldn’t even form her thought-speech to talk to Ron.
Finally the steam ended, the final bits of urine dripping out of her mouth. As she sighed with relief, Ron gave her a quick shake, sending her head bouncing around, sending the last stubborn drops of urine into the toilet. It also had the effect of making Jessica dizzy as her point of view of the room shook violently.
[Ron] she started, her voice as stern as she could make it. [Never make me do that again. That was terrible and disgusting. Just turn me back now, I’ll help you study for your test, and we can forget this ever happened.]
“Oh come on, it can’t be THAT bad,” Ron dismissed as he pulled up his pants and underwear again. “Besides, There is no way I’m going to study now that I have a sure-fire way to pass the test, that just doesn’t make sense.”
[Ron! Don’t you leave me like this!]
“Don’t worry I’ll make it up to you,” Ron said as he left the bathroom, looking up and down the hallway to make sure none of his fraternity brothers bore witness to him seemingly talking to himself. He walked down the stairs into the living room, where several of his housemates were playing a multiplayer video game on the TV. He sat down to watch, ignoring the continued protests of his girlfriend.
“I’m in on the next game,” he said with a smirk, finding it sexy as hell that his girlfriend was trapped in his pants.
Jessica, on the other hand, was hating every minute of it. Being buried in his underwear and forced into his balls was far too intimate for her, not to mention humiliating. And as she was learning, the longer he sat on the couch, the sweatier and mustier his crotch became….